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Old 05-05-2007, 03:10 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by GLHunter View Post
Being alone/ lonely is always better than living in despair & in pain.
totally agree with u, bro. it is our own lives we r talking about. we men also have the right to find our own happiness. if being together means we men must take the kind of crappy responsibility of giving, giving and more giving, then what good will come out of such relationships? but then again, i m not married yet, so i can comment as such. we should really see properly before we get married. my last ex betrayed me once, found out and broke up with her straightaway. no amount of tears from her would move me (actually moved but didnt show) no point already... or else i will not even want to touch her again, much less treat her well...

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
Wise men think alike. Women will take u for granted if u are the only party who sacrifices, gives, etc... End of the day, they will shit on ur head, and u suffer (both big and small dead)
why can we men band together??? women r always so united!!! when i broke up with my ex not too long ago, our female friends were all consoling her when she was the one who did me wrong!!! i mean, what the fuck, they still had the cheek to come ask me to forgive her and stuff, when she continued to go out with the arsehole to go partying with my female friends!!! that is the way she showed that she wanted to get back with me!!!

i just wish that sg men would band together like them!!! but with the number of desperados out there spoiling the market, i find that this is really hard.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
whatever the down side of things may be, as my fren once advised me; wat doenst kill u only makes u stronger.... the way to success is to identify opportunity in the bleekest moments.

for those of us who've experienced bad times with local girls, well... take it as good exercise, training & sharpening of skills for handling women. the rewards shall be revealed in many folds when it comes to foreign chicks, or at least the fateful right 1 (sg gal) when opportunity unfolds.
whenever i see yr posts on these few threads, i really had to resist replying u. i dont want to stereotype anymore, but i cant help but to agree with u!!! but why is that so with local girls??? what is wrong with local girls??? what is it that makes them behave such??? i really have no answer to it.

recently, i have gotten myself a new gf by chance... a korean (PR now) who lived her for most of her life. she is immersed into the sg culture and environment, her friends are mostly sgreans as well. but it is just different with the way she treats me as compared to sg women!!! she just makes me want to give, give and give somemore, cos she has been doing the same thing!!! just giving without wanting anything back!!! when i asked her, she told me that giving is much more enjoyable than taking... not that she is complaining though.

so, i can strike off a couple of possible reasons for sg women behaving such:
1. it cant be the culture and environment they grew up in.
2. it cant be her friends who influenced such cos her friends r also quite mean to their bfs/husbands!!!

so what is it??? upbringing???
Old 05-05-2007, 09:37 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
.... whenever i see yr posts on these few threads, i really had to resist replying u. i dont want to stereotype anymore, but i cant help but to agree with u!!! but why is that so with local girls??? what is wrong with local girls??? what is it that makes them behave such??? i really have no answer to it......

so, i can strike off a couple of possible reasons for sg women behaving such:
1. it cant be the culture and environment they grew up in.
2. it cant be her friends who influenced such cos her friends r also quite mean to their bfs/husbands!!!

so what is it??? upbringing???
bro, many wise men (in the past & present) have said it before, women r the wierdest creatures to walk the surface of this planet to understand. while its less obvious in many women of other continents, the problems persistantly exist regadless, its as though it runs in all their chromosome...

if its 1 thing i've noticed, its something related to "sense of securities" (notice its not just sense of security). from the 1st woman till the ones we see today, seem to have the same issues. they all need to feel the sense of securities. the only down side is due to the pace of things, that creates algorithms to the already complicated situations. i.e.:

1) in the case of a submissive gf/wife, she's never secure regardless how much her man can offer. she then compares to see how her peers r being doted & pampered by their partners/spouses respectively, hence expecting/demanding her man to meet the same, if not, higher standards.

