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Old 24-06-2007, 11:35 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Recently read two postings, one in the soapy message thread and the other GL150 Nico. Accordingly, they take bros dick to rub outside of their pussy to make bros feel shiok.

For the information to bros who are into safer sex, this act is as close as entering them raw.

Old 24-06-2007, 05:43 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by banana View Post
my favourite is okomoto 002 and 007
Bro one of my friend use this japanese brand condom to bonk his gf, and the condom actually snapped while bonking ... So have to be careful..

Nowsdays i also avoid using those cheapo condoms..
Old 25-06-2007, 01:56 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by dominion View Post
then use the japanese inamoto or smth like that....
but still, one condom is better than two, so for your benefit,
dont use 2
Hello Bro dominion,

You must be very experience is using condoms, the type of brands, etc.

Maybe you want to give us some guidelines and also why you recommend this brand against another, etc, etc.

By the way, how often have you used 2 condoms to say that one is better?

Just curious.
Old 25-06-2007, 02:14 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by alantan27 View Post
Just wondering why do some pro let people enter raw?
This is a very interesting question which should be in the Adult Discussion section for more exposure.

Before that, Ihave to say I'm impressed with some of the replies in this thread with ome examples as follows;

lols..try raw for once and regret for life ??

i dun think its worth it ...

even if she pays u 1000, dun ever try raw on pro....
crazy to do raw with WL..
Better not.
Too risky.
Yeah,not worth to risk bros!
What do you think is the chances of her contracting std, & your probability to kena from her?
raw with gf or wife is shiok. but with ons and fls is a big NO NO
Doing raw is a very big risk to take. Careful or else too late.
dont even think! raw is a NO!
now i even think thrice abt bbbj.. i mean from wl lah..
folk still thinking of commercial raw? do you really know the consequences???
And this is only halfway through page 3!!!

What I'm trying to figure out here is how many people, who openly voice out against raw has actually done raw because no matter what you say, and even if you swear upon whosoever's grave, I don't believe that 100% of the samsters who have voice out against raw n this thread has never done raw with women other than their wives and girlfriends.

Coming back to the threadstarter's question, the simple and main reason why pro allow certain people to enter them raw is purely business. They feel or believe that these customers are their better customers both in terms of "returning" or "generosity".

My 2 cents worth.
Old 25-06-2007, 06:02 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

my same old motto, if u scare dont play, if u play dont scare.

raw or not, does it really matter. i think most important is u enjoy sex, with or without cap.

sometime i use sometime i dont. sex is not just the act of fcuking. is also a mental state of enjoyment. if u keep worry about getting STD or getting the gal pregnant, i think wearing a cap will make u enjoy sex more than without it.
Old 26-06-2007, 01:20 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by banana View Post
my same old motto, if u scare dont play, if u play dont scare.

raw or not, does it really matter. i think most important is u enjoy sex, with or without cap.

sometime i use sometime i dont. sex is not just the act of fcuking. is also a mental state of enjoyment. if u keep worry about getting STD or getting the gal pregnant, i think wearing a cap will make u enjoy sex more than without it.
ALmost Agree , because when some guys in love with Nightcats ,They already into love motion and forget who their GF are Pros or not ,totally into Mental of sex Love , Once never use cap next never use again . that's the problem .
Old 26-06-2007, 03:04 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by banana View Post
my same old motto, if u scare dont play, if u play dont scare.

raw or not, does it really matter. i think most important is u enjoy sex, with or without cap.

sometime i use sometime i dont. sex is not just the act of fcuking. is also a mental state of enjoyment. if u keep worry about getting STD or getting the gal pregnant, i think wearing a cap will make u enjoy sex more than without it.
Yes bro,

This is reality. If it happens, it happens.

Which is why when I cheong, I let the lady decide. If it's on, it's on. If it'soff, it's off.
Old 27-06-2007, 10:19 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Well raw for single man maybe. But raw for married man, no way cos he needs to think about OC and kids. If kenna Aids how???
Ghost Rider
Old 27-06-2007, 02:25 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post
Yes bro,

This is reality. If it happens, it happens.

