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Old 30-05-2002, 09:34 PM
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Cool FR on Lee Wen by Chandler 100502

Came to a realization at work this afternoon that my last Cat 150 foray was a long long time ago. More than half a year ago in fact. Been digressing from these chicks for quite some time, dividing my time between HC, Foot Reflexology, PRC FL and Tom Yam chicks.

Last Cat 150 bonk? Ms Singtel. Eons ago.

Solution? Make a grand comeback into the 150 scene after a long hiatus.

The comeback bit I achieved. But it wasn't that spectacular. So I wouldn't exactly term it grand I guess.

Ok ok on to the FR.

Played pool with CumKing and gang before we went for dinner. Toyed around with the idea of going to JB but everybody save for CK gave a non-commital answer. Eventually decided to pop by 2829 to mull over it. I made a quick detour to Chinatown but the scene was disappointing. Not one caught my eye.

Time for Plan B.

CK helped to place my orders - Kar Leng, Teresa and Lee Wen. I'm very much a tits man, as evidenced by my choices. Was duly informed that Kar Leng was unavailable, and that I had to wait for Teresa. Surprisingly, Lee Wen was available at the moment so ok on lah. My plan was to bonk whoever arrived first anyway.

Ms Lee took 5 mins to arrive - fair and dressed in a red slinky PVC-type long dress (ummmm turn-on), she looked pretty delectable. Sultry slit-eyes. Tits looked ample. Not too bad, but I've seen better-looking girls in this category in the past. No matter, I was sure she'd make it up through her service even though she looked a little snotty when she signed in.

Kept my fingers crossed that she wouldn't be one of the temperamental type. I wasn't in a very uncompromising mood myself today coz I was goddamn tired. Initiated conversation whilst making our way up to Room 31 - the usual "have you had your dinner yet" one-liner. She smiled (for the first time since I saw her walk through the door) and said that she already did.

Alright so she wasn't as "dao" as I initially made her out to be.

More small talk transpired in the nicely-decorated room. The usual questions - came with your friends? Where did you have dinner - were asked. She bunched her hair up and proceeded to slip her slinky dress off, revealing a nicely-shaped pair of 36Cs with light brownish nips that were inverted; and her kinky crotchless black g-string. Phoar! She slipped that off as well and I was given the SOP shower in the bathroom. Copped a feel of her titties with my soapy hands (who could resist?) and found them to be just right - soft but firm. Unfortunately she didn't have much of an ass. Again I thought my own buns of steel were better-looking than hers anytime man heheheh. And she had a slight paunch too. Half-expected some warm water BBBJ to transpire in the bathroom but that didn't materialize. Shrug.

Lee Wen's not the gf type who'd towel you try after the shower - she leaves you to do it yourself. No problem. I dried myself and the action begins ...

For starters Ms Lee gave me a noisy catbath that was pretty damn good actually. I dare say she had a way with my nips. Whoa got me all excited and hard. Continued teasing me along my navel, thighs and feet with her moist tongue while I alternated between twiddling with her nips and reaching out to rub her clit. Moussy soft pussy hair and a pretty wet cunt. Then again it could be the water from the shower ha!

Her pretty damn erotic cat bath soon evolved into an AR which turned me off a little. But it wasn't really her incompetence. I was damn tired and botak fell asleep during the AR session. No matter. Ms Lee resurrected it back to life once again when she started blowing me in position number 1, with a short tit-fuck of sorts thrown in for good measure as well. It was just the first of the many positions in which I would receive her excellent BBBJ for this particular encounter.

BBBJ position number 2 had me standing up while she did her magic kneeling down and glancing up at me occasionally. Ummmmm .... the sight of her giving me a BBBJ from a kneeling position from the side mirror was definitely a kinky one. But the top view of her lemon-shaped tits from my perspective as she gave me a kneeling BBBJ was awesome!

