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Old 18-12-2012, 01:39 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Wah... Ah Sam pre-Dephi also know... KNN like that win liao lor... lao sii gin naa
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Old 18-12-2012, 02:01 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by double8 View Post
And if your examples of good sg girls are like you (someone who would whore herself to Thai guys for the romanticism but would settle for a sg guy after being used countless of times just cos sg guys are able to satisfy your material lust), then I would gladly say "thanks, but no thanks."
Originally Posted by double8 View Post

Yup, I probably shouldn't call her a whore. A whore gets paid. Probably she's the one paying for those Thai boys to fuck her. Loser or not, you don't know me. Don't assume what's my status in life. Don't judge me by a post just because I'm rude to a female forummer correctly. Go back and read her posts before having a go at me. At least I call a spade a spade.
Originally Posted by double8 View Post

Another fellow who like to assume...

Just by my nick and you can deduce that I'm a super noob? Ah boy, if you want me to tell you the history of SBF, buy me a coffee and we can sit down an I'll fill you in from how Sam start this site hosting on in the mid 1990s, then move to delphiforum before it is what it is today. Go delphiforum and look for my Nick there. Or look for 29125 at the coffeeshop forum.

Save your preaching. Don't need you to teach me how to fuck.

This, is really my last response in this thread. I don't expect to visit this thread anymore. If you wish to add anything, pm me.

Else, chok dee. ur responses where u started being personal and brand her a whore, this is where u went wrong. Tat is when u also started getting whacked on a personal basis becoz u demonstrated a very serious character flaw. No i agree u are not a noob....U are just a damn bloody spolit immature fella tat prob got fucked up damn bad by some SG gal or thai gal and is still angry abt it. NOTICE i used the word "prob"... yes I am assuming...but seeing that u are already making such a big ass of urself .....ASSuming wat i think of u should be ok.

I understand wat u were pissed with in the very beginning, the issue at hand...u had a right to post and voice wat u thought was disgression....but u start branding someone u dun even know? How does it feel now when I am calling u an ASS!??
Old 18-12-2012, 02:39 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

My fellow senior bros, lets not go to bro 88 lvl of stupidity and continue waging tis war. It is absolutely wasting my pcc time by harping abt this old and forgotten dick. U want to talk about de past? Last time, policemen wear shorts, where are they now? Probably ppl dun even knoe this kind of police exist liao.

Moving on and growing up to be an unstereotypical man and starting to live my freaking life in this day and age, can any bros share any nice trailers of upcoming thai movies or thai adverts? Much appreciated heeeeee
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Old 18-12-2012, 04:47 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Bro Nookie, hoh seh boh? Tam OT lor? way laa deuk leaw naa... kop chai you add in your 2 satangs worth, u said what I wanted to say, yaa sia way laa gap ngua gae leaw!

Just wanna continue on the topic that Bro Mack started b4 calling it a night. Curious about how much "sin sod" (dowry สินสอด) to pay? Well here is something to ponder about...

Getting married in Thailand can be both a cheap and an expensive affair. The Thai Dowry is the most expensive part of getting married and as Thai people see it, the Dowry is the payment made to the parents who spent years raising their daughter, it is considered that once the daughter goes off with the husband that she is no apart of his family and little to do with theirs. The big but in this case is if the husband happens to be a foreigner.

How much should you Pay for a Thai Dowry
For foreigners however it’s typically the case that the parents of the bride fork the bill for the wedding and that the mans family typically spends little, this is because being fair, it’s more often than not that the bride is the one who wants the special day to be extra special and not the groom, so in most cases it’s the bride and the brides family that pays the cost of the wedding.

In Thailand being true also that the woman wants the fancy wedding and it’s true, but the groom has to pay for it! Hence the dowry which is to offset the cost of the wedding. These days however the dowry is more common as a keepsake of the past and that typically the dowry paid is more often than not returned to the groom and the grooms family as a sign of good faith between the families. The dowry is typically displayed as gold bullion, jewelry and cash at the time of the wedding and returned once all the festivities are over.

