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Old 13-05-2013, 04:42 PM
fictionman fictionman is offline
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Re: My Secret Life....

Reading thru Sammyboy Adult section, one particular thread caught my attention...WeChat...Curious went in to read & found out alot of "happenings"...This was 6 mths ago...Install the app on my hp & started to "Look Around"...Found some decent looking gals to chat...Some responsive some heck care my greetings to them...But after abt half an hour of chatting, nothing in common & so it's back to the drawing board...Unlucky me coz I don't know mandarin or else I could know more gals...Some are decent looking PRC's & some are soliciting clients...This is what I read la in the thread...Never encounter one due to my inability in conversing mandarin...

After abt a week of non action, decided to delete the app...Fast forward to Apr'13...Again after reading the WeChat thread, decided to give it another go in finding a gal to chat...As I have reached the magical 40 in my eventful life, I just want to find a gal to chat with...That is my main goal...Bros might not agree wz my intention but if anything that comes along with the initial chattin, I consider it a big bonus...After years of being married to the same woman, I just want to find a gal to chat with..$$$$$ics to discuss with the wifey have somehow dried up...Especially at night when she's asleep, I would feel very bored not having someone to talk to...Need some1 that I can talk to abt life,food,movies,etc & of coz sex...

Might find this stupid but Im actually looking for married or attach woman...Reason being I want them to know Im married....I don't want to misled them into thinking Im looking for a gf or wife...If the woman are attach, at least I can rest easily knowing we are just looking around for a fling,ONS or just companionship...I have no intention to start a relationship.. I just want a companionship for chatting during wrkin hrs & after midnite at home...Believe it or not that is the truth...Yes I do eat outside behind my wife's back but its wz WL at HC...Fuck,pay & forget..But of coz there are a few gals that I rtf la...If they manage to make me steam enuff, I will go back again to them...But it's still fuck,pay & partially forget....

After 2 days of looking around in WeChat, a gal respond to my message...We started to msg each other after finding out we have things in common...Strangely after 2 hours of chattin, the question of are we attach or not didnt crop up...Guess we were to engross in chattin abt our common things...She's a lot of fun to chat wz...As she's wrkin shift duty, day time we seldom chat but after midnite is a different story...message aft message were sent...But after 3 days of chattin, the topic of sex is still a taboo subject...Then one nite after we say our gdnites, I log out fm my account just to be on the safe side in case my wife stumble across the app...Of coz I put this wonderful app in a folder containing other game apps so it won't be so visible once my phone is visible to her eyes...Notification is off when Im at home...Better play safe...

The next morning i log into WeChat & saw she msg me saying she's sorry...I thought what but is in fact that she is telling me she has a bf & they are living 2gether...Believe it or not but I was estatic abt the news...I promptly sent her a msg saying Im a married man...She reply saying she more or less knows im married fm the pic i gave her!!???....Maybe uncle look aldy...I also told her how can a pretty girl like her (fm the pic she gave me earlier) not be attach (give her 6/10)...

We continue to chat daily but mostly at midnite when my wifey is asleep...She also said her bf would also be sleeping like a pig ard this time due to shift wrk also...We would chat for ard 1 to 2 hrs nightly..Yes I would be pretty slpy at wrk due to lack of sleep (ard 4 hrs sleep only) but I have finally found some1 that i could share my problems with...It's like we are fated to meet each other...Initially she didnt wants to give her hp me but after 3 weeks she finally gave me...Small steps for her in trusting me...She knws Im not looking for a quickie,ONS or affair with her...

Slowly she sent me pics of herself when I ask for it...Vice versa...Once I joke abt any sexy pics of her for me to see...Of coz she says dont have & if hv also wont give any1 see...Only for her bf...Told her no prob but I was gutted to say the least...Guys will always be horny...Few days after my "request", the sexy pic topic arise again...This time she say if I cannot tahan after seeing her sexy pic then how...Told her i go & DIY lor...She counter back saying i'm married why need to DIY...Can go & do it wz my wife if steam...By this time she knws pretty much abt my non-existent sex life wz my wife as we have covered this topic...

