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Old 15-06-2012, 10:31 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Devi, intrigued by what’s happening seemed concerned. “Is she ok? I mean, is everything alright?” she asked, “Does she need any help?” “Er, ya, no, I mean…..Ya, she’s ok and no, she doesn’t need any help,” I mumbled, not fully comprehending what I just said.

It was close to 9.00 then – I didn’t realise that I had been sitting in the foodcourt for two hours! Nirmala couldn’t finish the whole bowl and asked her mum to finish it. Taking a few spoonfuls, Devi got up and prepared to leave. “Let me give you my mobile number just in case you need any assistance…..” “Hmm, a frail excuse indeed!” I thought to myself. Why would I call her mobile if I needed any assistance when I could call 999? Wouldn’t the response be faster? Unless she was referring to some other form of assistance…..”Ooh, masala and tandoori chicken! Spicy, yeah!” the evil one laughed. Keying in her number into my mobile, Devi left with her daughter. I too then got up and walked out of the foodcourt. Lim and Amy in the meantime were also preparing to make a move.

It was another ten to fifteen minutes later when Amy called me again. “He left already?” I asked. “Ya. Saw him going into the MRT station” she replied. “Going into the MRT station, he can also walk out again right?” I said. “No lah, I mean he go right inside and I saw him walk downstairs to the train…..” Amy assured. “So where are you now? I’m standing outside NTUC,” I asked. “I’m coming up the escalator”. “Ok, I meet you at BreadTalk…..”.

“So, everything settled already?” I asked as she approached me. “I think so,” she muttered, with a look of resignation. Unable to withhold my curiosity any longer, I asked, “So what did he say? I mean, what did he tell you?” “You want to go back already?” Amy looked at me and asked. “No, it’s ok. Come, let’s find a place to sit” I suggested. We walked in silence and managed to find a seat near the Courts outlet.

Sighing, Amy began speaking softly, “I really don’t know what to do, Chan. He say he really love me a lot and cannot let me go. He also know his own chow kwan and say will try to change…..” pausing a moment. “But I know him one, not so easy can change. The character so many years like that, you think say change, can change meh? I think his wife also cannot tahan him that’s why leave him.”

“But did you tell him how you feel? About getting married and having baby?” I asked. “Ya. He say the reason why he keep on wanting to ask me to get married is becos he scared wait another man try to kow suah me. Scared wait he lose me. Aiya, I told him even if married, people want to kow suah also will kow suah one. Depend on the woman mah, right or not?”, stating a valid point there. “Somemore, I told him we both not young already. If have another baby, how to look after until grow big? What for bring a life into this world and let it khang khor wait?” she added. “Actually you not that old mah,” I replied. Looking at me and getting somewhat annoyed, she said “You think want to get baby so easy one ah? You tell me, tiok thau pio got so easy one or not, I ask you? Ya, some people lucky, one time only can kena. But some people, try and try until long, long time then kena. You know what I mean or not?” she asked. Not really understanding her philosophy, I kept quiet.

“Hiya, if you lucky, do one time can already. Get pregnant. But what if cannot? Do and do many, many times.....and then suddenly got baby. By that time, you how old already? You understand or not?” she explained. Ah, now I got the picture - she’s worried that if and when she were to get pregnant, time will not be on her side. “And somemore at my age, got baby also won’t be easy one. What if the baby not normal, then how? I already over 40, you know?” she added, confirming what I just thought. “So, what did he say?” I continued. “He say never mind lor. If I don’t want baby, he ok with it. As long as we are together, he happy already” she replied.

Listening to Amy, I figured that Lim must really have very strong feelings for her. It made me feel bad. Here I am, lusting after her while she has another man who truly loves her. “Cause I’m truly, truly in love with you, girl…..” as Lionel Ritchie’s voice on somebody’s ringtone rang out. “So what do you plan to do now?” I asked Amy. Sighing again, and shrugging her shoulders she replied, “Hiya, what can I do? This is my fate lor…..”. “I ask you something, can or not?” I said, “Do you love him?” without even waiting for her to answer. She looked silently at the ground, and nodded her head lightly. “But…..” she said softly and stopped.

