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Old 30-10-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Bro Hitman WL,

I cannot understand you but I feel you.

However, in order to verify your accounts, I must......try Legendary BMW first! Where to find her? if she is indeed very hot - have to book in advance? I know you will be concerned with my safety but rest assured- I am poorer than you, single and no car, should be safe bonk for me. I will mention your name if she tries to KC me, sure turn her off.

Maybe I can help you monitor her for a few hours while you can take a break from all that spy work? Sounds like a good collaboration?
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.
Old 30-10-2009, 04:07 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

wif all due respect, i dont think AV gives a flying fuck abt OKTs or WLs or even the Punters for that matter...what AV cares abt is the Govt's position n to cover their own arses...n what is the Govt's position?...Law n Order n Health...

as for AV being "scared"...don't think so...i gather AV takes the issue of RAW, ANAL and outside activities v seriously for obvious reasons...u may see it as a "nonsense complaint" but AV dont give a rat's arse...they shall probably err on the side of caution n cancel the card regardless of the substance of the skin off their noses...there is no such thing as WL n OKT 'legal' rights in GL...AV is king period...

however u never know maybe AV shall be lenient in this case??...although i hv my doubts...

Originally Posted by GooWakZai View Post
If AV is smart enough, then they will just ignore this psycho.

Cos if they really do cancel her card it will be like opening up a big can of worms for AV in future. Other psychos will just follow the same route like alan and AV will then be flooded with such nonsense complaints.

Its time for AV to make a stand and show some commonsense. If not they will just have to deal with the same problems in future from other psychos who think that this method works and AV is scared of their psychotic ways.
Old 30-10-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
wif all due respect, i dont think AV gives a flying fuck abt OKTs or WLs or even the Punters for that matter...what AV cares abt is the Govt's position n to cover their own arses...n what is the Govt's position?...Law n Order n Health...

as for AV being "scared"...don't think so...i gather AV takes the issue of RAW, ANAL and outside activities v seriously for obvious reasons...u may see it as a "nonsense complaint" but AV dont give a rat's arse...they shall probably err on the side of caution n cancel the card regardless of the substance of the skin off their noses...there is no such thing as WL n OKT 'legal' rights in GL...AV is king period...

however u never know maybe AV shall be lenient in this case??...although i hv my doubts...
U r right in the sense that they take RAW case very seriously (as in the case of Peiyi) and also outside activities.

But my point of view is that if they cancel the card without evidence and purely on the annonymous letter of complaint from alan, then they will be leaving themselves open to abuse from the other psychos like alan who will anyhow send letters of complaint to sabo WLs who reject their indecent proposal.

If some psychos r going to send annonymous letters to complain 10 different gals next week, r AV going to cancel permits for all 10 of them?
Old 30-10-2009, 08:09 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Pinch_Of_Salt View Post
That's the problem with the Web, its full of inaccuracies. Hitman's posts are like 2% facts and 98% self-delusion.

Definately agree that it's Best to just ignore Hitman and leave the cry-baby alone in his Fantasy world.
To put it aptly, this hitman fellow is living in a world of denial!
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Old 31-10-2009, 02:20 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

AV same as all civil servants are dogs maintained on taxpayers' money!
Old 31-10-2009, 02:42 AM
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Re: Unmask BMW (GL150) Part5 - Outside sex client or gigolo bf?

Dear Mr. Alan,
In this game, you are a big loser! Ask yourself this big question, “What have you lost after falling out with her?” You have lost the greatest sex partner that you can ever find!
Think about all the good times that you used to have with her. Can you find another girl like her? I believe not.
You claim that she has borrow a lot of money from you. If it is true, why is this not happening to other brothers. There must be something “different” between you and the other brothers.
My feeling is, the problem lies with you. Your desire to own her spoils the whole game!
Please get the facts straight, when she first sleeps with you, it is for money and money alone! That is her job, her profession!
Because of your action, she is now suspended from work.
Many of the brothers here have also lost the opportunity of a good time.
In my view, you’re not helping us at all!
Old 31-10-2009, 10:05 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by felatio View Post
AV same as all civil servants are dogs maintained on taxpayers' money!
wow,wat did av do to get u so riled up??
Old 31-10-2009, 03:57 PM
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Angry Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I calling for bros out there to post more personal info & pic of hitman on the net. No need to waste more time arguing with him. Bro like mojo has already taken the leads..well done! alas i do not have info abt this prick so we need more well informed bros out there to help...esp bro GooWakZai who seem to have quite a bit of info abt the mother fucker.

