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Old 15-02-2019, 03:19 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


最近,很多兄弟跟我们反应有同行抄袭模仿我们,我们推出什么他们就推出什么。在这边有必须要澄清的几样事情 。。

所有sn和高端模特都不需要给定金,而且如果是incall的话,我们都是有安排交通接送,你只需要负责开 心的去玩,其他的交给我们。见到美眉时候发觉货不对版时候,也可以第一时间跟我们确认,可以拒绝接受,我们 会第一时间帮你安排其他的。
不管是中文,英文,马来语,日语我们都可以帮你安排妥当。你也可以同时比较下我们的价格,绝对是同城内最优 惠的价格保证。

有个好消息是我们的sn90分钟两次除了安排深圳,广州,东莞,和珠海地区以外,马上也会开通成都,重庆, 海口,三亚,长沙等地,敬请期待。。

当然,我们中国全国各地★包括香港,澳门和台湾,也可以安排高端模特(1次/过夜),上门和包房都有。有注意我们微信朋友圈的话,你也可以发现我们2018年也花了时间,金钱和精力去 开拓日本夜生活市场,现在全日本都可以安排泡泡浴,日本av和日本伴游, 有需要的兄弟们都可以随时微信咨询我。

ktv全中国也能安排,好多地方都是自己亲自去考察探路,不是别的同行连去都没去过然后就告诉你说可以代订 ,里面装修是怎样的,消费是怎样的,美女素质是怎样的一窍不通,到头来问题多多不懂得帮你把关 消费。。

我们提供的服务,是精益求精,做到最完美地步,我不喜欢抄袭同行。飞利浦提供的服务,都是亲自亲为花时间精 神金钱地去开发,所以当你来中国寻找开心玩乐的时候, 请真正的认清楚我们的商标★飞利浦团队★,还有提醒一句,外面还有很多人还会冒充是我的团队或合作伙伴,所 以要谨慎的不要上当受骗。。

我们的服务广告词很多同行会抄袭,不过只是抄袭表面而不知道里面的精髓所在,来中国或日本旅游或玩乐,你需 要是一个对你用心服务,多方面为你着想的兄弟帮你安排一切,让你玩得开心安心安全~~致懂得选 择的你..

Copyright of Team Phillip

There were some feedback from the brothers that few competitors in the market has copied what we do when we launch our services in the market. I would like to clarify a few things here.

Deposits for all SN services and high end model are not required. If it is an incall services we will make transportation arrangement, all you need to do is to relax and have fun, we will handle the rest. When you meet up with the girl and you think that she does not look like anything you have picked, you can confirm with us and reject the services. We can make alternative arrangement for you as well.

If there are language barrier or preferences such as Chinese, English, Malay or even Japanese, we can organize it nicely for you. You can also compare our price, guarantee the most economical in the same city that you are visiting.

Good news is that our SN services for 90/2 will open up Chengdu, Chongqing, Haikou, Sanya and Changsha cities on top of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Zhuhai.

Of course our services cover the whole country including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. If you are keen on High-end Model services (1 time or overnight), we offer both in call and out call services too. If you are in our weChat group, you will notice that we have spent quite a lot of time exploring new options at Japan night life, so now we can make arrangements for the bubble bath in Japan, also for AV and escort services. Anyone interested can send your inquiry to us.

As for the KTV services we can make arrangement for the whole of China, which we explore the options ourselves. Not like other competitors where they may not have visited the venue themselves, not sure about how it looks like and the spending structures. If you can’t even tell what kind of quality you can get, later you might hit into a problem where the expenditure does not meet the quality and your expectations.