“But what?” I asked. Hesitatingly, she looked at me and asked “Can one person step on two boats?” “Wah, this woman damn Confucius one man…..” I said to myself. “What you mean?” I asked. “I mean, can one person step on two boats at the same time? One leg on one boat…..” she replied. I knew what she meant by that, but pretended to act blur as I wanted her to elaborate. “Can one person like two people at one time?” she clarified. “Like? Not love?” I asked. “Can, why not? A person can like many people at one time. Like only mah. But love… depends” I said. Now it’s her turn to look puzzled. “If the two boats are tied and not moving, plus if the water is calm, then no problem. Anyone can jump from one boat to another, even stand with one leg on each boat, won’t fall. But once when the boats rock or move, it will be difficult to balance and control, no matter how strong your legs are. It’s impossible to balance two boats with two legs in the sea when the waves come. You know what I mean?” She burrowed her eyebrows.

I knew exactly what I meant – hell, I’m learning to balance on four boats now! The wife and the other three. Even with my dick helping to balance, it’s proving to be quite a task as I’m also eyeing other boats out there…..I think I know what Amy’s driving at when she referred to the “two boats”. Not wanting to sound thick skinned, I believe she’s referring to Lim and me.

“Not very sure” she replied. I turned to her and said, “No need to think so much lah, ok? If you love Lim, then continue with him lor. You must be prepared to tahan him lah, the next time he khee siao…..” She then reached for my hand and held on to it. Looking into my eyes, she started to tear. Having a soft spot for tearing women, I quickly broke contact and said to her “Hiya, please ah, don’t cry ok? Wait people here think I bully you hor. They hantam me then I how?” reaching for my packet of tissues and passing it to her. Half smiling, she wiped a tear away. “Come, I send you home” I said, standing up.

She was silent on the drive home. As she opened the door to step out, she suddenly turned to me and kissed me once on the cheek. Caught by surprise, I didn’t react to it. “Thanks for coming and helping me tonight, darling…..” she whispered and got off. “DARLING???” That’s three strikes in a row…..Just then, the text signal of my mobile sounded. “How’s everything?”

It was from Devi.

Next – “Hit me with your best shot…..”
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Old 15-06-2012, 11:41 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

stepping on 4 boats?
you must have good acrobatic skills
Old 16-06-2012, 03:59 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Cummin 5 boats?
Old 16-06-2012, 12:44 PM
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Thumbs up Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Think next 1 should be Devi................
Old 16-06-2012, 01:29 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

i start fr pp1 & finish the ent thread. a lot of emotion from chan but just curious wat his feelg exactly for his wife & family. the story will be more kancheong with the challenges of a fast suspecting wife and how chan deal with it
Old 17-06-2012, 07:59 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Continue please!
Old 17-06-2012, 11:32 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Chan, Ah Chan, I followed your thread from page 1 till now and find its really interesting and sexciting. What makes a difference is there is emotion and humour into the writing.
The other is the element of suprise, besides more boats to be stepped on, there are some passing sampans too (those indo ladies) and the suspecting wife. Only one word of advice (though you are much more experienced than me) is 打死都不承认, (die die dont own up) all would be fine.
Well done and keep up the good work.
Old 17-06-2012, 11:48 AM
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Talking Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Now got indian bush.. interesting await your report...hahaha
Old 17-06-2012, 01:31 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

I'd like to take this time to wish all the fathers, the "soon-to-be" fathers, the "still-waiting-to-be" fathers, the "not-yet-ready-to-be" fathers, the "kan-ni-nah-where-got-so-chun-one" fathers and the "who-say-I'm-the-father?" fathers, a "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!"
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Old 17-06-2012, 03:53 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by boob_man View Post
I'd like to take this time to wish all the fathers, the "soon-to-be" fathers, the "still-waiting-to-be" fathers, the "not-yet-ready-to-be" fathers, the "kan-ni-nah-where-got-so-chun-one" fathers and the "who-say-I'm-the-father?" fathers, a "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!"