2) in the case of the "girlpower"/career woman, she's decided to be independant because she can't get the sense of security from any prospecting man out there. and even if she meets with a man who can meet some of her standards, the woman's ever changing/increasing benchmark makes it almost impossible for men to meet.

women generally r liberal these days, hence some of different nationalities tend to be more expressive with their emotions, some bold enough to go round tackling men instead. mind u, some indeed can get very aggressive.

as for our sg-gals, i believe its the culture & upbringing that adds to the complications of their default diabolic settings. we're a modern society, but the traditional sentiments of woman being the weaker gender is still instilled in them. which explains why majority of them still expect the man to be the sole bread winner... not so that she can be a gd homemaker, but so she can be the modern day taitai.

why upbringing? notice those born since the mid-late 70's, when livelihood was moderate, luxuries were far fetched. parents used to cane their kids, and we often hear the preachings; "study hard, so u can be smart... then when u grow up, u can marry a rich man" (notice, its not find a good man). but for the boys typically; "study hard & be smart, so u can be a gd man & provide for your family"

this being the case, we're nonetheless obligated as men to provide for our own nucleas family & extended family. and since sg gals seem to be less appreciative, then its perhaps a better choice (not necessarily wiser) to marry a foreign spouse.

p.s.: by that, it also doesnt guarantee to sooth any broken ego/souls.
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:43 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
bro, many wise men (in the past & present) have said it before, women r the wierdest creatures to walk the surface of this planet to understand. while its less obvious in many women of other continents, the problems persistantly exist regadless, its as though it runs in all their chromosome...

if its 1 thing i've noticed, its something related to "sense of securities" (notice its not just sense of security). from the 1st woman till the ones we see today, seem to have the same issues. they all need to feel the sense of securities. the only down side is due to the pace of things, that creates algorithms to the already complicated situations. i.e.:

1) in the case of a submissive gf/wife, she's never secure regardless how much her man can offer. she then compares to see how her peers r being doted & pampered by their partners/spouses respectively, hence expecting/demanding her man to meet the same, if not, higher standards.

2) in the case of the "girlpower"/career woman, she's decided to be independant because she can't get the sense of security from any prospecting man out there. and even if she meets with a man who can meet some of her standards, the woman's ever changing/increasing benchmark makes it almost impossible for men to meet.

women generally r liberal these days, hence some of different nationalities tend to be more expressive with their emotions, some bold enough to go round tackling men instead. mind u, some indeed can get very aggressive.

as for our sg-gals, i believe its the culture & upbringing that adds to the complications of their default diabolic settings. we're a modern society, but the traditional sentiments of woman being the weaker gender is still instilled in them. which explains why majority of them still expect the man to be the sole bread winner... not so that she can be a gd homemaker, but so she can be the modern day taitai.

why upbringing? notice those born since the mid-late 70's, when livelihood was moderate, luxuries were far fetched. parents used to cane their kids, and we often hear the preachings; "study hard, so u can be smart... then when u grow up, u can marry a rich man" (notice, its not find a good man). but for the boys typically; "study hard & be smart, so u can be a gd man & provide for your family"

this being the case, we're nonetheless obligated as men to provide for our own nucleas family & extended family. and since sg gals seem to be less appreciative, then its perhaps a better choice (not necessarily wiser) to marry a foreign spouse.

p.s.: by that, it also doesnt guarantee to sooth any broken ego/souls.
i have no problems with the general consensus that men should provide for the family. been brought up that way too by my parents. cant imagine myself being a house husband... well, even to the point of extending it to my extended family, i will also try my best. but of course, my wife would have to be someone who will treat me in such a way to make me want to do that, right???

sense of security... i agree men should provide their women with that. but shouldnt women do that for their man as well??? they want this and they want that... no $ liao, how to provide them with a sense of security...

benchmarking... that's the job of our inept govt or MNCs lah... how many single rich men r there in sg??? i consider my female boss rich, and her lifestyle is something i can aim for by working for her cos she has promised me that she is grooming me to take over her when she retires in a couple of years' time. but she is dwarfed by the lifestyles of those clients we have... the filthy rich men!!! their wives spend more in a shopping trip than what i make in a month!!! want to compare???

finally, r u agreeing with me that upbringing has a big part to play??? the more i think of it, the more i find it very reasonable!!! self-fulfilling prophecy??? maybe, but guess at the present moment, it is not my problem liao... not trying to rub sg men the wrong way here, but we need to widen our horizons and be opened to other nationalities for consideration of marriages. the effect might be as fast as we would love to have, but well, hit them where it hurts. thinking of sg women, i should thank my lucky stars at least for the moment, and also make sure that my present gf does not get away from me... cheers...
Old 06-05-2007, 12:09 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

When "julia" was 10yrs old (in 80s), she loved those $0.70 ice-cream selling at neighbourhood's shops. She crazed and satisfied with the $0.70 ice-cream to cool down the hot weather. After she finished the $0.70 ice-cream, she would happily go back home to complete her homework.