Greedy Thai parents however will not return one cent of the Thai Dowry and will keep everything that was originally agreed upon, not only this days after the wedding it’s been said that the brides family demand more money and ongoing maintenance fees for the family. This is bogus and if you’ve married into a family that does this then good luck, they shouldn’t be asking anything and in fact you shouldn’t even see them, you need to be strong and simply say no, what they are asking for and demanding is wrong and against Thai culture, they are simply taking advantage of you because you are a foreigner.

The dowry also known as “sin sod” is also a way to say to the parents of the bride that the groom is financially able to take care of the daughter which is why it is mostly returned. It’s not uncommon though for the parents of the bride to return the dowry and instead demand lifetime monthly payments instead. It’s often cheaper to pay the dowry but then if you do then also expect that the brides parents will eventually ask for more money down the road. If you can get away with not paying anything at all would be a miracle but also think about this, your new wife loves her parents and probably has younger or older siblings that need to be taken care of as well, they are your family now too so don’t you want the best for them as well? If your wife’s family go down the tube, be sure to think so will yours.

How much do Thai men pay for a Dowry
The amount of the dowry for a Thai man varies depending on the age of the girl he intends on marrying, her status, and her families status. Typically if a woman has been married before or has kids then no dowry should be paid at all. You wouldn’t pay for a opened can of beans would you? This is the same for Foreigners however for the dowry for Thai men and Foreigners is typically the same, hence the reason why there are so many unmarried Thai men in Thailand, it’s simply because they lack the funds to pay for the dowry.

1,000,000 one million baht plus for someone like a movie star or daughter of high ranking official.

200,000 two hundred thousand baht for an educated Thai from middle class family

40,000 forty thousand baht for a typical farm girl

Typical Thai Dowry
The cost of the dowry for foreigners who marry Thai women should be the same as that of a Thai man, however they will often look at you and think you have way more money than you do because you come from overseas and will more often than not ask for more than what is expected. Thais view the dowry as a sort of old age pension, that’s why Thai girls are revered here because they bring in the bucks when it’s time to move on and why Thai parents protect their girls so much. A girl running around loose and not studying is like a girl who is worth nothing. Thai parents want to protect their daughter as much as they can so they can get the money they think they are deserved.

Most foreigners pay in dowry about 300,000 – 400,000 thousand baht. This is typically made in gold bars jewelry and cash, if you don’t negotiate on the sale of their daughter then your just stupid. Everything in Thailand is a negotiation and that also includes the Dowry or the sale of the Thai parents daughter. Make sure you negotiate, your wife will probably have a good say in this too and if you can negotiate your money back after the expenses of the wedding then power to you.

Finally a Dowry is simply a tradition that is passed on from generation to generation and in no way is it legally binding or mean that you are actually married, in fact when you register your marriage nothing is ever asked about the Dowry and how much you paid, as soon as the money has left your hands and into the parents of the bride is considered a gift. The woman may even decide not to even marry you and you’d be left heartbroken as well as a few quid short. Always consult with a lawyer regarding giving a dowry because as much as you love her, there are many stories of men falling in love in Thailand, paying a Dowry and never seeing their bride or money again, be warned.

Final comment on how much to pay for a Thai dowry is think about it like a wedding ring, in the west you would pay one whole months wages for the wedding right, if you make $4000 a month before tax then that’s how much you would pay for the ring. The same could be said about the Dowry but it’s more than the ring, lets say you make 30,000 baht per month, the dowry should be 3 times what you make per month or 90,000 baht. Let it be known that’s what you make and what you can afford to pay, if the parents won’t allow it and are too stubborn, then maybe you’ve picked the wrong girl to marry.
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Old 18-12-2012, 05:45 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Bro Nookie, hoh seh boh? Tam OT lor? way laa deuk leaw naa... kop chai you add in your 2 satangs worth, u said what I wanted to say, yaa sia way laa gap ngua gae leaw!

