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Old 27-02-2018, 12:05 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

马来西亚猫山王榴莲开始全中国发货,有需要的朋友们请咨询联系,可以送给你中国合作伙伴,上司,家属亲戚, 朋友或爱人。

Malaysia Musan King Durian stock is now available throughout China. Anyone who are interested please contact us. It is a fabulous gift for your superior, family members, friends or lover.
Old 27-02-2018, 06:58 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

【整颗雪鲜马来西亚猫山王榴莲】我们采用最新的“液态氮急速冷冻”技术,有效保住果肉的新鲜、 水分、质量。 确保果肉的原汁原味。将雪鲜猫山王榴莲在零下18度冷冻收存,保质期高达24个月,解冻即吃。每件10公斤 、真空包装

Whole fresh Malaysia MaoShanWang durian
We use the latest liquid nitrogen freezing technology to effectively preserve the freshness and quality of the durian, making sure that you enjoy the durian in the very original way. It is kept under -18C at all time and best to consume within 24 months. Every unit is 10KG, air-tight sealing.

整颗榴莲的是一颗颗的,10公斤 4-5 粒
We deliver the durian in a wholesome way. It is about 10 kilos with 4-5 durian.

If you are looking for 300gm durian in the seed form, it looks like this

Last edited by japantvb; 28-02-2018 at 12:13 AM.
Old 28-02-2018, 12:33 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Recently there were quite some queries on what kind of services we provided and what are the differences between our services and those of the other local tour agents or mainland ones, can't they do what we do? Many of you are on my weChat contact list and have received my regular advertisement postings, some of you also not very sure about the answers above. Allow me to clarify on the differences we make from years of accumulated experiences and relationships we have.

Let's start with the simple items - hotel room & transportation. For hotel room booking , we provided the best negotiated price on the hotel rooms with most of the China covered. As for transportation, our car fleet services have penetrated into Hong Kong, Macao and the Guangdong provinces. For 4 pax, 7 pax, 16 pax to 30 pax, our luxurious car fleets are ready to go at all time, bringing you around for business, leisure, golf and all sort of other activities. We also help to book train ticket and air ticket, making sure that you can have a worry-free holiday in terms of accommodation and transportation arrangement.

Moving into the core topics, which are our entertainment businesses include:-
1.) SN -
SN is a quickie service with 90 mins for 2 shots, normally distributed around Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan area. Arrangement can made once you decided on the time and place, we will send photos for your choice. We will also provide free car fetching services to and from the location where services are rendered. Do take note different individuals command different pricing, in general it ranges from 900-2000RMB, we will guarantee the photo matches the real person, with full services listed as promised at the most economical market price.

2.) Escort Services -
We proudly present this option where arrangement can be made at the most part of China, Hong Kong, Macao and other South East Asia countries. The arranged service include business associates, tour companionship, leisure or pure fun. Just book the normal travel yourselves and let us know how many companions you need, where to and their services needed for how many days, if you have any special requirements, we will make sure the criteria are fulfilled. Price starts from 2500RMB per day not including the transportation and air ticket charges. Of course, we will also guarantee the selection of real person and with easy going character.

3.) High End Models -
This is our customized service, as long as you are in China (including Macao), and you feel like splurge on high end models, or to entertain important people, please contact us and we will settle your needs in a snap. Pictures and personal information will be presented for selection and filtering, the sources include University students, Air stewardess, Office Ladies and Car Show Models. Pricing started from 3000RMB quickie to 10000RMB for an over nighter.

4.) KTV Room Booking - This is our core competency!
* Our services have now covered the entire Guangdong area, expanding northward into Haerbin, Hangzhou and Shanghai, westward into Kunming,Chengdu and Chongqing area.
* Let us know your budget, we will make sure you get the best of what you paid for with the matching fun you can have.
* We have a team of assistants to take good care of you, not only for the night activities but they can make arrangements for you day excursions too.
* We are very informative about the market risks and will ensure your safety and privacy at all time.