Same to You " Happy father day " .....
Old 17-06-2012, 04:17 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Got a qns for TS- u sent e sisters, go out makan, send em to places. U not afraid kena spot tio? No wat if ppl see n tell ur wife
Old 17-06-2012, 04:58 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Already tasted: Alice, Amy & Winnie, though not all fully but still good enough:-)

Next change: time for some variety with Devi?

Can't wait for Yr next instalment bro!
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Thanks & Cheers
Old 17-06-2012, 08:37 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by superhuman View Post
Got a qns for TS- u sent e sisters, go out makan, send em to places. U not afraid kena spot tio? No wat if ppl see n tell ur wife
You're absolutely right, TS. There's always this element of fear whenever I'm out with another woman other than my wife or family, especially when I "thau chiak....." That's why I usually pick places where human traffic is not that high, or places where it's discreet. I'm mindful not to walk to close to her when we're in public - no hand holding or body contact either. So far, so good.....
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Old 17-06-2012, 08:48 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by boob_man View Post
I'd like to take this time to wish all the fathers, the "soon-to-be" fathers, the "still-waiting-to-be" fathers, the "not-yet-ready-to-be" fathers, the "kan-ni-nah-where-got-so-chun-one" fathers and the "who-say-I'm-the-father?" fathers, a "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!"
Same to you too bro!! Cheers .................. our linguistic style bro!!
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Old 17-06-2012, 08:49 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Chapter 23 – “Hit me with your best shot…..”

I believe Amy should have already filled in her sis and Winnie about what transpired the other night as neither called or messaged me to ask. And, I also didn’t meet the sisters on Sunday as it rained heavily that morning.
My birthday was spent with the family without much fanfare – just like any ordinary weekend.

I was at the office when my mobile rang. “Hello, Chan ah?”. “Yup, what’s up?”. “Ask you something can? My boss want to sack one of our staff. He suspect the staff got steal things from the office.....” It was none other than dear Winnie. “Steal what?” I asked. “Some petty cash missing and the other day, my boss lost one of his handphones. He forgot to take and left it on the table before he went off. Then later when he come back to the office, the phone no more there” she went on. “How do you know that it's that staff who took the money and phone? Maybe other people? You got proof or not?” I asked.

“Hiya, that guy always around one,” she added. “Wah lau eh, he’s a staff right? Of course he must always be around mah! What rubbish you talking?” I chuckled. “Tsk. No! I mean when the things lost, he’s always around one. Like that night, only he and my boss in the office. Already seven plus and he still around. Everybody already went back. When my boss left, he was the only one left in the office. Then later when my boss came back around eight, nobody around and his handphone also not there. You say leh, who take?” she snorted. “Don’t know leh, maybe got ghost?” I joked. “Aiyo, can please don’t talk nonsense can or not? Sometimes I alone in the office one ok!” she pleaded. “Ok lor. Next time you alone and you feel scared, call me lor!” I laughed. “So what you want to ask me?” I asked. “Tsk, see lah, now you make me forget what I want to ask you already. You always like that one. Si beh pek chek you know, talking to you…..” she grumbled. “Sorry lor! Don’t know why I like to disturb you one leh. You know you very the cute?” I teased again. “Ha, again, again. Tsk, You can be more serious or not?” beginning to sound annoyed. “Aiya, never mind lah, forget what I want to ask you already…..” and she hung up.

The thought of Devi suddenly sprang in my mind. Picking up my mobile, I sent her a text “How are you? Busy?” I continued with my work and didn’t realise that there wasn’t any reply from her.

Rrrinnnggg…..”Hello?”. “Chan! How are you?” an unfamiliar voice sounded calling from a private number. “Who’s this?” I asked. “Wah, you sms me asking me how I am, and now you’re asking me who am I ah?”, now realising that it’s Devi. “Devi!” I exclaimed. “Sorry, I couldn’t recognise your voice! Also, how come calling from a private number?” I asked. “Can’t recognise my voice ah? That means you’re not hearing enough of it!” she joked. “I’m on duty, that’s why I didn’t get your message until now. I’m calling from a public phone. My handphone’s low batt…..” she added. “Nothing important. I just happened to think of you since we didn’t communicate since that night…..” I said. “How’s Nirmala?” I asked. “She’s fine, that naughty girl…..” “I can’t talk too long. Why don’t I call you back day after tomorrow? I’ll be off then,” she said. “No worries. Anytime is fine. Ok then, you take care ya!” I said to her.

