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Old 14-06-2008, 11:28 PM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
WANT TO BUY: Wife in Vietnam
Nice signature. I can help you. And I can help you FOR FREE!
That's right, a free wife for you. No catch. This is your lucky day.

(and I will get 10% of the monet she sucks out of your pocket. I haven't lived her for 4 years for nothing)
"Phát Phúc"
Old 15-06-2008, 03:52 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by retsoor View Post
Nice signature. I can help you. And I can help you FOR FREE!
That's right, a free wife for you. No catch. This is your lucky day.

(and I will get 10% of the monet she sucks out of your pocket. I haven't lived her for 4 years for nothing)
Haha bro you have a good sense of humour. This is one offer that I have to turn down.
Old 17-06-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: Hanoi

'then they know they have someone to translate. Or is the police taking a more aggressive stance towards foreigners in general?'

as long there isnt any vnese around you... you can go 'free' sakura @cat linh - ask for number 10 my favorite right now
Old 18-06-2008, 04:52 PM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by Tony Stark View Post
The Vietnamese idolise Singaporeans. You might be her sure win lottery ticket! Hehehe.
yes, they idolise Sillyporeans, and they like Ang Mo too

But since I am in VN, maybe I should refer to myself as Dragon Fruit. I actually like that and I think girls will like it too! So henceforth I shall also be known as Dragon Fruit.
"Phát Phúc"
Old 20-06-2008, 02:24 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Hello folks,

New member to this forum. I will be spending my next few weeks in VN both Ha Noi & HCMC. Never cheong in VN. Really need lobangs & find this thread useful but ... very long reading..

Nevertheless, a quick FR (my 1st too) on my solo trip to La Thanh massage.

I read through the pages on this thread & learnt about La Thanh on 218 Doi Can. It was 10:15PM and downtown Ha Noi just drained the flood water. Jumped onto a Ha Noi taxi, say La Thanh hotel and off I go. Very excited but as the taxi took me deeper & deeper into the streets, I feel I am really far from downtown. It took me about 15mins to get there and Doi Can street is really quite by then.

La Thanh is really a local joint. I have never been to a local joint despite many years of cheonging. I figured that I am the only foreigner & the counter manager doesn't speak any english.

Anyway La Thanh massage is not within the hotel, it is on the left corner of the carpark in front of the hotel. Incidentally, I think the facet of the hotel has very good character. French styled?

There are about 10+ rooms and all of them are litted RED. The funny thing is, every door has a big window above for anyone to peak in. Well you are doing your thing, your consolidations are 1) the bed is on the side of the door, so it is difficult to see your ahemm .. 2) no one bothers to check on you. Anyway, when you have a whole lot of guys who are doing about the same things (and girls too), you don't really care.

I was quoted 100KVD for 1 hour & 200KVD for 2 hours. Asked for VIP room & was told, never have one. Check into the last room, waited & a sweet slim girl came. Not busty but shapely. Was asked to strip & shower. Out of shower with my tower, she pulled it away & asked me to lay down. Massage was SOP & short. When faced up, she made me erect & ask if I want ... I asked how much, she said USD20. I say .. erh 200KVD isn't? She don't look happy but reluctantly OK. Ask me to pay up 1st !! ... I say ok lah. Took the money & handed it to her .. the rest is SOP ..

By the time I finished, I am really worried I can't get any taxi. It is 12PM and fortunately someone goes outside & fetch me one. But, really since I am sole, I was really worry if I may meet with a bad taxi driver. Fortunately, I am Ok.

Will I return? May be not because of the distance. Hope some bros can point me some places within downtown.

I will be in Ha Noi in the week of 23rd. May be can ask some old birds to bring me around .... but I really concern abt work creeping in ...

Any old birds will be in Ha Noi that week? Do PM me your contact & try to catchup with you. Many Thanks!
Old 20-06-2008, 01:20 PM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by fun4fun View Post
I was really worry if I may meet with a bad taxi driver. Fortunately, I am Ok.
Thanks for your report. I need to check out this place too. BTW I only met 2 difficult taxi drivers in 4 years here. I left both, calmly, without paying. Both came after me, both times I turned around, approached them aggressively and asked them to call the police since they obviously were afraid of me, both times they run away (crazy foreigners they must think).

I used to think 200K was too much. 4 years ago I often got away with 100K. But with the current hyperinflation I think 150K is ok. 200K I would only pay for exceptional talent. What do others think?

Of course, these girls have paid money to get the job. If they are new and/or naive, in addition they get overcharges for crappy rooms to live (sleep) in by their boss. After they massage one customer, they are last in line again, and often the places are not very busy. And of course most of them if not all pay money for their family. So yes, maybe 200 is not too much.

