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Old 21-10-2009, 06:51 PM
noobiedick noobiedick is offline
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Re: Japan

What bro roberton said is accurate. I had the greatest Japanese fuck in my life with a hostess girl in a k-box. FOC.

For those who cannot speak Japanese (and assuming most of you don't), the Taiwanese route is the safest bet. As you walk down Kabukicho, they'll know you are from out of town and Chinese touts will speak to you in Mandarin.. tell them exactly what you want and they'll bring you there. You don't even need to go into the bar, they'll ask the girls down and you can select from there.

Not entirely sure about 2 hours but I know it's for one shot only. But they are gorgeous.

Shinjuku station has many, many exits. If you get out the wrong way, just head North until you'll hit the main street and see this..

Walk straight through and ignore everyone until to come to a traffic light. In the same facing, across to your right is the Taiwanese Hostess bar. You'll need to walk up the stairs or take an elevator... but there is a few so I hope I talking about the same one.

Use google earth.. search for Kabukicho
Old 23-10-2009, 01:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Japan

Kudos to Bro nookedick for filling in with the details. 1 picture is worth a 1000 words.


Originally Posted by noobiedick View Post
What bro roberton said is accurate. I had the greatest Japanese fuck in my life with a hostess girl in a k-box. FOC.

For those who cannot speak Japanese (and assuming most of you don't), the Taiwanese route is the safest bet. As you walk down Kabukicho, they'll know you are from out of town and Chinese touts will speak to you in Mandarin.. tell them exactly what you want and they'll bring you there. You don't even need to go into the bar, they'll ask the girls down and you can select from there.

Not entirely sure about 2 hours but I know it's for one shot only. But they are gorgeous.

Shinjuku station has many, many exits. If you get out the wrong way, just head North until you'll hit the main street and see this..

Walk straight through and ignore everyone until to come to a traffic light. In the same facing, across to your right is the Taiwanese Hostess bar. You'll need to walk up the stairs or take an elevator... but there is a few so I hope I talking about the same one.

Use google earth.. search for Kabukicho
Old 23-10-2009, 06:36 PM
lowwol lowwol is offline
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Re: Japan

????????-??? - ?? - ???? - ???? - ??? dv ?? ?? ???

story of a chinese pimp in Kabukicho. i personally know this guy back in 2003 when i started to go to Japan.
Old 01-11-2009, 10:51 PM
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Re: Japan

Originally Posted by machinehead1234 View Post
[I won't go as far as saying success rate in Japan is dismal but it takes a lot more effort to understand the nuances of japanese culture, more so than what it seems on the surface (or at least in those AVs). In fact, your so-mentioned racial supremacy is also pre-dominant in several other places, e.g. in France, in Germany and even Korea. Try to see where being a foreigner gets you in these places...and you know what i mean. So it is not unique to merely Japan, or perhaps you are only drawing reference to the Soaplands? (or sexual servicing, which in large part is just a minute facet of japanese life).

Yes, i guess you arent wrong to say that japanese are rather superficial. That is akin to saying the french are arrogant, americans ignorant, singaporeans kiasu...etc. But i have also met nice japanese folks along the way. So dont fret, maybe you are just not meeting the right people thus far in Japan (Tokyo can be quite a challenge, just like any other big city). But if you are talking about the social scene - i.e. dating a local japanese, i got to admit this is tough since japan is largely a homogenous country. However, many japs have travelled overseas (some extensively), have lived overseas or studied there, so my question posed is - are you referring to the correct demographic that will be attracted to a well-travelled, articulate singaporean gentleman like yourself? And truth be said, many Japs are shy by nature, so this can be easily misconstrued as being cold/arrogant/ignorant but that is for you to deal with. Nothing that cannot be solved with a little wit and charm here and there. (and of course, very importantly, being fashionable always always helps).

I think the real challenge to thrive in any country, is to always think from the point of view of a local and adapt to the local way of life, rather than impose your own cultural yardstick on everyone else. Simply put, when in Rome, live and breathe like the Romans. Thats when you get the most of your overseas postings.

By the way, i am living in Tokyo (quarter japanese too), so i guess i do have some facts to back up what i have mentioned thus far. Take it easy.