We always aim to service you better as the time passes, and being perfect is always our business motto. We don’t like and don’t want to copy anyone from anywhere. All services we offer is something we spent time and effort to create. When you come to China for fun, please recognize our branding, Team Phillip. A gentle reminder that some of the competitors will fake themselves as our business associates or counterparts, be mindful not to be deceived.
Old 16-02-2019, 06:50 AM
japantvb japantvb is online now
Samster (A)
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

刚开年,惠州淡水就传来了有点风声,可能是当官的刚换人,所以ktv会有点紧张,所以2月有来淡水开心的兄 弟们,你们可以换地区如惠州市区或者深圳或者珠海玩乐,我们都可以安排妥当。
备注★这不是所谓的扫黄,而是政府调动换官职,就好像马来换政府,有些条件没谈好,所以不用大 惊小怪。

来中国寻找ktv安排,请找靠谱的我们,计划永远赶不上变化,可能今天还好好的,明天就会出现 变化 ,不过有我们的安排,我们随时有plan b给你,不会让你来了找不到开心玩乐。

Only at the start of the year there are less favorable news coming from Huizhou Danshui, perhaps due to the change of musical chair with the government officials in charge. Those who planned to come during Feb, you may want to shift location to the Huizhou City area, Shenzhen or Zhuhai, we can certainly make arrangement of such. Take note this is not a clean up exercise but due to changes of the officials in charge. It is like there are some fine details to settle before everything is back to business as usual. Another reminder for all, if you plan to visit China KTV, please look for a reliable service provider like us, you never know what will happen. If you are with us when it happened, we always have alternatives for you. We won’t let you down and be disappointed with the situation.

Last edited by japantvb; 17-02-2019 at 11:31 AM.
Old 16-02-2019, 11:03 AM
japantvb japantvb is online now
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多人问我,除了淡水,惠州哪里还有好玩,就好像以前的常平一样,东莞还有长安和厚街也是不错 的。
那么惠州除了淡水,还有惠州市区也不错,我们开发有一年多了,带了不少客户去消遣,这边不用那么拥挤,而且 不会容易见到熟人,有喜欢隐私的朋友们,如果不喜欢被人看到的,这家酒店是首选。
消费价位和淡水差不多,酒店是5星 ,我们可以给你比网上便宜的客房还有帮你安排好ktv, 户外活动也可以帮你全程交通安排好,距离淡水只需要40分钟路程,如果玩腻了淡水,可以试下这边,飞利浦团 队为你全程护航!!

Many people have asked me except Danshui are there better place to play at Huizhou, something like the Changping scenes last time. Actually Houjie and Changan still not the bad choices at Dongguan. There are also Huizhou City area where we have explored for more than a year. We have brought quite a number of customers there. It’s not crowded and not easy to bump into someone you know. Those who prefers privacy, you can consider Huizhou City area. The expenditure is about the same as Danshui, with 5 stars hotel. Our hotel room price is cheaper than those you got online. We also offer on stop shop services to settle transportation, outdoor activities, KTV room booking etc. It is only 40 mins away from Danshui. If you are tired of Danshui, you can give this place a try. We will ensure your interests are taken care of the whole trip.
Old 16-02-2019, 04:42 PM
japantvb japantvb is online now
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多人问我,除了淡水,惠州哪里还有好玩,就好像以前的常平一样,东莞还有长安和厚街也是不错 的。
那么惠州除了淡水,还有惠州市区也不错,我们开发有一年多了,带了不少客户去消遣,这边不用那么拥挤,而且 不会容易见到熟人,有喜欢隐私的朋友们,如果不喜欢被人看到的,这家酒店是首选。
消费价位和淡水差不多,酒店是5星 ,我们可以给你比网上便宜的客房还有帮你安排好ktv, 户外活动也可以帮你全程交通安排好,距离淡水只需要40分钟路程,如果玩腻了淡水,可以试下这边,飞利浦团 队为你全程护航!!

Many people have asked me except Danshui are there better place to play at Huizhou, something like the Changping scenes last time. Actually Houjie and Changan still not the bad choices at Dongguan. There are also Huizhou City area where we have explored for more than a year. We have brought quite a number of customers there. It’s not crowded and not easy to bump into someone you know. Those who prefers privacy, you can consider Huizhou City area. The expenditure is about the same as Danshui, with 5 stars hotel. Our hotel room price is cheaper than those you got online. We also offer on stop shop services to settle transportation, outdoor activities, KTV room booking etc. It is only 40 mins away from Danshui. If you are tired of Danshui, you can give this place a try. We will ensure your interests are taken care of the whole trip.
Old 17-02-2019, 11:32 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