Being in entertainment line, we are always very serious about what we do and insist to make it a unique service in the market. We will keep exploring new options and not just blindly copy what others did. We would like to remind you that China is a very realistic place, you do pay for what you get. Don't let any greed blindside you and fall into prey unnecessarily. We have always treated all the brothers like our buddies, if you are coming to mainland please remember to look for Team Phillip. Even if you are just dropping by for a drink, we will welcome you wholeheartedly.

最近,很多人会问我,到底我们能提供什么服务,然后再问我,别的导游或者大陆的contact都能做到你们 的服务啦?或许,看过我们广告的,又或者有我们微信账号的,有些时候也真的不是很清楚我们能提供什么特别服 务。
从最简单的酒店和交通说起,我们可以提供你最优惠的酒店协议价,这不止是单单的广东省,我们团队已经可以代 订整个大陆的酒店了。当然,关于交通方面,我们团队已经可以深入香港,澳门,和整个广东省随时调动车队给你 们,从4人,7人, 16人,30人等豪华车队随时可以提供,安排出差,旅游,高尔夫等一切活动。当然,中国国内高铁和机票也随 时可以帮你代订,让你首先在住宿和交通方面安枕无忧。。

1* sn~所谓sn就是快餐90分钟两次,一般在广东省深圳,广州,东莞比较多,选择方式只需要提供你的地点和时间 ,我们将会提供一系列优质的mm照片给你选择,约好了时间,我们将会提供免费车从你的位置到她的工作室,不 同地方不同mm有不同的价位,介于900-2000rmb, 当然也保证了真人和服务项目,和市场最优惠价格。

2* 美女伴游~这也是我们最引以为荣的独家服务之一,可安排出差整个大陆,香港,澳门和其他东南亚国家,伴你出差,旅游 ,休闲和玩乐。预定好你们的行程了,只需要告诉我们你想要几个人,去哪里,玩几天,或有其他要求,我们通通 帮你做到,价位从2500rmb开始算(交通或飞机票费用另计)。当然,我们也是绝对保证绝对真人和真诚的 态度性格。。

3* 高端模特~这也是我们独家的服务,只要你在大陆任何一线城市(包括澳门),任何时候想到模特级的美女时候,或者想要 招待你的上司或老板时候,随时给我们联系,第一时间会附上优质高端美女照片和资料给你参考,包括大学生,空 姐,ol,车模等模特,价格3000rmb起,过夜10000rmb 起。。

4* ktv安排~ktv, 我们的专业已经做到
做娱乐,我们保持一贯认真的态度对待,拥有自己独特的服务,一直努力创新不同的项目,也绝对谢绝抄袭同行的 活动。最后温馨提示大家,在大陆,一分钱一分货,不要贪图一时便宜而跌入了陷阱里,我一直把跟我有联系的兄 弟们当做buddy来照顾,只要你来到大陆,记得我们~飞利浦团队,您的旅游娱乐贴心管家。

Last edited by japantvb; 02-03-2018 at 01:43 AM.
Old 28-02-2018, 05:11 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

We only deal with REAL stuffs

Let me share some amusing encounters that I found out recently. As you know Team Phillip always try to be the frontier of the entertainment scene, we always share new ideas and many new ways of having fun. In technical terms, we are providing disrupting services which are not the usual everyday boring routines. Check our weChat account, we post new stuffs on daily basis. Apart from our core business in KTV room booking, we also established the high end car model in call and out call services. What's funny was that we found that some KTV managers and mummies took our high end car model photos and share it in their own moments. Some customers thought that the models are available but in the end found out that they were being told excuses like the girls are not convenient or having their periods. Many of you could have found out the truth the hard way.

