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Old 05-09-2004, 12:19 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Another Friday NIght in Batam!

‘Golf Tomorrow?”;
I received the SMS on Thursday evening this week and my reply was, “OK, afternoon and do we stay over?”

A quick call and we were soon booked for the Friday 2.05 ferry from Tanah Merah to Nongsa where we were to golf after which, it would be dinner in Nagoya and “debauchery” thereafter.

Golf was murder the way I played but my saving grace was the last two holes which allowed me to half the match that day. Who cares, its only golf!

In the changing room, the usual SIA kebaya-clad ladies (from the massage) tried to interest us in having a massage. No, we were heading for Nagoya where the same fun was for half the price. Only partake of the very nice services here if we’re on the way out back to Sillypore and unable to go to Nagoya – why waste good money?

Nicely washed up, we hopped into the “call-in” taxi for Nagoya to our hotel, stopping on the way once into Nagoya to change some local currency that we would need.

Earlier that day, I had a dilemma. To date a new girl I had met on the internet and hope to bed her or, to play safe and book one of the ladies that I have done previously or, go hunting in one of the Discos later.

Batam always presents choices to the s-players and its important to understand the landscape of possibilities to get the most out of your visit.

During golf, I had received several sms from the cuty from Sensasi. She was breaking her contract early and was heading back to Jakarta to exit the business the next day. Previously (when I had booked her), she had related to me how she cried for her first two nights and ran away when she discovered that her promised job in Batam was not to be the waitress. On arrival the shock that she was going to be a whore was a nightmare that she had not resolved till this day.

She asked me if I wanted to meet before she returned to Jakarta and I said, okay, tell your Mami you are reserved for today and see you later.

Too bad, the internet lady would have to wait. In any case, I did not know if she would be up-to-scratch in terms of looks so, why risk a valuable Friday evening’s with a “pig in the pock”.

On arrival in the hotel room, I sent out a quick SMS to the young cutie to come over quickly as we were hungry as wolves. My playing companion called Maxims to give them instructions to send his bed-warmer over later, at 9.30pm leaving them his room number. She could wait in the room while we were out to dinner. He also informed the front desk that they should give the lady the room key when she came so she could get access into the room. No valuables were left to be lost of course.

My cutie soon arrived whereupon the two of us rolled around the bed just for the fun of it. No sex immediately, we were too hungry! Then, 3 of us took the walk via Centrepoint, and Lucky Plaza to go to Oki’s Siang Heng. The lady boss was happy to see us as usual and we ordered and ate ourselves silly for the next hour. With the couple of bottles of beer, our bill came to 175k and this covered a fish tail in black been sauce, fish head in claypot, and two different plates of friend vegetables. On the side, we ordered some “fried tofu” and fried carrot cake while waiting for the main meal to be cooked.

Listened to the rationale of the young cutie and why she was “escaping” back to Jakarta to normal life. She was not going to get a cent of the monies that were being held by the boss for breaking the contract of 6 months. All she had was the tips she earned during her stint in Batam but, she wanted out of the business. I suppose, I was being built – up to be generous to her for the evening. In any case, I was happy for her and told her so – nothing like a reformed lady for bed-warmer whenever I visit Jakarta in the future.

When dinner was over, we took the same walk in reverse back to the Prima Asia Hotel and to our own rooms. My pal’s lady was already “in-suite” and we agreed to go do our own thing for the next hour or so.

I led my young cutie to my room and proceeded to go to the toilet first to wash off the grime of the eating marathon. Put on my tee and undies and came out to see that Cutie was watching TV on the bed and I pounced on her. Hmmm. Nice succulent and tasty, her flesh responded to my touch and lips. A clip removed, and her bra and top hauled over her head, I proceeded to pull the zip down from her pants and removed that too in one tug! Nice, only the panties prevented me from shoving my now aroused thingy into her in one push.

Kissed her all over and caressed her near the “mount of venus” and I could feel the wetness through her panties. This lady does get sloshy wet when aroused! Down with my briefs and I threw my own shirt over my head to be naked as swiftly as I could.

“Kau enak mau ku di dalam kau?” Aku tidak boleh tahan lagi.“
Ya, ku enak abang masuki sekarang!“ With that, she helped me put on the sheath of lust and I ventured the tip at the opening that was being presented to me. I inserted as slowly as I could for effect and the moist love-nest thrusted up to meet me. Exagerated slow insertions followed by sharp hard thrust is my favourite way to build tempo for mutual enjoyment. She grabbed my backside and pushed me down harder as I controlled myself not to move too quickly.