Ms Lee then pulled me towards the wall and had me lean against it as she blew me once again. Good thing I was kinda tired tonight or else I don't think I'd have lasted 5 mins into her string of BBBJ positions heheh.

Her 4th (and final) BBBJ stance had me sitting on the raised platform and her working on botak. I swear I was on the verge of blowing my load into her warm mouth at that point in time. But I held back. Show's only just started, baby!

Then it was my turn to work on her. Had her spread-eagled on her back while I checked her pussy out. Mmmmmm she was really wet and it looked edible enough so why waste the oyster man? Spread her labia lips and lapped at them love juices slowly oozing out while she writhed and wriggled, with moans and groans in stereo surround-sound for good measure. She was really getting into the groove now. Her inverted nips popped out like delicious berries that it was quite difficult to miss.

Ms Lee couldn't take my tongue-fu after 10 mins or so, writhing and pulling away from me as if it was a strange mixture of pleasure and torture. She moaned that she couldn't take it anymore and said that she wanted me inside her. That I duly obliged, after capping my tool of course. Did her missionary for a bit while she continued to moan and bunch her well-formed tits towards the centre, inviting me to lap at both her hardened nips simultaneously.

Once again I had to fight tooth and nail in order to prevent myself from cumming. After all, this was only the first shagging position of the night. I was sure that there was more to come.

Time for a little doggie action. A must for any big titted chick. Gave it to her fast and hard, my intense thrusting action made her tits flop all over the place. Ooooo a definite turn on. Re-enacted a mini sequence from American Psycho whilst humping her doggie - which bit I won't say heheheh. Ms Lee's co-ordinated motions (with mine), coupled with her suround-sound moanings (which inevitably evolved into screams) was challenging and taunting me to cum.

Fighting my compelling desire to unleash my payload into her, I switched to my final position of the night. Pulled her to the edge of the raised platform and made her raise her legs onto my shoulders for deeper penetration. It was to be my Waterloo for I didn't last more than a couple of strokes in this position.

Ms Lee then made me lie on my tummy and gave me a hard rub-down as we chatted. We made conversation about stuff, only for me to find out that she's younger than me. That I found surprising - she looked at least 27. Turns out, she's only 24. Interesting.

Finished the session after 45 - 50 mins (I'm not too sure though, C K and KayPoh how long did I take?) and was led down the stairs a satisfied man.

Assessment Time:
Subject: Lee Wen
Looks: 6/10 - average-looking chick, blokes hoping for a drop-dead gorgeous chick can forget it. Tong Tong looks better
Overall figure: 7/10
Tits: 8.5/10 - 36C, soft, but firm
Nips: 6.5/10 (when inverted), 7/10 (when erect)
Bush: 7/10Generally well-kept. Moussy soft pussy hair. A rarity
Ass: 4/10 - flat! My ass looks better man hahahahha.
BBBJ: 9/10 - she's probably my first and only commercial fuck who blew me in so many positions in just one session
FJ: 7.5/10 - pretty good

Concluding Remarks:
Ms Lee compensates for her lack of looks with excellent services. I dare say she gave me one of the best BBBJs I've experienced so far. 4 positions somemore. Her tits make up for her lack of a substantial rump and the overall session was good enough to warrant a RTU.

But I have other chicks to try out, mates!
Old 31-05-2002, 02:23 AM
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Cat 150 Big Boobs Chart

GL Cat 150 Big Boobs ranking Based on FRs as at 31052002 0220hrs.

LEE WEN - 12

OG (big tits) - 6

BIBI 2 - 5

ELAIN (looks like ann kok) - 4

WINE - 3

APPLE (L28) - 2
CK - 2
S1 - 2
SAMMI1 - 2
SONY - 2
YAN ER - 2
YUKI - 2


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We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 01-06-2002, 02:34 AM
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“KING 2 vs GL 0“ - FR on LEEDS

Went early to GL so as to achieve my personal cup before the World Cup kicks off. Was sitting around waiting for bro prime, bro lousy, bro cd and bro druids (it was nice meeting you), no target after hearing that bro cd could not perform with Hui Yu on Thursday.