At nite after my wife is asleep, I would on the notification of WeChat...Went for a quick loo break & came back saw she has sent me a msg on my home screen...Swipe my iphone to unlock the home screen & wah la...She has sent me a pic of her in bikini!!!....Wzout national anthem playin, my lil bro has marikita automatically!!!...Told her she's busty!!...And she replied I didnt say I was not busty!!!..But not to the extend of spilling out of the bikini la...But still a handful!!!...Told her I steam liao..She says sure or not she pic also got steam..Told her guys are diff from gals...We horny creatures steam easily...Even seeing VPL during lunch time also can steam!!!...She made me promise & swear to god not to let any living human being see the pic...I swore!!!..

Then it's time to sleep as it was ard 2am on a weekday...We say our nightly goodnites wz dear this dear that...But b4 we end the chat, I sent her a msg..."Dear...I see yr bikini pic I steam aldy"...Trying to be as gentleman as possible, I ask her sthing.."I wat to cum but wife aldy soundly asleep at 2am, can i see yr pic & DIY??"...By now I might look like a pervert to her!!!...Anxiously waiting to see wats her reply would be...Pop the notification comes out..."Yes dear"...Wz tt we ended our nightly chat & off I went to DIY while looking at her bikini pic...Shot out my cum...Wash up & sleep!!...

Might seems like a pervert but hey who cares...It's 2am & if i wake up my wife & fuck her (which i never did b4), she might "suspect" sthing hahaha...Next day she ask me if i got DIY & I told her "Yes Dear"...We continue our daily chat at nite...It's now 1 month aldy...And the weird part is that we have yet to meet each other!!!...She says she is loyal to her bf & wont fuck ard with others...Told her Im find wz it (not entirely true la actually)...I also not really actively lookin for a FB...If it doesnt happen between us, so be it...I still love her dearly as my friend whom i can share my problems wz.. Maybe someday sthing might happen but I won't be pushing the topic wz her anytime soon...Lets leave it to destiny...If we do meet up for dinner or movie one day, who knws where a simple get 2gether can lead to...Till that day cums, we are now calling ourselves WeChat bf/gf...Sounds childish...Yes it does..But at least knwing her I have relieved my teenage days once again...It's great being "young again"...

She asked me if I werent married now, would i woo her??...My answer is a simple "YES DEAR"...
Old 13-05-2013, 10:03 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

nice one ! camping for more
Old 07-06-2013, 12:06 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Finally aft almost 2 mths of chattin daily,we finally met up for dinner...I hv long to ask her out but i dont wat to be dissapointed by a 'NO' answer...So i drag on for so long b4 asking her out...My damm flaw in life is i cant take rejection well..Will be damm emo..This flaw of mine has certainly stopped me fm going further in life!!!...Sad but true...

So what makes me asking her out this time??...Well thruout our daily chats,she's being giving me hints like when is her off day,feel bored on off day,bf wrkin when she's off,etc...So aft hearing all these,I decided to try my luck...Ask her out for dinner on her off day...Wzout hesitation,she said YES...Wz a sigh of relief,we set the time & place to meet...

Time has come for us to meet...I was strangely feeling abit nervous seeing her in person..Felt like a teenager all over again..But aft seeing her & talkin to her for a few mins,the ice is broken easily...We hit it off...Those daily chats & phone calls has certainly help us both to settle in quickly...We were nvr short of things to talk...Just like long lost pals...Aft our dinner we head to the Esplanade for a walk...Then she suggest sitting down by the seaside...It has a nice view...Gd plc to sit down for couples...