Slowed myself down to a halt, rolled over and pulled her to be on top of me. Grabbed her by the breast and squeezed and asked, “enak tak?” Ya bang, lagi!”

She began to grind herself hard increasing the tempo of her down and forward movements to get more out of our now co-ordinated pelvic thrusts and shove. Some minutes later, she just rolled forward and held on to my body and I rolled her over in reverse back to my favourite missionary position. “Aku mau dating sekarang,” I whispered and I started to “slow fuck” her each penetrating stroke as slowly as I could to let both of us savour the connection of lust, as we built up the tempo of the session. Soon, I was near the point of eruption and my downwards strokes were virtually slapping at her groin and she closed her eyes and whimpered as if in pain shaking her head from left to right.

“Sakit saying,” I asked and she continued to shake her head and pulled my torso closer to her chest. I pumped with all I got as the sperm rushed out of my system into the safety net of the sheath which I buried deeper and deeper with each urgent thrust. The point of no return came and I pulled her bum hard to reach as deep as I could into her body at the release of my love potion!

Then, I just allowed myself to lie on top of her and rested while we both caught our breath. A few minutes later, I rolled over and extricated my limping tool. “Pergi lah, mandi dulu, I said and she upped and went to wash up. Minutes later, she was out and I went to wash myself, my body had been worked to a heavy sweat. In the toilet, I used a tissue to cover the condom and pull it off my member and noticed that it was covered with some blood. Damm, the ladies time of the month had arrived I thought. Washed myself and enjoyed the shower alone under the hot water for about 10 minutes before I stepped out to dry myself. “Sayang, bulan sudah dating ya,” and she showed me a few small stains on her towel.

“Kalau gini, sayang tidak tinggal malam ni di sini ya,” I said. She said it was OK if I wanted to continue the night and I said, “Jangan lah, kau pergi jalan jalan dengan teman teman kau malam ni sebab besok akan pulang ka Jakarta.

She smiled and said ok, “termina kaseh, hati kau baik ya,” and I smiled. My fun partner called my room to report that he was exhausted by his superb session in his room and, he did not mind going out for a drink at Classic Pub nearby.

I arranged to meet him in the Lobby in 10 minutes and dressed up after which I took out a while night’s booking fee 220k and a tip of 100k and gave it to cutie.

Here, just for the memory, “Jangan lupa abang bila di Jakarta, SMS ku HP nombor yang baru, Bila abang ka Jakarta, kita bertemu OK,”

She smiled and said “abang, bertemu mesti boleh tapi tidak boleh “conkek ya, aku tidak berkerja gini lagi,”

I looked hard at her and said “Abang cari kau bukan kerja, bercinta saja boleh,” and she said, “Rindu boleh, conkek tidak bisa,” Saya tidak kerja gini lagi.”

Well, no need to get into any argument. I was a good customer and she was a good service lady even if she had not planned to be. In my mind, she was one of the few who was going to “escape” from this tough never-ending unplanned career and I was glad she was promising herself that she would DO IT.

I have had the pleasure of the acquaintance and perhaps, when we next meet, the “rindu” could be converted to “conkek” juga! I have succeeded more than fail in those kinds of meetings so why argue, I will just try in future when we next meet to get into her pants again for “love”!

Dressed, we went down to the lobby where we said a quick goodbye and, partner and I to the pub while she hailed a taxi on her onw waving goodbye. Another life and another story lived.

(to be continued)
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Old 05-09-2004, 12:21 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam


At Classics Pub, we exchanged notes of the last hour’s intimacies and I discovered that my friend had been truly milked totally. He was just happy to do nothing and drink for the rest of the evening.

The night was pretty young and I was again in the market for another cewek for the night. Exactly at the dot of midnight, we both left the pub with my partner walking back to our hotel. I hailed a taxi, settled for 10k and got myself quickly into Pacific Disco. Made a quick tour of both bars, crisscrossed the connecting floor between these bars and also walked the rear section to feel out which girl I would work on to bring back for a ST to cap off this visit.

