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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 16-10-2005, 04:26 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Cecillia vs Bella

This is suppose to be a "battle of the 2 SYTs Brown Sugars" from Aven View. Comparision between the 2 is inevitable as they are from the same HC. I could be a bit bias as Cecillia has been my regular gal there. On request from Boss Lyn, I Q/C her latest Brown Sugar recruit, Bella. I was told these 2 gals are not on the best of term as they fight" for their share of the customers. Competition is good. So let the "battle" begins:
ROUND 1, THE LOOKS: They are both about the same age-22 yrs. old. Both are pleasant looking with shoulder length hair. Both also qualify as SYTs. This is where their similarity ends. Cecillia has this sweet but yet CFM sultry look. Bella is more typicl minah looking but her look would not turn me on. So round 1 to Cecillia. She is a 6.5 and Bella is a 5.5.
ROUND 2, THE BODIES: They are both model slim and petite. About the same height @ 1.60m. Cecillia has better looking legs which are well toned. Both very flat tops like airport! I remembered my ex-brown sugar GFs, they all have killer tops. So I don't know why these 2 gals are so different? They both have nice skin tone but Cecillia is silkier and smoother skin. Soft to the touch. Bella is a shade on the rough side. Round 2 to Cecillia by a whisker...she is 6 and Bella is 5.5
ROUND 3, THEIR ATTITUDE: Both try hard to please and will do their best to accomodate. Cecillia is friendlier and smile more often. Also a good conversationist as she is well educated. Bella try to make you feel comfortable but she is not in the same class. Maybe I have more "chemistry" with Cecillia and could be bias here. So round 3 again to Cecillia...she is 8 and Bella is 6.
ROUND 4, MASSAGES: They are both schooled in Javanese massages and so their standard can be considered good. Good strength and techniques. IMHO. Cecillia massages are better as her touches are more sensual and invigorating. She has great hands that could sooth your aching and tire body and you feel relax and confidence in her company. I cannot say the same about Bella's technique but not that she is no good. She does not make me feel the same way. Round 4 to Cecillia, she is 8 vs a 7 for Bella.
ROUND 5, TLS: Bella is very SOP but she offer the full range. Mechanical in fact but maybe she is new! The only thingy is that her pussy is clean shaven!
Ceciilia is different. Yes she does not offer FJ but does the other services and she does these well! She knows how to make a man feel good and erotic. You can sit back and relax as she goes about doing her TLS. Her mouth is also like a vacuum cleaner and her cat-bath is through and well affair. Perhaps because I'm her regular, she will strip ttotally for me and seeing her in her birthday suit is quite a turn on. She will sit on my back or my front gratting her well trimmed pussy on my body whilst giving me BJ or playing with my little wolfy....siok. Good sunction and foreplays. So she is 7 ( less 1 for not offerring FJ!) whilst Bella is 5.
ROUND 6, GF SERVICES: This one no fight. Not even close. Cecillia knows how to "melt" your heart. She will wipe you with towels after your bath, give you tight hugs and kisses, make sure you have a drink, wink wink at you and give you naughty look, etc. Bella is a green horn as far as these little touches are concern, she has a long way to go to improve her PR. Cecillia is a & and Bella is a 2.
Conclusion: Wah micham like test driving cars and giving my opinion. But looking at the stats, you know lah who the winner is: Cecillia overall score is 43.5/60 whilst Bella is 31/60. Bella barely make the grade.....ah there is 2 more brown Sugars in L3, the more matured but classy gal with an hour glass figure call Jaime and another SYT call, just thinking should I do another " Royal battle of the Brown sugars " to see who should be QUEEN. Bro. DBONO ah, is this idea down your alley or not?
Old 17-10-2005, 08:46 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

So Bro Wang Ye,

How did you celebrate JJ's Birthday ah ?? heehee

If not too sordid... share share lei... or else PM me okie !!

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lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

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Old 17-10-2005, 08:54 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
So Bro Wang Ye,

How did you celebrate JJ's Birthday ah ?? heehee

If not too sordid... share share lei... or else PM me okie !!
Waaah lao! Say until like that! Now everyone know already!

Okay lor share share with you. Cannot post here because got perverts around hor!


