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Old 24-06-2005, 10:18 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
wah piang.. this mornin log in onli to c someone zap me 2 points...
n no message or nothing..
dunno wat i do wrong..

to e bro that zap me, let me know my fault pls so that i can change n protect my misely 8 points now..
Bro Singexpat, like I always say to other bros in this forum, you will never find out who zapped you here one. Sometimes bros here deduct points because they buay song with one word or a phrase you used and then sway sway kenah zapped. I also kenah like you before... left, right, centre and the bros responsible will not identify themselves.

If I can up you back 2 points, I sure will one...
can see?
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She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
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Old 24-06-2005, 10:23 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by sg_boytoy
If I can up you back 2 points, I sure will one...
thanks for e encouragement bro..

i'm onli scared tht i'll b zap to moderation cos by then, postin will b veri lai chey..
Old 24-06-2005, 11:26 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
thanks for e encouragement bro..

i'm onli scared tht i'll b zap to moderation cos by then, postin will b veri lai chey..
bro singexpat, i suggest you start making more friends here, your points like going on a downhill slide leh...
Old 24-06-2005, 11:49 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by jungle boy
bro singexpat, i suggest you start making more friends here, your points like going on a downhill slide leh...
thanks for e advice bro, i didn't came in here to make enemies thats for certain..
seriously though.. i reali dun know wat i've done wrong.. n ya.. notice my points being droppin..

still no comments being comin in so reali dunno wat to do..
now damn scared to post a new comment..
Old 24-06-2005, 11:56 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
still no comments being comin in so reali dunno wat to do.. now damn scared to post a new comment..
My advice is to just forget about it. We zap and get zapped all the time, the points are just for fun.

If you are zapped, refer to that post that you have made that cause the zap, it will give you a better idea why you are zapped.

If you are zapped for no reasons, then tuff luck, but it happens. Continue giving interesting and quality posts and you will see your points up back soon, trust me.

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Old 24-06-2005, 12:07 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by et911
If you are zapped for no reasons, then tuff luck, but it happens. Continue giving interesting and quality posts and you will see your points up back soon, trust me.
thanks for e advice bro et911, will work doubly hard to gain acceptanace..

ok.. continue my experience ah..

E feelin damn shiok.. CIM.. wow.. heavenly.. so more still continue s***ing till i hav to sav lil bro from "overhaustion"..

i passed Neily e cheapo China towel (those red-white-blue stripe one...) for her to spit e cum..
she juz wipe her lips n DID NOT spit out e cum!! (damn.. reali AMAZING for me at tht time.. keke..)
i asked her abt it n she commented that she wans to hav something from me in order to remember this night.. (ya right,, digestable cum for rememberence..)

anyway, fast forward abit..
we wash up n i juz sent her home after that... (BTW, we did hav sex.. cos lil bro too empty after her s***ing..)
Best part she told me, "SE, pls dun tell anyone abt this.. i dun wan anyone to know.."
My heart was so happy.. why?? Cos i dun wan people to tink i so desperate to up her.. keke..
(but, in e end, told my best buddy.. both of us decided to codename her as SCS - Super C*** S***er..)

2 weeks after e episode...
ya.. that's rite bros.. I met her again at my fav club!!!!
Somemore tables are side by side again!!

Imagine my look when i saw her there... with my gf beside me..
Old 24-06-2005, 01:16 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

go to my usual club... got my usual table.. got my usual drink.. (JW Gold)..
btw, u guys wun believe how much it costs.. (only S$80 per bot!!)

Wah lau so cheap?! My usual place and I have to pay S$ 200 AFTER my 20% member's discount man and it's only JW Black. Damn!
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Old 24-06-2005, 01:21 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
thanks for e encouragement bro..

i'm onli scared tht i'll b zap to moderation cos by then, postin will b veri lai chey..

Don worry will up u once I have recovered....
Old 24-06-2005, 02:25 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
Wah lau so cheap?! My usual place and I have to pay S$ 200 AFTER my 20% member's discount man and it's only JW Black. Damn!
Bro Harrier... e place where i m.. JW consider luxury liao.. haha..
imagine gettin a marketin exec for only S$150 per mth n he can do till he die type.. keke.. of coz i not so blackheart lah..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:26 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Don worry will up u once I have recovered....
thanks for e help bro!! will return e favour when i get my first power..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:27 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

notice some kind bros up my points!!

thanks in advance n can PM me so that i can record in my little black book for favour returnin..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:37 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
Wah lau so cheap?! My usual place and I have to pay S$ 200 AFTER my 20% member's discount man and it's only JW Black. Damn!
200 for JW Black quite ex.. which place you were drinking? Think singexpat is in another country, that could explain why JW Gold is that cheap..
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Old Threads: My Past Encounters - Real ONSs and Flings
Old 24-06-2005, 02:37 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
Bro Harrier... e place where i m.. JW consider luxury liao.. haha..
imagine gettin a marketin exec for only S$150 per mth n he can do till he die type.. keke.. of coz i not so blackheart lah..

Wah so cheap..... Cheaper than China woooo..... SGD$150 wah I think is a good deal liao my Marketing all comes in SGD$220 like that and they find me cheapo....

Cannot must whack them make them know there are worse people out there than them....

Hey but I would like to know some situation here in China everything is big in money like a normal meal will set me to RMB$30 (SGD$6)...

My stuff earn only RMB$1200 like that so quite ex here in China a big difference....

Hoe abt your side?
Old 24-06-2005, 02:39 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
thanks for e help bro!! will return e favour when i get my first power..
It will be quicker than you thought for you to get your power. Noticed you had upped me (appreciate for the thoughts, thats more impt than points) but you have not got any rep power. Glad you know now you need rep power.. Remember, only a game..
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Old Threads: My Past Encounters - Real ONSs and Flings
Old 24-06-2005, 02:40 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by et911
200 for JW Black quite ex.. which place you were drinking? Think singexpat is in another country, that could explain why JW Gold is that cheap..
ya.. i'm stationed in another country..
Black here is S$50++.. keke.. Blue is abt US$160..
Prices r in discos.. cheaper in minimarts.. thts y.. i can drink till die.. haha..
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