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Old 06-03-2010, 02:11 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven View Post
That is why he is your ex now....
Bang on.
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Old 08-03-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Bang on.
Still banging.....

Old 09-03-2010, 03:35 AM
thelineswecross thelineswecross is offline
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

You chauvinistic bastards.

Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter) after a long week of guard duty and no matter how tired she is, still has to give in to you when you shove her against the wall trying to kiss her into having sex with you? Your sister for not telling on you that one time she caught your adolescent self and equally as adolescent girlfriend writhing on the living room couch?

The list goes on. Are they not all women? And you men complain. And find new partners. Is it women's fault, really, that our biological clocks do not tick at the same speed as men and we need sex more toward the stages of mid life crisis compared to men, who need it their whole lives? Really?

This has been a chauvinistic society for far too long. Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a female with all the sexual discrimination that comes with it? And don't try to pretend that you have, because all of you are right. You will never truly understand women. An example of discrimination can be seen as thus: when a guy loves sex, it is considered normal, natural, even, for him to want to perform the act with the added bonus of different partners. When girls love sex, what do they get? Men with loose tongues and all sorts of unflattering names to go with it. As a bonus, they also get labelled like a horse. "Too fat", "Her thighs are too big", "I like her tits but she has no brains,", "Good for sex and nothing else", "Can/Cannot cook", etc. A guy can let himself completely go, have a face like a roadmap and a beer belly three times as large as the average pregnant woman. You don't see wives cheating on their husbands just because they have no more erectile power left in that weak little excuse for a penis.

Another: You have never had to carry a baby and receive a disgusted look from people around you, just because you forgot to wear your wedding ring, when in fact, you have a lawful husband in your wedded bed.

Seriously boys, you spend your whole lives complaining about women, so don't even try to understand us. Sperm, spit. A woman receives what a man excretes. Take our shit like a man, like how we take yours.

And what is all this about the 'weaker sex'? Scientists have spent decades trying to prove that theory wrong, and it is true that women have less muscle building power than men. But all that power goes into storing strength for delivering a child. It is scientifically proven that if a man goes through the same amount of pain that a woman does during childbirth, he will effectively die from the strain. Also, women live longer than men. That much has also been proven.

So please, don't think you can lord it over us just because you have something dangling between your legs. Sure, men have pride. Do you really think women have none?

I cannot express enough.
Old 09-03-2010, 03:37 AM
thelineswecross thelineswecross is offline
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

You chauvinistic bastards.

Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter) after a long week of guard duty and no matter how tired she is, still has to give in to you when you shove her against the wall trying to kiss her into having sex with you? Your sister for not telling on you that one time she caught your adolescent self and equally as adolescent girlfriend writhing on the living room couch?

The list goes on. Are they not all women? And you men complain. And find new partners. Is it women's fault, really, that our biological clocks do not tick at the same speed as men and we need sex more toward the stages of mid life crisis compared to men, who need it their whole lives? Really?

This has been a chauvinistic society for far too long. Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a female with all the sexual discrimination that comes with it? And don't try to pretend that you have, because all of you are right. You will never truly understand women. An example of discrimination can be seen as thus: when a guy loves sex, it is considered normal, natural, even, for him to want to perform the act with the added bonus of different partners. When girls love sex, what do they get? Men with loose tongues and all sorts of unflattering names to go with it. As a bonus, they also get labelled like a horse. "Too fat", "Her thighs are too big", "I like her tits but she has no brains,", "Good for sex and nothing else", "Can/Cannot cook", etc. A guy can let himself completely go, have a face like a roadmap and a beer belly three times as large as the average pregnant woman. You don't see wives cheating on their husbands just because they have no more erectile power left in that weak little excuse for a penis.

Another: You have never had to carry a baby and receive a disgusted look from people around you, just because you forgot to wear your wedding ring, when in fact, you have a lawful husband in your wedded bed.

Seriously boys, you spend your whole lives complaining about women, so don't even try to understand us. Sperm, spit. A woman receives what a man excretes. Take our shit like a man, like how we take yours.

And what is all this about the 'weaker sex'? Scientists have spent decades trying to prove that theory wrong, and it is true that women have less muscle building power than men. But all that power goes into storing strength for delivering a child. It is scientifically proven that if a man goes through the same amount of pain that a woman does during childbirth, he will effectively die from the strain. Also, women live longer than men. That much has also been proven.

So please, don't think you can lord it over us just because you have something dangling between your legs. Sure, men have pride. Do you really think women have none?

