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Old 18-02-2008, 12:03 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Hi brother can email me her contact number ,thank very much,
Old 18-02-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Originally Posted by adamll View Post
Hi brother can email me her contact number ,thank very much,
I think you should refer to post #481
Old 18-02-2008, 08:28 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Originally Posted by adamll View Post
Hi brother can email me her contact number ,thank very much,
Basketball court lah you I tot she's back.
I up you up, everybody up up

2828 LuCkY NuMbeR Huat ah

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Old 11-03-2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Ping Ping is back. Receive call from her a couple of days ago but as she has some personal matters to settle, she will only be available from tomorrow 12 noon onwards. Her contact number remain unchanged. Bros who have her number and want to book a rtf session can sms her tomorrow morning onwards to make booking.

She is no longger staying at the previous location so please confirm with her yourself the hotel that she or you preferred. Also to add are the following.

1 shot within 1 hour : $60 (excluding room & condom)

2 shots within 2 hours: $100 (excluding room & condom)

Overnight (From 11pm to 7am): $180 (excluding room & condom)

Another other issues please discuss with her yourself as we are not OKT. Those who are interested can pm me or bro walabis for her number.
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Points for exchange. Minimum 6 pointer please. Kindly post regularly so that I can return your up favour.
Old 11-03-2008, 03:58 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

hi bro i am a newbie would u mind giving me her contact,thks
Old 13-03-2008, 01:13 AM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Had ended a session with bingbing....

I've not seen her for ages and I've RTF her many many times. She happens to be one of the closer FLs to me.

Bing2 was kinda sad this time round in sg. I suppose her plans in GZ was put on hold after some problem...and this time..she's back with a vengence!!

Met her at 815pm after smsing her to say hi..and proceed to H81L. Room was not available...had to wait for 30 mins..went dinner with her.

Once room was ready...went in, took shower by myself ( old time need service )....and then started action.

She squirted just by me fingering her...and it wasn't even inserted into her yet...just around the clit I presumed she was not having sex when she was back in GZ ( Verified thereafter )

Squirting was as per normal...many many many times...till like half the bed was wet.

Bing2 i one gal whom you dun need to try many patterns on...just do a bit of foreplay...she will squirt..and then bang away....

I have to comment on her excellant service as most times I was just too tired/lazy to do anything...she'll just help herself to whatever she needs to bring her to orgasm.

Spent 2 hrs in the room till the recept called to get us out.

Over all a very very satisfying bonk with an old friend.
Heard from her that she will probably stay 3 mths or so....till she saves eunff to go back.

In the mean time....the usual rules and protocols apply for all those of you who want her number.

Please PM bro QQ8899 or TS.

No need to rate her as many many before me has already rated.

Bros...enjoy while you can...and treat this very precious gem nice.

Old 14-03-2008, 08:22 AM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Originally Posted by QQ8899 View Post
Thanks for the FR. Another batch of pm replied.
Hi Bro QQ, thanks for the contact. As promised the FR

Looks 5/10
Age 35
Body: 9/10
BJ: 7/10
Service 9/10
RTF: Definteitly YES
Massge: 6/10

The squirting was really an eye opener for me. She is one wild lady in bed once you get the squirting tap on!!!!! It was a fantastic f....

Thanks again for the contact.
Old 14-03-2008, 02:02 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

When boy receives a new toy

Thanks QQ8899 for sharing Ping2 contact. I've actually contacted her the last time round when she came but del it when she left, thinking tat it'll b for good. Lucky she's back as its the 1st squirter I've tried...a boy receiving a new toy.

Met her at H81L & she came up almost immediately. My 1st impression is that she is well maintained for a MILF... skin was smooth and bust... well, more than a handful. 100% natural and no artifical colouring or preservatives added.

Very service oriented. Instead of the take off clothes, bath, bj, bang then bye bye situation. She took the time to chatted with me (not tat I'm looking forward to it as I'm hyper looking forward to see her squirt)... heehee & all this with our clothes on! She said that I make her feel comfortale and like she's known me b4. I was like ya ya ya.... maybe tat's wht she's been telling one and all. Like a gfe, once warmed up she undressed me, piece by piece. You really won't feel like you're with a call girl.