QUOTE=NormalDick;4168884]First of all, would like to clarify to all the brothers that this posting is not about my experience in cheonging in Japan - there had been enough postings in the thread by the brothers to say that the success rate by foreigners in having success with Japanese ladies is dismal and so I did not even try. So, this is my read from my recent experiences in Japan to try to understand the Japanese and in turn try to explain why our business in soaplands etc is not welcomed. I would like to qualify that this is my unqualified read and so if there are any Japanese brothers reading this or those more schooled in the Japanese ways - and they disagree with my views - I stand corrected.

First of all, as all of you know, the Japanese are a very proud people and they essentially think people of all other races - white or otherwise, are inferior. They are the only people I have come across (and there may be others) who treat their own better than other races whereas we still see people in some countries (including our beloved Singapore) feel that the white race is more superior - legacy of our colonial heritage which refuses to die for some. As such, the women feel that offering sexual services to non-Japanese are demeaning. They feel that we are dirty, not culturallly schooled in their ways (hence their thumbing noses when we act idiots in their public baths) and hence we can take our business and shove it.

They are a people who seemed to be very moulded and constrained by the expectations of society and the fear of scorn from society for being non-compliant is worse than the threat of any fine or punitive measure. Hence you see them behaving and acting in accordance of the expectations of society - sure there are the token social deviants but not many. They are courteous to an extent which is admirable - use of mobile phones is prohibited on trains, subways, public places because "they are annoying your neighbour". And so they, especially the women text a great deal. The only one encounter which seemed to be the exception to courteous behaviour is the crush-hour traffic in the subways where everyone pushes, shoves, crushes and get crushed in return and no one seemed to be bothered - again, because society tells them that this exception is allowed. I did not notice any luckless young lady being groped in the process like we see in the AV movies. Then again I was not fortunate enough to have one sweet young thing back her butt into my dee-dee which would have been nice.

My command of Japanese is atrocious but a the same time I found out that they would prefer to tolerate my attempt to speak with must be painful to their ears than to speak to me in English. I came to the conclusion that they (first of all are proud of their language) and next do not want to place themselves in an awkward position of misinforming or misleading you by telling you something which was the result of a breakdown in communication - they would rather that you make that mistake of not understanding them. Then again my experience has been attempting to speak to them in their language can go a long way.

You can dislike them but you cannot but respect them for what they are and what they have accomplished. Our beloved government once wanted us to learn and behave llke the Japanese to be more courteous - nice try, this was not the result of some campaign but their behaviour had been moulded by generations and generations of social schooling.

So, my brothers - if you can figure how to get around what my unqualified dissertation is - then you can get a few steps closer to scoring. By the way, am sure all of you know that only a small proportion of Japanese ladies have knockers like their AV sisters. But I must say that at least 70% of them are dropdead gorgeous to being very pleasant. Only the balance 30% is ahem.... more challenging.
Brother Machinehead1234,

Thanks for commenting on my posting and for sharing your views. Sorry for the late response but I returned to Shanghai after my last visit to Tokyo and found that the commies had locked my access to sammyboyforum even though I tried every proxy server I knew. I have just came into our beloved motherland and just am able to access the site. I looked through the usual threads and it appears that other brothers in China did not face the same problem I had and so it could be the development I am in which nailed me.

Your perspectives on the Japanese are indeed interesting and since you reside in Tokyo, I trust that your take on my observations are correct. Which in some ways is encouraging - no underestimating the magnitude of the task in befriending some nice Japanese lady and I assure you my intentions are notably noble (I am sure you believe that!). The fact is the ability to communicate and to understand their culture is key. I guess what makes this interesting is the challenge in getting to succeed. Any pointers which you can share with us on this will be very helpful. Thanks.
Old 15-11-2009, 01:24 AM
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Re: Japan

Originally Posted by lowwol View Post
????????-??? - ?? - ???? - ???? - ??? dv ?? ?? ???

story of a chinese pimp in Kabukicho. i personally know this guy back in 2003 when i started to go to Japan.
so is he still in kabukicho??? still got nightlife there??
Old 16-11-2009, 08:58 AM
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Re: Japan

I was in Tokyo and last week and call Club Boo. Got a girl called Yayoi (you can check her photo). The original person is prettier. She dressed well and looked like office lady.

She rang the bell and I opened the door. She smiled and hugged me. Very nice.

We took shower and she gave me bbbj and licked my nipples. Somehow there is a kind of sensual feeling (different with girls in Sg or other parts of the world when she touched me).

When I licked her nipples and her pussy (during the shower, she immediately got wet and spoke some japanese words).

We continue on the bed with a lot of BBBJ and pussy licking. Her voice was so sexy.