Like what some bros mentioned..Hitman, you jus want to destroy whatever you cannot enjoy & in doing so you are depriving others of the enjoyment. Son of a bitch..u think that you have a look of a superstar or physique of a model & that WL will come crawling to you with your pathetic 4K per mth. Wake up dickhead. u are jus one stinking & ugly piece of shit, living in a world of self denial & fantasy

Even if BMW really gets her card cancel, which i m hopeful will not happen, it'll not be the end of the world for her. She can jus packed up & work in KL. With her positive attitude & excellent services, i m sure that she will excel in her work & live a good life wherever she goes. For one, I will continue to patronise her if she continues with this profession in KL/M'sia.

ON THE OTHER HAND, hitman aka Alan, we will make sure the following happen to you.

- All your personal info include your picture will be posted on the net.
Personal info: Full name, your residence adddress & other bio-data.

- We will make sure that your wife, parents, in laws, relatives & friend knw of your deed & psychotic nature. We will make sure that you live in shame, that is, if you still know what is shame & regret the day that you make your 1st posting about BMW on the net. We will ensure that all your dirty laundry will not jus be aired within the confine of SBF..if you can understand what i mean

- We will make sure that your employer knws of your deeds & ensure that your career come to a halt. Who knws..your boss & colleagues might jus receive mysterious letter about your activities. Make sure that you have enough savings & your investments yield enough returns for u as u might need to last many months or years without job. Hmm..that will also be helpful to others as you will not have the extra $4K to dangle in front of WL to 'Bao' them.

- You might need assistance frm bros here who might be lawyer that specialise in divorce your wifey might jus give you the boot if she learn of all your deeds.

Hitman, you better pray hard that BMW does not get her card cancell because we'll make sure, fucking make sure, that the abovementioned will happen. Good luck
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Old 31-10-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I appeal to all bros to stop responding to the ongoing saga created by hitmanheart........... this is just creating more unnecessary attention, which is what he has been hoping for in the first place.........

lets just hope everything will end peacefully and card is not cancelled so unfairly.........

if really get cancelled so unfairly then we shall let alan have a taste of his own medicine.......
Old 31-10-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

wif due respect again...i think u r being a tad naive here dude...

like i said in an earlier post u think AV r amateur kids running an amateur show in cantonment road?...get real...they know what is going on...they know all the tricks of the trade in the book...

"abuse", "psycho"...well to u may be at a subjective level...but i don't think AV give a flying fuck...u think they were born yesterday?...the rules of evidence n legal procedure do not apply to OKTs and WLs...they conduct their biz at the pleasure of AV period...n rightly so i sld add bearing in mind the nature of the trade...

as for card cancellations...what is the big deal even if AV automatically n arbitrarily cancel 50 cards at one shot?...PRC mei meis r coming in at 20 plus per house...there is a ready n waiting supply out there at all times...

no skin off AV's noses...OKTs n WLs know the nature of this game n they also know that they cannot "win" wif AV...AV is king period...

Originally Posted by GooWakZai View Post
U r right in the sense that they take RAW case very seriously (as in the case of Peiyi) and also outside activities.

But my point of view is that if they cancel the card without evidence and purely on the annonymous letter of complaint from alan, then they will be leaving themselves open to abuse from the other psychos like alan who will anyhow send letters of complaint to sabo WLs who reject their indecent proposal.

If some psychos r going to send annonymous letters to complain 10 different gals next week, r AV going to cancel permits for all 10 of them?
Old 31-10-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I heard that her card was being suspended after being interview by AV last Thursday.
There must be a reason for this suspension.
Will AV just interview and suspend the gals's card just because of the baseless post by Mr. Alan?
Any bros know of more info ??
Old 01-11-2009, 02:07 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Fully agree & support it....