"Julia" grew up and admitted into uni at the age of 20. She got a bunch of friends from all walks of lives: rich, poor, fat, ugly, smart, retarded, etc... However, one thing has changed, that she would never enjoy the $0.70 ice-cream (although the price has gone up to $1.50). After school, she would join her peers bumming at HagenDaz for a scoup of ice-cream that costs her $4. She would chill out with her friends at one corner while enjoying the $4 HagenDaz ice-cream. (Remark: "Julia" is a uni student, therefore no income)

After slogging 4yrs of midnight oils, "Julia" graduated and found a decent job that bring home approx $2000. At 24, she no longer hang out with her 'uni-mate', instead, she clubs with her working adult colleagues at nightspots in the city. At times, she would pamper herself for an expensive high tea or sipping the $20 ice-cream at one of the most prominent hotels. Whenever she passes by the neighbour shop that sells $0.70 ice-cream, she never try to pick up the $0.70 ice-cream to remind her childhood's craze. In fact, she has scheduled the next $20 ice-cream date with her so-called "working professional" colleagues.

If U think the story ends here, nope, it doesnt end here...

Old 06-05-2007, 01:51 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
When "julia" was 10yrs old (in 80s), she loved those $0.70 ice-cream selling at neighbourhood's shops. She crazed and satisfied with the $0.70 ice-cream to cool down the hot weather. After she finished the $0.70 ice-cream, she would happily go back home to complete her homework.
reminds me of the song, julia says by wet wet wet...

julia says
she doesnt know what it's all about
she doesnt seem to care at all
open your eyes and see
love hurts

must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself... haggen daz (fyi, american company but european name so they can charge exhorbitant prices) ice-cream, nydc mud-pies not good enough??? must have hotel ones by renowned chefs whom most of us have never heard before??? worth it??? maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...
Old 06-05-2007, 11:58 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
If U think the story ends here, nope, it doesnt end here...

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself...
i used to dream of a simple life in a small flat with the love of my life, living off a small income but contented with love and life. But now I realise, without money there is no love

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Old 06-05-2007, 12:43 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
..must women become "whores" of the material world??? ..maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on.
Introspective comment. Reminds me of Madonna's song of past. Just popped by this thread, seems there's so much grief by the likes of our local chabor
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Old 06-05-2007, 07:21 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by iporno View Post
i used to dream of a simple life in a small flat with the love of my life, living off a small income but contented with love and life. But now I realise, without money there is no love
same dream here... whatever happened to a simple life, what happened to "love will keep us alive"??? material things wont make us happy, only makes us greedier...

sg never had anyone starved to death from poverty before, so what r our sg women looking for??? a husband who could afford everything so that she could be the one with the best husband amongst her friends??? sg women, grow up, please...

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Introspective comment. Reminds me of Madonna's song of past. Just popped by this thread, seems there's so much grief by the likes of our local chabor
if given the choice, i would certainly want to have a sg soulmate/wife. the similar childhood experiences, the similar slang and the appreciation of local jokes and jibes. something that my korean OC could not give even though she has been living here for most of her life...

but alas, the sg pasture... they only want men who could turn them into another russell burbank when most of us sg men just want a quiet piece of heaven to call our own...
Old 06-05-2007, 07:26 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
sa husband who could afford everything so that she could be the one with the best husband amongst her friends??? sg women, grow up, please...:c

if given the choice, i would certainly want to have a sg soulmate/wife. the similar childhood experiences, the similar slang and the appreciation of local jokes and jibes. something that my korean OC could not give even though she has been living here for most of her life...

but alas, the sg pasture... they only want men who could turn them into another russell burbank when most of us sg men just want a quiet piece of heaven to call our own...
bro, how i envy you. you have a KOREAN OC. i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....
Old 06-05-2007, 07:35 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...
That is because we man know how to be happy on our own without magazines telling us how.