Proceed to the shower and had a nice long shower. Damn gfe loh! really took out time and boy was I sparkling clear after that... but the whole process was really exotic. Went to the bed where the action begin...

Started kissing her...from neck upwards to her ear... her moans were really sexy while she was desperately trying to have a grap at my prick. Starting rubbing her clit and that was the when her dam broke. Gosh! Couldn't resist, starting fingering her .. gosh she really WET! Lots of surround sound from top and bottom. She contracted her pervis and Negara Falll went splashing!!! Like a boy whom just got a new toy, I started exploring..closely. I really don't knw how to describe... its the 1st time I've seen actually heavenly water splash out. I lost track of the amount of times I made her cum but was enjoying every min of it... and each time she cum I felt that I was gonna explode. Bro have got to try to knw the feeling I was having.

Guess she didn't realise how hard I was or she just wanna make sure. She got up and started blowing me. The faster I finger her, the faster she sucked with more suction.... Couldn't tahan.... quickly penetrated and started pumping away. She cummed and cummed again, each time I felt in heaven when her pervis a tight virgin.

After ejecting, she hungryly went for my dick. Pumped it a little, took a tissue wipe the CD and gave me a short but very satisfying bj just to make sure everything was out. Its the 1st time I've received such 101% treatment. Damn shiok loh. As I read other bros' fr, maybe I did give her such a warm like I knw u fr somewhere feeling. But I do sincerely hope that all bros do receive the same treatment.

Face: 6/7 out of 10
Boobs: B+ towards C ... not saggy. Balanced and round is wht I wld
Body: 9/10 .. very well maintain for a MILF
BJ: 7/10... very erotic with her long hair flowing down onto your body
Service 10/10
FJ: 9/10.... when she cums: 30/10 heehee
RTF: Sure... many times over.
Life is a drawing without an eraser.
Old 15-03-2008, 07:23 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Thanks to bro sensory sniper & bro scv38r for the FR. Number out to another batch of bros
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Points for exchange. Minimum 6 pointer please. Kindly post regularly so that I can return your up favour.
Old 15-03-2008, 07:57 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Can forward me ping ping contact please, thanks.
Old 15-03-2008, 08:56 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Originally Posted by Sensory Sniper View Post
When boy receives a new toy

Thanks QQ8899 for sharing Ping2 contact. I've actually contacted her the last time round when she came but del it when she left, thinking tat it'll b for good. Lucky she's back as its the 1st squirter I've tried...a boy receiving a new toy.

Met her at H81L & she came up almost immediately. My 1st impression is that she is well maintained for a MILF... skin was smooth and bust... well, more than a handful. 100% natural and no artifical colouring or preservatives added.

Very service oriented. Instead of the take off clothes, bath, bj, bang then bye bye situation. She took the time to chatted with me (not tat I'm looking forward to it as I'm hyper looking forward to see her squirt)... heehee & all this with our clothes on! She said that I make her feel comfortale and like she's known me b4. I was like ya ya ya.... maybe tat's wht she's been telling one and all. Like a gfe, once warmed up she undressed me, piece by piece. You really won't feel like you're with a call girl.

Proceed to the shower and had a nice long shower. Damn gfe loh! really took out time and boy was I sparkling clear after that... but the whole process was really exotic. Went to the bed where the action begin...

Started kissing her...from neck upwards to her ear... her moans were really sexy while she was desperately trying to have a grap at my prick. Starting rubbing her clit and that was the when her dam broke. Gosh! Couldn't resist, starting fingering her .. gosh she really WET! Lots of surround sound from top and bottom. She contracted her pervis and Negara Falll went splashing!!! Like a boy whom just got a new toy, I started exploring..closely. I really don't knw how to describe... its the 1st time I've seen actually heavenly water splash out. I lost track of the amount of times I made her cum but was enjoying every min of it... and each time she cum I felt that I was gonna explode. Bro have got to try to knw the feeling I was having.