Two rounds later, I settled for the back wall of the Disco and parked myself next to a girl-next-door young thing who was obviously Javanese and looked like my ex girlfriend from Solo. She had a sweet unspoilt face with no make up, mid length hair, and a tight body in ¾ length jeans plus a simple shirt on the top. Breast I estimated was about a handful with a taut unspoilt (hopefully) body that I would savour soon!

Standing next to her, I smiled at her and she returned the smile and I reached for her hand and held it. She held my hand back and I pulled her closer to be right next to me. I moved my body to gyrate in the same rhythm as her. Moved her to stand in front of me and, put my arms round her, pulled her to feel the front of my body close, her back to me. There was no resistance, in fact, she gyrated harder and held her hands on mine. We enjoyed the intimacy on the dance floor for the next hour or so during which time, I kissed her neck and caressed here all over through her clothes and even pulled her hand to rest and massage my dicky which was stiff all this while.

Her two companions who were around us had moved away and left us alone. When I felt that I had enough of the Disco, I pulled her hand and led her outside the Disco to the taxi and jumped in with her. Soon, we were at the hotel in my room and not much was uttered.

I turned down the lights, threw myself on her body and started to take off her clothes to savour what I had been touching since we had met in the Disco. What beauty brown skin before me!

Using my lips, I explored each curve of her tight brown skin from the neck down to her love nest biting her tits and with my hands, helping her body to enjoy the moment.

Putting my thumb and fingers into action, I brushed her hood and clit intentionally and it was dripping wet. I grabbed the box of Durex and asked her to help me get sheathed. She fumbled being less than experienced and in the process, my dicky goes limp without losing its size. It became useless as it was bending all over the place. Damm, its one of those moments which in my age I cannot reverse psychologically. I fumbled around, gropped, prodded, and it would not get stiff properly again.

Within minutes, the young lady came back to senses and cried “teman ku tidak ada wang tunggu ku pulang”, Ku mau ka Pacific sekarang!” My dicky went from limp to tiny and I just rolled back and said, “Sorry saying, lain kali baru kita bercinta.” She smiled hugged me and said “Lain kali aja.” She did not have a mobile phone (she said lost somewhere and no money to buy new one) and asked me to write down my number. I passed it to her, watched her dress up. I reached into my pants, pulled out 70k and gave it to her. She was slightly embarrassed and pecked me on the cheeks. I walked her to the door and said “hati hati saying, jangan lupa cari ku.”

So, I washed my hands of her love juices and climbed back into bed to sleep. These things do happen I suppose and its just another chapter in my Batam adventure. Next time I see her, I will have to “send her to heaven.”

Meanwhile, it was just another Friday night in Batam and we were soon on our way back to Sillypore in the late morning of Saturday after breakfast. My pal reported during breakfast that his gal gave him another dutiful session that morning and he was spent! What will we do without Pleasure Island?
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Old 06-09-2004, 01:44 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Well done on your trip there. Another great review on that pleasure island. Btw, what's the hotel you went to and how's the cost?

I notice most of the bros to batam have those prepaid mobile cards. Any idea how much it costs and how long it can be used for? Say probably a duration of ?? months?
Old 06-09-2004, 02:37 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

I usually stay at a very modest hotel to cut down on costs and in this visit, I used Prima Asia Hotel which is very basic but the rooms are very clean and good enough for me. No smelly carpets which some older hotels have.

Theres only the room and the hotel does not even have a coffee shop but that's okay cos I never like hotel food anyway.
A nearby coffee shop takes care of my breakfast deliciously and very cheap.

The rate is 125k per night and they charge 145k for Fridays and Sats but, I still get weekday rates on weekends as a regular.

Its located at the back of the New Centrepoint and thats one of the reasons I like it cos I can walk there as well as to Lucky Plaza, the supermarket therein, to the Pharmacies in case I need to buy condoms, or Levitra, or to Istimewa seafood which is one of my favourites.

I can also walk to PAS health centre, A1, Oki and to the nearby NED Pubs and even as far as Harmoni if I feel like it and from there cross the road to Planet Disco.

The money changer next to Istemewa nearby is now a good buddy who gives me decent exchange rates.

On prepaid telephone cards, most of us use it so locals e.g. ceweks who know us can call us if we want to talk to them or SMS. Singtel and other providers from Singapore murder us when we are roaming and also when we send out sms when roaming. Using the local prepaid card, we save on this.

