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Old 25-02-2022, 09:19 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Obviously they are in contact via text or fact to face. And yup. Most definately it's a plan from both of them. That's y Darren is so confident that jas is OK with the arrangements.
Old 25-02-2022, 09:25 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by jamestan1 View Post
Lol this Darren really sb jialat. If he still ask for more, then i really bo wei kong
Probably to Darren J/A was a good fk, that's why kept going back for more, beside is free invitation for him, no man will reject. Just lust and temptation.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 25-02-2022, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by sexcision View Post
Obviously they are in contact via text or fact to face. And yup. Most definately it's a plan from both of them. That's y Darren is so confident that jas is OK with the arrangements.
More like J planned everything but make it seem like it was Darren who planned it. Matured women are smarter in this field tbh
Old 25-02-2022, 09:35 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Bro Mark finally got to chat with Shirin and she is a smart lady not to comment too much on things that she is not an expert.

However, I can see that Shirin is giving Mark a chance and I guess when they delvelop relationship and feeling, they will decide what to do next.

As for Jasmine, I kind of find it strange that Darrren has contacted Jasmine and want to talk to Mark. I can only guess that Darrren had a go with Jasmine already when Mark was having dinner and may have suggested a new game.

I guess a foursome kind of game. Let us see.

Not sure if Mark is up for the game seeing that Jasmine is being fuck by a big cock and his ego is hurt.

My advice for bro Mark, maybe Jasmine is still deciding after her first relationship that she want to shop around to enjoy life and getting fuck by big cock.
Old 25-02-2022, 09:39 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by jwat View Post
SRS as in Sudden Repulsion Syndrome ?

I just enjoy the story now, best wishes to Mark, I don't condone any action of anyone here, just beware of any work backstab

Potential plot:
Mark get pegged by Nat
Mark go to sleep with Karen or Rebecca or both
Alicia get pregnant
Shirlyn get pregnant

1. Does Felicia , Alicia knows Mark slept with Shiryln ?

2. Does Jasmine is over 36?

Theory: Still believe Jasmine has unlocked something inside her, want to enjoy the best sex/life, felt betrayed by soon ex husband, and Mark still a very convenient unmarried dick for property and potential ATM

Yeah, open marriage, seems quite common, I guess the good side of open marriage is there is not considered cheating*, although sometimes, guy may develop into hotwife, cuckold, penis chastity and be a M
I meant Same Room Sex. Lol.

1. It was Felicia who told Alicia and Jasmine about Shirlyn.

2.I don't recall him stating her age, but guess should be early to mid 30s? If above 35 and has the finances I think she can buy over the property right?
My Story - - ENDED

Love-Hate-Betrayal-Regret -
Old 25-02-2022, 09:42 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Go for Shirlyn TS !!!
Old 25-02-2022, 10:32 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by EnigmaofSorrow View Post
I meant Same Room Sex. Lol.

1. It was Felicia who told Alicia and Jasmine about Shirlyn.

2.I don't recall him stating her age, but guess should be early to mid 30s? If above 35 and has the finances I think she can buy over the property right?
oh, SRS

1. oh, Felicia

Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post

I wonder what Darren wanted this time.
May I guess ?

1. SRS , but with Alicia, Jasmine, Darren and you ?

2. N need the first test drive soon enough ?
Old 25-02-2022, 10:44 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

I met Darren outside the estate as I wanted to smoke.

D: You should smoke less. Affects performance.

Me: Sure it does.

D: Anyway, come over to my place at 11pm tomorrow.

Me: With Jasmine?

D: God no. Alone.

Me: When are you seeing her?

D: Haha. You think too much bro. We aren't fucking.

Me: Erm.

D: I'm serious.

Me: She still wants to.

D: I know. They all do. The only one I've to try so hard to convince is my own wife.

Me: Huh?

D: Alicia, Felicia, they're the ones who call me up. My own wife won't do it unless she's really in the mood. And, well, sometimes I can tell she isn't really pleased.

Me: I thought you said she's fine.

D: She is. Most of the time.

Me: I'm really confused now.

D: Nat's the one who introduced me to the open marriage concept.

Me: Ah?

D: After the second kid, somehow her sex drive increased. But we couldn't really have that much sex due to my size. One day she asked how I would feel if she satisfied her desires with someone else. I didn't want to be a cuckold and have her do it behind my back, so I said sure, as long as I choose the guy, and I was around the first few times to make sure she was ok.

Me: That's a surprise.

D: It was surprising to me too. But we grew closer somehow.

Me: I see.

D: So she asked why I allowed her to do it, what about me?

Me: What about you?

D: She said it was only fair if I got to have my own FWB as well.

Me: And?

D: Come on, how many girls do you seriously think can handle me?

Me: I know of at least 3.

D: Haha. That's right now. Back then it was pretty tough.

Me: You said you introduced guys to her. Couldn't she do the same for you?

D: Nah. None of her friends are into this.

Me: So how did you start?

D: Work. I had a divorced superior. Didn't really work out. I ended up changing jobs.

Me: Sorry to hear that.

D: Oh. It was nothing like that. We continued the relationship. I just couldn't be in the same company as she was showing too much favoritism.

