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Old 07-05-2007, 02:27 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
..... in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!! and magazines dont tell us how to be happy and stuff... magazines tell women what they want to hear, that's all... it's true!!! ladies, flame me, but i m still going to say it!!! u just want to hear whatever u want to hear, u want to read whatever u want yourself to believe or to justify whatever it is that u r doing!!!
bro, i agree. i been doing pretty much research on my own, found out that magazines can corrupt the simplest minds. the more the women subscribe, the more unbecoming they become. columnist sometimes preach about girl-power, influencing readers to believe that men r dispensable/expendable/redundant...etc.

not to mention, the ads that come along r telling the gals to pamper themselves, indirectly teaching them to be self-indulgent & ignore all else around them.

its as per what marketing experts often smile about... women's $ easiest to earn/con.

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
my dad is like 100X richer than my brother. why is it that my mum is not worried about PRC women when my sis-in-law is scared to death of them stealing her husband??? what is my mum doing right???...
sometimes its not so much as to how older women dont feel insecure about their ageing husbands... its just that they know the libido/testosterones have decreased, hence its less likely older men can achieve infidelity (flesh). at the most... just some monetary squandders. while its the younger & testosterone raging men that most women r insecure about.

ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her.
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Old 07-05-2007, 02:43 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her.
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.

I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....

What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
Old 07-05-2007, 03:01 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by monster.cookie View Post
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.

I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....

What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
so true.....
Old 07-05-2007, 05:53 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by monster.cookie View Post
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.

I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....

What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
Good Post. UpPed u.
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Old 07-05-2007, 05:57 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I'd say, in general, SG women r damn selfish & feeling insecure most times. When their guys look at another gal, especially if tat other gal is chio, she'll be unhappy. Several years back, many SG gals hate Thai gals, & dislike Msian gals as well. Cos many, if not most prostitutes are Thai gals, many prostitutes are oso from Msia. Many guys oso go Msia 4 commercial sex. They are selfish, they dun even allow u 2 look at other gals, 4 the fear tat there's the temptation 4 u 2 stray. Not 2 mention, the prostitutes from foreign countries seem ready 2 please SG men physically more than them!!! In recent years, SG gals hate PRC gals. Many SG gals I spoke 2, I ask them did they have bad experience in China, they haven't even stepped their foot into China, but juz said "look, those PRC gals r so cheap, unscrupulous, etc etc, hooking up men". In actual fact, these foreign gals r very attractive, both physically & even virtuously, it's v strong competition, or actually these foreign gals win hands down. Yet SG gals refuse 2 budge on their mentality, can only use such emotional blackmail 2 on their men...

Another perspective on their insecurity:
during the World Cup seasons, u oso see many magazines, asking / challenging the gals, how confident they are, tat their men love them more than soccer, who/wat gets more attention from the men: soccer or the gals. U see those magazines, teaching them some tricks, including being naked, see the men pays attention 2 the TV or her, how 2 get their men's attention, instead of the men glued 2 the TV, etc etc.

I juz came back from a holiday trip 2 Cambodia, wif an ABC (American Born Chinese). Tis gal's bkground is abit complicated, born in China (GuangDong or HK), partly grew up in Shanghai, partly in Canada. She now holds Canadian passport. She's exactly a "banana" (yellow on the outside, white in the inside, her mind), she oso admits tat. So her expectations of the ang moh gentleman, ie, open doors 4 her, pull chair 4 her, pour her drinks, serve her food, etc etc. But, being ang moh / democratic, she oso pays her fair share of the expenses on dates, if not more.

She's currently a director or CEO of 1 of the MNCs in Shanghai. But, in Cambodia, me being the man, the drivers open doors 4 me, service personnel expects the decision 2 come from me, assuming I'm the "paymaster", etc etc. She knows it's an Asian culture / society, so lan-lan, accepts tat. But, the main difference is, she's paying more 4 all the expenses throughout the trip than me!!! She's oso smart, in the sense tat she passes me the $$ behind the scene, eg, discreetly when we call 4 the bill, or when back in our hotel room.

In return, outta respect 4 her, I'll ask 4 her opinion every now & then, ie, where 2 go / visit, wat food / cuisine, which restaurant, etc etc. I'd oso made my schedule flexible enuf 2 accomodate hers. The dates / duration of the holiday, she flies into Cambodia, while I travel by land from Thailand. I can see tat she appreciates my flexibility & my respecting her opinions.