As they stared to coming and we chit chatted while the rest waited for their gals, I still NO TARGET ….. saw Yoko, Yuki, Pei Yi, Mun Mun, Dong Dong, Civic, Maggie. Still cannot think of a target, then Tommy ask me to try one of his recommendations. “Ok lor” since my database is blank.

In less than 10 mins, she walks into the house and those boobs tells me it is play ball and drink milk time!

She choose room 3 so that she can watch the goldfish, hmmmm …. I was surprise to know that she also likes the same room as me. She is very chatty and talk about how she had rested for more than a month due to knee injury, the coming World Cup, the forum as well as many issues regarding GL. After we smoke, she undress and then helps me to undress.

Like Sammi1, her service also started from the back and again I say no AR for me. She is more aggressive and experienced than Sammi1 but as detailed and good (if not better). Every part of my back was well taken care of, her skills in using the combination hands, fingers, tongue, mouth and most important of all her huge soft balls was very stimulating to my weapon. Up right and ready for battle!

After turning to the front, she winks at my playfully cum seductively as she continued the cat bath.

Face: looks a bit like Malay as her face is a little tan, a cute looking gal
Figure: a bit fleshy but still looks great
Boobs: good for grabbing with slightly big nipples
BJ: a few patterns with her seductive winking and slutty smile … consider aggressive as she was hungry for my hot dog .. hee hee
AR: told her I don’t want
FJ: started with missionary and as I pump away she grabbed her own balls, see liao I also cannot tahan and starts to play ball, she moans louder and her facial expression makes me want to cum there and then. Tahan …. Another good 10 mins of banging and pumping, changed to doggie and still playing ball. Only 5 mins at this position as it is not my favorite stunt. Changed to goddess position where I could drink milk to recharged. Finally cummed in missionary with passionate frenching. After the wash up and dressing, she hugged me tightly and we kissed good bye.

She appears to be very fun loving and cute little angel but is a Demon hungry for SEX!

Another good bonk this week, making it 2-0. All thanks to ‘coach’, Tommy.

Just a personal note on the World Cup, France LOST, hip hip huray! Revenge for all the people (including me and my football kakis) who had lost $ in the 1998 finals. All my friend (except me who quit betting football … so sad) made money in France LOST!

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Old 03-06-2002, 03:00 AM
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Ka Leng FR by CUMZ 02062002

Think this is my virgin FR after many post, dun usually like to give FR but since the last FR on Ka Leng is sometime ago, here is my update.

Let's start with the first impression as this is my first time bonking her. Looks OK and quite tall but not leggy. Anyway, I ask for a tall gal and not leggy. Body looks OK and breast doesn;t look too big.

But once inside the room, take out bra, as reported by brothers out there, she indeed has a papaya size breast (36C). But one funny thing I realised after playing around with her breast is I think her right nipple a bit spoil already. Doesn't turn hard like her left nipple. Or maybe my right hand not as good as my left hand. HAHA!!

Also, backside rather flat and she indeed has a gold waist chain.

Anyway, service wise, nothing to shout about. Pretty SOP and not very proactive, so not very good for brothers who are new to bonking. Anyway, I usually like gal to take lead, but after a while since nothing new, decide to take charge instead. BJ although long, but not much sunction.

Overall, here's the score:
LOOK: 6/10
BODY: 6/10
FJ:6/10 (won't take lead, but accomodating)

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Old 06-06-2002, 05:37 PM
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Karen(2845) FR by omnia 06062002

looks:7(sexy maturish look)
body:8.5(quite tall, nice sexy legs and a great hard body)
boobs:8(c, quite big and tasty)
bbbj:8(nice, done with a fresh mint effect)
fj:7.5(okay, various positions, best enjoyed with her in missionary with those lovely legs wrapped ard my neck)
attitude & service:7.5(quite a friendly gal who ends off the session with a soothing massage)
rtf:no, because not keen on frenching, a pity as she has a great body