Scenes of dancing and singing then filled my mind. I could picture myself - shades on, with a bevy of sexy, busty women, shaking and thrusting their hips aggressively, their breasts jiggling and bouncing with every beat. My left arm outstretched, pointing upwards, my right hand cupping my ear, elbow flapping like a butterfly to the bhangra beat…..I can see Devi now, running in slow mo along the beach, hair blowing in the wind. The only prominent missing props were the coconut trees…..

A knock on my door jolted me back to reality, thus ending my Bollywood debut. “Boss, applicant for second interview is here. You want her to come in or ask her to go to the conference room” one of my staff asked. “Err, come already ah? Where’s the application form? Let me have a run thru first. Ask her to wait for me in the conference room”.

“Ivy? Hi, I’m Chan. How are you?” I greeted a confident looking young lady with an outstretched hand which she shook firmly. I invited her to have a seat and went on. “So, tell me, what kind of a job would interest you?” Looking at me in the eye with a somewhat cocky smile, she replied, “A job that can gain me sufficient experience to allow me to scale the corporate ladder. In short, moving up as high as possible in the shortest possible time”. She’s a fresh grad from a private university, majoring in Business Admin. “So how do you intend to do that?” I asked. Still poised and oozing confidence, she continued, “As a newbie without the necessary experience, I’m like a fresh sponge, able to soak up as much as needed, so as to…..” and she went on.

I was observing her as she spoke. Dressed in a white blouse with a dark jacket and matching skirt, she cut the figure of a professional executive. The only drawback it seemed was that she appeared to be over confident of herself. Having interviewed dozens of people, my experience tells me that either she’s nervous or she’s just being cocky. “As I went through your company’s website, I noticed that…..” she went on and on, trying to impress me.

As she paused to take a breather, I took the opportunity to ask her about herself, apart from what was stated in the application form. She filled me in on her family, her likes and dislikes, the usual stuff. Directing my last question to her, I asked the same question as all the other applicants before I make a decision. Something like a “hit me with your best shot” type question. “Tell me, how do you plan to be able to make a significant contribution to the company?” Apparently caught off guard by my question, she remained cool. Leaning back, she looked at me in the eyes and replied, “Well, as I’m not employed yet, I really can’t offer any plans at this time but I’ll definitely make it worth your while should I be given the opportunity…..” That statement was full of innuendos. Getting up, I thanked her for coming by and told her that we’d get back to her should her application be successful.

Spending some time alone in the conference room after she left, I looked over her application form again and pondered over the issue. Should I or shouldn’t I…..? She’s young and energetic, inexperienced but willing to learn. She was also acceptable of the remuneration package being offered due to her inexperience then. The devil in me was having a field day, filling my thoughts and tempting me with every conceivable idea of what to teach and do to her. Things that can’t be taught in a classroom….. “Aiya, think so much for fuck? Yah hor, on second thoughts, actually it’s for fuck what!!” that bastard was chuckling…..

But on the flipside, she appears to be overly confident and outspoken for my comfort. “What if she starts stirring up shit within the company?” I worried. I won’t be surprised that she, because of her young age, energy, drive and passion, would resort to any means just to advance her career and goals. My inner voice then said, “Ya, if you end up with her like the sisters and Winnie, better be prepared with lots and lots of money. Ivy doesn’t seem to be one who takes things lying down…..(with a double meaning). What happens if she blackmails you?”. ”Ok then, it’s decided.” I told myself, marking a cross at the top right hand corner of the form.

Just then, my mobile rang. It’s Alice. “Chan, what you doing?” she asked. “Just finished an interview. Why?” I replied. “Nothing lah. Cannot ask is it?” she said. “Can! What you doing?” I asked in return. “Nothing lor. Just finish watching my Korean series. Very sian…..” “Your sis at home?” “Now yes, but she going out later.” Not wanting to know if she’s meeting Lim or not, I asked “So what you feel like doing?” “My aunty went home already…..” was what she said.

Coming up – “Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses…..?”
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