- breasts a bit saggy

- very gf feeling
- very sensual the way she touched you
- BBBJ for very long and in may different position
- she wet!!!
- face is pretty 7.5/10

Old 14-12-2009, 06:47 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Japan

A lot has been written about the Roppongi area, and I wouldnt want to rehash the same old story, but I think this particular one deserves to be told purely for entertainment value of it. It starts with the usual Friday evening question, which is where are we going to drink tonight, and ends with a train ride to the airport the following day. To some this may seem pretty farfetched, but for those to spend a lot of time in Roppongi, this story may be greeted with a yawn, and have done those comment, but I hope at least some will get a laugh.

Well, as I said it is Friday, this past November, and I was done with three day visit, so time to rewind. Went out with office mates to have some beers and sukiyaki, which usually results in most of the participants getting trashed, and this time was no different. It was getting close to the last, and all of the crew, save myself, headed for the train station. I decided that I did not have enough, so in the cab and to Roppongi I went.

The area has changed in the past few years, and in the past I frequented a lot of different bars, but nowdays I usually go to Geronimo or Mogambo, which happen to be sister establishments. First stop was Geronimo, and after spending there an hour (Roppongi hour that is), I decided that the cast of characters wasnt too appealing so I picked up and went down the hill (things were heading this way already, he-he) to Mogambos. Few more VBs and shots, and it was developing into pretty SOP night, until couple Japanese girls appeared at the door. I was sitting at the end of the bar, close to the door, and had a first pass at making conversation and managed to invite them for a drink. Both looked to be mid-20s and dressed in casual attire, meaning they did not look like office workers coming out for a late drink and a bit of adventure. I focused on a girl that was more of the cute type (Megumi), and started to make some conversation. It was laborious, as she barely spoke English and my Japanese sucks, but I soldiered on and she was receptive. Her friend (Kiyoko) would occasionally shoot off a sentence or two, but was not really involved in the whole scene. Unknown number of Roppongi minutes passed, and I was buying Tequila for all of us, so all three of us were pretty drunk at this point. At some point, the Megumi headed for the toilet and while she was away, which seemed to be a very long time, I started to chat with Kiyoko, and I was absolutely stunned to discover that she spoke very good English. She apparently works for multinational and was not working on that day, so she brought her friend to the ZOO, to see the expat monkey stir mischief. I pressed on with the conversation and it started to look like we were establishing a good rapport, when her friend showed up and motioned her to the door. Kiyoko got up and they went right outside of the door and an argument ensued, and Megumi stormed off. Kiyoko comes back in, says that she is very sorry but she has to leave now, and off she went. Oh, well, it looked interesting for a while but it fizzled out, so I ordered another drink (yes, it was not needed but what the hell). Finished my drink and decided that I did head enough and headed out of the door, and up the hill thinking about getting some nice greasy food at McDs. I came to the counter and guess who? Kiyoko is standing there with that someone please give me a clue look on her face. I approached her and asked if she was OK, to which she responded with my friend is very upset at me for talking to you and I am a bad friend and I am going to get sick, etc. Wow, cat fight over me? Was I transported back to Greek Row in my humble college days? This cannot be real. Anyway, I am not thinking anything naughty, and I got over the ego boost, so at the top of my list is I am fucking tired and I want to go home item, so I asked her how is she getting home. She says that she will wait until the first, but looking at my phone it was still an hour away, so I said that she can come with me and sleep in my room, with clothes on if that makes it a better deal for her. She thought about it, confirmed clothing option, and said OK.

We got in the taxi, and the script immediately broke down. As the car started to move, she got sick and threw up all over the taxi. You know the Tokyo taxis, so I will leave it at that. I thought we were going to get thrown out but somehow I pacified the driver with an offer for some cleaning compensation. The driver is still pissed, so he is not paying attention and as he starts to move again he does not see a girl on a scooter, right in his blind spot. Wham, scooter girl goes flying and scooter skids down the slope of the street. Now, thats just fucking great! This is going to end in the police station now. But, shockingly it does not. The girl gets up, gets back on the scooter and without saying a work drives away. WTF? Driver gets out and inspects the damage, says few choice words and gets on with driving. Wow, I really want to get back to hotel now. We do without any more incidents, and go up to my room. I made her some tea, gave her T-shirt and some boxers to sleep in, she takes a shower (alone), I take mine (alone) and we hit the sack. Thank God its over!

