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Old 06-08-2009, 03:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
Liquid - 104 Hai Ba Trung, Q1.

Was there for a few drinks with my viet girl just now. Wow the dancers wearing bikini top and mini skirts were dammn super HOT HOT HOT!!! At least 8/10 with their looks and figure. Their legs were so damn fair, long, slender and smooth. They are like AYE to ECP stretching from Tuas to Changi. Saw a grp of chee hong guys buying them drinks. Some more the dancers can hug one. It a pity I was with my girl..if not will buy them drinks to sian them liao. Will definitely come back for more next time.

Besides the dancers, the PRs were also looking good and playable. Saw some of the viet guys hugging and kissing them. My saliva kept dripping as I watched the dancers on stage. They looked so sexy with the way they swayed their hips. I wished I can hug them too. What a Waste!!!

Guys if you are there...just look for the long haired captain ..tell him that you want to buy drinks for the dancers and they will definitely come to you.

Good Luck!!!
Just watch out for that faggot bald headed manager! He still there?
Old 06-08-2009, 08:18 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
IMO..walking along the streets in saigon is not as easy as walking in Bangkok. Here the roads are chaotic..its not easy to cross the road junctions as the motor vehicles do not give way even you have the right of way. Also the roadsides are always blocked by the motorbikes or rubbish and for the past few days the weather was terrible, it was raining on and off like turning the tap water. You definitely wont want to catch the rain and fall sick during your holidays here.

Taking the cab is cheap and easy. Starting fare only 9,500d abt 80 cents sing only. Hailing a cab is very easy and I always choose Malinh and Vinasun taxis..just show the driver the written address with block no, street name and district no. and you wont go wrong. The drivers will definitely able to find the place as long as its not too far or deserted.


I tink you are confused between the terms "within walking distance" and "unable to walk the distance", what you have stated is that you are unable to walk the distance because of your view that there are many obstacles and not that it is not within walking distance.

Personally and also quite a number of us here in this thread likes to walk around SG cause it gives us a chance to see more especially if you are looking for some specialty clothes along Nguyen Trai. I walk around in all countries I go to regardless of where, and there are only a teensy bit countries I have not gone to yet given my age and frequent travelling for both work and leisure.

There is no such thing as right of way in SG, its a matter of small having more clout in case of any accidents, as in accidents between motorbike and car, the car will have problems, in accidents between pedestrians and motorbike, the motorbike will have problems. I have learnt a long way back to just walk slowly across all streets and let the motorbikes meander around me, while looking out for only the cars and buses.

BTW you might want to check your sources on the starting cab fare, it have already increased about 30% since more than 1 year ago for both Mailinh & Vinasun, what you have stated may apply only to those very old cabs still on the road.

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 08:22 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
Heh heh. Nope. American. My first girlfriend was Chinese though. My wife is VN. Yes I guess I'll never think of my little friend in quite the same way again.
Actually I know lah cause you did post something much earlier about your background, just pulling your "third" leg......

Better take goot care of your "little friend", given the age we are now better make goot use of it as much as possible.... thats my motto "Enjoy ourselves while we still can, so much things to do, so little time......."

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
From BTX walk down towards Cong Quynh. Turn right and walk straight, towards Nguyen Thi Minh Khai. And straight ahead is Cao Thang... I guess the journey takes about 15min ba
You much better than me, at least still can remember the road names

Me take only 10 minutes only hor, cause I'm so damn used to walking fast but sometimes look a bit cartoon as everybody walking so slow

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 08:26 AM
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Re: Liquid

Originally Posted by mikemike View Post
Wah..1.6 million so free..haha..hows the weather in GL area..wuhahaha
Aiyo.. nowadays he very active in GL area already.. start to plan to buy another 1.6 million for his 'ginseng' already..

Originally Posted by DrMartens View Post
To my dear Vlover,

Our Jackbro have already post the festival massage address liao,no need for me to go dig my namecard holder for you liao....
This place i would say it still my fav place cos i had a wonderful unforgettable massage by a syt....Oh ya this place was intro to me by our bro who had house arrest at the moment....i think you know who...hehe......
On my upcoming trip, I will go try.. you better make sure its not like the other time at D'max or else I will never see you again...

Originally Posted by snipeshot08 View Post
me can walk Ngyyen Trai from D1 to D5 no problemo, ask those that walk with me before
Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
You are commando ma.. We all downgrade already, everywhere is HCM oso taxi..

ALWAYS remember where your home is after eating OUT !!?..
Old 06-08-2009, 08:27 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Are we entitled to the f&b if we didnt gamble?
Just to add-on, the food at the Casino in New World is not free even if you are a genuine gambler

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 08:31 AM
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Re: Liquid

Originally Posted by vlover View Post
On my upcoming trip, I will go try.. you better make sure its not like the other time at D'max or else I will never see you again...

You are commando ma.. We all downgrade already, everywhere is HCM oso taxi..