I would like to stress again, we only deal with REAL stuffs here, no matter KTV ladies reservation, SN, high end car models or escorts, we will guarantee the real persons are available. As for the high end car models, it will only be available through Team Phillips as the first hand agent. These services are made available in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities. Remember, when you want to look for high end model services, look for Team Phillip, the persons are real, the photos are real and online Video chat will be available before engaging the models services.
Old 01-03-2018, 02:26 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Canton Fair: Assistance, Transportation and Emergency Contact

As Canton Fair is nearing and I know most of you are eager to come over for it.

Just a little update to let you know that, Team Phillip is always available here in as your buddy in China to assist you in all your needs, like Hotel Bookings, Transportations, KTVs, Escorts, SN and etc.

Our team of Drivers are readily standby, if you need any transportation during this period with an assurance of our team motto of Safety, Comfort and Punctuality.

Faced with an emergency and need an immediate pickup? Just give us a call and we will find you a reliable transport in 30 minutes. We assure you with our team motto on your travels, that you reach your destination safely, comfortable and on time. Unlike other black market cars which is not be reliable. Safety is our No.1 priority. Our fleet of cars & MPV are fully licensed and insured. We do not use black-market vehicles or vehicles without proof of registration.

Do contact us and we will be able to arrange a transport for you anywhere in Guangdong within 30 minutes, and as an upgrade to our services and to meet our team motto, we have recently added multiple new MPV and more comfortable cars to our line-ups.

With the fair nearing, do book your hotels fast as they are running out fast. Need assistance contact team Phillip and we will assist you in your bookings.

As your buddy in China, just a gentle reminder that all of Team Phillip do not do not incur any additional personal charges nor booking fee for all my arrangement, all I look forward to provide is a satisfying arrangement and to enjoy with you as your buddy in China

Don't forget to add my weChat ID: phillip8864

Shenzhen to Guangzhou take around 150 minutes.
Danshui to Guangzhou take around 150 minutes.
Changping to Guangzhou take around 90 minutes.
Foshan to Guangzhou take around 40 minutes
Old 02-03-2018, 01:21 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

During Canton Fair period (15 April – 5 May), as long as you have 4 pax and above making arrangement with Team Phillip to stay at Shenzhen or Danshui, coupled with 3 days of KTV sessions, we will make an exceptional service to provide comfortable and FREE MPV transport TO and FRO Canton Fair. What are you waiting for, send all your inquiries to us.
Old 04-03-2018, 03:51 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Hot Spring Visit Strategy

Winter & Spring in China is the best season to go for Hotspring. Team Phillip has always been exploring such new options for our brothers group. We have been to Huizhou, HeYuan, Jiangmen, Qingyuan, Shanwei during the past couple of months. You can find the photos we took from our WeChat account.
Hotspring is famous for improving blood circulations, loosen up the tight muscles, promoting youth and also moisturising the skin. For those of you who are perpetually staying in Singapore and Malaysia, do you want to try dipping in the hot natural pool under the cold weather? Of course, it won't be as fun if Team Phillip does not make arrangement for companion services, so we are always ready to get someone to enjoy the natural scenes with you. What are you waiting for, start planning your trips from March-Apr, we will make this new experience happen for you.

秋冬春季的中国,泡温泉是不错选择的户外活动,飞利浦团队这几年来都努力开发不同的温泉区给不 同的大大,
全部都是亲自亲为去拍照然后正式体验过,分享心得在微信朋友圈上,有加我的大大们一定会在朋友 圈上发现,

