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Old 03-07-2007, 10:46 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by freeman18 View Post

I'm sure many bros out there who ever had raw or unprotected BJ would have some sort of STD. Believe me. Go DSC to check out. (just search DSC in google, you will find out the website).

Come back to up me if you think I've helped you.
Right bro....the last time I had raw sex over a period of time with a FL who I found also had raw sex with many other bro really scare me to death....Luckily DSC clear me with a clean bill after 9 months of worry
10Q to those bros who up my rep. Please kindly leave your nick behind so that I could repay your kindness.

Bros to up
klitlover, malboro78, WWEF, tggg, texas_red, Naka_timo, LifeLife

Old 03-07-2007, 07:51 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

[QUOTE=freeman18;2120923]I've been a reader rather than contributor to
I love sex, a lot actually, with different women, FL, HC, GFs, etc. But I always protect myself. However, I had three cases of just BJ without cap in Korea, Jakarta and SG, as I the girls were too pretty and i could help taking my chance. Each time I got STD, NGU, Clymedia and the sort. But there's no symptom each time though. How I knew it? I went to DSC to check! (I'm a very careful person, so I always check if don't feel right.).

Thanks for the advice.
I have also heard that Korea and Jakata got high rate of VD, so really must be careful when cheong those places.
Nevertheless, it is always safe to protect yourself at any place and any time.
I have my Medical checkup every year where the blood test also include VD reactive or not, wonder is this sufficient ? Do this test cover Clymedia, NGU etc.......
Old 04-07-2007, 12:27 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by glgl View Post
Well bro, my policy is if the lady decide it can be off, i will probably call off the deal. Reason being she probably already kena thats why can allow to do raw.

Also, if she allows you to do raw, she will also allow the rest to do raw. Your risk appetite must be very high to gamble your life this way... hee..
Well said bro , i fully agree with you. I cant understand why good people are willing to take a chance with their lives like that!

Already there's abig hoohaa in the FL Dome about raw sex and they are talking about banning the bro involved and also the okt and the gal. This is a serious matter for the simple fact that it increases the risk factor for other innnocent bros!
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Old 04-07-2007, 12:33 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

I have my Medical checkup every year where the blood test also include VD reactive or not, wonder is this sufficient ? Do this test cover Clymedia, NGU etc.......[/QUOTE]
Medical checkup normally won't check NGU/Clymedia, neither can blood test reveal those STD. You need to do a smear test at special clinics like DSC. Trust me, I had absolutely no symptoms while carrying those STD. Only after the nurse told me "Oh, you got some infection!", then my heart dropped...

It's frustrating. You want to enjoy sex, but always not to the fullest.....
Old 05-07-2007, 01:56 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by Erickh View Post
Bro one of my friend use this japanese brand condom to bonk his gf, and the condom actually snapped while bonking ... So have to be careful..

Nowsdays i also avoid using those cheapo condoms..
okomoto is not cheap. i t snap i think u r too rough and the condom is much thinner that the rest. that y it is branded as skinless.

i do agree w u that it break when i m rough.
Old 05-07-2007, 02:02 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by freeman18 View Post
...So my hit rate was 100%!....there won't be forth time any more!. NEver!!!
i m glad u r still alive.
Old 05-07-2007, 02:24 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by Ray06 View Post
Medical checkup normally won't check NGU/Clymedia, neither can blood test reveal those STD. You need to do a smear test at special clinics like DSC. Trust me, I had absolutely no symptoms while carrying those STD. Only after the nurse told me "Oh, you got some infection!", then my heart dropped...

It's frustrating. You want to enjoy sex, but always not to the fullest.....
i always enjoy to the fullest. with or without cap.

i think wat u have is a mental blockade. want to play but scare.

like i said, and saying again, if u play dont scare, scare dont play. else u r mentally torturing urself. once u started to play in this fcuk game, there is no turning back bcos u r already expose to STD.

if u r so bothered by infection, then go PCC and be faithful to ur wife. if wife no good, divorce her and change another one. if cannot be done then keep a mistress. wear cap w ur wife and capless w mistress. or stop fcuking wife and fuck mistress raw.

my 2-cent is always either u r in or u r out. dont be a luke warm, dont know wanna in or out and scare the shit out of ur own ass.

if u join the army then be prepared to die in the line of duty. if not, u shldnt be signing up in the first place.

i may sound rude but i m not. i hope u see my point of view.
Old 06-07-2007, 02:03 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

like wad Master Yoda said to Luke Skywalker
Do or do not
there is no try
Old 06-07-2007, 08:34 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

i always enjoy to the fullest. with or without cap.
i think wat u have is a mental blockade. want to play but scare.

