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Old 28-10-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

No offense and think in this direction, should you (new samster) a low income earner without the ability to give BMW /Ms Chin regular and high sex patronage, will you be able to discover and disclose all the unethical, illegal n risky activities she was engaging with facts? Same like police sent in their men as undercovers in many operations. In addition, BMW will dig into your personal affairs, be it when you married, income, fortune, investments, health, travel schedules etc...(a senior cheongster did caution me not to reveal much), so that she can assess whether u are within her targeted potential client base to solicit outside sex deals while doing away OKT and also not forgetting to ask for lump sum $$ to benefit instantly while using unprotected sex.

Part & puzzle of the playing along with fox game.. got to paint a picture like "baoing","2 jobs", "bonus","quarrels n forgive hooha" to convince her $$/ emotion hooked-up potentials and lower her guarding mentality while all these unethical, illegal and risky activities will surface one after another but it really takes time and money which I don't really mind while she at the same time was sextisfying my lust just like anyone of her customer.

Respect her decision to stay as legal prostitute working hard for a living but not on these risky, unethical, illegal activities she has carried out to benefit at others expenses. If everyone like you who choosed to stay silent, supported her stands in this forum and being amused when learned innocent ones suffered the same under BMW so-called KC traps, that will not be my stand as of now. Why not warn and share around convincing facts and info, we help to prevent and lower her chances of success by deploying all these risky, unethical, illegal activities at least by 50%. I know long winded but the last part of my finding is coming...cheers as all within my anticipation even BMW herself is reading here!
Old 28-10-2009, 12:40 PM
shutterbugstar shutterbugstar is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

HitmanHeartWL aka Alan,

4K a month is not enough to bao cat$150 lah. last time i bao b4 at least $15k a month excluding other expenses like rental and gifts.

u may as well upgrade your car. U driving a toyota altis right?

dont spoil ppl ricebowl lah. they come sg just to make a living. why must u send annonymous letter to AV and complain. u know its a big offence to make false report? cos most of the stuff that u wrote in the letter r lies.

if u do things like this, u not scared other regulars also expose u further or post your pic and other info here meh? u r married and is a salaried worker only. so u think who will stand to lose more?
Old 28-10-2009, 01:50 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

If there are many tell-tale signs that the WL do not wish give up on her job as service provider, then most likely she will just continue with her job. Better to have many pots of gold than to have one measly small pot of gold.

Old 28-10-2009, 09:17 PM
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New Party Gals at HQ 1612 (beside lor 16 Hotel 81)

Qing Qing: tall 1.75m, fair
Xi Xi: tall, slim
Ying Ying: small and cute
Hong Hong: commando milk "bomber"
Shuan Shuan: cute and pretty

Targets set for live firing on Monday 2nd Oct
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 28-10-2009, 10:09 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

One thing why I like BMW is she never ask my family through out the entire encounter with her, I've countless sessions with her so far this 2 yrs, may be I'm not that "handsome" and "wealthy" enough for her to treat me as target!


Anyway, mr.Alan you're very famous at L24M13, so I think most of her regular "know" you very a gentlemen, chinese say..."take it & leave it" (sorry ah don't know how to translate... )
Old 28-10-2009, 11:55 PM
Mojo-Jojo-2007 Mojo-Jojo-2007 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

This is getting better and better, day after day. Looks like the tables are getting turned from "exposing BMW" to exposing Alan aka Hitman....or whatever...

Take your foot out of your mouth lah.......insulting someone's pay is a new low for you. Especially when everyone knows you ain't no big boss or rich guy.

Pretending to be wealthy, smart, and seasoned cheonger, dispensing "lessons" and "words of wisdom" so that the poor guys don't fall for KC traps? I don't think so. In reality just before that fateful day, you have been going to Eagle's house everyday to check on whether she is working. Your jealousy and suspicion drove you to behave outrageously, such as checking the rooms even when you have been told she is not working. When that is not enough, you start stalking and waiting outside her house, with the hope of catching her. Pls tell us how many days and hours you spent doing that?