I cannot express enough.
Old 09-03-2010, 07:59 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

This argument will end with sad tears and angry semen. Now make me a sandwich ! woman!
Old 09-03-2010, 08:56 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I thought this thread is dead....

Guess is open for business again!!!
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Old 09-03-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by thelineswecross View Post
You chauvinistic bastards.
Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter)
I cannot express enough.
We are grateful, appreciative and love our mum hence for a start please do not drag our love ones into this by calling us bastards, what makes our mum then? We are indeed not perfect but for most are still responsible for our own doing.

Old 09-03-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by terrible ted View Post
This argument will end with sad tears and angry semen. Now make me a sandwich ! woman!
So long as you do not add: go fetch . Thankful for little mercies?

Reminds me of a pal who actually grunted at the telly, and his tirak brought the remote for him! Not that I endorse his, but brings to mind what some of us blokes are put on a pedestal.
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Old 09-03-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX View Post
I have heard of a saying that "you can never really understand what a girl wants and you don't have to understand them. Even if you try to, you can't. Just pamper them and let them do whatever they want". Eventually, they will be grateful to you and will feel that you are treating them very well. That's why some guys who don't even love and understand their gfs, can make them feel so comfortable. Because they somehow bochap and don't really care to understand their girls. But the girls will in the end thought that their bfs understand them which in fact, they don't. That's my opinion.
hmm this sounds interesting. hahaha. shall QC my boyfriends next time to see if he really understands me
Old 29-01-2015, 08:03 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Is anyone alive? Oceaneleven bro?

Was using another nick but restarted account. 10 yrs later older and somewhat wiser. but made some of the mistakes including being too impulsive. Shucks
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Old 30-01-2015, 07:49 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by vesfreq View Post
Girls, or for that matter, women are perpetually imperceptible to the mind of a common man.

While this is generally true, understanding and ability to grasp the needs of a women is genuinely beyond the intellectual ability and emotional capacities of the male species, however much women claim the simplicity of their socio emotional intellectual processes.

Their propensities for materialism is so apparent that even the blind can see.

The irony is that women is just another evil which man has to live with, just like the famous drinkable bactria based solution ... "vitagen".

My point of view is, regardless of whichever "char bo" one would like want to be with, his patience and willingness to yield, compromise and accomodate will determine the shelf life of the relationship. Whilst all the talk about "till death do us apart" is nothing more than mere flowery elaborated disguise of the honest truth that all relationships/marriages end up, in some way or another, becoming like a socio-emotional contract for the satisfaction of wants and desires.

Girls, ladies and, for that matter, aunties have this unusual tendency to proclaim their undying love for whoever they love. Far too often, this is only a half truth of what they truly desire. Being creatures of flesh and blood, love is only but a state of mind. When hardship strikes, how many of these females will stay?

Where hardship is beyond that which is perceived to be fair and acceptable, is it not true that divorces and breakups are easily the top few options considered? Where a guy earns anything less than what the female defines as acceptable or, for the matter of fact, elements constituting financial security or stability, is it not true (again) that most females would choose to look for other more eligible candidates?

In this day, declining birthrates are said to be jinxed by more ambitions younger working folks. Let us evaluate this other end of the spectrum, declining birthrates or, in my opinion, regression of population numerals is primarily due to the females' ever-so-legendary popular attitude of intolerance towards men of "lesser material endowments", despite the reality that earning less can be .... a personal choice.

If I have remembered correctly, girls like to lament about the lack of "good men". I say its pure nonsense and an outright insult to those who labour day and night struggling to ensure their families' daily 3 meals and have no time to entertain demanding young or even middle aged damsels of today.

Love is only a state of mind, whilst committment and responsibility is everything that makes a marriage and relationship work. It is not about spending money on expensive lunches and coffee. Some females I know of still think its a right to live off their guy friends' paychecks. I'm not against them or anything. The point is they don't know where and when to stop.

I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.
Very well said. This deserves to be a permanent paragraph in some book of love advice for men.
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Old 30-01-2015, 08:01 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Naim View Post
Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.
Damn well said.
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Old 30-01-2015, 01:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by dominion View Post
in places like UK and SG where the new rush of sexual equality clashes with our conservative ways, it allows women to take advantage of the situation to practice double standards.

when it suits them they claim must have equality if not we're MCP.
when it doesnt, they claim must give way to ladies, if not we're ungentlemanly.

we can never win with them. so why not look for alternatives in other countries?
im considering
I agree with this double standard.

Nearly 8 years has passed since this comment was posted. Not much has improved since then. Perhaps significant improvement after another 8 years or a decade?
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