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Old 06-06-2002, 06:05 PM
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Karen FR by SioGan 06062002

Look: 7.5 (mature, late 20's)
Body: Tall, slightly on heavy side
Boobs: C cups
freching: Never tried
Bbbj: 8.5. She excel on this part, one of the best licker around. Slow and various styles. Love to tease your cock. Too bad no CIM.
Attitude/Service: 7.5

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Old 07-06-2002, 01:27 AM
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Question i know tis is for cat 150 but i need help bro out there

hi bro out there
i m still new here
wish to get some help from u guys
looking 4 big tits with gd service for cat 40
hoping that u bro give me some gd recommentation
cause i m a nsf cannot pay that much
Old 14-06-2002, 01:43 AM
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FR on Xiu Wen on 13 Jun 2002 by vx2000 13062002

My 1st visit to GL after observing from this forum. OK! Here's my 10cent worth of FR.

Went to 1612 where most bros here recommened that T is a very good OKT. Reach 1612 in the afternoon and asked for Xiu Wen (never thought that she's available as there were news that she'll be going back mid of Jun). Was by T that she'll be ready in 10mins, my heart raced.

Once she arrived, I was so shy (aa a newbie), and we proceed as she led me to the "chinese room".

Inside the room, she started to unbutton my shirt as she undress. Wow! I would say for a gal to be in her late 20s (I think) so looks great! Her boobs are round and full, with pink hard nipples. Gosh! wanted to suck right away....

We proceed to bath as she carefully wash my throb and ass very softly (like a GF). After the wash, she suck my balls and AR in standing postion first, follow by sitting onto the bed and lying. While lying, she lifted my leg (1st time letting a gal do missionary!) and AR for seems like forever. Climbed ontop of me and lick my nipples. Proceed to give me a long bbbj for around 15mins. I was too high and told her to stop! Tried to think of something to prevent my dd from bursting, but too late, half of it came out! She wiped my dd clean and procced to put on the condom.

She than started to ride me (she is sure tight and wet). Great enjoyment as I look into the mirror watching myself in action (another 1st). As I was going to run out of bullet, I started to service her by sucking her pink nipples as she moaned and keep calling me darling. My turn to be on top of her as I ramed as hard as I could while she hugged be like a teddy bear. Starting to loose steam..... and that's the anti climax (hoped I could last longer!).

After helping me to clean up, she gave me a message while we chatted. She told me that tomorrow will be her last day and she'll be going back for a month. Lucky me, able to get her JIT.

Great enjoyment.

Looks: 7.5/10 (her eyes are slutty)
Body: 7/10 (milky body, boobs are nice and firm)
BBBJ: 8/10 (keeps looking in my eyes while blowing me)
AR: 8/10 (wet n nice)
Attiude: 9/10 (very friendly, able to break the ice very quickly)
Service:8/10 (slow and gentle GF feeling)

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Old 14-06-2002, 02:54 AM
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FR ON SAMMI1 by ah dez 13062002

Looks:7[Looks like the retired WenFang]
Body:7 [ A bit to the Fleshy Side ]
Boobs:7.5[As i said.. looks like the old wenfang, but only thing is that, hers are real. Big nipples but towards the dark side]
BBBJ:7 [ Quite a long BJ, but just like that only.. nothing to shout about.. only the time]
Fj:6.5 [Moans loudly... "fuck me" "fuck me".....]
Attitide:6.5[quite a friendly gal, willing to pls but with more room for improvement]

I think she is a bit tired.. so i tried to hurry up a bit. Chatty girl.
Well... sensitive skin... poke her a bit with my fingers, she say pain,but i got no fingernails!!.
Cannot touch her legs... she would say ichy.