I usually put my singapore mobiles divert to voice mails and also inform whoever is looking for me to call my Indo number if urgent. If you are afraid that others might know you are in Batam, don't do this. Of course, you can say you are in Jakarta or Bali. They will not know the difference.

The cheapest prepaid comes loaded with abot 50k of prepaid amount and costs about 80k. I understand that some of them are even cheaper to buy but since I have not been buying recently, I cannot be sure of the price. Its worth it if you are there often. In Indonesia, call incoming calls are free if you take a card that offers free roaming in Indonesia e.g Mentari or proxl.

The value gives you a time-line of 1 or two months depending on the service provider and when that expires, you have either one or two months extra free incoming calls before the card dies on you.

I usually maximize this to receive inbound calls while using my singtel lines on roaming to make outcalls, but, never to receive incoming roaming calls (activating my call divert to voice mail)

Hope that helps.
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Old 23-09-2004, 12:46 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Sorry for this long overdue report on my trip to Batam. I would like to thank sassina2 for his help, in giving me ideas on where to go, and choices which i can make.

Firstly, as an general idea on how late this report was, I went to batam on Sept 11. .. Nice date eh.. Ever since i went there 1 year ago, i wanted to visit that place again. I arrived at harbourfront at 1200HRS, went to the Penguin counter, and booked my tickets and hotel stay in Novotel. Hotel was $65, and ferry ticket was $27. Let me give my view on the hotel first.

For $65, its rather good. pleasent staff everywhere, but due to my late booking, i got a room on the 2nd floor. Checked the price on whether walk-in is cheaper or not, comes out to be that buy from penguin is cheapest. The only thing which i didn't like about the hotel, was the charges for the taxi. What i am trying to imply, was say take a taxi from the hotel to anywhere, it starts at 30k. In fact, to the golden prawn, was 40k itself. Granted that i have the choice on having simply walked out and hailed a cab myself, but being a newbie, i just didn't wanna fork out the trouble. Breakfast was great, better than expected, and i enjoyed my stay at the hotel.

Right. To continue now. I took the 1+pm ferry, reached Batam centre about 1 hr later. Batam centre was certainly better than the old Batu Ampar. Less touts, and there's even a taxi stand, which charges me 35k to my hotel. Less hassle, but what the heck. Just wanted to start my day nice. keke...

Checked in, and then we hurried out and onto PAS Health centre for a nice massage. Got myself a VIP room (93k) and a nice girl. She was rather cute, but i had a wonderful time over there. A bit of hanky panky, but no action cos of the rather thin walls... not really into letting my friend hear what's going on with me... . There wasn't a choice available to us, but it was good. Recommanded.

We left that place, this time, onto KTVs to check out some girls. Or so we thought. As we left that place by 4+pm, we arrived at hollywood a bit late. Hollywood didn't really interest me at all, maybe i was late. Next stop, sedona. Nothing interesting over there either. All were kinda like WWF professionals. Since we were disappointed with both, and were kinda hungry, we went to have our dinner.

Sassina2 recommanded me some nice dishes, but my friend was keen on seafood. He was interested in looking at what Golden prawn is, and how is the setting like. So onwards to Golden Prawn. Hunger kinda made us stay in Golden Prawn, and we ordered some dishes over there. Pricing wise, pretty ok. Not as bad as i've expected. Had some prawns, sotong, crabs, veg and 2 bottles of beer + coconut juice (not recommanded)... all for 163k. Damage wasn't too bad, at least. We ended being stuffed to the brim.

Left that place, and this time, wanted to go on to Hotel Island Garden KTV to check out some stocks. We had this taxi driver (stationed in Puri Garden Hotel) but met him outside Golden Prawn, who starts his recommandations to us. This is the part where it starts to be fishy (for me).

He told me that day was a 'holy' day where KTVs are not supposed to be operating. It's a first for me to hear this though. Anyway, he tried to tell us that Island Garden KTV was closed, and there's some nice girls with gd service in some other KTV. Ok. I might as well give it a try anyway.

We went onto Dui Crown, Hollywood (again), Sensasi and Pelita KTV. One thing that was funny, was we went thru the back doors for most ktv, except hollywood. Weird eh? I ended up seeing a cute girl from Dui Crown, so i booked her, and my friend grabbed a rather quiet (in my opinion) girl from Pelita KTV. I must say, the choices left in Dui Crown and Pelita were plenty. Sensasi and Hollywood didn't leave any remarkable ones...

