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Old 05-02-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

another blind man??

Am i being too rude....

Well just go Geylang....and spend some money and get what you desire....

Originally Posted by HokkienMeeSua View Post
lol i hardly see any pretty maids man mayb 1 in 100?
Old 05-02-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by HokkienMeeSua View Post
lol i hardly see any pretty maids man mayb 1 in 100?
If you want pretty maids, import them yourself, and during interview, ask the maid if she will be pretty for long time, and be ok to have sex with you .. (now remember my subtle warning, not all maids are dumb .. it only takes them few months to know their legal rights.. so be also ready to face MOM interview for harassment .. )

Or, you can call one of the many escort agencies, who dress up a doll as a maid .. Fantasy fulfilled ..

In any case, I dont fuck the face, so who cares if she is pretty or not ? It is all about the GFE thing ..

PS: Talking about maid harassment, one of the maid agent was telling me that her customer had to go to MOM, as the maid filed a case that the employer was evesdropping and watching her. Apparently the employer placed a cam in the maid room door, as in most condos the maid room directly leads to corridor, so the maid can go out of the house without entering the apartment, apparently to keep track of her movement, and she took it he was invading her privacy .. Now get this - the maid was here only for 2 months before she learnt her rights.

So .. a reminder - play safe guys .. if it smell like shit, looks like shit, and gives you the image of shit, dont touch it - it must be shit. There are many other girls in the market to be the focus of your attention ..
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 05-02-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Can I have her contact too?

Thank you
Old 07-02-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Today is the day! Will be heading out today to meet up with the maid early afternoon....wish me luck guys!
Old 07-02-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by kengarou View Post
Today is the day! Will be heading out today to meet up with the maid early afternoon....wish me luck guys!
All the best. Hope u completely drain out all ur naughty stuff on her. Do write a very detail FR.
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Old 07-02-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Many thanks to bro etsys and all the bros here who are keeping this thread alive and kicking.

Its great to hear that all of us are enjoying the maid meat which is so abundantly available in Singapore.

I have not posted my activities for long just waiting for the perfect day to write and here goes i decided not to wait any longer and to just post.....

Well the first maid i met was a chinese filipina.... lived at yishun.... i met her at bukit timah road her employers were not around.... so i picked her up in a cab and since this one was a pretty decent sort.... could not suggest hotel straight away...

took her in a cab to sentosa.... got down at beach station taxi stand and walked... it was evening.... well she thought it was pretty romantic of me to have suggested the place....

it was raining and she held her umbrella. she said malls would have been better instead of the open cause of the rain. i was like if i bring you to a mall my chances of fucking you are practically nill.... ofcourse i did not say that to her....

i took the first step and asked for a kiss.... got only a peck on the cheek...

asked for some on the lips.... pecks again.... i said thats not fair...

she must kiss me properly.... she said it was first time....

i said we are dating and she is not kissing a well she gave me a good kiss during which time i established maximum body contact feeling her breasts and arse.

she was wearing an lbd (though not very long)

when i realised that i knew it was gonna be easy checking out her slim body....

since it was raining and it was mid week the pub we went to was empty and closed around 830pm... they allowed us to sit there though.... i was really excited.... darkness in the open pub with she and i facing the sea....

We had draft asahi at the pub....a jug of it was cheap and good though the weather did not support drinking beer.

And soon i was into kissin her guided her hands onto my cock

and soon i asked her to go down on my cock like a hungry wolf....

she was not for it.....

after a long of coaxing she agreed and i came in her mouth....

the bitch wanted to kiss me with the sperms in her mouth i ran away.... from her...

she went and spat it out and rinsed her mouth at the toilet which was a few minutes away.....

deed done i had no energy wanted to send her back... damn it so hard to get cabs in sentosa.... so called for one and sent her home and off i went....

met her one more time at lavender hotel 81 and got 2 rounds of bj from her.

the third time i asked her out she asked for commitment... i thougght she asking money. she said she did not need money. she wanted my love.

i told her i am afraid of commitment... not keen to commit and i am being honest about it.... then i said that since we are adults we could use each other for fulfilling our needs a k a fuck buddy....

but well she did not want it since she wanted commitment....

for my part i had makan her twice ready.... was good to have her off with her moving out of the relationship.

thankfully i am lucky that almost all my relationships end as such happily.... i still talk to her occassionally...
Old 07-02-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

So .. a reminder - play safe guys .. if it smell like shit, looks like shit, and gives you the image of shit, dont touch it - it must be shit.
Can't agree with you more bro...
Old 08-02-2010, 01:43 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Bro lord , you made the hunting look too easy man! Anyway, this is what happen to me yesterday...

I arrange to meet the filipino maid at Bugis by 1230hrs. We met up at MRT station. I then say that I am hungry , so let's go for lunch. We went at a coffeeshop nearby outside the Bugis Junction nearby. So we ate and chatted casually at first, I get to find out she is a 27 years old MILF and she has a nine year kid who is staying in the Phillippines.