这个酒店有市内室外泳池,还有健身房,早餐晚餐都很丰富!除此以外,除了ktv晚上节目安排以外,还可以帮 你安排特别的70分钟情趣身体按摩,手法独特,技师漂亮(需提前找飞利浦预约),这些都是淡水找不到的下午 消遣节目,很多客户都很满意这边的按摩。

This hotel have indoor and outdoor swimming pool, gym and with sumptuous breakfast and dinner. Except the usual KTV session, we will also arrange special 70 mins sensual massage by special skilled pretty masseurs, but you will need to Book via Team Phillip early. All these are something not available in Danshui, many customers have good feedback on the massage services.
Old 18-02-2019, 11:29 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

3月你还有什么借口不来找飞利浦玩呢?新马的兄弟们,3月份还是天气凉爽舒服,快策划好你们来中 国的行程。

Dec you said you want to spend Christmas with family and friends, Jan you said your kids are starting school, Feb the Chinese New Year is here so you are busy, what about March? Any reason why you can’t come and look for us for fun in March? March in Guangdong has the finest weather, do plan your trip early to China, we are looking forward to support you all the way.

Last edited by japantvb; 18-02-2019 at 02:33 PM.
Old 18-02-2019, 02:39 PM
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japantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

有些时候,当你出差或者旅游在香港的时候,又或者遇到有短暂停留深圳半天或者一天时候,如果需要安排特别服 务时候,我们可以车队车接车送,而且模特档次非常高,你也不用特地安排临时房或者钟点房,因为我们都全部可 以帮你安排好,只需要一天之前给我们通知,然后就会在当天准备好一系列的心动模特给你选择。。此服务目前开 通香港/澳门/深圳/广州/上海/北京等地,有希望体验的大大们欢迎咨询。。

Occasionally when you travel to Hong Kong for work/leisure or a short stay over like half/one day in Shenzhen and think of a special arrangement, we will make sure you will be serviced end to end including the transportation. The model quality is superb here, you don't have to arrange for temporary room of any sort, we will organize all these for you. All you need to do is to inform us a day before, we will prepare a viewing exercise for you on the day of your arrival. This service is currently available at bigger cities like Hong Kong/Macao/Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing, anyone interested please send your inquiry to our weChat account.
Old 18-02-2019, 07:08 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

High end Hong Kong model and escort services is now available, your privacy and identity are fully protected throughout, anyone interested please add our WeChat to know more.

Old 19-02-2019, 10:37 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Team Phillip would like to wish everyone a very happy Lantern festival. Today is a special day where reunion is significant to many of us Chinese spread throughout the world. Be it you are alone out there or with your families, do spend some efforts in contacting those you love and who love you, to express your feelings and best wishes. Especially for those who can’t reunion with you who you miss a lot, don’t leave them alone thinking that you do not care, share your love via a small tokens of red packet, however small the amount, it may mean something to them. If you don’t have such option because of weChat account limitations, you can consider doing a foreign currency exchange with Team Phillip, where we will complete the transfer for you. Alternatively, you can opt to send her/him some gifts, such as flowers, bird nest, red wine, cakes, durian, or any other stuffs that you see available on our weChat moments. Let me share my experiences with you, when someone you care about thought about you and send you something, that means a lot more than just cash or a messages on the phone. This is because something physical is always very comforting and it will get them through the days of missing you. It does not matter about the value but the thoughts that count. We don’t earn a lot for all these small things we sell, but we hope to share our concerns and love for you and your love ones to make every one happy on this special day, so that no one is left out without the feeling of being love. Have a great festive my friend, and be great for the whole year.

Last edited by japantvb; 20-02-2019 at 07:57 PM.
Old 21-02-2019, 06:36 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

High end Hong Kong model and escort services is now available, your privacy and identity are fully protected throughout, anyone interested please add our WeChat to know more.