Me: When did it all start?

D: Well, my kids are 9 and 11.

Me: This has been going on for 9 years?

D: Yeah.

Me: How many guys have you introduced to her?

D: Currently? 5.

Me: So they were pretty long term I guess?

D: Quite.

Me: And yourself?

D: Honestly? Jasmine was the second. Then Alicia, Amanda, Felicia.

Me: That's really surprising. What happened to your first?

D: Nothing. I still see her on occasion.

Me: All the guys you introduced were your friends?

D: Yup. From school, army, work. Basically people I can trust.

Me: Was EoS one of them?

D: Haha. I know why you're asking. The way he's been commenting on the thread makes it seem like he's involved right?

Me: Pretty much.

D: Nah. I suggested, since we both know him. She immediately said no.

Me: I wonder why.

D: I more or less know why.

Me: So I guess his stories are true then?

D: I think you both take some liberties in your writing.

Me: I don't deny that.

D: Anyway, Jasmine and I really haven't been meeting. But my wife has been asking me for a new guy. So I asked her if she was ok with it.

Me: And why is she ok with it?

D: Honestly? I don't know. Maybe she'll feel less guilty if she decides to sleep with me again?

Me: Right. What happened to the current guy?

D: You mean the current 2 others?

Me: Ok I wasn't expecting that.

D: One's wife gave birth end of last year. So he's stopping for now. The other one is still continuing. He's actually in EoS story too. Jason.

Me: Oh. I don't really recall much about that.

D: Jenny's brother.

Me: Oh!

D: We hung out together sometimes.

Me: He doesn't really seem to like you though. EoS I mean.

D: Well, I really was an ass before. Gave him some shit during his army time too when he was injured.

Me: You were a regular too?

D: Yeah. But I left after 5 years. Shit place. Waste of my time.

Me: I spent nearly 3 times the time there.

D: Yeah. She said.

Me: You guys talk alot?

D: We talk enough. Mostly about you. She doesn't understand you and the things you do. You need to open up to her more.

Me: Oh.

D: Anyway, enough about us. Tomorrow 11pm. Come over. I'm bringing the kids to my in-laws. We're staying over.

Me: I'll think about it.

D: Just come over and have a chat with her. Whatever happens is up to the two of you.

Me: I'll still think about it.

We headed back to our respective homes.

I guess I had the whole of Friday working from home to think about these new revelations.
Old 25-02-2022, 11:51 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Did I see Amanda in there? Hahaha. I think Mark is considered Darren's 贵人,considering how many he fucked coz of Mark's introduction.
Old 26-02-2022, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by sexcision View Post
Did I see Amanda in there? Hahaha. I think Mark is considered Darren's 贵人,considering how many he fucked coz of Mark's introduction.
Haha does this mean Amanda will make her return?
Old 26-02-2022, 09:04 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by Shrouded View Post
Me: And you want me to see others?

J: Why not? You're technically single.

Me: And you want to see others too?

J: Well, just Darren. For sex only.

Me: Ok.
Bro, your story revealed to me how fast the thoughts on sexuality had changed in women and men in Singapore.
The roles and behavior seems to be reversed in your case.

It used the be, the man is a hunter and has an ok looking very good wife material type of girl who love him very much, but he enjoys the sex with the great looking, sexy woman who is also great in bed.

It is clear that you had fallen for Jasmine and had taken over the role of the ok looking great wife material woman who loves the man (Jasmine) deeply.
Jasmine on the other hand, had become the man and had his head turned for the beautiful, sexy, great in bed woman (Darren).

Now, Jasmine just want to have the best of both world. - you who gives her the TLC while continue to have great sex with Darren.
She has exactly the "traditional men mentality" now.

I think such relationship could work, but you would have to take on that submissive woman mentality, but I can assure you won't be able to stay the same forever. - It is going to end badly if you choose Jasmin.

I would go for Shirlyn. - even clearer now to me.
And you fall in love easily when someone is nice to you. - you will fall in love with Shirlyn if you start the relationship with her.
Go for it!
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
Old 26-02-2022, 11:16 AM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post

Now, Jasmine just want to have the best of both world. - you who gives her the TLC while continue to have great sex with Darren.
She has exactly the "traditional men mentality" now.

I think such relationship could work, but you would have to take on that submissive woman mentality, but I can assure you won't be able to stay the same forever. - It is going to end badly if you choose Jasmin.

I would go for Shirlyn. - even clearer now to me.
And you fall in love easily when someone is nice to you. - you will fall in love with Shirlyn if you start the relationship with her.
Go for it!
Agree that jasmine wants to have best of both worlds

Shirlyn is better option in any future situation as once mark dont have the accomodating or the desire to do what makes jasmine happy, potential issues will arise
Old 26-02-2022, 12:58 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Eagerly waiting for the details of the Friday night fun with N.
Old 26-02-2022, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by reflexk View Post
Eagerly waiting for the details of the Friday night fun with N.
Yes I love fun too, cheers!
Old 26-02-2022, 03:33 PM
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Re: An Affair with an older married lady... and the aftermath...

Everyone looking forward to new updates from bro shrouded.
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