We talk & talk but no action...Im fine wz it actually...Get to knw u session...But we sat closely to each other...I mean really close...At one point i just wanted to kiss her as she was so close to me...But i resisted my lil bro temptation...We hv talk previously tt we r just very2 gd frens...I dont wat to ruin this frenship of ours...Mayb she wats me to kiss her or maybe not...Mayb next time when we meet i might try my luck...Who knws i might get lucky!!

Topics like sex wasnt brought up when we met...We do talk alot abt our sex lives during chattin but mayb 1st time meet might feel a wee bit uncomfortable..We sat for an hour..Then we decide to call it a day...As we were walking towards the mrt,she mention some pubs in clarke quay which she once visited..Says its very nice...Told her why dont u show me where it is...Wzout an ounce hesitation,she say lets go dear...

And so we walk fm Esplanade to clarke quay but no holding of hands...A few times our hands would brush against each other tts all..Reached de pub...All the while i thght she just wat to show me the place only but to my surprise she says lets hv a drink...Im ok wz it...Again we sat real cloze to each other in de pub...Wanted to hold her hands but again my inner demon held me back..What if what if what if she resist blah blah blah...So pathetic...

We didnt stay long there...Made our way to the mrt...I sent her back...Though nothin "happened",I was reasonably satisfied wz how de evening went..Some might find me a loser coz no action & u maybe right but i knw my limits...Mayb it might happen between us one day but i wont be going fast & furious to make it a reality just yet...Reach home midnite & saw my wifey slping...In my mind,I was thinkin how good it is if the one slping on my bed now is my wechat buddy..Sigh
Old 12-06-2013, 04:06 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Aft our first "date",life is back to norm...Textin & phone calls...But one major development is tt we are both planning to go back to our hometown in Msia next mth...And we both are fm the same hometown!!!...How concidence is tt!!!..We didnt plan to go back at the same time initially but I suggest to her why don't we go back together!!!...Wzout a blink of an eye she said OK...Tryin not to show my fucking excitement at this, I calmly said let's pick a suitable date

But the best part of this upcoming trip back to our hometown is tt we will be going back wzout our partners!!!...My mind is fill wz "things" i want to do wz her in Msia...Some clean things & of coz some "dirty" things...Must proceed carefully as to not destroy our frenship...The advantage I hv back in Msia is tt I got a car...And we knw wat we can "do" inside the car in a secluded area...

But before all this car or hotel rendevous, what better way to get up cloze & cozy with her wz a long bus journey back home...I will test water inside the bus on what my chances are...Mayb start off wz holding hands...then cuddling...& just mayb kissing...One thing for sure, wz both my wife & her bf not around, the chances of some hanky panky is very very gd indeed...Just need to access the situation carefully b4 proceeding...

My secret life motto of "Fuck,pay & forget" will be severely tested in the cummin weeks...
Old 13-06-2013, 09:02 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Interesting story. Looking forward to your bus journey.
Old 15-06-2013, 09:51 AM
iwantmassage iwantmassage is offline
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Re: My Secret Life....

nice post!! waiting for more
Old 17-06-2013, 03:27 PM
fictionman fictionman is offline
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Re: My Secret Life....

Will be meeting my wechat "gf" this week again...I will take this opportunity to access how far I can proceed when we are in Msia in a mth's time...Hv to be at my best behaviour not to ruin our relationship b4 our trip...I really really want to be wz her in Msia...

If "things" do happen in Msia,I will be a lucky man...If nothing happens,I still will be one lucky man to hv her as my frend...Yes i do want to fuck her...But will it come at a cost as Im a married man...People will say just treat her as a FB...In a way tt is probably the best scenario...That is if she agree...But nowadays I find myself thinkin abt her day & nite...I will wonder what she is doing..Who is she talking to & what is she doing wz her bf!!!...

Wake up i think of her...Sleeping time i think of her...Man...Feels like a teenager having a crush...Why am i feeling this way...Im a happily married man..Why is she always on my mind!!!...I dont think i have fallen for her...Maybe its been such a long time since my dating days tt i feel so much laughter & sweet memories...