Old 22-02-2019, 01:11 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

有些时候,当你出差或者旅游在香港的时候,又或者遇到有短暂停留深圳半天或者一天时候,如果需要安排特别服 务时候,我们可以车队车接车送,而且模特档次非常高,你也不用特地安排临时房或者钟点房,因为我们都全部可 以帮你安排好,只需要一天之前给我们通知,然后就会在当天准备好一系列的心动模特给你选择。。此服务目前开 通香港/澳门/深圳/广州/上海/北京等地,有希望体验的大大们欢迎咨询。。

Occasionally when you travel to Hong Kong for work/leisure or a short stay over like half/one day in Shenzhen and think of a special arrangement, we will make sure you will be serviced end to end including the transportation. The model quality is superb here, you don't have to arrange for temporary room of any sort, we will organize all these for you. All you need to do is to inform us a day before, we will prepare a viewing exercise for you on the day of your arrival. This service is currently available at bigger cities like Hong Kong/Macao/Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing, anyone interested please send your inquiry to our weChat account.
Old 22-02-2019, 06:42 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


Good news, we have now open up the WhatsApp option where you can contact us for inquiry. This however might have slower response because the Great China firewall may block the WhatsApp traffic now and then. Please be patient with us, thank you.
Old 24-02-2019, 11:54 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

一直有跟随我们步伐的兄弟们都知道我们一直开发不同的娱乐项目给大大们,这绝对不是同行可以模 仿我们的。
2017年我们开发了中国各地订制旅游+中国各地KTV代订服务以外。2018年我们也进驻了全日本私人订 制旅游+日本夜生活安排(av女郎+泡泡浴+日本妹伴游)。以后有来中国和日本旅游的健康团我们可以安排以 外,男人的炮兵夜生活团我们也是非常专业可以安排妥妥的。
2019年开始,我们再开发VIRGIN资源,保证真品百分百,基本都在广东地区,也可以安排全中国空降, 有需求的客户们可以联系我们,给你们来个转运2019年[呲牙]

Those who followed us closely will know that we have continue our vendor in exploring different entertainment activities for everyone. This is not something that can be easily copied by our competitors. In 2017 we have started our tour customization business+whole China KTV booking. We have started our Japan market in 2018 for private tour and night entertainment (AV + Bubble Bath + Japanese Escorts). Apart from making arrangement for "clean" tours for your family members in China and Japan, we can also plan men entertaining tours for you professionally. From 2019 onwards, we will provide services into unexplored maiden resources, guaranteed untouched and clean. They are mainly available in Guangdong area, will be made available for fly-in the whole of China too. If you are interested you are welcome to send us your inquiries, hope to give you a great turn of luck in 2019.

Last edited by japantvb; 28-02-2019 at 01:12 PM.
Old 28-02-2019, 01:01 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多兄弟们,都是在我2012年开始进驻常平做导游的时候认识我,到现在已经是第7个年头了,你们还怀念这 地方吗? 现在的cp , 多了一份舒适感, 没有以前那么喧哗,如果有来中国旅游放松的时候,可以来这边放松一下,品尝常平美食以外,其实这边的SN还 相当的ok, 90分钟2次可以包房可以外出,价位相对深圳和广州来说性价比蛮高的(1000~1200RMB)..另外 酒店也便宜,KTV酒水也便宜, 伴游甚至可以安排陪唱ktv或者清吧或者看看电影谈情说爱都可以帮你安排好,有需要的兄弟们, 可以联系哦

Many of the brothers come to know me personally when I started my entertainment business at Changping during 2012. This is the 7th year, do you still miss CP? The CP now has becoming a more relaxing town compare to last time. If you come to China for fun, you may consider paying it a visit again, have some local food food, enjoy the still pretty ok SN services, 90/2 in and out calls. The price is also value for money (1000-1200RMB) compared to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Hotel are not expensive, drinking in KTV with reasonable pricing too. We can arrange escorts for romantic activities such as singing in KTV, music lounge, or even watching movies and having heart to heart chats. Anyone needed the services, do let us know

Last edited by japantvb; 28-02-2019 at 01:24 PM.
Old 01-03-2019, 03:20 PM
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japantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find betterjapantvb is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


凡事有安排常平,惠州,深圳定KTV 至少2晚的,人数不限,我们可以赠送你美女脚底按摩1个钟,让你们回味以前美好的常平[愉快]

March CP Promotion - anyone who booked KTV at CP, Huizhou or Shenzhen for a minimum of 2 nights, we will give you a free foot massage by pretty masseur. Remind you of the good old memories of CP.

Last edited by japantvb; 01-03-2019 at 06:16 PM.
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