You beginning go there also very adventurous mah, walk around everywhere, now got paunch liao so downgrade huh???? kekekeke

When you going?? How cum no sound no picture one, I want to go with you to Dmax and see the priceless look on the gal's face after your ask the GQ.... just make sure you dun bring me to Hollan....

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
It's Tu Dien

Originally Posted by SING_IN_HCMC
She s from Mekong, living alone in HCMC. She agreesto be my du tien toc dai...
Maybe he really means his "long hair with enough $$$$$" leh

Cheerios....SS08 ^_^
Old 06-08-2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
...the casno at Sheraton Hotel serves the best food. You can order appetiser, Main course and dessert. Have not been there for quite some time. Dont know whether menu changed or not.
Just to add a bit more infor.

At Sheraton, if you are non-regular, you will be issued a temporary card where you are given points for the games that you play. The points can then be used to redeem the F&B.

For those regulars, they have the membership card to order F&B. And usually those regulars are recognised by the Mgrs ... so, even they don't flash their cards, also got served with F&B.
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Old 06-08-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by idgaf View Post
Yes! VN girls are complicated & they can lie very well. Worse of all they are very collective & work in packs.

M is you using her wing girl N to game you. She will test you whether you can keep M's secret etc. Don't get delusions of grandeur! You cannot use N to make M jealous ... she has been sent by M to probe you. She will likely throw herself at you & see whether you bite. If you bite you will be relegated to B-Status. They will only go out with you when their A Team not around & leach you at every turn.

Decide who you want & don't lose sight of the Gold!
Yes, I am still alert...haha
anyway, did what I did (no naughty stuff) last nite with N. N asked a few questions abt M and of course my mouth was zipped. Haha
Old 06-08-2009, 11:18 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
Its a fantastic idea..But have read some negative comments in the past posts. It would be great to group them into these categories. Easy to find what you need. The search engine is not effective as sometimes it cant direct you to the right page with the post u looking for. And always see newbies kept posting the same questions over and over again.

I myself have read all the posts in the thread. As I come across any new or good places. I will copy and paste them into my own personal black book of cheonging in Saigon.
Great effort to split them...newbies will still post their questions to ask because they dun bother to read the past posts...dun have links to all your posts...
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Old 06-08-2009, 11:38 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
Casinos -

Jokers Club is located @ No. 01 Ngo Duc Ke St. Q1. - not at New World Hotel.
The one located at New World Hotel is called Club Royale..
I think you have it mixed-up.

Club Royale (KTV/BAR) located in the anexx of Riverside Rennasaince is the name of the KTV BAR located at 1 Ngo Duc Ke. The casino located in Cub Royale is called Joker's.

CatWalk (KTV/DISCO/PUB) is located in the annex building of New World Hotel. The casino located in Catwalk is called Chats.

Both are owned by a company called ITC. Catwalk is the bigger flashier property compared to Club Royale.
Old 06-08-2009, 12:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
4 in 1 club - yep.there are quite a handful of PR girls. Most of them cant speak any English. However, I met one who can speak some teo chew few months back. Manged to con one PR there to enjoy LT with me few months back. there are also dancers on the stage. Service also tip top as there isnt much crowd there. Good place to chill out. But quite a long distance from Dist 1.
Yes quite a ways out, definitely. I like that though, it feels like you're going into the heart of the locals scene -- more adventurous than all these D1, D3, D5 spots. You're likely the only foreigner there, stand out from the crowd and get extra attention for that. I remember going there the first time, walking in the door inside and being stunned by how a place like this could exist so far out there in the middle of nowhere. Heinekens were under 30,000 then (2005?) and bottles quite cheap too. It's come up since then though. But the girls, to me, seem less hardened/jaded than in the more downtown spots... and they looked just as good if not better. Also there's so many of them that there's good turnover -- usually will be a few new girls every time you go. Back in 2005-6, we'd decided that it was the best spot in town, hands down -- our own little secret huge club.

It wasn't quiet when we went. Did you go during the week?
Old 06-08-2009, 12:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Jackboy View Post
4 Trong 1 (4 in 1) Niteclub - Hau Giang street, on the left just before reaching the bridge. It's a little ways past the big Cho Lon market in District 5. I don't have the street number but if you drive out that way, it's impossible to miss. On the left as you head west, before the last bridge before the bridge -- and all lit up in bright neon.
Here is the exact address for Bar 4 Trong 1.
Address: 259, Hau Giang Street, Ward 5, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City
Old 06-08-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by snipeshot08 View Post
[B]BTW you might want to check your sources on the starting cab fare, it have already increased about 30% since more than 1 year ago for both Mailinh & Vinasun, what you have stated may apply only to those very old cabs still on the road.

Cheerios.....SS08 ^_^
I been taking Malinh oand Vinasun cabs from point to point for the past few days. Confirmed starting fare is 9,500d to 10,000d only. It used to be 12000d when I was here in June.

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