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Old 13-03-2013, 04:34 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Glad to see some of us still see sense.

So what happened at the MP? You got molested? heheheh.
Old 14-03-2013, 03:09 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Reach de spa & paid up the entrance fee...Told de recep i got booking for my canto speaking gal...Made my way into the room & wash & scrub clean all parts of my body...Sat down on de elevated bed anxiously waiting for my canto speaker of de parliament to "open the sexxion"...

While waiting, i browse my hp for porn clips!!!!....Trying to pysche myself up for the sexxion...Then suddenly she knocks on the door & pop in her head to see which "bastard" has cum to f**k her!!!...She smiles & says "wah so long nvr c u here leh" (3 mths to be precise)...Quickly kept my hp away & says hi to her...Told her loads of rubbish y didnt rtf her...Just to break de ice onli...Took off my towel & lie down facedown...

Talk cock while she massage me...Hv to say she's one of the good ones in massaging skills...She can really talk & talk...Finally spoke cantonese after so long...Once the massage is over, she stood beside me & whisper in my ear the magic words..."Want to do it right?"...Like a little lost boy, i nodded my head sheepishly...Before she went out to get the "protective gear", she cover my naked butt with a towel & say "now abit cold but later will be "hot"..!!!!!...Out she went & i was counting down the seconds for her to come back again!!!!!...

My lil bro was starting to grow in anticipation...While laying down, heard some voices outside...Some guy was talking abit loud...Cant really make out wat the hell he was talking...The first thing tt cross my mind was is it a fucking AV raid!!!!!!!!....I was abit gabra...Shld i stand up & wear my underwear just in case!!!!...But decided to just lay down & ride thru the storm...Then my gal came back...Previously she would start her striptease act once she got the "gear" for my lil bro...But this time was diff...She hop on to the bed & started to massage me again!!!...I was stun to say the least...This kept on for few mins & there was total silence from both of us...I didnt ask her anything as i sense sthing is amiss outside...Didnt want to rock the situation...
Old 20-03-2013, 02:18 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

A good read...Beware of the WLs u kiss...
Old 20-03-2013, 09:37 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Bro. Continue ur story leh. Dun stop just when it got interesting
Old 21-03-2013, 01:56 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by fictionman View Post
A good read...Beware of the WLs u kiss...
Is that my picture
Old 21-03-2013, 03:33 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Camping here for more TS
Old 22-03-2013, 03:55 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Waiting for more
Old 22-03-2013, 04:18 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

As she continue to massage me, I couldnt take it anymore...Dont get me wrg...Her massage was top notch but it was time for SEX!!!...Ask her wats wrg & she whisper the counter tell her not do proceed wz "luv making" as they suspect there might be unusual suspects in de spa!!!...

They dont want her to take any risk...It could be AV but they are not sure...So better be safe then solli...Hearing tt straight away made my cock shrunk!!!...I was like shld i dress up & get the hell out of there!!???...But her strong massage made me stay...I was only naked but didnt do anything wat...Why shld i fled...I put up a brave front (but seriously i was damm scared man!!)...

She then whisper " you think i dont want to do it wz u ah"...I was like OK!!..She goes on saying better play safe this time...Thinkin back when she was massaging me b4 de golden question, i did hear a guy talkin loudly outside my door but i just brush it aside thinkin must be a customer talkin to the WL...

My cock has by now shrunk to beyond belief...The thght of maybe hv to call my wife to bail me out from the police station has chg the movie title to "Honey I Shrunk My Cock" instead of kids!!!!...I was preparing to be interview by AV..As i didnt do any "deeds" yet, i was pretty confident i can get away scott free...Most to most kena held back for few hrs...

If i were to cabut straight away helter skelter, the AV sure will also stop me from goin away...Just swallow my pride & brace for the "storm"...But aft abt 15mins of pure massage & with a shrunken cock, nothin happen!!!...Outside seems to be quiet..My gal went outside for a while to recce...She came back with a smile..

