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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-10-2017, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by ceeko View Post
Replied all. i don't log in as much nowadays


1. Don't come in here and spam "Can share cocntacts" or PM me "can share contacts" without sharing your own. I just delete

2. Don't bother asking me about "rates". I don't go for full service, cause $50 for a 5-10min handjob is just atrocious. If you're the type that likes to pay the girls by thinking with your dicks, my lobangs are not good

3. Don't expect spoonfeeding. I give u the name of the place and location. U jolly well go do some legwork. Anything more Its like me driving you there and I might as well pay for your massage.

4. Thank you all who have shared your good lobangs and gems.

- Ceeko (Who doesn't like to pay Massage ladies to handjob/blowjob/fuck cause $50 can get u a full service at geylang after a massage session with money still left over for a good meal).

Idiots are those that pay $50hj 80bbbj $120 fj. <--- Mai Gong leh!!!!
I like the last line...Idiots are those that pay $50hj 80bbbj $120 fj. <--- Mai Gong leh!!!!
Old 04-10-2017, 09:13 AM
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Question Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

I definitely prefer to have release after a good massage compared to MLs just teasing my blue bird. After all we are paying about the same amount.
Old 04-10-2017, 12:53 PM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Originally Posted by nicecrack View Post
I definitely prefer to have release after a good massage compared to MLs just teasing my blue bird. After all we are paying about the same amount.
Nope, I'm not paying that "same amount" Read my last post.
Old 04-10-2017, 04:40 PM
GrannyLao GrannyLao is offline
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Hi can share?
Old 05-10-2017, 01:05 AM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Thanks to bro ceeko for the contact! (Please PM him to exchange if you wish!)

I just visited one a few days ago - the massage is really solid. Since I do go to proper Tuina occasionally and thought I could take the pain, I asked for a harder massage (assuming that most MPs would have it softer). Oh boy was I so wrong - the ML located many sore points in my back, hip and shoulders and massaged them. I had to clench my fist (and jaws) to cope with it. Towards the end the ML realised that it was really painful for me, and sort of apologised, but I told her it was all good since I felt the muscles loosening up already.

Over the next day, I did feel my body loosening up. To me, this is a sign that the massage is good - the loosening effect lasts for the next few days after the massage, which was why I delayed posting this to make sure.

And of course, the best part was the deliberate teasing around the balls area. Feels damn shiok not knowing when it will come, and when it does .... heaven! The icing on the cake is that I can save the extra $ for another session with them, and go home to release.

Definitely not for everyone, since some bros expressed that they very much prefer the release, but I'm all for a fantastic massage + a tease - I'll definitely return for more!
Old 06-10-2017, 06:37 PM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

+2 chap88 for good opinion

Indeed a good massage effect is felt not instantly but over the next 1-2 days

Originally Posted by chap88 View Post
Over the next day, I did feel my body loosening up. To me, this is a sign that the massage is good - the loosening effect lasts for the next few days after the massage, which was why I delayed posting this to make sure.

And of course, the best part was the deliberate teasing around the balls area. Feels damn shiok not knowing when it will come, and when it does .... heaven! The icing on the cake is that I can save the extra $ for another session with them, and go home to release.

Definitely not for everyone, since some bros expressed that they very much prefer the release, but I'm all for a fantastic massage + a tease - I'll definitely return for more!
Old 09-10-2017, 09:45 PM
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Thumbs down Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

If i looking for good massage without GQ, i will choose blue balls.. for 3 reasons..
(a) ML does her teasing and i moan without interruption or worry about GQ
(b) butt and ass crack massage provided without saying..
(c) if 'accidental spillage'.. oops, noone's fault.. no need to pay..

hee hee.. damage still same $70 / 1.5 hrs...
Old 09-10-2017, 09:47 PM
trichard trichard is offline
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
If i looking for good massage without GQ, i will choose blue balls.. for 3 reasons..
(a) ML does her teasing and i moan without interruption or worry about GQ
(b) butt and ass crack massage provided without saying..
(c) if 'accidental spillage'.. oops, noone's fault.. no need to pay..

hee hee.. damage still same $70 / 1.5 hrs...
Can guide how to .'accidental spillage'
Old 09-10-2017, 10:00 PM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Hi Bro Trichard,

ha ha... only happened twice .. with 2 separate ML... (Bugis & Crawford)
from my analysis (haha.. now i like professor), first few times they think i can take their intense teasing, so they turn up the volume again and again.. then one day.. when i beh tahan... oops..

Also, i keep quiet when very intense, so ML no clue, then waterfall suddenly.. they surprised, i close my eyes n pretend to sleep.. ML boh pian, take face towel to dry up.. and continue massage as once was halfway mark and the other about 4 fifths way..