But more importantly, brother! That lovely chocolate ice-cream with 2 sticks has been extinct for a very long time liao! sob sob
Old 06-05-2007, 07:55 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by nickygoh View Post
bro, how i envy you. you have a KOREAN OC. i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....
thanks bro. i m thankful too, but not bcos she is korean but the fact that she respects and appreciates who i m, always standing steadfast beside me, assisting me whenever she could. but then, will not make such a hasty conclusion... women have the ability to fake stuff. arrange for us to move out and live together, just the 2 of us. everything will reveal themselves when left to our own devices.

u still can count ah??? i only know of 1 good one, a colleague who is preparing to get married liao...

Originally Posted by Sun King View Post
That is because we man know how to be happy on our own without magazines telling us how.

But more importantly, brother! That lovely chocolate ice-cream with 2 sticks has been extinct for a very long time liao! sob sob
in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!! and magazines dont tell us how to be happy and stuff... magazines tell women what they want to hear, that's all... it's true!!! ladies, flame me, but i m still going to say it!!! u just want to hear whatever u want to hear, u want to read whatever u want yourself to believe or to justify whatever it is that u r doing!!!

my dad is like 100X richer than my brother. why is it that my mum is not worried about PRC women when my sis-in-law is scared to death of them stealing her husband??? what is my mum doing right???

but the most important thing of all, the ice-cream with the 2 sticks really extinct liao ah??? thinking back, can still remember the slightly bitter aftertaste... shiok!!! and all for just 35 cents...
Old 06-05-2007, 08:06 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!!

but the most important thing of all, the ice-cream with the 2 sticks really extinct liao ah??? thinking back, can still remember the slightly bitter aftertaste... shiok!!! and all for just 35 cents...
Hohoho no wonder you and I hit off so well! Like minds think alike. That is why I never buy magazines.

Unfortunately so. It's not bitter but the strong taste of coco. So smooth and rich chocolately taste now gone for good! sob sob. Last then young not enough pocket money to indulge but now working got the money it is no more.
Old 07-05-2007, 02:02 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
..... finally, r u agreeing with me that upbringing has a big part to play??? the more i think of it, the more i find it very reasonable!!! self-fulfilling prophecy??? maybe, but guess at the present moment, it is not my problem liao... not trying to rub sg men the wrong way here, but we need to widen our horizons and be opened to other nationalities for consideration of marriages. the effect might be as fast as we would love to have, but well, hit them where it hurts. thinking of sg women, i should thank my lucky stars at least for the moment, and also make sure that my present gf does not get away from me... cheers...
i think its all subjected to the issues & permutations of the individuals.... and applicable on case to case basis. nonetheless, my gut feeling tells me, its somehow related to the upbringing & peer pressure... leading to majority of our sg gals in the present situation. if left unchecked.. will bring about more distress in the near future.
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Old 07-05-2007, 02:12 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
.... must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself... haggen daz (fyi, american company but european name so they can charge exhorbitant prices) ice-cream, nydc mud-pies not good enough??? must have hotel ones by renowned chefs whom most of us have never heard before??? worth it??? maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...
they say men r from mars, women from venus... somehow there's some truth in the saying i reckon. men by & large r often objective driven, whilst women tend to be disoriented... cos they're easily distracted/faltered.

if its ice-cream to quench the heat & thrist, then so be it, regardless if its a magnum from the friendly neighborhood mamak stall, or haagen daz from down town. ice cream is still ice cream. and if die die must have haagen daz, still available in tubs from the neighborhood econ/NTUC/shengsiong outlets.

whilst women often display their air-headedness, not knowing what they actually want. even if it was mutally agreed to settle for ice-cream from any joint, she's capable of suddenly changing the objective to another joint (as men we're expected to oblige).... and just when u're making ur way to the new plan, she'd either change her mind once more, or revert back to the initial plan.
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Old 07-05-2007, 02:16 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by nickygoh View Post
...... i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....
virtuous sg gal? ummmm.... i'm quite surprised u still can count w 1 hand... in my books, they extinct almost a decade ago.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse

Last edited by suteerak1099; 07-05-2007 at 02:29 PM.
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