Just wanna continue on the topic that Bro Mack started b4 calling it a night. Curious about how much "sin sod" (dowry สินสอด) to pay? Well here is something to ponder about...

Getting married in Thailand can be both a cheap and an expensive affair. The Thai Dowry is the most expensive part of getting married and as Thai people see it, the Dowry is the payment made to the parents who spent years raising their daughter, it is considered that once the daughter goes off with the husband that she is no apart of his family and little to do with theirs. The big but in this case is if the husband happens to be a foreigner.

How much should you Pay for a Thai Dowry
For foreigners however it’s typically the case that the parents of the bride fork the bill for the wedding and that the mans family typically spends little, this is because being fair, it’s more often than not that the bride is the one who wants the special day to be extra special and not the groom, so in most cases it’s the bride and the brides family that pays the cost of the wedding.

In Thailand being true also that the woman wants the fancy wedding and it’s true, but the groom has to pay for it! Hence the dowry which is to offset the cost of the wedding. These days however the dowry is more common as a keepsake of the past and that typically the dowry paid is more often than not returned to the groom and the grooms family as a sign of good faith between the families. The dowry is typically displayed as gold bullion, jewelry and cash at the time of the wedding and returned once all the festivities are over.

Greedy Thai parents however will not return one cent of the Thai Dowry and will keep everything that was originally agreed upon, not only this days after the wedding it’s been said that the brides family demand more money and ongoing maintenance fees for the family. This is bogus and if you’ve married into a family that does this then good luck, they shouldn’t be asking anything and in fact you shouldn’t even see them, you need to be strong and simply say no, what they are asking for and demanding is wrong and against Thai culture, they are simply taking advantage of you because you are a foreigner.

The dowry also known as “sin sod” is also a way to say to the parents of the bride that the groom is financially able to take care of the daughter which is why it is mostly returned. It’s not uncommon though for the parents of the bride to return the dowry and instead demand lifetime monthly payments instead. It’s often cheaper to pay the dowry but then if you do then also expect that the brides parents will eventually ask for more money down the road. If you can get away with not paying anything at all would be a miracle but also think about this, your new wife loves her parents and probably has younger or older siblings that need to be taken care of as well, they are your family now too so don’t you want the best for them as well? If your wife’s family go down the tube, be sure to think so will yours.

How much do Thai men pay for a Dowry
The amount of the dowry for a Thai man varies depending on the age of the girl he intends on marrying, her status, and her families status. Typically if a woman has been married before or has kids then no dowry should be paid at all. You wouldn’t pay for a opened can of beans would you? This is the same for Foreigners however for the dowry for Thai men and Foreigners is typically the same, hence the reason why there are so many unmarried Thai men in Thailand, it’s simply because they lack the funds to pay for the dowry.

1,000,000 one million baht plus for someone like a movie star or daughter of high ranking official.

200,000 two hundred thousand baht for an educated Thai from middle class family

40,000 forty thousand baht for a typical farm girl

Typical Thai Dowry
The cost of the dowry for foreigners who marry Thai women should be the same as that of a Thai man, however they will often look at you and think you have way more money than you do because you come from overseas and will more often than not ask for more than what is expected. Thais view the dowry as a sort of old age pension, that’s why Thai girls are revered here because they bring in the bucks when it’s time to move on and why Thai parents protect their girls so much. A girl running around loose and not studying is like a girl who is worth nothing. Thai parents want to protect their daughter as much as they can so they can get the money they think they are deserved.

Most foreigners pay in dowry about 300,000 – 400,000 thousand baht. This is typically made in gold bars jewelry and cash, if you don’t negotiate on the sale of their daughter then your just stupid. Everything in Thailand is a negotiation and that also includes the Dowry or the sale of the Thai parents daughter. Make sure you negotiate, your wife will probably have a good say in this too and if you can negotiate your money back after the expenses of the wedding then power to you.