The hot weather + insects kinda makes her grouchy, & I can see tat there's really rashes / reaction from her skin! She whined & grouched a little, which I took it in my stride, taking it as sai-nai. When she goes further, I kinda gave her a serious look, & reminded her tat it's her idea of coming Cambodia 4 holiday, we can't expect much from this country, & we knew tat even b4 we arrived!!!

Best part is, she apologised after I reminded her. So I just gave in a little, just said I can understand how she feels, poor thing, etc etc, & allow her 2 whine a little bit more. And, she doesn't react like SG gals screaming & going berserk, when she sees cockcroaches, lizards, kena mosquito bites, etc. There was once, a big cockcroach came onto our dinner table. She saw it, juz said, "hey, wat a big 1". I juz used my middle finger 2 flick it away. The waitresses who saw it scrambled 2wards our table 2 try 2 catch the cockcroach, worrying tat she might scream. The cockcroach ended up on the next table, wif 3 ang moh gals sitting! The waitresses were again, running after the cockcroach. The reaction from the ang moh gals were even better, saying, "hey! wat r u doing here?", grabbed a napkin, & capture it. And then, they joked wif the waitresses, saying they should get a free drink for tat!!! The waitresses were relieved tat nobody screamed, & apologised 4 the cockcroach. But, we were all laughing about it, espcially cos of my flicking it from my table & landing on the next table. Tis Canadian gal even apologised 2 those 3 gals, but everyone was juz laughing happily. But, on the table on my other side, were 2 SG gals (from the language & their accents), they were not amused. I heard them saying, if the cockroach was on their table, they would scold the waitresses, blah blah blah, etc etc. I guess they didnt dare mention about me or my flicking it, cos they heard us speaking English & Chinese.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists

Last edited by 84gunner; 07-05-2007 at 06:11 PM.
Old 07-05-2007, 06:05 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I'd met quite a number of PRC gals, all professionals in the same industry (Consulting) as me, earning power is definitely strong. Avg salary is 3k USD & above, some even 5 digit USD a month!

Our job nature requires us 2 travel frequently. Many of those married ones, some of their husbands oso travel quite a fair bit in their jobs. During 1 of the discussions over the dinner table, many of them said due 2 their work commitments (requirement 2 travel away from family), they're not really able 2 fulfill their duties as a wife beside their husbands. If their husband goes looking 4 commercial sex during their absence, they'd close 1 eye, but a major criteria is they dun get any disease, n the guys must not bring the prostitutes back home! Their reason is simple, they know tat men have tis physical need, they're not able 2 fulfill it 4 their husbands during their absence, and, after all, it's a commercial transaction, no emotions involved. They'd be real unhappy if it wasn't a commercial transaction but wif emotions involved, ie, an affair.

Are SG gals tat generous?
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 09-05-2007, 11:16 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
bro, i agree. i been doing pretty much research on my own, found out that magazines can corrupt the simplest minds. the more the women subscribe, the more unbecoming they become. columnist sometimes preach about girl-power, influencing readers to believe that men r dispensable/expendable/redundant...etc..
actually, i m okay with girl power and gender equality... it is the wanting the best of both worlds i cannot stand!!! if women want equality and respect as an equal, then they will get respect from me but dont use the emotional blackmail and that they r women and want us to give in to their whining, crying, throwing childish tantrums and such. if u want respect as a fellow adult, act like one!!!

not to mention, the ads that come along r telling the gals to pamper themselves, indirectly teaching them to be self-indulgent & ignore all else around them.

its as per what marketing experts often smile about... women's $ easiest to earn/con.
yup yup... pampering themselves at our expense. not that i cant afford my past gfs visits to such salons that use high pressure tactics to sell their programmes, but i came from a poor childhood, so i appreciate that $ can be spent better elsewhere... they dont feel hurt when they were drawing $ by the thousands... the branch i hate most in life... the taka 4th floor posb!!! the blood on the floor, mostly mine... they didnt seem to understand that despite the fact that i sit in an aircon office to work, every single cent is blood and sweat!!!

how i wished i m marketing some women's product, but unfortunately, 99.95%of my customers are men...

sometimes its not so much as to how older women dont feel insecure about their ageing husbands... its just that they know the libido/testosterones have decreased, hence its less likely older men can achieve infidelity (flesh). at the most... just some monetary squandders. while its the younger & testosterone raging men that most women r insecure about.
my mum is not worried cos she gave my dad no reason to want to look outside for sexual or emotional gratification. ask my dad and he will tell u the secret of his success is my mum, cos she will be there for him regardless, no questions asked. as for my bro, my condolences to him, cos his wife is the kind who will publish in the papers if my bro ever asked her for help!!! his wife is the typical sg modern wife!!! his money is her money, her money is her money... in the end, my bro will spend hours at my place, content to play lan games with us than to go home.

ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her
magazines would never in their dying breath, publish something their readers never want to read about and would never admit to having those problems. most self-deceiving people we will ever lay our eyes on... and for that, they shall have the broken marriages and self-fulfilling doomsday marriage prophecies to look forward to for the rest of their lives, if they even found someone to marry in the 1st place.
Old 09-05-2007, 01:33 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

to me, im glad there are bros here has the similiar thoughts of gals, esp sg gals.

i recalled i talk to 1 of my sg gal-fren.
she said she will married a guy who has a higher income, stability in the career who she does not have much love wif rather than married a guy who she loves very much but no stability of income.
she said one gonna tink of the future, children education, piano lessons, expenses on the family etc.
she said love does play a part in a relationship but money plays a more important part.
we are not talking abt fantasy or fairy tale, we have to face the reality.

i admire her honest and straighforward character rather than others who claim only love is everyting and money does not play a part.

so guys wif no high income and stability, have to sit one corner and suck thumb?
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Old 09-05-2007, 01:37 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by monster.cookie View Post
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray......

.....What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
actually, man & woman the same, want to stray still can stray.

things r never the same as before liao. not too long ago, sg-gals were easier to please. these days, sg-gals think they're good on their own 2 feet, but still long for the pampering. double standards.

let's not rule out 1 of the root course?? sg-men set back by 2-2.5yrs of NS.
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Old 09-05-2007, 01:45 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
actually, i m okay with girl power and gender equality... it is the wanting the best of both worlds i cannot stand!!! if women want equality and respect as an equal, then they will get respect from me but dont use the emotional blackmail and that they r women and want us to give in to their whining, crying, throwing childish tantrums and such. if u want respect as a fellow adult, act like one!!!
bobian, they like to exercise double standards, wherever they go, and wanting the best of both (or more) worlds is already on full display in their wardrobe. she can buy 1 pair of shoes, but she's indecisive with another design. so to solve the problem, she buys both.

sad to say, we men r not shoes, she cant have 1 who stays home to give her undivided attention, wait on her, serve her, massage her, give he a gd rub down at the end of the day.... yet at the same time, able to afford all the family expenses, her expenses, provide for both parents & in-laws
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 09-05-2007, 02:53 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like. Sometimes even the Emperor oso cant tahan.

And there's definitely more than 1 personal servant 2 each princess. 1 full-time personal servant's attention is not enuf 2 cater 2 the princess' needs for attention.

But then, how many Emperors can there be, at any 1 time? Back 2 reality in 2day's modern society, or in societies such as SG, 2 cater 2 these "princess" behavior, u not only gotta be damn rich, u oso dunnit 2 work, cos u need 2 spend so much attention on SG gals, tat it's probably more tedious than working!!!

Looking back again, those princes, husbands (Fu Ma Ye) of those wilful princesses, aren't their fathers god-damn rich, $$$ is never a problem? Do these princes ever need 2 work? They oso Ah Siah kias!!!
An idle mind is the devil's workshop


Wanna get married, but afraid of losing yr property, yr assets in the event of divorce? Quit SG, dun marry SG gal, yr ass is oso covered!!!

Talking Equality wif SG gals is like talking Communism wif Capitalists
Old 10-05-2007, 01:02 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like.
exact sentiments ! ta boo lake tahan a gal on the train today... speaking at the top of her voice "I think this one not good.... I think this should not be done this way..... " WTF.. actions speak louder than words. don't complain or whine or act smart aleck.

not intended to put a sweeping statement... BUT.. sg gals... really utter disappointment.... whore to the material world.
Old 10-05-2007, 01:31 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
bobian, they like to exercise double standards, wherever they go, and wanting the best of both (or more) worlds is already on full display in their wardrobe. she can buy 1 pair of shoes, but she's indecisive with another design. so to solve the problem, she buys both.

sad to say, we men r not shoes, she cant have 1 who stays home to give her undivided attention, wait on her, serve her, massage her, give he a gd rub down at the end of the day.... yet at the same time, able to afford all the family expenses, her expenses, provide for both parents & in-laws
double standards nevermind... still expect us to be PSYCHIC enough to know when to treat her as an equal and when to "sayang" her like a little girl!!! they think the world is full of chris angels lor!!!

think what they want is old money, inherited money... not the new money, money we make ourselves!!! how many rich heirs r there in sg??? wonder if they dare to behave like an arse when with those rich people??? confirmed dont dare... cos too much at stake... end of the day, whether they want to behave or not depends on money still!!! got money then the CB mouth will bloody shut up!!! sg women who r like that, pls do us a favour... stop taking us average sg men as alternatives, only settling for us when u cant get a rich heir...