I c whether I can find out some details abt Alan

Originally Posted by olympia2soon View Post
I calling for bros out there to post more personal info & pic of hitman on the net. No need to waste more time arguing with him. Bro like mojo has already taken the leads..well done! alas i do not have info abt this prick so we need more well informed bros out there to help...esp bro GooWakZai who seem to have quite a bit of info abt the mother fucker.

Like what some bros mentioned..Hitman, you jus want to destroy whatever you cannot enjoy & in doing so you are depriving others of the enjoyment. Son of a bitch..u think that you have a look of a superstar or physique of a model & that WL will come crawling to you with your pathetic 4K per mth. Wake up dickhead. u are jus one stinking & ugly piece of shit, living in a world of self denial & fantasy

Even if BMW really gets her card cancel, which i m hopeful will not happen, it'll not be the end of the world for her. She can jus packed up & work in KL. With her positive attitude & excellent services, i m sure that she will excel in her work & live a good life wherever she goes. For one, I will continue to patronise her if she continues with this profession in KL/M'sia.

ON THE OTHER HAND, hitman aka Alan, we will make sure the following happen to you.

- All your personal info include your picture will be posted on the net.
Personal info: Full name, your residence adddress & other bio-data.

- We will make sure that your wife, parents, in laws, relatives & friend knw of your deed & psychotic nature. We will make sure that you live in shame, that is, if you still know what is shame & regret the day that you make your 1st posting about BMW on the net. We will ensure that all your dirty laundry will not jus be aired within the confine of SBF..if you can understand what i mean

- We will make sure that your employer knws of your deeds & ensure that your career come to a halt. Who knws..your boss & colleagues might jus receive mysterious letter about your activities. Make sure that you have enough savings & your investments yield enough returns for u as u might need to last many months or years without job. Hmm..that will also be helpful to others as you will not have the extra $4K to dangle in front of WL to 'Bao' them.

- You might need assistance frm bros here who might be lawyer that specialise in divorce your wifey might jus give you the boot if she learn of all your deeds.

Hitman, you better pray hard that BMW does not get her card cancell because we'll make sure, fucking make sure, that the abovementioned will happen. Good luck
Old 01-11-2009, 04:47 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

actually reading all the story abt bmw by hitman i feel very the toolan. so obvious this is not to warn fellow bros but the real reason is to get revenge on bmw and break her ricebowl.

i dun care what happen betw hitman and bmw. if all this story is true, no matter what he say, bros will still fall for her charms irregardless of his stories. but if all this stories are fake, i feel very pissed off if bmw card kena cancel cos i will never had the chance to try such a gl legend. this will actually be doing all the bros here a DISSERVICE!!!

hope av got more brains than to believe his lies and if bmw name is cleared can some bros pls post here inform us so that i can go eagle house to try my luck at getting the fuck of my life.
Old 01-11-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

my closing tots on this sad sorry unfortunate yet all too predictable tale of Hitman n BMW...

if AV r lenient n do not actually cancel BMW's card...then ironically the biggest 'winners' in this dramarama shall turn out to be Eagle n all of BMW's clts who visit her at 24M13 including new she shall hv to be more regular n hardworking in attendance at molek for obvious reasons...moreover as some of her rabid fans in here hv also pted out...more slots wld be available wif the departure of Hitman...

in any event...regardless of AV's final my own personal observation of BMW...i am quite sure that she shall come out of this present turmoil stronger n wiser for it...she appears to be a sharp smart tough cookie apart fm being a true blue GL150 ang pai legend...

as for Hitman...well u know what dude...i think for all the time that u apparently spent wif BMW, u appear to fail to understand that she does not like being possessed n that she primarily came to GL to earn $$$...if it was otherwise, i think she wld hv probably stayed on in m'sia n not come to GL in the first place...

anyways...i hope all concerned parties find closure goes on...

Old 01-11-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Cougar View Post
I heard that her card was being suspended after being interview by AV last Thursday.
There must be a reason for this suspension.
Will AV just interview and suspend the gals's card just because of the baseless post by Mr. Alan?
Any bros know of more info ??
Why not.. Similar thing happen to Pei Yi before.
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