Finally a Dowry is simply a tradition that is passed on from generation to generation and in no way is it legally binding or mean that you are actually married, in fact when you register your marriage nothing is ever asked about the Dowry and how much you paid, as soon as the money has left your hands and into the parents of the bride is considered a gift. The woman may even decide not to even marry you and you’d be left heartbroken as well as a few quid short. Always consult with a lawyer regarding giving a dowry because as much as you love her, there are many stories of men falling in love in Thailand, paying a Dowry and never seeing their bride or money again, be warned.

Final comment on how much to pay for a Thai dowry is think about it like a wedding ring, in the west you would pay one whole months wages for the wedding right, if you make $4000 a month before tax then that’s how much you would pay for the ring. The same could be said about the Dowry but it’s more than the ring, lets say you make 30,000 baht per month, the dowry should be 3 times what you make per month or 90,000 baht. Let it be known that’s what you make and what you can afford to pay, if the parents won’t allow it and are too stubborn, then maybe you’ve picked the wrong girl to marry.
Bro, just wondering, your farm girl category indicated in the dowry section is refering to those poor puyings who were ex-bar girls and kampong girls? I dun mind aiming this category if she can speak basic english, the dowry is 1,600 SGD! very worth LOL...
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Old 18-12-2012, 06:51 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Very interesting thread
Old 18-12-2012, 11:27 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
For LOS girls, in terms of social, is it true that they can go BA(siao) by throwing tantrum or even boxing you if you cheat on them or u do something wrong to piss them off? lol...
They can shout like a mad fellow once if you trigger their mind off.
All I can say its their upbringing, I don't see or rarely seen Sg girls shout like a mad fellow when things doesnt go to her way.

Originally Posted by Spectrre View Post
Also marriage to a thai pooying is not cheap too. You still need to take care of her whole village once married, if not whole village, at least whole extended family.

Not to mention the sin soot. Some mother in law nice, give back the sin soot, but most of the mother in law will keep the sin soot.

And its not cheap, if you marry a pooying when shes at her prime age, the sin soot can goes up to 250k thai baht, not to mention the gold ring, gold bracelet and so on. And the wedding ceremony.

In thailand, thais care about their face, so you can forget about your future wife helping you to save money on your future wedding.
Im yet to get marry with my gf, but what you said sound lil bit exaggerating. And taking care of their whole village/extended is a myth. I seriously doesn't know how this thing came about.

I agree with you marrying a Thai girl is not cheap, but not that costly too, its pretty obvious if she or the parents asking for more that what they deserved, they wants to carrot your money, and you must be extra careful, cause once when you got no more money for her or her family, time to say bye bye to her.
Normally this happens to girls who belongs to the WL category.

In Singapore you won't pay 10K sgd for the dowries for the road sweeper.
I've friend who married a Thai for only 10K sgd, all in, including the wedding dinner at one of the province which I can't remember.

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Bro, just wondering, your farm girl category indicated in the dowry section is refering to those poor puyings who were ex-bar girls and kampong girls? I dun mind aiming this category if she can speak basic english, the dowry is 1,600 SGD! very worth LOL...
1600 sgd is about 30K odd baht. That's sound a lil cheapo. No offense, but at least try to give a lil more, after all she going to be your wife and her mum going to be you mum in law also.
Old 18-12-2012, 06:53 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
They can shout like a mad fellow once if you trigger their mind off.
All I can say its their upbringing, I don't see or rarely seen Sg girls shout like a mad fellow when things doesnt go to her way.

Im yet to get marry with my gf, but what you said sound lil bit exaggerating. And taking care of their whole village/extended is a myth. I seriously doesn't know how this thing came about.

I agree with you marrying a Thai girl is not cheap, but not that costly too, its pretty obvious if she or the parents asking for more that what they deserved, they wants to carrot your money, and you must be extra careful, cause once when you got no more money for her or her family, time to say bye bye to her.
Normally this happens to girls who belongs to the WL category.