Went back to our hotel first, was thinking of a shower then probably head to pacific and take a look on how its like. However, i couldn't really wait to bonk my girl, so decided to screw first, see mood later. She's pretty good (at least for me), quite wild in bed, especially with a petite figure. After my first round of firing, rang up my friend and wanted to check whether he still wanna go to Pacific. Oops.. he was errm.. in the middle of it, so we decided to call it off, and stay in our room to have some fun.

The one i booked, her name was ella. Age 21, we kinda chatted for a bit to get to know each other more. However, due to my lack of knowledge in malay, i ended up more with a pen drawing, trying to interpret what i meant, than talking with her. Oh well, at least she enjoys it. During the night, went for 2 more sessions of bonking (damm how i wished the night was longer). She left at 9+... which was pretty surprising for me, cos i expected earlier.

Then i rang my friend up... keke.. his girl left him at 7+... but he had an enjoyable time. Turns out, the girl was even more active than he is... haha... Pretty huge breasts, which he fancied.

We went for our buffet breakfast, and after which, we headed back, to Singapore. This time round, there were no touts in Batam Centre, which gave me a nice impression of the whole Batam experience. I guess for the next time, i'll definately wanna go again, but this time, with a much more experienced bro. keke... Any bro wanna take a newbie along??

Forgot to add on, i think for my next round, hotel royal would be a nicer choice, but for info, better book at the hotel or call them up. They charge 250k a night, compared to $65 at the penguin counter. Also, the taxi charges from the hotel are much more reasonable.
Old 23-09-2004, 02:07 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Notes on some things you could have done differently:

1) Penguin return ferry should be S$24 not S$26. Strange to me. Perhaps it included the S$2 Batam Centre terminal charges?

2) Novotel would have cost you RP320 k at the KATA Reservation service on arrival at Batam Centre I mentioned earlier to you. Thats around S$60 at today's rates. Also the taxi fare at Batam Centre should be 30k - they snooked you the extra 5k.

Yes, hotel taxi (4star) will hit you for what you got. Should still be only 20k - they chopped you! Out to the road and it will be 10k so the option was yours. Location sucks except for going to Pacific Disco of course.

3) Golden Prawn - you still went much against my advice and then you were happy so I got no comment. Me. I will swear here publicly that unless someone drags me there, I will not go there for the prices n quality of cooking.

4) PAS - haha glad you got a nice cute girl . Wonder who she was. I have bonked in there with some effort but, very few of the ladies will allow it of course.

5) The best girls in Hollywood and Sedona are never in the fish-tank. They are almost permanently booked out by their regulars. e.g. There are about 75 ladies in Sedona and even if you go at 1pm, you will see at most 35 ladies. The rest come back to change clothes and do some personal admin and out they go without stopping in the tanks. I am less knowledgeable about Hollywood as I never liked the place much.

6) Pity you missed Hotel Island KTV. I know a few friends who like nice looks and packaging and they swear by this place. Taxi probably discouraged you because he does not get commission there. That's a fact. You could also have peeked in after Dui just to see for yourself as its opposite and on the left of Dui Crown which is also at Penuin.

Yes, on holy days, the front doors of KTV would be closed. But Island Garden KTV is adjoined to a pub and in a hotel & the pub will be opened I am sure. They also have their own way to open to you if they are closed.

Anyway, I am happy that you were happy with your Ella.

7) If you are sensitive to location, then you are better at Island View but Royal is good too - just out of the way like Novotel is but more in town than Novotel.
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Last edited by sassina2; 23-09-2004 at 02:16 AM.
Old 23-09-2004, 02:51 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Hi Sassina2,

1) I've included the charges in for that... I might be wrong, but anyway, that's a rough idea.

2) Damm they snooked me out... Now i know... Lesson Learnt.

3) sorry about that part, though i asked you plenty of times where to eat. Will definately try out other places, if not with this friend of mine...

4-7) Oh.. so there was this holy day in indo... didn't know about that. Damm... so anyway to know when it happens? I'm not really sure how hotel island view charge, but i'm game to try it anyway.

