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Old 13-04-2016, 12:23 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by sc2c View Post
Bro, curious in this topic here that 100 is it in sing dollar or USD?
TomMAllfotor a.k.a "MutantChicken" charge $100USD a day... to take you to fuck shops, and probably annoy you to death with his chicken scratch English run-on sentences.
Old 13-04-2016, 12:28 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Originally Posted by 55055 View Post
Pardon me for being a busybody but I think MC must be happy as you advertised for him.

If he were to put this message, chances for him to get ban is extremely high. Hence you actually advertised for him free without him need to pay the adver fees. I believe he laughing now.
There are always idiots out there who deserve to be chopped. If anybody willing to contact him after clearly seeing how dellusional he is, and how it would be insane to pay a childish uneducated loser for information that is WELL known and FREE, they deserve to be chopped by MC. He may get one or two suckers, but through this TomMAllfotor loses more business than he gains.
Old 13-04-2016, 12:31 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Yes and no. In this world, there will always be suckers born every lausung and bote etc.

No matter what warnings u give, they will blindly go ahead and engage his services. So think of it as they deserve each other. LOL!

Originally Posted by 55055 View Post
Pardon me for being a busybody but I think MC must be happy as you advertised for him....
Old 13-04-2016, 12:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

For a long time, I thought I was the only one who spotted his fake FRs. I am glad there are several of you who realizes it, too.

It's really bad to appear to be helpful, mislead ppl, point newbies to non-existent districts etc and in the end say...oh you didn't find the place? Why not pay me US50 or 100 and I take u there?

One recent sucker was lausung who had to come up with all sorts of lies, create fake FRs to boost his ego and in the end, covertly engaged the pimp services.

Originally Posted by FireShark View Post
Hahaha, even you also know how he operated but still there are some people still want to engage his service.
Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Yeah, why on earth would anybody pay this disfunctional, dellusional, and mentally unstable whackjob called TomMAffolter.
Old 13-04-2016, 01:51 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Yes and no. In this world, there will always be suckers born every lausung and bote etc.

No matter what warnings u give, they will blindly go ahead and engage his services. So think of it as they deserve each other. LOL!
After all these days of squabbling, these is the most sensible sentence you have said "they deserve each other". So let them be, does it mean this chapter has finally brought to a close now?
Old 13-04-2016, 02:01 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

You are really thick me for girl's contact, ask me to meet u, then claim i am faking

U always think u are so good, ppl want to meet u but ur commentary shows what a fool u are. Continue dreaming if that make u feel good.

Give u one good advice. Dont waste time building ur so called "online credibility"
Go get a life...not unless u are planning to conduct business in SBF

Model sleeping with u in ur 20 dollar hotel...WTF...whenever i think of it cant help laughing..
Thanks for giving this joke to brighten my day
Well done well


Originally Posted by hoian View Post
For a long time, I thought I was the only one who spotted his fake FRs. I am glad there are several of you who realizes it, too.

It's really bad to appear to be helpful, mislead ppl, point newbies to non-existent districts etc and in the end say...oh you didn't find the place? Why not pay me US50 or 100 and I take u there?

One recent sucker was lausung who had to come up with all sorts of lies, create fake FRs to boost his ego and in the end, covertly engaged the pimp services.
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.

Last edited by lausung; 13-04-2016 at 02:13 PM.
Old 13-04-2016, 02:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I have already produced solid evidence to confirm u are a serial liar. Hope I dun have to show it again. If I were in your shoes, I would quietly fade away to save myself further embarrassments.

Btw u need not have to try so hard to justify your US$100 hiring a pimp was money well spent. If it's any consolation, u were not the only idiot who got suckered... there are others like u.

Originally Posted by lausung View Post
You are really thick me for girl's contact, ask me to meet u, then claim i am faking FR....
Old 13-04-2016, 04:12 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Im sure noone really care about this aguement and im just wasteing my time but lets just look at the people are posting rubbish about me.

Fireshark...loser ex convicted criminal, now if he was the kingpin then that may be of some value, but no he was in gaol because he was the scapegoat for some loan sharking operation. He was released and for many years was unemployed and was begging for contacts to find a job in vn. Then recently on another thread boasting how unlike other guys who met vn girls who cheat them and trick them and ask for money, his gf was so good blah blah, then more recently his gf also play up run away from him, all i did was remind him of his earlier post and he get all angry and defensive...a buddy of h88 who carry balls for h88