Woke up in the morning around 7, still feeling drunk as hell. We were kind of snuggled, and just in drunken/horny state started to kiss and play around. My mind is still not clear, but I am getting really horny, so I proceeded to take her clothes off (actually they were mine, so I was well within my rights). My didi was like a steel pipe and she was just flowing, and got on with 69, fingering, squeezing, everything was going on. At this point I am thinking, it is time to get it on, so I need to get CD from my bag and off we go. Well, not so fast. Knowing that I was going to pull late nighter, I left the bag (with CDs) in the office. Oh my fucking God, what else? I am looking into that wet cave; I am looking at my uncontrollable hard-on, and thinking to myself that this is pure fucking hell. Maybe, we should do Japanese style, BBBJ and all set? No, hell no, I want to bonk until I drop dead, but prime directive will never be violated, so no CD no sex. Damn it. I take a look at the phone, and there it is, and answer to this problem, or so I think in my still drunken stage. I pick up the phone, and dial concierge. I am sorry to bother you, but my toiletries packing left something to desire, and I could really use some help? BTW, I was staying in Westin, which is top of the class, so I thought it was perfectly fine to ask for this assistance. OK, so what can we help you with Sir? Well, a condom would be just what I need. Brief pause, than Certainly, and We will send someone over right away followed. I looked at the phone receiver with disbelief, but also thinking how clever it was of me to do it. Five minutes later, the door bell rings and there is a nice looking page with an envelope at the door. She hands me an envelope and I say thank you many times, and close the doors. Damn it, I should have asked for a pack there is only one condom in the envelope. Oh, well, I am lucky to get that far.
So, we resume and get it on for the extra long (due to dehydration) session, which ends with a massive release. Both of my legs cramped up, so it is pleasure and pain, all rolled up in one. What a great, great screw!
She says that she is exhausted now and wants to sleep some more, to which I said fine, but I need to collect my bag and head to the airport, so I told her to stay in and I would call her from the NEX, around 3 PM, so she can get her well deserved rest. I get my stuff packed, and off I go, with the phone numbers exchanged for the next visit. I called at 3 PM as promised, but no answer, so she probably already left. I did ring her few days later, but the phone just rang without an answer, so this may be a onetime event, but if it was, it sure is one to cherish.

There is a pharmacy under Ebisu garden complex, so I could have gone and gotten CDs myself, if I was sober enough to remember that.

The hotel CD was a horrible fit, but it worked and got me thru this ordeal to a very happy ending.

I came home wearing T-shirt and jacket over the top of it. The whereabouts of my dress shirt and my tie are still unknown.

Names of the girls were changed to protect the innocent :-)

For those who would like to try your luck, here are the locations:

Geronimo Shot Bar -C O N T A C T-
Old 15-12-2009, 04:27 AM
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Re: Japan

hey, like your post.

If you're in town again, please give me a shout. First tequila shot on me.

Old 15-12-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: Japan

You got it, and it should be sometime in February. TC
Old 17-12-2009, 01:24 AM
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Re: Japan

Any happening place in Kobe or nearby? Going on company attachment and have few days R & R before flying back.
Old 28-12-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: Japan

Any bros in Tokyo now till 3rd Jan?
Pm me pls...
Old 29-01-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: Japan

Has anyone tried this place called "vitamin" at nippori? Here's their website: 闢Xr^~({l}bT[W/GXe)

Scroll down and click on "simulation", and you can see a video demo of their services. Looks very happening and it is not that expensive, compared to most other places I've heard of, but too bad I can't speak or read japanese. Any bros here have tried this place and know if it is gaijin friendly?
Old 31-01-2010, 01:29 AM
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Re: Japan

Dear Senior bros,

I got a working trip to Nagoya monday till sunday. Any good advice on where to hook up Jap gals ? Any clubs or outcall sex joints to recommend

Thanks in advance
Old 03-02-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: Japan

gosh this has been one mind blowing experience, am in japan now and i finally finally can strike off for good one of my "to do" list : finally engaged the services of a milkmaid in japan (this is tougher than it sounds, i must have called a few dozen places before finding one that entertains foreigners).

all i can say is that .... it's really an experience

for those that are interested, this is the chick that i had (not my first choice but had to settle as i had 2 hours before a dinner appointment and she was the only one that could arrive in 10 mins).


funny thing is that her name (found at the end of the link) actually means something in hokkien
Old 04-02-2010, 08:03 PM
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Re: Japan

hey bro. anyone been to okinawa?
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