Short report from Nutz:

On my way home from my workout at Sheraton yesterday I bumped into one goodlooking girl on the Nutz Terrace. She was really fun to talk to. Intelligent and quick-witted. She claimed she was 19, and an art student. Expensive habits, 1000$ telephone and nice clothes. I said she must have a very big, successful business since she is rich. Yes, she said, very big business! She spoke english quite well; dead giveaway she's at least semi-professional. I joked with her, and explained to her in viet that since I am very handsome and many girls want to marry me and sleep with me, I never pay for sex. She practically begged me to go with her (of course she would have wanted money), and she kept sending messages after I left asking me to come back.

This morning I answer her sms asking her to buy a coffee for me since she is so rich, and asked when I can see her paintings. So today at 19 I will see if she really is an art student. I really am curious about those paintings...she said she only painted men.

And the status of the ba gia project:

She wants me to teach her to drive now. So I'll meet her tomorrow at 8. Gotta wash the car today... She also asked me not to eat before so we could eat together.

Special thanks to Anh DepTrai for his excellent lessons in communication
"Phát Phúc"

Last edited by retsoor; 20-06-2008 at 01:30 PM.
Old 22-06-2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by retsoor View Post
Special thanks to Anh DepTrai for his excellent lessons in communication
You are very much welcome bro, as you can see by now, the point is NOT to go after them but just create enough opportunities for them to go after you.

And also to communicate in a way that goes only 70% of the way... most girls in the North gets Turned On when they find it so hard for you to tell them a direct "I Love You" so the longer you hold on to that verbal commitment, you more you score. And if you have to say it, do it in a more jovial way... nothing too serious.. and so what usually works for me is I tell them this..."I want to love you.. but I know your game... you just want to make me love you and then you will dump me, right?" Em kg tot, chi muon lam anh dau chim thoi, kg fai lam anh dau tim!
Old 24-06-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Hanoi

Every moron can find a dark-skinned midget rice farmers daughter in Vietnam(there's nothing wrong with them - I'm just saying they're easy to get).

After years of intensive study @ sammyboyforum, having progressed through the distinguished ranks of con gai viet, I am finally about to seduce an upper-middle class girl.

Her father has a nice car, brother has a good brief, pillars of society. The type of people who usually do not at all like that their goodlooking, tall young daughter goes out with foreigners.

Today she gave me her biggest compliment so far (unknowingly): She said I was stingy! I like that, you can not buy the heart of a girl, so I am more than happy that she thinks I am stingy and still likes me (I always say Rat Dat! and close my wallet when she talks about shopping...)

Well I keep my fingers crossed, I know I am almost there.
"Phát Phúc"
Old 25-06-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Hanoi

go to NUTZ bar.. lotsa pretty gals with nice figure. they are always on the look out for man. never ask them how much, coz i think it depends how well u understand the foreigner market and how much u willing to pay.
cover charge 150k VND.
it seem there are more singaporeans men than ang mo+ rest of the world combine. no action coz the gals seem to commercialise for my liking.

Ho Guam seng around hoam kiem lake is close.

most esalen gals can perform quite good traditional massage, i dont like the pricing of peak and off peak hours. make me confuse. and after taking into consideration of massage + HJ it will cost around SGD30+ to SGD40.00. i dont think its worth it.
there are few traditional message at the end of auco road at the junction of sofitel hotel that are good and cheap VND70,000/1.5hr. some gal are pretty innocent looking. haha that what i am looking for. INNOCENT LOOKING.

next i will try the next massage parlour further down the au co road toward sheration. will make a posting next.
Old 25-06-2008, 07:43 PM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by condor View Post
next i will try the next massage parlour further down the au co road toward sheration. will make a posting next.
wah! good postings! and also looks like you and me have similar pattern! keep the posting coming man! I up you first ;-)
Old 26-06-2008, 12:37 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by deptrai4u View Post
Heard from Bro Carrot that you sacrificed many motorbike tyres in order to get good contacts. Very nice of you. But I believe that most ppl here dont know about it.

Last edited by Thom07; 26-06-2008 at 12:58 AM.
Old 26-06-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Originally Posted by Thom07 View Post
Heard from Bro Carrot that you sacrificed many motorbike tyres in order to get good contacts. Very nice of you. But I believe that most ppl here dont know about it.
Its not true that many people here does not know about it... actually they know it in a different way... for example recently there has been an increased in cases where Samsters ventured out on their own, individually or in small groups.. and end up in a local KTV which nothing much happens and they have to pay a hefty bill of US$300 before they can leave.

These samsters usually jumps into a cab after checking in to their hotel and asked the taxi driver to recommend some KTV or massage place. Of course the taxi driver will bring them to a "black shop" where the taxi driver gets paid handsomely for bringing innocent victims from Sillypore!

US$300 can buy many tires... so mine is just a small sacrifice ;-)

I hope bros whom have been conned do post your FR here and also provide the address of the "Black shop" so as to prevent others samsters from getting into the same trick by these gangsters.
Old 26-06-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: Hanoi

dep trai all time favorite - trai tim ben le

Old 26-06-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: Hanoi

My all time favorite - Tinh yeu khong co loi

Old 26-06-2008, 02:00 AM
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Re: Hanoi

Hay Tra Loi Em

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