Seeing guys saying of their "conquest" wz wechat girls makes my situation pale in comparison...Mayb deep down i feel guilty towards my wife if sthing happen wz my wechat gal...U might find it fucking weird coz i feel this way coz i have been fucking WLs behind my wife's back!!!...Yes i admit i dont feel an ounce of guilt when i fuck them...I dont hv any feelings for them...Fuck,pay & forget...But wz this wechat gal, i feel i hv some sort of feelings for her...

Not those "I Love U" feelings...Now i can still proudly say i can easily separate out my feelings for her...Feelings for a best friend...But i know my feelings will dramatically change if we hv sex together...Yeah some might say FB only la...Dont take it so seriously brudder...But I knw myself better then anyone else...If I cross this fine line with her, my marriage will be affected...

I might be contradicting myself...Small brain says fuck her...Big brain says dont cross the line...Man...Aint it great if i wasnt married...No need to think abt wat big brain wats...Just do it!!!!...Watever happens in a mth's time will hv an impact in my life...Do I regret knwin her thru wechat...NO!!!...Hopefully next mth, Watever happens in Msia, Stays in Msia......
Old 03-07-2013, 01:24 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

So bro, how was the trip home? Full of excitement and intense shagging?? Do update us ya? Thanks n cheers, ........................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 03-07-2013, 03:40 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by eeemen View Post
So bro, how was the trip home? Full of excitement and intense shagging?? Do update us ya? Thanks n cheers, ........................
Bro...Only gg back next wkend...3 days wz her...Can't hardly wait...

51/49% chance of sexual activities based on signs i get fm her...Of coz i want but i knw her loyalty towards her bf might be the main stumbling block..
Old 04-07-2013, 08:07 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

As the day draws nearer to our trip back to Msia,im beginning to have some serious issues in my head...I like her...I adore her...But stop short of loving her...She's constantly on my mind b4 i slp & when i wake up in de morning..

This kind of "weird" feelings is like younger days when wooing a girl or just started dating...The honeymoon period...All still lovey dovey...Its been ages since i felt this way...Feels good being able to feel this way again but it also comes wz headaches...Both of us r attach...So there's no way we wlll ever be together...We both made it very clear on this point...Though nothin really have happen between us till now, I hv somehow bcum sort of emotionally attach to her...

When she goes out wz her frens, somehow i felt wee bit of jealousy & emo...Stimes she tells me whom she goes out with...She said mostly are her gal pals...& the things they do when they meet,clubbing...Man..Somehow its like a needle pricking my skin....Wishing she dont go clubbing & be a good good girl at home...But not that she goes clubbin weekly...Just once in awhile...But it somehow "hurts me"...What if she meets a guy there...So many what if wonder thru my mind...I shldnt be feeling this way as she is just a frend only...This kind of feelings shld be reserved for my wifey...

Very very heart pain for me nowadays...Mayb im too emo...I admit since my teenage days i got some jealousy blood flowin thru my veins...Not since my dating days wz my 1st gf, M, hv i felt this way abt a girl...My wifey thank god so far hvt given me this kind of emotional distress...Tts why we r still married aft so long...Now comes this wechat girl who is 10 yrs my junior turnin my world upside...

Usually at nite,my time table is watchin tv b4 i doze off...CSI,Criminal Minds,Law & Order:SVU,Fox Movies & Fox Sports News are my religion...But now for the past 3mths,all i could think off at nite is her...Chattin wz her...Wat to knw how was her day like...Stimes chat abt sex also...I mean i shld be thankin my lucky stars to hv found a girl tt is willing to chat & meet wz a married man..So far its been a plutonic friendship...Suits me fine till now...