Lost99...another loser who used to cheong china, but then later cheong in indo, so in jkta even with all then post and reviews abt classic and alexis etc he still consider hiring cooljoe the agent over in jkta...this guy got angry after i question how logical his girl rating system is, and then got further annoyed because i attack him after he steal a pic of another girl someone fucked and photographed, then posted it implying its his own... he then post saying he only did that for fun and that he did it so he can beg for contacts of similar girls....and no im not talking abt the prmo pic of the girls on coccoon beach club in bali, im talking abt the pic with the big breasted girl post coitus...then he calls be stupid based on the fact that im too lazy to use proper punctuation ON A SINGLISH SEX forum, and my occasional typo, BUT he makes grammatical errors, and uses words inappropriately because he doenst know their exact meaning, eg metaphor and idiom, a final testament to his stupidity is that he challange me to fight ( we know its a empty challenge) because HE wants fight but then EXPECT ME to spend my time and money going to a foreign location and FIND him, who in their right minds would do that, instead i counter offer him telling him to find me, or send me money for flight and hotel and ill go find him....this guy then backs away...saying im a chicken and need to find him

Hoian...fucken confirmed loser, say he speaks viet, dates models, dont want and need to associate with english speaking girl, dont want to meet other samsters as he far too high class to pay for sex with whore....there is SOLID proof and evidence, thats he begged for contacts with a english speaking FL, thats he begged to meet a samster who had such contacts...he claims to be in the tour business from his previous post, now he claims to have a branch factory in BD, what tour business has a factory...thats news to me....the only thing we know is that he is addicted to porn, when not posting his lies and phantasy he is commenting abt porn, asking abt porn links, asking for specific porn titles...i ask if you are busy dating models and fucking models why would u watch porn or even bother with porn...he is angry because i continually shoot him down after he posts his stories and so he cannot enjoy his fake life.

You want proof, no greater proof than what you have confirmed from your own postings. See the similarity between these 3 charaters, all are low status men who use sbf to create a facade, so they dont feel suicidal abt their pathetic lives....but all are guys who cant go find fucks themselves and for all their venom and bile against agents and pimps, all have begged for contacts of whores, or at least thought about using agents and pimps.

Now as to the challange, idiot Lost99 challange me to a fight, THEN isntead of finding me to kick my ass, he wants me to go find him in singapore or jkata (when he finally gets there in June), i dont have any connection to singapore, im not singaporean, wtf would i go there, i have been and i might go in the future to indo, but i definately wouldnt normally go follow his agenda, waste my time and engergy to gain what....he will undoubtly will not turn up...but i am really tired of this bullshit so i have booked my flight i will be on the red eye to jkta TONIGHT i will be waiting FOR YOU LOST99 at Mulia Senayan Hotel, at 11pm....lets see what your excuse will be NOW.

One final note, if finding cafe om, hottoc and brothels are so easy, show me where guys have found them and reported about them, I have shown u cool taurian's pm asking me for contacts, i also have daretolovin contacting me, i also have seen s2c pm others (guys i have personally taken on my tour) asking for contacts, i have also h88 asking me for contacts as well, the supposed all knowing senior here, as well as Wendella the 10Yr + resident..if it was so easy like you 3 claim, then you MUST be calling these people who have pm asking for contacts stupid then....and the final proof is WHERE is your FR on these places if they are so easy to find and so accessable...and no dont post up some youtube vid of some clean barbar shop where you get nothing except getting your carrot chop, and dont post some link about a avertisement for some massage shop...hoain didnt even post the correct advertisement, the ad he posted and the phone number shown isnt even for the massage place but for a agent who sells dicounted tickets to the massage shop...dont point me to places like DN or VD where its carrot chopped prices targeting foreigners...most people are interested in going to local places paying local me those places
You don't sound like a total LOSER with a response like that.

If you were a good agent, you'd have some supporters come out of the woodwork to say so.... anyone??? NOPE

You write pidgeon Singlish, but say you have no connection to Singapore, and stealthly advertising on SG sex forum, and say you should be able to speak Singlish here...ummmmm.. okay....

Yep, and i like how you say you are in Jakarta NOW when you know i am not there now. More excuses from a coward. Of course you gonna say you are there when i am not.

Good luck getting customers now that i will always be here to warn of your SCAMs and FRAUDs you commit. You are more stupid than i could have ever thought. Arguing with your dellisional mind is really fun for me. I can do this all day long.
Old 13-04-2016, 04:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
This is my last response before i get to airport...what a moron YOU want to fight ME, make a challange to me say me you in jakarta, so even tho i know its a empty challange that you will never carry though, but im sick of hearing it, i book a flight NOW when there is conflict, but you tell me i should WAIT for you when you get there? You want to fight me, and yet i have to wait till its convenient for YOU...and yesterday you post you feel so strongly about this that you wont back down till i meet YOU, ill be in jakarta feel so strongly about your convictions then meet me as you challenged me to....i guess what i said about you is true
Lets see a picture of your supposed plane ticket..... don't have one? didn't think so. Nobody here believes the crap out of your mouth anymore. You know i am not coming until June and all of a sudden you say you are going tonight? More lies and excuses...stop your BS already getting very tiring. If you really gonna go - go on June 5 when i am there or SHUT UP!