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like. Sometimes even the Emperor oso cant tahan.

And there's definitely more than 1 personal servant 2 each princess. 1 full-time personal servant's attention is not enuf 2 cater 2 the princess' needs for attention.

But then, how many Emperors can there be, at any 1 time? Back 2 reality in 2day's modern society, or in societies such as SG, 2 cater 2 these "princess" behavior, u not only gotta be damn rich, u oso dunnit 2 work, cos u need 2 spend so much attention on SG gals, tat it's probably more tedious than working!!!

Looking back again, those princes, husbands (Fu Ma Ye) of those wilful princesses, aren't their fathers god-damn rich, $$$ is never a problem? Do these princes ever need 2 work? They oso Ah Siah kias!!!
actually, their fathers were not rich and didnt and couldnt provide those material needs... so responsibility fell on the poor husbands... they thought marrying off means she gets away from the poverty.

and talking about princesses... the swallow princess show with her bloody high pitched voice, really personified the sg woman!!! irritating, total lack of manners and totally spoilt!!! never failed to make me want to slap her so hard that she gets stuck to the wall for good...
Old 10-05-2007, 02:13 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
double standards nevermind... still expect us to be PSYCHIC enough to know when to treat her as an equal and when to "sayang" her like a little girl!!! they think the world is full of chris angels lor!!!

think what they want is old money, inherited money... not the new money, money we make ourselves!!!
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.

i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..."

maybe i not yan dao enuff or not as rich as her lah.... BUT the feeling of being treated like dirt is not fun and not good at all. i do not know if she is genuinely interested in staking out in this relationship.... she gave many misleading signs, can't interpret her intention... What's worst. She has a boyfriend and nvr told me anything on this... but the world is small.... my fren played soccer with her boyfren and saw her together with boyfriend... hmmm.... can't catch what she is thinking...
Old 10-05-2007, 02:29 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by nickygoh View Post
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.

i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..."

maybe i not yan dao enuff or not as rich as her lah.... BUT the feeling of being treated like dirt is not fun and not good at all. i do not know if she is genuinely interested in staking out in this relationship.... she gave many misleading signs, can't interpret her intention... What's worst. She has a boyfriend and nvr told me anything on this... but the world is small.... my fren played soccer with her boyfren and saw her together with boyfriend... hmmm.... can't catch what she is thinking...
often get that as well... playing mind games... if they behave like the stock market, then i would already be happily married liao!!!

my strategy would be to arrange for meet-ups with my friends as well. if she decides to play games and not turn up, i would not be stuck in no-man's land. in fact, i would go on to tell her what an enjoyable nite i have had, too bad she was not there... i play mind f**k games quite well too... showing that while i would love to have her company, i wont die without her and proceed to have fun without her... it's her loss, not mine. if she does insist that we meet up alone, and she doesnt reply me, i will tell her i would proceed to join my friends for drinks liao... secret is no need to behave like we r desperate.

i have always likened dating to playing tennis, which i love!!! idea of the game is not hitting the ball, but making sure that the ball is in her court, not yours. that way, we r not going to lose out. if she doesnt want to play, it helps to have others (friends, buddies) to enjoy yourself with...

that way, no need to play dirty like her by making unfavourable comments... we r gentlemen, no need to sink down to her level... if i realised that she has a bf already, make it clear that u r not going to meet her alone lor... if she wants to join yr party, she is welcomed to do so. our dignity will be preserved cos u have already made it clear to her that u know and u wont sink to her level of playing the field. think of it this way, if u play along with her after knowing that she has a bf, that doesnt reflect very well on u as well. but by not hankering over the free f**ks and standing yr own ground, u get yr dignity and she will list u as someone of a much higher status: the "what if" category... that, to me, is worth much more than any free bonk at my dignity's expense.

my 2 cents... although i know a lot of bros out there would beg to differ...
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