Overall..... Not Bad.... overall 6.5/10

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Old 14-06-2002, 03:15 AM
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FR on Pinky [27-01-2002] by ah dez 14062002

After chionging a few days of ktv, I decided to give tommy a visit. After making a few calls to the rest of the team to meet up at base.
I sat there for some time, thinking whom I should try. After some recommendations from the team and tommy, I set my heart to conquer Pinky today.
She holds my hand as we walk towards the room and gave me a very sweet and innocent smile, which melt me immediately. As we undress, she came over to help me. I was rather happy with this service and was hoping for better things to come.
In the washroom was rather SOP, simple chatting and cleaning, but her sweet smile and innocent looking face break all barriers and we start to chat like long lost friends. She washes me from my ear to legs. Something different was that she cleans my little brother thru my legs as she squads behind me. Went out of the bathroom, after drying ourselves, we proceeded onto the bed, She asked me to turn over and she start to lick me, especially my ears, licking them clean, then she proceed on to my arms, before reaching my ass. She asked me to turn over and now, she start to attack my front, slowly starting from my ears down, before give me a BJ.She even play with my little brother by holding it up and said “ testing testing 123!”I must say that her Bj is rather good, she slowly lick the tip, before slowly moving on, before I knew it, she engulf my whole into her mouth, I was really enjoy it. No tissue papers to clean, no fake moans during the foreplay, I was starting to enjoy myself for the 1st time in many weeks! She then put on an umbrella for my little brother before we proceed to real action.
We started with she on top, before sitting on me, she asked me why my hands were restless as I didn’t bother touching her, before she shyly smiled at me. I just smile back and said that I was enjoying myself. I can see that she got rather big assets and it would be a big waste not to touch, but I was enjoying so much that this matter never came across my mind. After that we tried sitting upright. But we have some coordinating problems and I told her to forget it. Then we proceed to missionary position. I start slowly before increasing the speed, our noses touches as I lean forward with each trust. Just when I know I was going to cum, I quicken my pace and she moans louder, as I explode into her, she gave me a tight hug and I really enjoyed it. She sensed that I was rather tired, so she offered me a massage and we chit chat for a while.
After that was the SOP of cleaning up. I was rather disappointed with myself as I was rather out of form, but she thought that her service was no good and tried to ask me about it, she really hopes to make her customers enjoy and say that she try to make it better next time if I ask for her again. After that, we sat on the bed and chat for a while as we have some time left. We chat about lots of stuffs and before we know it, it was time to go, we got up, holding hands together, she asked me for a good bye kiss, which I gave willing. Walk out of the place with pictures of each other in our mind. All things have to come to and end. But I will be back for her and she knows that I definitely would.


Comments—I definitely will be looking for her in the near future. She is someone who is out to satisfy her customers.
But I just like her attitude. Sweet-looking girl. Slow and steady kind of service.
I gave her the 2nd spot in my list.

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Old 16-06-2002, 03:47 AM
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Bai Xue FR

Today lost WC like mad and need a change of luck, however many gals had called it a day. At 10pm still no target, getting horny and desperate. One of Tommy’s customer who finished a tahma session with Corolla and Sekio, wanted Bai Xue but must wait … so he took Qian Hong instead. After he went in, Bai Xue OKT called and Tommy say big boobs will suit me. However I had tried her before, wanted to reject but needed her milk to suppress the fire in me, so “ON lah!”

Her first day back at work after 2 weeks break, average height, big boobs with big nipples and fair smooth skin. She still remembers me (the last time I tried her was more than one year ago) and is very friendly, talk like old friends before action. Told her I lost money so want her to change my luck for me. She smiled and said no problem.

After the shower, she dim the lights and made the room very romantic like in a hotel room. Slide herself on top of me and gave me a kiss. Feeling her good luck balls against my body, hugged her tightly to recharge my luck in no time. Kiss my neck and started painting good luck charms on my body. With a smooth flow of light catbath, she managed to turned me to my back and enhance her transfer of luck to me.