In Singapore you won't pay 10K sgd for the dowries for the road sweeper.
I've friend who married a Thai for only 10K sgd, all in, including the wedding dinner at one of the province which I can't remember.

1600 sgd is about 30K odd baht. That's sound a lil cheapo. No offense, but at least try to give a lil more, after all she going to be your wife and her mum going to be you mum in law also.
Bro, 2k sgd is de bare minimum, of cos u muz gif more, afterall u wanna make ur thai fiance happy and make sure ur mother in law and so on are well taken care of. However, i still wanna enjoy life and learn more as a bachelor on LOS culture. Maybe 20 life yrs later when i close to 50 yrs old, i will fork out at least 10k sgd for dowry alone bah lol.

Bro non, u so blissful lor, u staying together wif hourglass figure gf leh, not so much financial constraints lah? If i heng like u next time, maybe i can find a hourglass gem and stay simple in the mountains hahahaha...
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Old 18-12-2012, 07:44 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Bro Nookie, hoh seh boh? Tam OT lor? way laa deuk leaw naa... kop chai you add in your 2 satangs worth, u said what I wanted to say, yaa sia way laa gap ngua gae leaw!

Just wanna continue on the topic that Bro Mack started b4 calling it a night. Curious about how much "sin sod" (dowry สินสอด) to pay? Well here is something to ponder about...

[FONT="Courier New"]Getting married in Thailand can be both a cheap and an expensive affair. The Thai Dowry is the most expensive part of getting married and as Thai people see it, the Dowry is the payment made to the parents who spent years raising their daughter, it is considered that once the daughter goes off with the husband that she is no apart of his family and little to do with theirs. The big but in this case is if the husband happens to be a foreigner.....edited for length.......
Bro IMO....u said it man....OT ...dun go party also KNS doing work till 4am plus here. people think i only party animal....they dun see me slog like siao lang when the load comes!! Just kena new portfolio lah so preparing to hand over to new guy and take over new portfolio from outgoing lady. With more powers come more responsibilites?? or something like tat...LOL!

Pom kit kiat sia way laa kub khun beb nee....arom sia....pom bpai chak wow dee gwa!! 5555+++

Good article on Sin Sood btw....but wonder if the figures given are current rates? With inflation and all...dun u think it may have risen a little?? Just a thot....
Old 18-12-2012, 07:58 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Bro, 2k sgd is de bare minimum, of cos u muz gif more, afterall u wanna make ur thai fiance happy and make sure ur mother in law and so on are well taken care of. However, i still wanna enjoy life and learn more as a bachelor on LOS culture. Maybe 20 life yrs later when i close to 50 yrs old, i will fork out at least 10k sgd for dowry alone bah lol.

Bro non, u so blissful lor, u staying together wif hourglass figure gf leh, not so much financial constraints lah? If i heng like u next time, maybe i can find a hourglass gem and stay simple in the mountains hahahaha...
Bro, just curious, do you work now? Where u get your income? Do you still come SG to visit your family?
Old 18-12-2012, 08:43 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Bro, 2k sgd is de bare minimum, of cos u muz gif more, afterall u wanna make ur thai fiance happy and make sure ur mother in law and so on are well taken care of. However, i still wanna enjoy life and learn more as a bachelor on LOS culture. Maybe 20 life yrs later when i close to 50 yrs old, i will fork out at least 10k sgd for dowry alone bah lol.

Bro non, u so blissful lor, u staying together wif hourglass figure gf leh, not so much financial constraints lah? If i heng like u next time, maybe i can find a hourglass gem and stay simple in the mountains hahahaha...
10K SGD in 20 years time, what I can say impossible la. If you can get, means that one is a gem.