And when you found her talking to someone, you pounced and accused her of seeing another man, which led to you to demand from Eagle to cut her card...... well lets just say this kind of behaviour and actions speaks alot more about the real you compared to your "reports".

Originally Posted by HitManHeart WL View Post
No offense and think in this direction, should you (new samster) a low income earner without the ability to give BMW /Ms Chin regular and high sex patronage, will you be able to discover and disclose all the unethical, illegal n risky activities she was engaging with facts? Same like police sent in their men as undercovers in many operations. In addition, BMW will dig into your personal affairs, be it when you married, income, fortune, investments, health, travel schedules etc...(a senior cheongster did caution me not to reveal much), so that she can assess whether u are within her targeted potential client base to solicit outside sex deals while doing away OKT and also not forgetting to ask for lump sum $$ to benefit instantly while using unprotected sex.

Part & puzzle of the playing along with fox game.. got to paint a picture like "baoing","2 jobs", "bonus","quarrels n forgive hooha" to convince her $$/ emotion hooked-up potentials and lower her guarding mentality while all these unethical, illegal and risky activities will surface one after another but it really takes time and money which I don't really mind while she at the same time was sextisfying my lust just like anyone of her customer.

Respect her decision to stay as legal prostitute working hard for a living but not on these risky, unethical, illegal activities she has carried out to benefit at others expenses. If everyone like you who choosed to stay silent, supported her stands in this forum and being amused when learned innocent ones suffered the same under BMW so-called KC traps, that will not be my stand as of now. Why not warn and share around convincing facts and info, we help to prevent and lower her chances of success by deploying all these risky, unethical, illegal activities at least by 50%. I know long winded but the last part of my finding is coming...cheers as all within my anticipation even BMW herself is reading here!
Old 29-10-2009, 12:59 AM
Pinch_Of_Salt Pinch_Of_Salt is offline
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Wink Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

HitMan @ Alan, the only person being 'hit' is you. Your behaviour and so called 'motives' are known to all. It has nothing to do with warning other cheongster, it's just the rantings from a spoilled brat trying to break what he can't have.

It is obvious from your post that you are 100% full of yourself. Stooping so low to even insult other people's earning power. Everything you say is full of contradiction. You wanted to warn fellow cheongster of risky behaviour and YET here you are writing about yourself engaging in risky behaviour. You have simply lost the ability to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

You say you respect BMW's decision and yet here you are trying to break people's rice bowl. The only good thing is about your postings with its bad english and incoherent babbling is that they give us all a good entertaining read and laugh.

Little boy, it is time to grow up and be a MAN, take responsibilities for your own actions and don't blame others.

PS: In the interest of full disclosure, I am a 100% diehard BMW fan and thank you so much for freeing up all the night bookings for the rest of us
Old 29-10-2009, 06:11 AM
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Unmask BMW (GL150) Part5 - Outside sex client or gigolo bf?

Chin Swee Peoy (BMW) used to be somone kept sex toy, a businessman and a datuk in KL, whom upon phone calls she has to be present immediately to be bonked by them. Believed this is part of reasons why she returned for 2 days and MIA 5 days, then work 1 day and MIA another 5 days. Within my expectations, outside sex deals again to do away OKT eagle's share of $$ again, except this round locally.