She says the guy has gone aldy...False alarm for AV raid...Trying to not show my utter delight, i just say ok like no big deal but i was praying & thankin all de gods i can think of...Then my gal show me a hand gesture...It was her right hand like holding sthing & moving it up & down!!...I knw rite away the universal sign of masturbating!!!!...But i acted like a blur sotong coz i wat to hear her say it from her mouth!!!...

Finally she cant take my "dumbness" at her hand signal, she move closer to me & say the magical cantonese.."thong lei ta fei keiiii"...For those dont ustand cantopop it means "i pcc for u ok"...As only left abt 5mins due to "AV",tts all she can offer me...I ask her safe meh & she nodded...But this time my cock has awoken from its slumber slowly...I was thinkin wth...At least still get to erupt out my "lava" fm my balls...Told her ok dear...

B4 applyin lotion onto my cock, she planted a kiss on my cockhead just like the princess kissing the frog b4 turnin into a prince!!!...Then she slowly pour the lotion on her hand & then grab my cock gently...Slowly but surely my cock has woken up...Told her to do it slowly...Pure ecstasy!!!...Then ask her one hand to fondle my balls so i can "erupt my volcano krakatau"...Only 5 mins mind u...

As i was nearing eruption, i ask my gal to pick up her pace of pcc...Feels so steam when a gal wz her hand lace wz lotion holding my cock & moving it up & down...By now, my right hand was between her legs rubbing her her pussy but she still had my pants on...But i try to dig my way in as far as i can...

I was counting down to my cummin..5..4..3..2..1.."XXX i'm cumming faster faster"...and wz my command she grip harder & shake faster until i cum!!!..The first shot "landed" on my stomach (always find it hard to shoot further)...I was so shiok to see my cock being grip by her & her hand is drip wz my cum...She wipe away my cum fm my stomach & ask me to bath...Quickly bath & tcss wz her abit..She said sorry for not "fulfilling my sexual fantasy" wz her today & promise to fulfill it next time barring any AV scare!!!!...Told her no prob & i will be back...If not for the sex but also for her good massage...Auto pay her $50 which she accepted wzout hesitation...

This is the certainly the experience i will never ever forget...Both ecstasy & horror within 45 mins...When i made my way out, i thght to myself no more MP for me...Had a brush wz "death" & being able to stay "alive" to tell my story is surely a sign from abv to quit this scene...But now after 2 weeks, i got the itch to visit my gal again!!!...Sure i go or not????...Go massage only also ok wat..
Old 27-03-2013, 02:55 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Goin up Genting Highlands trw for 2 nites wz 2 colleagues...Bringing RM5k hoping to strike some winnings & hopefully we can score wz the gals there (WL/FL/Ons)

Got some lobangs fm kind bros under Msian Sex Scene...

Stay tune....
Old 27-03-2013, 04:15 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

My last visit to MP is sthing like this....
Old 27-03-2013, 09:15 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

go on ;;;;;;;
Old 10-04-2013, 12:28 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Aft my "failed" attempt at bonkin my msia massage gal previously due to "unforseen circumstances", i've been having this feeling tt i must correct the situation...Must go back to her for a session again...Been itchin to go but at de back of my mind is the fear of sthing might happen like last time...For the past few days been postponing my trip bcoz of the fear i had...This is so unlike me...I rmb vividly 4 yrs ago when the AV raids were at their worst, I didnt think twice to go & find my fav massage gal at BHC...It never xcross my mind tt it would be dangerous...Back then it was small head over rule big head...But now as i grow ever so old, my big head is making its case to my small bro...But yday, I couldnt resist the temptation anymore...I call, i booked & i went finally...