BTW, please look into your MC account on that other sex website... i've been busy talking about you there also. And i will continue there also, and anywhere else i find your FRAUDs and SCAMs

See this: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ this is what you are losing each time you continue to be such a stupid asshole.
Old 13-04-2016, 04:49 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Technically, you cannot fly now and arrive at Hotel in Senayan at

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
This is my last response before i get to airport...what a moron YOU want to fight ME, make a challange to me say me you in jakarta, so even tho i know its a empty challange that you will never carry though, but im sick of hearing it, i book a flight NOW when there is conflict, but you tell me i should WAIT for you when you get there? You want to fight me, and yet i have to wait till its convenient for YOU...and yesterday you post you feel so strongly about this that you wont back down till i meet YOU, ill be in jakarta feel so strongly about your convictions then meet me as you challenged me to....i guess what i said about you is true
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Old 13-04-2016, 05:36 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Cool_Taurian View Post
Technically, you cannot fly now and arrive at Hotel in Senayan at
He lives on the moon apparently. I really wonder if he truly believes his own lies? He may be that delusional, and borderline psychotic.
Old 13-04-2016, 05:39 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Never underestimate Tom, maybe he can charter a Private Jet, arrive in Jakarta then check into luxury Mulia Hotel but looks for cheap holes in Blok M.

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
He lives on the moon apparently. I really wonder if he truly believes his own lies? He may be that delusional, and borderline psychotic.
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Old 13-04-2016, 05:39 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Keep all the argument post in this thread which was specially catered for this kind of situation...

The moment I request to BAN then have to be fair to ban all culprits from posting at International Section....that really mean too late...haizzz...

Ban from posting International Section meaning can post anywhere except International Section...
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Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
Please Do Not reply long post, always edit...
may zap and remove post

Old 13-04-2016, 06:26 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

You are right. No one cares about your made-up fantasies.

1) Speaking Viet... toi biet chut it tv. Tai sao? Can't stand the fact that many bros here can understand the language, right? I dun dare claim to be proficient at it, but enough to get by and date local gals who can't speak English.

2) Dating models... yes, I do as a matter of fact. But it's not a bid deal. If u have the means, why not. I don't consider it a big achievement... maybe to you it is... but we live in different worlds.

3) Begging for contacts... outright lie. When two-faced lausung pretended to be friends with me on PM (he contacted me first btw) i casually asked if his friend working in Parkson may have colleagues interested in meeting new friends. I am not sure how that got twisted around to "begging for WL contacts". (of course in the end.. it was all a made up fantasy. Lausung did not know any VN gals and had to create fake stories... finally ending up paying a pimp US$100 for cheap fucks).

4) Tour business - made up fantasy. I never claimed to be in the tour biz.

5) Porn - well this is a sex forum, no? If we are not here for porn then perhaps for salvation? Lol.... what a joker.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Im sure noone really care about this aguement and im just wasteing my time...

Hoian...fucken confirmed loser, say he speaks viet, dates models, dont want and need to associate with english speaking girl, dont want to meet other samsters as he far too high class to pay for sex with whore....there is SOLID proof and evidence, thats he begged for contacts with a english speaking FL, thats he begged to meet a samster who had such contacts...he claims to be in the tour business from his previous post, now he claims to have a branch factory in BD, what tour business has a factory...thats news to me....the only thing we know is that he is addicted to porn, when not posting his lies and phantasy he is commenting abt porn, asking abt porn links, asking for specific porn titles...i ask if you are busy dating models and fucking models why would u watch porn or even bother with porn...he is angry because i continually shoot him down after he posts his stories and so he cannot enjoy his fake life...
Old 14-04-2016, 01:38 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Do those Viet girls which you fuck, take naked pic and post online carry any fish smell?
Originally Posted by CAPTAINXXXSOLO View Post
Nothing is more rude and offensive than working girls having bad, rotten fish odors in their vaginas. Do the bros a favor and broadcast the names of all such girls.

I hate filthy, smelly girls. Unless they take excellent care of their health and their hygiene, i dont even want to be near them.

It is amazing you manage to hook up with 20 sweet, young girls easily over 3 weeks in HCMC Jan this year
So this trip you going back to fuck these girls?
Originally Posted by sadboy1 View Post
just waiting for saturday to come and go enjoy short trip at hcm once again

Last edited by happyboy01; 14-04-2016 at 02:02 AM.
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