泡温泉时,温泉里面含有的矿物质会透过身体皮肤促进血液循环、加速新陈代谢。温泉本身的矿物质透过表皮渗入 身体皮肤时,其化学物质可刺激自律神经、内分泌及免疫系统。因此,泡温泉既能驱寒、健身,还有利于一些疾病 的治疗。温泉的益处主要有以下两个方面:
  1、温度作用:池水温度在37℃-40℃时,对人体有镇静作用,对于神经衰弱、失眠、精神病及高血压、心脏病、脑溢血后遗症的患者有很好的疗 效。池水温度在40℃-43℃时,称高温浴,此时对人体具有兴奋刺激的作用,对心脏、血管有较好作用,对减轻疼痛、治疗神经痛、风 湿病、肠胃病均有疗效。同时,还可改善体质、增强抵抗力、预防疾病的作用。
  2、水压和浮力的作用:入浴温泉时,水对人体产生了压力,胸腔和腹腔受到压迫,影响到循环器官和呼吸机 能,有利尿和治疗浮肿的作用。水对人体产生的浮力作用,使人的体重减轻。在地下不能行走的人,在水中活动比 较方便,泡温泉对半身不遂、运动麻痹和风湿病患者进行运动训练,对恢复健康有很大作用。

在新加坡和马来一带,由于没有四季,一般没什么机会去泡温泉,现在有机会来中国泡泡,另外一种 享受。。

Last edited by japantvb; 12-03-2018 at 09:17 AM.
Old 05-03-2018, 03:03 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


You will own a private villa with private jacuzzi, that you can enjoy indoor and outdoor dipping, with any styles you like, room booking and transportation will be cared for, pretty babes as your escorts, your number one choice for the winter & spring season.
Old 06-03-2018, 02:14 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

水底山温泉,地处深汕特别合作区核心,总占地868亩。作为珠三角通往粤东的桥头堡度假区,水底山温泉庄园 距深圳1.5小时、广州2小时、惠州1小时,将成为粤东旅游集散地与旅游枢纽中心。
水底山温泉庄园拥有粤东最大的温泉池区,68个特色各异的汤池,出水口温度高达74℃,日涌泉量5000m 3,温泉水偏硅酸、富含氟氡,具有较高的医疗养生价值。

Spring Mountain Hotspring is located at the center of Shenzhen-Shantou special cooperation zone, covers an area of 868 MU (580 hectares). It is one of the holiday resort area that takes 1.5 hours driving from Shenzhen, 2 hours from Guangzhou and 1 hour from Huizhou. This zone is soon becoming a tourism hub of Yuedong area within Guangdong.

Spring Mountain Hotspring Villa owns the largest hot spring facilities in Yuedong, with 68 uniquely designed Onsen pools, some reached a temperature as high as 74℃. Daily water source flow rate of 5000m3, it contains silicic acid, rich in radon fluoride and high in medical treatment value.

Last edited by japantvb; 06-03-2018 at 02:40 PM.
Old 08-03-2018, 12:06 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

水底山温泉,地处深汕特别合作区核心,总占地868亩。作为珠三角通往粤东的桥头堡度假区,水底山温泉庄园 距深圳1.5小时、广州2小时、惠州1小时,将成为粤东旅游集散地与旅游枢纽中心。
水底山温泉庄园拥有粤东最大的温泉池区,68个特色各异的汤池,出水口温度高达74℃,日涌泉量5000m 3,温泉水偏硅酸、富含氟氡,具有较高的医疗养生价值。

Spring Mountain Hotspring is located at the center of Shenzhen-Shantou special cooperation zone, covers an area of 868 MU (580 hectares). It is one of the holiday resort area that takes 1.5 hours driving from Shenzhen, 2 hours from Guangzhou and 1 hour from Huizhou. This zone is soon becoming a tourism hub of Yuedong area within Guangdong.

Spring Mountain Hotspring Villa owns the largest hot spring facilities in Yuedong, with 68 uniquely designed Onsen pools, some reached a temperature as high as 74℃. Daily water source flow rate of 5000m3, it contains silicic acid, rich in radon fluoride and high in medical treatment value.
Old 10-03-2018, 03:52 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


You will own a private villa with private jacuzzi, that you can enjoy indoor and outdoor dipping, with any styles you like, room booking and transportation will be cared for, pretty babes as your escorts, your number one choice for the winter & spring season.