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Old 17-10-2005, 12:26 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Cecillia vs Bella

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
.....ah there is 2 more brown Sugars in L3, the more matured but classy gal with an hour glass figure call Jaime and another SYT call Audrey...should I do another " Royal battle of the Brown sugars " to see who should be QUEEN. Bro. DBONO ah, is this idea down your alley or not?
Good comparison piece, bro-ZT! Maybe you can give a lowdown on Audrey - quite a lot has been written about Jaime, so maybe even a FR on Audrey?

Seeing as so many HCs want to cash in on the name Yuki, how about a "Battle Royale of the Yuki-sans"? But i suspect you-know-who will win dicks-up!!! Bwahahahaha!!!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
Sex Wisdom: Sex takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble... BUT there is no remedy for sex except more sex!!!
Old 17-10-2005, 02:09 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Cecillia vs Bella

Originally Posted by groo
Good comparison piece, bro-ZT! Maybe you can give a lowdown on Audrey - quite a lot has been written about Jaime, so maybe even a FR on Audrey?

Seeing as so many HCs want to cash in on the name Yuki, how about a "Battle Royale of the Yuki-sans"? But i suspect you-know-who will win dicks-up!!! Bwahahahaha!!!
Ok, your wish is my command but am on tight schedule these few days. Please be patient!
Aiyoh, no need for any "Royale Rumble" with the Yukis. Only can be one winner in my know who,ke,ke.
Old 17-10-2005, 04:00 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Wang Ye
Waaah lao! Say until like that! Now everyone know already!

Okay lor share share with you. Cannot post here because got perverts around hor!
Yo Bro WangYe! Got juicy details must share with other league Bros leh. Dun need to post here but PMs to all ok?..... kekekee

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Old 17-10-2005, 04:24 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Merl
Yo Bro WangYe! Got juicy details must share with other league Bros leh. Dun need to post here but PMs to all ok?..... kekekee
But then dear dear very shy leh! How? Look to your PM nothing juicy lah just the usual top performance bonk only. Got to go for revenge bonk this week to avenge my defeat at her pussy!


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Old 17-10-2005, 07:58 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....Cecillia vs Bella

Originally Posted by Zack Tan need for any "Royale Rumble" with the Yukis. Only can be one winner in my know who lah...
1 winner?!?!? Still need to compete meh?!?!?! Bwaahahahaha!!! Hmmm... another chio Coco in Premier?!?!??!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 17-10-2005, 08:29 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by groo
1 winner?!?!? Still need to compete meh?!?!?! Bwaahahahaha!!! Hmmm... another chio Coco in Premier?!?!??!
Yeh, I thought I mentioned that there is a nicely built chio AP in Premier call Coco. I've seen her a couple of times but did not Q/C her as she has some negative frs. on her in the past. Maybe she has improved! Gotta ask our Bro. Sg. Boy about this. He's our look out there.
Old 17-10-2005, 09:36 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
...there is a nicely built chio AP in Premier call Coco. I've seen her a couple of times but did not Q/C her...
I think I gave an FR on her before...
Old 18-10-2005, 09:54 AM
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Re: My morning till afternoon delights at.... her place!

My latest romp, with a long-lost contact - Ai Ling (PRC).
Old 18-10-2005, 09:57 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

wah lan eh...last night channel 8 variety show hosted by jack neo, "pao ba yi ren" got LE YAO...nearly menstruated thru the nose....indeed the both gigi and her look the same model one.... wah lan oei...
Old 18-10-2005, 10:06 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by SamiHyypia
...indeed the both gigi and her look the same model one.... wah lan oei...
Dun tempt me leh.... The horns on your forehead getting bigger and your tail getting longer... have you got your trident to match? Kekeke....

Jialat lah... My other semi-retired bro also told me she is prob my type... How to resist...
Old 18-10-2005, 10:55 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by imom
Dun tempt me leh.......semi-retired bro also told me she is prob my type... How to resist...
Heh, seems like in no time, she's gonna be Gigi-gling all the way to the bank.... Bwahahahahaha!!!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 18-10-2005, 12:18 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by imom
Dun tempt me leh.... The horns on your forehead getting bigger and your tail getting longer... have you got your trident to match? Kekeke....

Jialat lah... My other semi-retired bro also told me she is prob my type... How to resist...
haiya imom bro...come up to cold turkey mountain with me lo....almost 1 mth never go down mountain liao...nowadays everytime i pass by fortune centre, my eyes will tear.
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