Which is why when I cheong, I let the lady decide. If it's on, it's on. If it'soff, it's off.
Well bro, my policy is if the lady decide it can be off, i will probably call off the deal. Reason being she probably already kena thats why can allow to do raw.

Also, if she allows you to do raw, she will also allow the rest to do raw. Your risk appetite must be very high to gamble your life this way... hee..
Old 27-06-2007, 04:10 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

no raw for me. if the gal allow raw , no more rtf.
Old 28-06-2007, 01:04 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

maybe it's not just the quality of the condoms alone
sometimes after bonking for too long my OC isn't that wet anymore & the tendency of it tearing increases.
5 out of 10 times that i wear 1, it ends up like a ring ard my dick after i'm done & we both go "gasp! oh no!"
nowadays even though i wear a condom, i dun cum in her anymore as i cant tell when it tears
maybe my senses need some fine tuning...

but back to the topic... RAW is only meant for both parties that has only 1 sex partner
anything more than 1 then let's pray hard...
Old 28-06-2007, 08:58 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by MoralEthics View Post
maybe it's not just the quality of the condoms alone
sometimes after bonking for too long my OC isn't that wet anymore & the tendency of it tearing increases.
5 out of 10 times that i wear 1, it ends up like a ring ard my dick after i'm done & we both go "gasp! oh no!"
nowadays even though i wear a condom, i dun cum in her anymore as i cant tell when it tears
maybe my senses need some fine tuning...
dont mind i ask, how old ur OC?

i think u need to rekindle your relationship with ur OC? start romancing again like the good old days. hey, how about take her for a cable car ride and give her a good painting while she enjoy the scenery.

too wild for tat? then may be book room at fullerton hotel and have a romantic nite again, temporary getting away from kids and commitments.

how about send her, her favourite flowers in the morning before sex in the nite?

sound old fashion but still work.

see if her juice start flowing again.
Old 28-06-2007, 10:17 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by banana View Post
dont mind i ask, how old ur OC?

i think u need to rekindle your relationship with ur OC? start romancing again like the good old days. hey, how about take her for a cable car ride and give her a good painting while she enjoy the scenery.

too wild for tat? then may be book room at fullerton hotel and have a romantic nite again, temporary getting away from kids and commitments.

how about send her, her favourite flowers in the morning before sex in the nite?

sound old fashion but still work.

see if her juice start flowing again.
she's in her late twenties & i was never a romantic guy. i have problem with being romantic but i did try to change. surprised her with the very 1st bouquet of flowers on Vday 2007 after almost 6 yrs. even till now i find that totally NOT me. haha!

but true enuff... some ocassional injection of romance & surprise is necessary to keep the relationship going on, if not stronger.

i'll keep that in mind & see what sort of cheeky stuffs i'm capable of. haha!

by the way, cable car is out of the question. she has fear of height but i'll definitely consider the hotel option. we used to do that yrs back. sometimes meet up during lunch time for a quickie. those were the good old days...
Old 02-07-2007, 01:47 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by MoralEthics View Post the way, cable car is out of the question. she has fear of height but i'll definitely consider the hotel option. we used to do that yrs back. sometimes meet up during lunch time for a quickie. those were the good old days...
arh... the good old days!... u r thinking now... heee
Old 03-07-2007, 12:28 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

I've been a reader rather than contributor to this forum. I think I better "warn" some "innocent" youngsters here.

Seeing so many bros (in various threads) keep on talking about how enjoyable raw sex is, or lucky BJ without cap, etc., I don't know if they're just making stories or simply lying. If not, they must be DAMN lucky!!!

I love sex, a lot actually, with different women, FL, HC, GFs, etc. But I always protect myself. However, I had three cases of just BJ without cap in Korea, Jakarta and SG, as I the girls were too pretty and i could help taking my chance. Each time I got STD, NGU, Clymedia and the sort. But there's no symptom each time though. How I knew it? I went to DSC to check! (I'm a very careful person, so I always check if don't feel right.).

So my hit rate was 100%!....there won't be forth time any more!. NEver!!!

I'm sure many bros out there who ever had raw or unprotected BJ would have some sort of STD. Believe me. Go DSC to check out. (just search DSC in google, you will find out the website).

Come back to up me if you think I've helped you.
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