On 14Oct09, as usual she wasn't available and i proceed for dinner after parking car at Lorong 31. At 11.45pm, noticed a pte car (SFW9059?) waiting below BMW residence entrance. Next a gal BMW look alike, moved swifty alone behind this car and got into the front seat. (ever saw a photo in BMW cell phone of herself taken in a front passager car seat) Thought she always claim legal prostitute not supposed to take a pte car without present of OKT?...not true. Next the car was moving away from her Lorong 31 residence in a well known yet suspicious manner and out into main road in a zigzag manner and into different lorongs for BMW to ensure clearance for a mid-nite outside sex deal as she is well known to bonk till late nite. But soon she realised that her deal is foiled/discovered but to return to Lorong 31 the spot where the car was waiting for her. Her heavy make-up with colored contact lens and perfumed at this late nite outing is a sign of sexual deal which she hoped to pick up extra $$ while doing away OKT eagle. Not long ago she was telling me in the phone, she can't sleep well and waked up 7am. Was it because of overnite sex deals? Once out of car, BMW was agitated, screamed aloud and raised punches on my chest to distract attention from her client/gigolo bf's car details (Smoke grenade pop?) while it went on revserse mode to escape quietly. Immediately her housemate Prada in pajamas was called down while BMW also demand my present for OKT eagle to arrive so that her client/gigolo bf escape was ensured. In order to prevent yellow card being cancelled by OKT eagle, she offered him that she will work for 5 days a week to make-up for what she has done behind his back while shooting an arrogantly invincible look across without a repent thought. Knowing OKT eagle considered his $$ interest with assumption BMW were to deliver her promise to work 5 days a week to make up for this. Also stood on her side to close this matter just like all samsters/WL/clone/okt here suggested. Wasn't that an indirect consent for BMW to solicit illegal sexual deals behind his back? In addition, he claimed what happened between BMW and 2 of her super regular clients before he knew but preferred to close an eye. (both no longer visit OKT eagle house).

All above is based on facts and readers may check with BMW in person However she may deny or twist the truth. My objective is to raise awareness and lower the casualty rate she may caused, in case she continues to re-play all her wiles to someone else.

Last edited by HitManHeart WL; 29-10-2009 at 06:27 AM.
Old 29-10-2009, 09:46 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

hello brothers

the girls are just here to make a living so dont be so harsh to them, please treat them nicely

may all the geylang girls have happy life

(formerly kent32)
Old 29-10-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Just ignore his posts (Hitman). No point reading. He is getting out of hand.

Old 29-10-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

hmm... I just called L24H23 asking if Benz or BMW are in. The lady who answered said no then hung up immediately. I was going to ask if there are any more CAT150 Malaysian girls working today but she didn't even give me the chance to ask. Should I go down or not? I probably will since I am not working today. Plus last time I was there, I saw this hot looking Malaysian girl (a 150 according to the lady manager) whom she called Ah Ping. I don't know if she is one of those girls with a car nick or not. Should ask.

Anyway, before I actually take a cab down to GL, can any bros here confirm if most, if not all, the Malaysian 150 girls have gone back? Because when I called the house, the lady answering the phone said both Benz and BMW are off duty and didn't even bother recommending other girls to me.

Ray (Determined to bonk a girl today)
Old 29-10-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: Unmask BMW (GL150) Part5 - Outside sex client or gigolo bf?

Originally Posted by HitManHeart WL View Post
Chin Swee Peoy (BMW) used to be somone kept sex toy, a businessman and a datuk in KL, whom upon phone calls she has to be present immediately to be bonked by them. Believed this is part of reasons why she returned for 2 days and MIA 5 days, then work 1 day and MIA another 5 days. Within my expectations, outside sex deals again to do away OKT eagle's share of $$ again, except this round locally.