Bro banana,
How many can overcome the fear of getting infected by any STD like you ?
Similarly, how many could overcome the temptation not to cheong ?

The problem is that most of us are in the midst of both, so end of the day we cheong BUT also take necessary precautions though not 100% safe.
I agree that we should enjoy the fullest of sex, however we are still young and do not want to end our cheong days so offence
Old 06-07-2007, 10:13 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by Ray06 View Post
Bro banana,
How many can overcome the fear of getting infected by any STD like you ?
Similarly, how many could overcome the temptation not to cheong ?

The problem is that most of us are in the midst of both, so end of the day we cheong BUT also take necessary precautions though not 100% safe.
I agree that we should enjoy the fullest of sex, however we are still young and do not want to end our cheong days so offence
Agreed. The possible price to pay is just too much. I used to cheong raw before the advent of AIDS & herpes and now cant remember how many times i kanna gonorhea that time! Luckily an injection and a dose of anti-biotics always got rid of it.

Things are diff now and my favourite cheong companion nowadays is durex featherlite! Not promoting the product here but i feel it suits me.
Up your points for your point of view.
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Old 06-07-2007, 04:03 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by tenggiri View Post
I used to cheong raw before the advent of AIDS & herpes and now cant remember how many times i kanna gonorhea that time! Luckily an injection and a dose of anti-biotics always got rid of it.
WOW! Before the advent of Aids... Bro, your birthday cake got many many candles right?
Old 06-07-2007, 07:08 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
WOW! Before the advent of Aids... Bro, your birthday cake got many many candles right?
Yeah haha but still scared die! Even WL offer me raw i will still use cd, at least reduce the risk by more than 90%. And go for annual blood test also, hehe.

Take care one and all. Bonk safe.
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Old 06-07-2007, 09:39 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by glgl View Post
Well bro, my policy is if the lady decide it can be off, i will probably call off the deal. Reason being she probably already kena thats why can allow to do raw.

Also, if she allows you to do raw, she will also allow the rest to do raw. Your risk appetite must be very high to gamble your life this way... hee..
Hi Bro glgl,

As far as from my experience, those ladies who already have STD and wants to do raw, are very seldom working ladies. They're more those pick ups who probably want some kind of "revenge" as to her getting it. I'm not saying the working ladies are STD free. But from my experience, the attitude of working laides are such. If they were to have STD, their first reaction is to get it cured so they normally take a short break. Thereafter, when they are cured, they won't provide raw again.

This is of course from my own personal experience and observations only and I'm sure there will be different cases too.

As for myself, I don't initiate raw sex. Just that I don't think too much about it. The working ladies who allows raw will normally ask whether I want to use the cap or not, even for BBBJ or BJ and I always say it's up to them. Like I said, I don't think too much.

My 2 cents worth.
Old 06-07-2007, 09:43 PM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by freeman18 View Post
I've been a reader rather than contributor to this forum. I think I better "warn" some "innocent" youngsters here.

Seeing so many bros (in various threads) keep on talking about how enjoyable raw sex is, or lucky BJ without cap, etc., I don't know if they're just making stories or simply lying. If not, they must be DAMN lucky!!!

I love sex, a lot actually, with different women, FL, HC, GFs, etc. But I always protect myself. However, I had three cases of just BJ without cap in Korea, Jakarta and SG, as I the girls were too pretty and i could help taking my chance. Each time I got STD, NGU, Clymedia and the sort. But there's no symptom each time though. How I knew it? I went to DSC to check! (I'm a very careful person, so I always check if don't feel right.).

So my hit rate was 100%!....there won't be forth time any more!. NEver!!!

I'm sure many bros out there who ever had raw or unprotected BJ would have some sort of STD. Believe me. Go DSC to check out. (just search DSC in google, you will find out the website).

Come back to up me if you think I've helped you.
Hi Bro,

I don't consider myself lucky but I think you must be really unlucky to have a 3 out of 3 hit, and you're talking about BBBJ, not even raw sex.
Old 07-07-2007, 01:35 AM
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Re: why some pro let u enter raw?

Originally Posted by tenggiri View Post
...Things are diff now and my favourite cheong companion nowadays is durex featherlite! Not promoting the product here but i feel it suits me.
Up your points for your point of view.
my favourite is okomoto 002 and 007. not promoting too.
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