I tease her a lot (I can't remember what i actually say,I am just being my natural self by chance or luck) , she laugh at most of my lame jokes and even touch me and hit on my arm several times which is a very good sign. Anyway , she even mentioned she likes the sound of my voice as it sounds so captivating to her!

Sooner but slowly , we started talking about adult topics(it is not me but she who happen to start it!) She says she never have sex for 7 years already ever since she divorce at husband! And for the past one and a half year working as helper here in Singapore , no guy approach her which is quite sad.She has above average looks but the body is a killer!.Around C cup boobs and a nice slim waistline with a big butt, I don't believe no guy approach her loh! I then calmy and cooly said to her that you are lucky that I actually approach you. I even say that it is about time your needs have to be taken of... She laugh and slap me on the shoulder. So we go on about sexual topics in a very mature adult way among ourselves. Also get to hear that she plays with herself too like massaging her own boobs and making her pussy wet in the bathroom while showering She asked if I play with my brother , of course i say yes , nothing to hide right?

A while later , I confidently say let's go to the nearest hotel which is hotel 81 (nearby the Sim Lim Tower) . She happily agreed. So I paid 30 dollars for two hours session.

Upon entering the hotel room , I told her to take a shower first followed by me. After that , the action begins.

To be continued, I am feeling sleepy now as i am having morning shift duty later which begins at 8am. So sorry guys can't help it , I promise i will continue.
Old 08-02-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
That's the one I mentioned before...

It is damn packed, the maids there not the business type ..

I was there last weekend .. damn try hard to keep the girls away ..

Anyway, with cheaper beer and no cover charge, nothing to losss visiting ...
i went there yesterday afternoon. The music was so low-key.
Maybe it's just tea dance and not disco.
Yes, there are a lot of female attention
I went over to OT after that.
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Old 08-02-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Lately i have been having a whale of a time...

The reason is suddenly i have been getting contacts of lots of filipinas.

I even managed to get an indonesian (chinese muslim) not relevant to this thread...

So whats stopping me?

Age is one factor... lacking stamina and performance is another.

got atleast 10 girls on my plate who have given me their nos (which according to my success rate of greater than 80%) gives me 8 good bonks....

but unfortunately no time and no stamina to do daily different girls...

ha ha... i wanted to post this yday but accidentally deleted....

more posts coming up especially like what happened this morning....
Old 09-02-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Lately i have been having a whale of a time...

The reason is suddenly i have been getting contacts of lots of filipinas.

I even managed to get an indonesian (chinese muslim) not relevant to this thread...

So whats stopping me?

Age is one factor... lacking stamina and performance is another.

got atleast 10 girls on my plate who have given me their nos (which according to my success rate of greater than 80%) gives me 8 good bonks....

but unfortunately no time and no stamina to do daily different girls...

ha ha... i wanted to post this yday but accidentally deleted....

more posts coming up especially like what happened this morning....

can share share the contact? Thanks
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Old 09-02-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

just wonder, does our "look" a matter when approaching a phinoy maid? I presume The Lord brother must be a handsome man thus attracting more phina contacts ... i believe while we are choosing them, they would also judge how you looks like before hooking with you. Am i right?
Old 09-02-2010, 03:35 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

To me, its not about how we look, its about what extend can we sweet talk our way into having a bonk with the maid. We must buy ourselves into her books by proving to her that we are good people. So what if you are handsome and rich but the first sentence that comes flying out of your mouth when u meet a maid is, "Hi, do u wanna go to a hotel and hook up?" Thats not going to get u anywhere definately unless the maid is super uber duper horny lar..
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Old 09-02-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Well said bro...

That is one of the main reasons the maids hate to go out with spore men....

Almost every maid i have met tells me that all spore men want is sex....

And most are quite straight forward in asking for it on the first meeting itself....

LIke if the guys have read the pages before there is enough of preparatory work you need to do before the bonk becomes natural....

As i said before and i repeat again the maids are not Virgin(s) nor HOly.

Yet they adopt a holier than thou and i have never been fucked before approach when you approach them the first time.

All we guys wanna do is fuck them and enjoy their meat and get our cock sucked... So give them face treat them well with words (not money).

Maids have pride too... if their pride is taken care off they will do everything for you...

Originally Posted by LentorGarden View Post
To me, its not about how we look, its about what extend can we sweet talk our way into having a bonk with the maid. We must buy ourselves into her books by proving to her that we are good people. So what if you are handsome and rich but the first sentence that comes flying out of your mouth when u meet a maid is, "Hi, do u wanna go to a hotel and hook up?" Thats not going to get u anywhere definately unless the maid is super uber duper horny lar..
Old 09-02-2010, 10:08 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

thanks bro hotty for upping me....

keeps me going....

thanks again...
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