Guess she didn't realise how hard I was or she just wanna make sure. She got up and started blowing me. The faster I finger her, the faster she sucked with more suction.... Couldn't tahan.... quickly penetrated and started pumping away. She cummed and cummed again, each time I felt in heaven when her pervis a tight virgin.

After ejecting, she hungryly went for my dick. Pumped it a little, took a tissue wipe the CD and gave me a short but very satisfying bj just to make sure everything was out. Its the 1st time I've received such 101% treatment. Damn shiok loh. As I read other bros' fr, maybe I did give her such a warm like I knw u fr somewhere feeling. But I do sincerely hope that all bros do receive the same treatment.

Face: 6/7 out of 10
Boobs: B+ towards C ... not saggy. Balanced and round is wht I wld
Body: 9/10 .. very well maintain for a MILF
BJ: 7/10... very erotic with her long hair flowing down onto your body
Service 10/10
FJ: 9/10.... when she cums: 30/10 heehee
RTF: Sure... many times over.

Bro u got PM
Old 15-03-2008, 10:48 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

can i have her ctc,thanks
Old 16-03-2008, 04:34 AM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Hi bro, Im interested in this horny milf, can pm me the contact? Thanks in advance
Old 16-03-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

Many thanks to bro QQ8899 for her contact. Her name is actually Bing Bing (Ice Ice) and not Ping Ping. Called her last night to fix up an appointment upon receiving bro QQ8899's pte msg.

Name: Bing Bing
Age : 34+ - She told me she was born in 1973
Looks : 5
Figure: 7 - Tall about 1.72m with long legs and long hair, waistline is about 25 to 26
Boobs: B+ - I think is enhanced. Feels a little bit hard when i squeezed it
BBBJ: 7 - slow and steay with good suction
FJ : 9 - See her squirt is really an eye opener. First time I have tried a squirter! The bed is damn wet, I make fun of her and she blush
Service 9/10
GFE : 7
RTF: Maybe, when I feels like seeing a fountain

Thanks bro QQ8899 again for her contact. She really make my day!
Old 17-03-2008, 09:04 AM
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Smile Re: Ping Ping, another horny MILF who can squirt

My FR on Ping Ping.

Many thanks to Bro Walabis for her number. I was given this number quite a while ago (Nov 07) but didn't have any chance to try her till now.

Gave her a call and set the time to meet up. Didn't set my expectations high as many bros has mentioned that she's not really a looker, but her body is really nice. She's tall, she's slim and she's got the very gentle voice which turned me on the minute I spoke to her even on the phone.

We sat down on the bed and chat for a while. I must have said something wrong and she suddenly went quiet. Opps so quickly changed topic and we talked about her little shop in GZ. That lightened up the mood quite a bit. After chatting for almost 30 minutes, we took a shower and I had the chance to admire more of that slim sexy body.

The shower was brief but thorough. So on with the action on the bed and I'm looking forward to her squirting. We started frenching and my fingers went down south and did it's job. Quite quickly, she fired off her first shot. I didn't get to see it but I sure felt it. I was really turned on by then and my mouth proceeded to where my fingers were and took over. Her body was writhing all over the bed and my fingers joined in the action. I felt the pussy contracting and another squirted out another small jet of fluids.

I needed to get into her quick. I got myself capped and pumped her hard. She's likes it hard and soon I was hearing more sounds from below and feeling her pussy contracting. Flipped her around for some doggy and was told to pump her hard. Both of us were perspiring like mad (I turned the AC down after coming out from the shower). Didn't want to stop so I just continue to pump her. Her moaning was getting louder and louder. I had to pace myself, if not I would have came long time ago. We were at it for the next 10 minutes or so and I released my load. It's been quite a while since I had a session as sweaty as this. I didn't have the "almost whole bed wet" effect but this had opened up my eyes to live squirting. Maybe watch too much squirting vids on the net liao so my squirting expectations was a bit high.

I've read about her telling many bros her sad story. I didn't get to listen to it. I just encouraged her to take life positively and not to think about it too much. Since she's already in this situation, not much point to constantly think about it. Might as well think on the brighter side. Hope that the bros who will be meeting up with her can constantly encourage her to think positively and stay happy.

Many thanks again to Bro Walabis for her number.
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