Forgot to tell her to skip AR and only realised when she started, it was a short one but anyway I don’t want it. Used her hands to tuned my nipples and before I know it I am lying on my back again as she went to suck out all the bad luck from my trumpet. More painting on my nipples and push me upwards …. Soon she was sucking with me in a sitting position. I am a big size guy, how this gal managed to make me changed position without tell me is amazing.

After capping me, I went into action when she was on top … caressing her lucky balls and drinking her ‘Heng Heng’ milk, until she started chanting lucky prayers for me. She pump her good luck into me as I push out my bad luck. Asked if I want doggie, but I wanted more milk, so we changed to missionary. She pulled me closed and the battle of the light force fought the dark forces with twist and turns. Really need the change of luck, so I pump and pump while she chants and chants (not loud) … all was perfect!

Soon unloaded all my bad cums while she flood my mouth with her good potion …. Tomorrow going to make a killing!

After all the action, she offered to massage but I want to smoke and chat. She asked how she could improve and says that at times she tends to be a fast worker, talk about the different types of bonkers she gets (luckily she did not say anything about the forum), she also reveals that she takes a long time to cum. We were like friends and talk about many other things.

Wash up and get dressed, before we leave the hotel, she wish me good luck. If tomorrow win, sure to look for her again … my Lucky Cow!

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Old 17-06-2002, 02:15 AM
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FR - Tina $150cat by sglustdragon 16062002

Went to my favourite okt, and was told that this girl, "Tina" had just started working in GL just a week ago, so here's my first $150cat FR.
Went to the room, and I took off my clothes, she took off her clothes. The bath was SOP but she noticed me, that i kept starring at her breast, size C+ (wow...more than i can handle!) Anyway, come out of bathroom and dry myself. Tina asks me to lie down on my stomach and lifted my bum such that my asshole is level to her mouth, then she spread my buttocks and started ass rimming me, even prodding into my hole. As this is my first REAL AR experience, plus i wasn't prepared for it, i tightened up. She asked me if it was ok; I agreed (but i didn't really liked it), so she continued to poke and slurp my ass for quite a long time as i felt a lot of tickling and warm sensation.
After cleaning her mouth, she started cat bathing me all the way up to my ears, i turned over, she used her neh-neh to massage my nipples, stomach & to raba raba my didi by sliding her boobs along my body and slowly moved down her head to lick my balls and blow my didi for a short time. She then moved up to my face teasing with her boobs while looking at me with her cfm eyes. That's when i took initiative and switched position with her so i can finally service those voluptuous melons that i've been starring at and teased with. Once she put on the condom, I started pumping her tight, warm pussy missionary style, very slowly, with hopes of doing her doggie style but after just a few minutes of very responsive movements by her genital muscles, the feeling was too strong for me to resist any longer...that's when she conquered me.
A quick sop massage to finish off the session. She inquired about the quality of her service but i didnt care to comment at that time.

After that, she got up and we went to bath and left.

Name: Tina
Home base: L28H33
Nationality: Chinese
Looks: 6/10 CFM look (slutty eyes & pretty smile)
Body: 5/10 (large dark patch on ass & flabby stomach)
Tits: 8/10 (big boobs, about C+ with inverted nipples)
Age: 23
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese & English
Massage: 5/10 (had better ones but appreciated)
Frenching : No (didn't try)
BJ : 5/10 (short & not sensual enough)
AR : 9/10 (long time & stimulating with finger in ass -personnaly don't like)
FJ : 6/10(nice trim pussy and very responsive)
Attitude : 7.0( friendly girl - takes her time)

Overall: 6/10,in my humble opinion, i'm bit disappointed ... unless you enjoy ar, big boobs, and getting your ears wet by a tongue(i'm sorry, but i didn't enjoy that except for the boobs). Tina, has definitely hard working with great potential but needs more time and better training by the more experience brothers out there... I was expecting a little more of GF feeling from Tina with longer BJ and more initiative in the FJ.
Any comments or other experiences regarding Tina
(GL$150 newbie), would be appreciated.