Made my way down aft my hectic day in de office...One half of my balls was so happy tt soon it will be lick & suck but the other half of my balls was still in doubt over the previous "incident"...All will be answered in an hrs time...Paid up the recep & for once i sign in my real name & i/c in fear if anything shld happen at least i wont be charge with giving false info!!!!...Aft washin myself, again for once i put on de shorts they provided just in case again...All the while in various MP just put on a towel only for easy access aftwards...Oh man...Aldy in the lions den but still cant shake off the uneasiness...

Finally she step in & upon seeing me sitting on de bed wz my shorts on, she smile & said "nice to c u again"...Like old friends we just begin to talk & talk & talk...When i lie facin down, she tap my butt & pull off my shorts...Well there goes any doubts i had out of the window...She cover me wz a towel & begin her bone crackin massage...She's one of the best massage girls tt really give a very very good massage...B4 cummin over, i aldy made up my mind if dont hv any specials also nvr mind coz her massage skills will more then made up 4 it...Her strength in massaging is worth the entrance fee...At the end of the massage session, she uses her knee to massage my achin back...Pure heaven...

Then she put her head beside my ear & whisper the canto words im longing to hear...Translation "Do the whole package ok"...I nooded & she gave me a kiss on my cheeks....I lift up my head & see her make her way out to take the "stuff"...She was wearin the company's attire wz tights...She's not exactly a looker but to me its just secondary...Plain jane is fine by me as long as she can make my lil bro happy...

Then she came back wz the same attire minus the tights!!!...As this is the 3rd time i visited her, she has warm up to me this time...She is more playful & cheeky...During the massage i told her next visit i will buy her chocolates to eat but she playfully says "No need to buy lar...U aldy got aldy & i wat to eat this chocolate" pointin to my cock!!!!....Notti notti...Her tone of voice this time ard also has bcum very teh sending shivers down my balls!!!....Back to her entrance...I lifted up my head to see her strip & commented wah no tights aldy ah aft cummin back with the barang...She cheekily says "more sexy mah like this" & slowly strip...Wearing matchin bra & panties...I steam liao!!!...She ask me why i turn ard to see her strip to which i answer "long time nvr see u aldy ma"...Then she ask me like wat u see!!!...Like a little boy seeing a naked gal for the first time i just hang out my tongue & nooded like a pervert!!!...

Then she hop onto the elevated bed & turn into "Catwoman"...She catbath me fm nipple to my ankle but still no frenchin yet...I dont knw she dont french or she waited for me to french 1st...Im not tt aggressive sort of a guy...I dont usually initiate things be it wz a friend or WL...I just go wz the flow...Aft lickin for abt 5 mins, she finally arrived at my cock & balls...By now my cock is in full capacity of hardness...She started of her "treatment" by lickin my balls...Pure shiokness...In between lickin she will suck my balls slowly...I was like so horny at tt moment...Then she glide her tongue up my cock...Lickin it like an ice cream..Then she bbbj me...I like de way she bbbj...Slow pace & just using her lips to touch my cock...I was controllin myself not to cum...I can feel my cock being blown but very sensual feeling...Not like others who just gobble up & start to go up & down which can be uncomfortable stimes...Her way was sexy wz just the rite amt of saliva rollin down my cock...Jeez just by typin this i got a hardon..

Then she cap me & rode me...Not for boob lovers as the sight of her riding me is not like her boobies goin up & down furiously...Then we chg to doggy & finally missionary...B4 enterin her missionary, i look at her pussy which is not clean shaven...But somehow i was so turn on lookin at her not so hairy pussy...Mayb its been a long time seein another gals pussy other then my wifey...I thrust her & while doin her she close her eyes...Wanted to french but scared she resist..I dont like the feelin of bein turn down tts why i seldom make de 1st move...Tts y i know i lose out in alot of things in life...Well tts just me...