Thanks very much for your advice. I had a great time over there. I think i have a better idea of what's going on around there now. I've gotta make island garden ktv my next pit stop over there.
Old 23-09-2004, 06:07 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

hi sassina,

if i staying at holiday inn waterfront will the gals be willing to come after i book her due to long distance away from nagoya? better still any lobang to get mami to bring gals for selection? dun mind paying more for the service. me newbie in batam only been once.
Old 23-09-2004, 09:24 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Originally Posted by justl00king
hi sassina,

if i staying at holiday inn waterfront will the gals be willing to come after i book her due to long distance away from nagoya? better still any lobang to get mami to bring gals for selection? dun mind paying more for the service. me newbie in batam only been once.
Once you have booked the girl, she can go so long as you pay the transport fee. Waterfront or Nongsa is OK. The good thing of course is that if the girl is naughty (as some of them are and wants to "escape" for an hour or two ) being far away from Nagoya makes it near impossible for them to play such games.

Most unlikely that the Mami (from Nagoya) will bring gals for selection to you there unless you are very regular and can guarantee that you will take her gals once she brings them. Besides opportunity costs, theres time cost involved just getting to Waterfont. Afterbooking, its OK cos the gal already paid for.

Yes, Pest is right, there should be a mami or 2 operating from the Waterfront area itself to serve the area and there are also a few pubs in the vicinity of the shophouses at waterfront. Never really checked them out so PM Pest for more information.
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Last edited by sassina2; 23-09-2004 at 09:40 AM.
Old 23-09-2004, 09:34 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam


Nothing to be sorry about,
Lots of people do enjoy going there including people like BM and other local residents. In fact, they consider Golden Prawn the place to go when you invite others out etc etc.

Just that I have this strong belief that they pay high commission to taxis and you are eating taxi commission thus resulting in high prices based on Batam situation.

As confirmed by a recent visit, both my friend and I and the cewek found the cooking ordinary.

Island Garden KTV is one of the most expensive places to book ceweks and they do not pay taxi commission despite that. Price there is 500k.

Planet KTV (300k), Pacific KTV(400k), Sphinx KTV (300-400k), No Name KTV (500k) (Harmoni Hotel) and Miyabi KTV (500k) at Goodway Hotel also do not pay taxi commission so the taxi drivers shun these places.

So far of these, I would only recommend the Island Garden, Planet and Pacific as the others did not have interesting line-ups when I visited on a few occasions.

About Holy Days, my knowledge of this is below par, best to consult the muslim friends you have. However, this coming Oct 15 onwards, its Ramadan and on the first 5 days, the last 5 days and also somewhere in the middle, you will find places totally shut with the back door as the only alternative etc - best to avoid going.
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Old 23-09-2004, 09:36 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Well there is a mami who operates by sending the gals over to you in waterfront.The meeting place is at Kandang Kuda(a pub opposite Harris Resort).The only catch is that if you do not choose the gals,you just pay the ongkos(taxi fare).
Mind you,these gals are in the above average quality and they cost from 500k to 2juta a night.
Old 23-09-2004, 09:50 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Originally Posted by Pest
Well there is a mami who operates by sending the gals over to you in waterfront.The meeting place is at Kandang Kuda(a pub opposite Harris Resort).The only catch is that if you do not choose the gals,you just pay the ongkos(taxi fare).
Mind you,these gals are in the above average quality and they cost from 500k to 2juta a night.

Hmmmm some smart Mami / Papi (or people) are creaming off the top to serve sex-starved gamblers! I sure would like to see how good the quality is in terms of looks and service before I comment further.

The best overall quality I see in Nagoya was at Island View KTV and thats 500k and already there are people who think its too much for Batam but some of us do pay that price happily.

2 Juta, well, that's another market that Hartono was good at in Jakarta so the product and service has to be top top to be justified! Tell me more about it Pest when we do meet.
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Old 23-09-2004, 09:59 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Dear Bros who are regular casino crazed also, heard that Planet is opening up a new casino today. Grand opening? Not too sure yet. Maybe tonite I will check it out if time permits.

As usual, these place comes with woman who are ready to sell their bodies. Hope to post some FR soon.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 23-09-2004, 09:59 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Well let's have a few beers and scan the selections.Any idea when you cumming over?
Old 23-09-2004, 10:27 AM
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Re: The Best of Batam

Originally Posted by newyorker88
Dear Bros who are regular casino crazed also, heard that Planet is opening up a new casino today.
Casino within Planet disco ?? same scale as the one in ex-'Man-Dream' hotel


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