2 weeks ago, almost.. but she had her pinkie in me n doing some sort of hdly hj.. i told her to pull out pinkie as pain.. then all stop .. haiz.. i meant carry on but massage the butthole... chinese half past six.. never mind .. still got next time..

If in for the mood, Blue balls fun...

PS:$10 tip if spillage.. or else same hourly rate no tip.. many teasing MLs around.. fight inflation !
Old 09-10-2017, 11:18 PM
Kazekage Kazekage is offline
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Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Hi Bro Trichard,

ha ha... only happened twice .. with 2 separate ML... (Bugis & Crawford)
from my analysis (haha.. now i like professor), first few times they think i can take their intense teasing, so they turn up the volume again and again.. then one day.. when i beh tahan... oops..

Also, i keep quiet when very intense, so ML no clue, then waterfall suddenly.. they surprised, i close my eyes n pretend to sleep.. ML boh pian, take face towel to dry up.. and continue massage as once was halfway mark and the other about 4 fifths way..

2 weeks ago, almost.. but she had her pinkie in me n doing some sort of hdly hj.. i told her to pull out pinkie as pain.. then all stop .. haiz.. i meant carry on but massage the butthole... chinese half past six.. never mind .. still got next time..

If in for the mood, Blue balls fun...

PS:$10 tip if spillage.. or else same hourly rate no tip.. many teasing MLs around.. fight inflation !

Can share?
Old 09-10-2017, 11:52 PM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Also, i keep quiet when very intense, so ML no clue, then waterfall suddenly.. they surprised, i close my eyes n pretend to sleep.. ML boh pian, take face towel to dry up..
win la you still pretend to sleep heheh
Old 12-10-2017, 10:24 AM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

The place I went to also same thing.

Starting teasing, den the teasing got stronger and stronger but not to the extend of palm on rod..

Last 5 mins left, my bad.. Accidental spillage lol
Old 12-10-2017, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Hi Bro Trichard,

ha ha... only happened twice .. with 2 separate ML... (Bugis & Crawford)
from my analysis (haha.. now i like professor), first few times they think i can take their intense teasing, so they turn up the volume again and again.. then one day.. when i beh tahan... oops..

Also, i keep quiet when very intense, so ML no clue, then waterfall suddenly.. they surprised, i close my eyes n pretend to sleep.. ML boh pian, take face towel to dry up.. and continue massage as once was halfway mark and the other about 4 fifths way..

2 weeks ago, almost.. but she had her pinkie in me n doing some sort of hdly hj.. i told her to pull out pinkie as pain.. then all stop .. haiz.. i meant carry on but massage the butthole... chinese half past six.. never mind .. still got next time..

If in for the mood, Blue balls fun...

PS:$10 tip if spillage.. or else same hourly rate no tip.. many teasing MLs around.. fight inflation !
Bro do u mean current Crawford or the previous one that closed that, with a sister branch AROUND SLS
Old 12-10-2017, 03:01 PM
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Re: How many (like me) prefer blue balls than release?

Originally Posted by toil3tbowl View Post
Something to share from my experience. I was at the east side during the daytime and looking for a good rub. Came upon this spa and requested in for an hour massage. The room has an attached shower and shorts was provided. So I put that on after shower and waited for the ML to come in. 'Knock knock' she came in and started giving me a good rub at the back. Then slowly she moved down to my butt area and run her hands in between from times to times. Now the real teasing came when I turned around. She slided her hands inside the shorts and started giving a good stroke for at least 5 mins. I wasn't feeling like releasing so I told her to stopped after a while (after I have enjoyed it of cuz). Sometimes it's good to have that kind of surprise.
Good find. Managed to locate this ML. They tried to recommend prostate at the counter. I politely rejected and went for normal massage. After much sweet talk, managed to get the ML to release for me at no charge. However not really a looker but she's not old either, so might not go back again. She informed me to go at night will be better as only she and 2 other ML is mending the shop. So lower chance of getting caught. Maybe will head back if I'm around the area only.

Thanks for introducing, bro toiletbowl.
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Old 12-10-2017, 04:10 PM
trichard trichard is offline
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Originally Posted by Spermster View Post
Good find. Managed to locate this ML. They tried to recommend prostate at the counter. I politely rejected and went for normal massage. After much sweet talk, managed to get the ML to release for me at no charge. However not really a looker but she's not old either, so might not go back again. She informed me to go at night will be better as only she and 2 other ML is mending the shop. So lower chance of getting caught. Maybe will head back if I'm around the area only.

Thanks for introducing, bro toiletbowl.
Brother please share the sweet talk here leh.... So that we all can learn and get free hj...

I am sure many brother will love you deeply ... Especially those who pay 50 for the service....

Also include your body build and cock size so that at least we know you are handsome ...
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