While thrustin her slow & fast, i kept on lookin at her pussy...I wanted to stop thrustin & go down & lick her hairy pussy which is giving me the hots..But fate doesnt allow me too...De intercom sounded & we were running over our time.. She says faster cum & i obliged...I didnt feel angry at being ask to cum as i knw we were in de room for a long while aldy...This time ard aft i hv cum, i feel so alive!!!...The feelin is still there..Usually aft cummin, my cock would go dead but this time its still semi hard...Perhaps the lickin & fuckin & gfe has made me feel this way...She took off de condom & off i went to bath...

Aft i hv put on my office attire back, i paid her the usual fee...I was feelin very happy tt i made this trip...Told her i'll be back for more...She smile & said next time must make sure we hv more time fuckin then massaging!!!....Couldnt agree more...While on de way home, i was thinkin next time i shld take halfday to enjoy her company...But for now, i must sweat abit to make the smell of the shower gone so my wifey wont suspect a thing...Its a "hard life" but when a horny man is in heat, he's got to do wats "right" to satisfy his lust!!!
Old 11-04-2013, 12:37 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

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Old 11-04-2013, 11:47 AM
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Talking Re: My Secret Life....

This year i "celebrate" a decade of secret life aft my marriage...Its been one hell of a roller coaster ride...There are hits & misses...But thankfully, so far (touch wood) I hv manage to cover up my secret agent life fm my wife...It might sounds like an achievement but seriously im not proud of wat i've been doin behind my wife's back...There are alot of circumstances tt prompted me to take this "journey"....For me, its sexual fantasies...Why might u ask...I got a wife why dont i try it out on her...I did but the end results is not what i crave for..

Guys see alot of porn & im no different...Been exposed to the world of porn since secondary school...When young & no $$$, i will pcc...When married i tried to emulate some of the acts the actors perform on my wife...Stimes we dont get the same results but i dont complain to her...As the years go by as a married couple, the sex is getting less & less xciting...But i still keep on watchin porn as i wont say addicted to it but still feels xcited everytime when i watch it on my free time...

When i finally dived into the world of WL, i feel so alive when having sex wz them...They perform things tt my wifey dont do...they cathbath fm head to toe, they lick & suck my balls,they bbbj me,they let me french them,they let me fuck them doggy style,cowgirl style,missionary style,spoon style,shower fuck & they ASS RIM me!!!!...All these things i could teach my wife to do it...Yes some of it she do it not tt perfect but passable...Like i tell her to lick my balls but everytime she do it, i dont feel tt good..The feeling of my balls being lick just doesnt sent me to cloud nine...I teach her how to bbbj me...Slow & steady...When to pick up the pace...use her tongue to lick my cockhead...Yes all these things she do it..Yes it feels nice but not up to my xpectation...There are acts we can tell the wifey to do but think ASSRIMMING is not one of them...

Blame it on porn...Seeing the guys being ass lick sent a tingle to my lil bro..Now i would like to try tt...Just couldnt bring myself to ask my wifey to do it..Wat will she think of me!!!...So again WL manage to fulfill my "dream" of my ass gettin lick...Started off feeling weird but slowly it grows on u...I mean this is just one of the things we can do wz the WL...Guess wat im tryin to say is WL manage to fulfill my fantasies like a porn star...I knw their moanin is stimes fake but it still feels good to hear it when i fuck them...

As long as WL exist in this world,guys incl me will patronize them...For me its not to find GF or ONS but to satisfy my sexual fantasies...Wifey can be taught certain "skills in bed" but the outcome is not de same as WL...They r pro in wat they r doin...Hence they r my best outlet to fulfill my dreams...I wont get a FB or a mistress coz its just too messy to handle...I go for fuck & forget...Once deed is done,i will go back to my wifey & son & be a dutiful husband & father...It might make me look like a jerk for screwing ard behind my wife's back but tts de path i hv choosen 10 yrs ago without hesitation...Asshole or not, i still wat my balls to be lick,my cock to be blown & my ass to be lick by a WL who is professional enuff to make me like a pornstar just for tt 1 hr or so...
Old 11-04-2013, 01:59 PM
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