Stimes when i knw she went back home late, i will be emo...Sigh..So pathetic...But i cant control myself...I wont tell her off for going back home late but i will be be kind of cold towards her...Who am i to tell her off..Im not her bf..I would just dont feel like chatin or talkin on de phone wz her...Once i gave her the cold treatment (again so pathetic of me) & she left me a message like this..."u nowadays seem to avoid me...why??"...Heart melt rite away...Then i will go back chattin or talkin on de phone wz her again...Im weak in her presence...

Next week when we go back together,i dont knw at wat level our "relationship" will be after tt...Surely will be more closer...Tts wat im afraid of...Getting too close to her!!!...Then my emo level towards her will also raise...More headaches!!!!...Stimes it cross my mind to end this friendship so i can go back to my normal life...Mayb abit boring but at nite i can slp comfortably beside my wife...No need to think abt wechat girl...But do i hv the strenght to end it...I really dont knw...Just hope after our trip back home,i wont fall deeper into emo state...Must knw how to separate the thin line of friendship wz her...Just hope everything will turn out well next week...Keeping my fingers & balls xxxxx...

But before next week, im meeting her in 30mins time for dinner & drinks....Mayb unknowingly i have aldy fallen deeper....
Old 05-07-2013, 02:47 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Had our dinner ydy...It was nice but not spectacular the food...Most important is seeing her again...Everyday look at her pics is nice but nothin beats flesh & blood rite in front of me...

Actually both of us when meeting still hv a sense of weirdness...Bcoz during chattin we talk abt sex topics but when face to face seems abit awkard..Mayb both of us have the same human nature...We are both abit shy...But slowly thruout the dinner, we grew more into our conversation...Then she use her girlish charm & ask me to take some dessert from the buffet counter...She put her hands on my lap & slowly gently push her hands like a small girl with the girlish tone.."dear go & take some cakes for la"...

How could i resist...Ydy i also saw her cleavage for the first time...She wore a not so low cut but enuff to electrified my eyes to it!!!...It was ample size i have to say her breast...Tryin not to be chikopek, i didnt kept on staring at it..Tryin to act cool but down below my lil bro was showing signs of life...My mojo is still wrkin at least...

After dinner it was wee bit late for us to continue for drinks...I dont wat to be too late back home as to not let my wife be suspicious of me...She understands..Took a cab home..Send her back 1st...As we were talking away,i suddenly hold her hand..Seriously i dont knw if she would pull her hand away or not..She turn her head to look at me...After abt 3 secs,she squeeze tightly my hand...Oh man..Wat a relieve...

We just hold hand till we reach her place...At least now i knw where she stay..But i stop short of kissing her goodnite...One action at a time...Dont wat to scare her away...All in all it was a special nite for us in a way...Now we'll see what will happen in Msia next wkend...

One thing for sure,our friendship has risen a couple of notch ydy...Confirm my feelings for her as a friend has chg somewat...
Old 08-07-2013, 12:32 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Wz a few more days to go b4 our trip back home, im feeling sexcited...But dont knw will got the chance to get intimate wz her or not...Tts the million$$$ question...I will just take it in my stride watever the outcum will be...

Happen to saw my usual juagen provider hv a new gal reporting for wrk last week...Taking this opportunity to get my cock service....Need it to be at its best in case "duty calls"!!!!...But seriously...Its been mths since i last had my cock teased for 45mins wzout cummin...Its surely a challenge but im up for it...

If i happen to get lucky wz my wechat gf this wkend,i hope my cock's performance will be enchance by the new juagen gal..Wish me luck...
Old 09-07-2013, 02:20 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Thanks for your update bro TS, waiting eagerly for the "happening " report! . Cheers, ........................
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Old 09-07-2013, 09:39 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Nice story.. support
Old 09-07-2013, 12:17 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

All the best bro.. Love your story. God.. I should start wechat soon after I finish this post. But what really turn me off is I get to see a dozen of prc then Singaporean. Sometime I really need someone to chat although I'm attached. I believe not everything u could tell your wife/gf on. Need a buddy, friend or even fling to share on..
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