Last edited by japantvb; 11-03-2018 at 12:48 PM.
Old 11-03-2018, 12:56 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Latest Update on Team Phillip Services

We are also now expanding our Fleelance’s selections with Russian FL.
These are Russian models travelling to Chinas and available for services depending on their own rates.
Do add our weChat : phillip8864 to get access to these latest models, rates and procedures.
These ladies are also readily available for delivery to Macau for a little additional fee. Rates are determined by the models and ladies and might varies from one from the other.
As usual Team Phillip is always here to provide great service, safety, fun and more ideas to Cheong.
Do stay tuned in for more new and exclusive services, coming this way.
Don’t forget to add my weChat ID: phillip8864

Last edited by japantvb; 16-03-2018 at 05:27 PM.
Old 11-03-2018, 09:53 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Latest Update on Team Phillip Services

We are also now expanding our Fleelance’s selections with Russian FL.
These are Russian models travelling to Chinas and available for services depending on their own rates.
Do add our weChat : phillip8864 to get access to these latest models, rates and procedures.
These ladies are also readily available for delivery to Macau for a little additional fee. Rates are determined by the models and ladies and might varies from one from the other.
As usual Team Phillip is always here to provide great service, safety, fun and more ideas to Cheong.
Do stay tuned in for more new and exclusive services, coming this way.
Don’t forget to add my weChat ID: phillip8864

Old 12-03-2018, 09:29 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

有些人给我抱怨说为什么之前没有找到我,如果早认识我,就不会那么辛苦找不到门路,在这边想跟你们分享一下 。
关于现在的看照片90分钟2次fl, 遍布在广东的深圳,广州和常平三个地方,每天都有在更新。。
每个人的都有不同的档期,所以最好6小时前定好,如果到时真不得空,1小时前给我知道,可以免费取消。这样 好比最后一分钟找我预定保留比较更容易预定到自己心爱的女神。


如果你可以网上tt, 我们有新马两地的户口,只要到账后我们也可以帮你处理。

当然是可以拒绝不玩,同一时间可以让我们知道,附近还有谁可以让你去看看,或者可以安排交通把 你送回去


Some brothers complaint to me that why they did not know me earlier, if they do, it would have been easier for them to find the entertainments in China. I would like to share more information with you in this post.

For those photo album viewing 90 mins/2 times FL mostly are distributed across Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Changping, which the goods are renewed on daily basis. The followings are the common questions you might have:-

How do you make the booking, how early must you book?
Every service provider has different schedules, so it’s better to book 6 hours in advanced. If you really can’t turn up due to last min commitment, please inform us at least an hour before so we can cancel the reservation for free. This method is a lot better than trying to make last min booking, so that you can reserve the ladies you like than to choose from the remaining.

I have no idea how to take the transport to the hotel.
We provide free transport to and fro, making sure you enjoy the entire process in a carefree manner.

I don’t have so much cash with me, what can I do?
If you can transfer the money online, we can manage both Singapore and Malaysia account transfer and provide relevant money exchange services for you.

What if the real person turn up is very different from the photo album viewing, what can I do?
You can definitely reject the services and let us know, so that we can bring you to nearby places for alternative selections. Or if you decide to call it a day we will make sure we deliver you to your hotel safely.

We spend a lot of efforts to make sure things work and provide best services we can, if there is anything unsatisfactory, we offer our sincere apology and will make amendments to better the services next time.
Old 13-03-2018, 01:29 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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japantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Good news:- Team Phillip is now offering the currency exchange services to help brothers who are short of RMB when they visit China. The primary objective is to ensure brothers don't run out of cash when you need to buy souvenirs, settle the KTV bills or even leaving some money for your lovers locally. We will take Singapore Dollars and Malaysian Ringgit, then we will transfer RMB to your account within today or tomorrow, we can also pass you the cash in person, whichever way that you prefer. The exchange rate will definitely be better than the local agent and it is speedy without any extra service charges. Come look for us when you need the services.


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