On 14Oct09, as usual she wasn't available and i proceed for dinner after parking car at Lorong 31. At 11.45pm, noticed a pte car (SFW9059?) waiting below BMW residence entrance. Next a gal BMW look alike, moved swifty alone behind this car and got into the front seat. (ever saw a photo in BMW cell phone of herself taken in a front passager car seat) Thought she always claim legal prostitute not supposed to take a pte car without present of OKT?...not true. Next the car was moving away from her Lorong 31 residence in a well known yet suspicious manner and out into main road in a zigzag manner and into different lorongs for BMW to ensure clearance for a mid-nite outside sex deal as she is well known to bonk till late nite. But soon she realised that her deal is foiled/discovered but to return to Lorong 31 the spot where the car was waiting for her. Her heavy make-up with colored contact lens and perfumed at this late nite outing is a sign of sexual deal which she hoped to pick up extra $$ while doing away OKT eagle. Not long ago she was telling me in the phone, she can't sleep well and waked up 7am. Was it because of overnite sex deals? Once out of car, BMW was agitated, screamed aloud and raised punches on my chest to distract attention from her client/gigolo bf's car details (Smoke grenade pop?) while it went on revserse mode to escape quietly. Immediately her housemate Prada in pajamas was called down while BMW also demand my present for OKT eagle to arrive so that her client/gigolo bf escape was ensured. In order to prevent yellow card being cancelled by OKT eagle, she offered him that she will work for 5 days a week to make-up for what she has done behind his back while shooting an arrogantly invincible look across without a repent thought. Knowing OKT eagle considered his $$ interest with assumption BMW were to deliver her promise to work 5 days a week to make up for this. Also stood on her side to close this matter just like all samsters/WL/clone/okt here suggested. Wasn't that an indirect consent for BMW to solicit illegal sexual deals behind his back? In addition, he claimed what happened between BMW and 2 of her super regular clients before he knew but preferred to close an eye. (both no longer visit OKT eagle house).

All above is based on facts and readers may check with BMW in person However she may deny or twist the truth. My objective is to raise awareness and lower the casualty rate she may caused, in case she continues to re-play all her wiles to someone else.

HitManHeart WL, your fictitious story is full of loopholes and coincidences, you proceed to dinner at Lor 31, of all places in geylang, you went to Lor 31, may i know is there any good makan places at Lor 31 or you are just there for a spying "assignment"?
Anyway, Mr director/actor/scriptwriter, when's your next installment of unmasking her be ready? " We are waiting in anticipation of what you are going to come up next". You can write till " the cow's come home " and still nobody will believe you, nobody can stop you if you insists to live in your very own fantasy world..
Old 29-10-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

HitmanHeart aka Alan,

4k a month is ok if u look like andy lau.

but the problem is u r just a pock-marked fuck face.

any cat150 can easily earn 4k in 3 or 4 days... what for they want to see your fuck face for 4k a month? not such a great deal u know.

u like to expose so many things here and think that she is reading too, i think why not i invite your new wife to come here and read what u have to say?

u like to post pics right?

maybe i should post your pock marked face photo here, or even your skinny wife's photo here?

u like to expose car number right?

maybe i should also expose your toyota altis number 5**8 here?

maybe u would like me to expose more details, eg where u live, where u work etc?

i can make sure all entertainment outlets within and beyond GL get a copy of your details and photo. no one will ever take your business in future and u just either have to pcc or screw the skinny wife of yours.

i am a regular at eagle's place too. u want to harm others, at most get sent back to msia. but u will still have to stay here and live in shame if u r exposed too.

and if u think i am threatening u, pls go ahead and make a police rept like what u reported to AV that eagle threatened u.

if u r wondering who to write on your police rept that someone "threatened" u online, just write in your police rept its "geylang long hair". They will know how to contact me to get my statement.

if u carry on your defamation here and still think u can remain annoynmous... just try me.
Old 29-10-2009, 03:56 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

did u get her to execute a contract?...also bonus incentives n travel bonks?

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post

4K a month is not enough to bao cat$150 lah. last time i bao b4 at least $15k a month excluding other expenses like rental and gifts.
Old 29-10-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Mojo-Jojo-2007 View Post
In reality just before that fateful day, you have been going to Eagle's house everyday to check on whether she is working. Your jealousy and suspicion drove you to behave outrageously, such as checking the rooms even when you have been told she is not working.

He go around checking rooms......what if got customers inside bonking halfway how?
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