Used to stay at BKK, but BKK now is very expensive, thus move to the north, after my gf got her work transfer to north office. Financial constraints of course, but living in north is way cheaper than Bkk, per bowl of noodle is 20 BHT, compare to BKK 50 BHT, and bonk here is only 1K BHT, so still manageable. Live here so simply, stress free.

Thai girls many got hourglass figure, so you can slowly choose.
Old 18-12-2012, 08:50 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
10K SGD in 20 years time, what I can say impossible la. If you can get, means that one is a gem.

Used to stay at BKK, but BKK now is very expensive, thus move to the north, after my gf got her work transfer to north office. Financial constraints of course, but living in north is way cheaper than Bkk, per bowl of noodle is 20 BHT, compare to BKK 50 BHT, and bonk here is only 1K BHT, so still manageable. Live here so simply, stress free.

Thai girls many got hourglass figure, so you can slowly choose.
Thanks to the word inflation, bro i think 20k sgd den enuff 10 or 20 yrs later. Wah u got hourglass gf, u still go there secretly makan outside dishes ar? Bro, if she knoe, i think ur morning trip every week to de wet market will be embarrasing one as she rant and rant like a BA pooying! Ting tong mak mak liaw lol!

Sillypore so stress ! I want my tomyam lady cook for me in LOS!!!
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Old 18-12-2012, 10:02 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Thanks to the word inflation, bro i think 20k sgd den enuff 10 or 20 yrs later. Wah u got hourglass gf, u still go there secretly makan outside dishes ar? Bro, if she knoe, i think ur morning trip every week to de wet market will be embarrasing one as she rant and rant like a BA pooying! Ting tong mak mak liaw lol!

Sillypore so stress ! I want my tomyam lady cook for me in LOS!!!
That one still early to predict, as Thailand is moving towards, so everything is getting expensive, hopefully by then, the SG dollar exchange rate will be
$1 : 50 BHT.

As for bonk, only go once in awhile, not that frequent.
No la, she won't know, as normally I'll go during her office hours.
Old 18-12-2012, 10:45 PM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
That one still early to predict, as Thailand is moving towards, so everything is getting expensive, hopefully by then, the SG dollar exchange rate will be
$1 : 50 BHT.

As for bonk, only go once in awhile, not that frequent.
No la, she won't know, as normally I'll go during her office hours.
Bro, i feel sg economy will deprove 20 years down the road whilst thai economy will improve. A lot of sinkies still thinking that sg economy will be always better than msia or thailand.

Our country dun have any resource, be it oil or land, and we may not have sufficient ppl in the work force in the next decade, there is a limit to moving FTs to sustain the economy. And also , pap is forcing GDP growth by squeezing us and raising taxs cum prices.

So sinkies shld not be too arrogant lah i feel, without msia , we are screwed also, plan for the future , be cautious lor.

Wah bro, u veri careful, make sure not lip stick mark on ur neck or perfume smell on ur shirt lah lol...
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Old 19-12-2012, 12:18 AM
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS

Wow this thread still strong and going.... Didn't read the rest of the postings cause essay makes me sleepy. Read yours cause it the latest posting and shorter.

Some comments.

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
Bro, i feel sg economy will deprove 20 years down the road whilst thai economy will improve. A lot of sinkies still thinking that sg economy will be always better than msia or thailand.
Without a strong united Govt, Thai will lag behind more. Red vs Yellow is obvious doing the country more harm and jokes. I dun see Red and Yellow shaking hands within the next 10 yrs.

SG economic will still go strong for another 10 or 20 yrs due to location, work force and govt. If you are interested why, I will explain more.

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post
And also , pap is forcing GDP growth by squeezing us and raising taxs cum prices.
If govt is squeezing in term of tax and products prices increase then it will not force GDP to grow instead it will increase National Reserve. Increase in tax will indirectly cause inflation and CPI changes.

Originally Posted by mackewell View Post

So sinkies shld not be too arrogant lah i feel, without msia , we are screwed also, plan for the future , be cautious lor.
Why without Msia, we are screwed???
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