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Old 18-06-2002, 01:52 AM
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Hennessy(1656A) FR by Caster 17062002

looks:7(Very slutty look, big eyes)
body:7(average ht, a bit Fleshy)
boobs:7(Boob 36C+ all natural, creamy and smoothb/c, more than a handful)
frenching:no (don't allowed)
ar:yes(short & brief)
bj:5(very brief)
fj:3(rush, cannot finger can not rub too long,..... fake moaning, insist I do faster and was game over in 30mins. Striaght away, bath and fuck of. To her that there is still time, but she say since business done, stay in the room for what..... fuck tup attitude)
attitude&service:3(rushing, poor attitude, not friendly, unaccomodating)
rtf: iTypical PCN for me pui pui pui pui CCB

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Old 18-06-2002, 02:09 AM
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Lee Wen (2409) FR by Caster 17062002

looks:7( slutty look, fair)
body:7(average ht, a bit Fleshy)
boobs:9 (Boob 36D+ all natural, creamy and smooth tits with pink nips..... BEAUTIFUL BOOBs,... slurp slurp )
frenching:yes (brief)
ar:yes(very arousing, at least 5 min)
bj:9 (30 min, very very good cock sucker, sent shiver up my spine with every stroke, very gently yet very stimulating, various position, her facial expression was extremely erotic, just like AV movie..... knee went weak and almost cannot stand properly, play with my shaft and almost came three times, but she control me every time)
bf:9 aka breast fuck.... a solid 15 mins until I cum (Wow.... seeing her performing it was delightful sight with all the sound effect and facial expression finish)
fj:7(very brief because I told her I prefer BJ and BF)
attitude&service:9(no rushing, excellent attitude, very friendly, accomodating.. )
rtf: Definite yes..... the best I've try so far.

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Old 18-06-2002, 02:55 AM
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Hui Yu @ L20H34A FR by phantom53sg 17062002

Looks: 7.5/10 - Pretty with that CFM look. I liked her smile most. Ever cheerful looking.
Height: Tall gal at around 1.7m with long flowing hair. Complexion is fair.
Body: 8.0/10 - Boobs around 34C. Real, big and soft but not drooping. Brownish nipples. Nice to hold and suck.
Foreplay: 7.5/10 - Started cat bath from the back, quite thorough, even before the Fj, the moaning oredi Buah Tahan liao. Although the moaning was fake, it was quite titillating. Spent quite sometime on licking and sucking my nipples. Moved her body sideward to allow me to finger and played with her clitoris and sucked her neh-neh. Cunt quite wet with her juice. AR, though nice but was rather short.
Frenching: 8.5/10 - Interactive, responsive with good tongue movement sliding in and out. Very passionate. I don't mind just kissing her for the whole session.
Bbbj: 8.0/10 -Many variations with different degree of suction. Tongue-ful skill is superb. Done in lying down, at 69 with her lovely CB being positioned near my mouth for me to tongue her and the finale - with myself standing on the bed and lovely Hui Yu kneeling down, holding my manhood with her fingers, as though she is worshipping it, smiling and casting her CFM look upwards. Heavenly feeling, she started blowing me. Nearly jerked off my load and CIM her., but Dong until face green green. From her facial expression and erotic moan, it seemed that she enjoys Bbbj most.
Fj: 8.0/10 - Very obliging and accommodating. Done in various positions. Ate and licked her pussy until she also buah Tahan. Her moaning is loud and sound like she was in pain and in ecstasy, kept calling - come on Darling! Ohhh Shiok, shiok, fuck me deep, oh deep, baby?
Attitude: 8.0/10 - Very professional and service oriented in her job. Friendly, chatty and playful. As there were sometime left after the Fj, Hui Yu gave me a good rub and massage to freshen me up before proceeding to bathe herself. She is quite good at it also! Comfortable in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
RTF: Yes! She is a playful and cheerful gal. Her smile and CFM look captivated me. Overall, I had a very enjoyable time together with her.

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