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Old 18-09-2024, 06:35 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by mbhavana View Post
Really sad that her husband didn't accompany her for the treatments. But maybe you offered to go with her? Is that how you won her?
I mean don’t talk about friends. If somebody came up to you, asked you to buy them a piece of bread, or a coffee with sandwich, out of compassion, you would do it right?

What more would you do if a friend is in a hard time and is fighting hard alone and you just ‘orh’? You won’t…. It’s just heart wrenching seeing somebody with a spouse for life fighting their own battles with no support.

Humans in all form will have some empathy and guilt in knowing all that has happened. Even as a reader you felt compassion, what’s more the one person that swore to take care of her.

Last edited by guyorgirl; 18-09-2024 at 08:41 AM.
Old 18-09-2024, 06:56 AM
dieth1234 dieth1234 is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
I mean don’t talk about friends. If somebody came up to you, asked you to buy them a piece of bread, or a coffee with sandwich, out of compassion, you would do it right during wedding vows?

What more would you do if a friend is in a hard time and is fighting hard alone and you just ‘orh’? You won’t…. It’s just heart wrenching seeing somebody with a spouse for life fighting their own battles with no support.

Humans in all form will have some empathy and guilt in knowing all that has happened. Even as a reader you felt compassion, what’s more the one person that swore to take care of her.
Hey, nice story. I can understand how you feel. I broke up with my ex 3 years ago. Recently, she contacted me again. Saying she broke up with bf and get into trouble. Although we broke up many years, I am still soft hearted and tried my best to help her without anything in return. Call me stupid or naive or soft-hearted, I cannot stand the woman I loved to suffer in darkness. But she blocked me again after 1-2 weeks later. I wished her well despite what she done to me.
Old 18-09-2024, 08:38 AM
lipe lipe is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

It means more BLUE BALLS.

However I am not complaining. It is a good read.

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
BE WARNED... this part of the dialog is rather long and tedious to read through, but not really skippable as it flows up to the story further.
Old 18-09-2024, 08:39 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by dieth1234 View Post
Hey, nice story. I can understand how you feel. I broke up with my ex 3 years ago. Recently, she contacted me again. Saying she broke up with bf and get into trouble. Although we broke up many years, I am still soft hearted and tried my best to help her without anything in return. Call me stupid or naive or soft-hearted, I cannot stand the woman I loved to suffer in darkness. But she blocked me again after 1-2 weeks later. I wished her well despite what she done to me.
I feel you. But this is men, if we want to help then we have to accept the fact we will be forgotten or disposed off when they find a better lifeboat or lifebuoy.

It’s not stupid or naive but we had a good heart, we just want well for the person, returns or not I guess it’s secondary. I just had a roller coaster of feeling - anguish, upset, empathy for Bernice.

If you seen how the illness eats away the person, being cheerful, positive and having emotional support is very important. It’s not easy going through half the treatment alone.

The amount of will power is not imaginable, you folks probably think - ‘chey, how hard?’

It is very hard. VERY hard. As a friend I guess I also want to be there, I don’t really know her that well but like I said, I always try to befriend the people who provide service so it doesn’t seem transactional only.

Gaining a friend is better than an acquaintance or enemy. Out of your compassion based on previous relationship, you decided to help. It’s called kindhearted, not naive or stupid.

You did what is right, what others did is their own, don’t be too bothered by it.

Thanks for your sharing.
Old 18-09-2024, 08:40 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by lipe View Post

It means more BLUE BALLS.

However I am not complaining. It is a good read.
Hint: good stuff is next week estimated.

Old 18-09-2024, 09:22 AM
gotnotime gotnotime is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

I gotnotime to read the story progression until recently.. gog 乘虚而入 lol. Strike while she is vulnerable sia.
Old 18-09-2024, 10:21 AM
mbhavana mbhavana is offline
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Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
I mean don’t talk about friends. If somebody came up to you, asked you to buy them a piece of bread, or a coffee with sandwich, out of compassion, you would do it right?

What more would you do if a friend is in a hard time and is fighting hard alone and you just ‘orh’? You won’t…. It’s just heart wrenching seeing somebody with a spouse for life fighting their own battles with no support.

Humans in all form will have some empathy and guilt in knowing all that has happened. Even as a reader you felt compassion, what’s more the one person that swore to take care of her.
Yes definitely I would ... But going by posts on sbf I am now being trained to believe that men always do stuff to get into women's pants... But that's not true. Sometimes you just genuinely care for a person, expecting nothing in return.
Old 18-09-2024, 10:59 AM
DuracellBatt DuracellBatt is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Originally Posted by gotnotime View Post
I gotnotime to read the story progression until recently.. gog 乘虚而入 lol. Strike while she is vulnerable sia.
乘虚而入洞 ?
Old 18-09-2024, 11:31 AM
dieth1234 dieth1234 is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
I feel you. But this is men, if we want to help then we have to accept the fact we will be forgotten or disposed off when they find a better lifeboat or lifebuoy.

It’s not stupid or naive but we had a good heart, we just want well for the person, returns or not I guess it’s secondary. I just had a roller coaster of feeling - anguish, upset, empathy for Bernice.

If you seen how the illness eats away the person, being cheerful, positive and having emotional support is very important. It’s not easy going through half the treatment alone.

The amount of will power is not imaginable, you folks probably think - ‘chey, how hard?’

It is very hard. VERY hard. As a friend I guess I also want to be there, I don’t really know her that well but like I said, I always try to befriend the people who provide service so it doesn’t seem transactional only.

Gaining a friend is better than an acquaintance or enemy. Out of your compassion based on previous relationship, you decided to help. It’s called kindhearted, not naive or stupid.

You did what is right, what others did is their own, don’t be too bothered by it.

Thanks for your sharing.
Bro, I can understand what Bernice went through. I went through the entire process with my mum. I seen so many patients when I accompany my mum for treatment. It's a lifelong process. I heard some are ditched my husband once they get the disease. Poor things...
Old 18-09-2024, 12:24 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Originally Posted by gotnotime View Post
I gotnotime to read the story progression until recently.. gog 乘虚而入 lol. Strike while she is vulnerable sia.
I’m a gentleman, I won’t do such things one. This kind of moment do such things will regret unless no conscience.

Originally Posted by mbhavana View Post
Yes definitely I would ... But going by posts on sbf I am now being trained to believe that men always do stuff to get into women's pants... But that's not true. Sometimes you just genuinely care for a person, expecting nothing in return.
Men all do. Me included but not everytime we aim for that goal in mind. Sometimes we also have compassion and priorities. You want to fuck one that’s not emotional or psychologically scarred. Illness is another. You won’t go hospital and aim those seeking treatment for fucking.

Originally Posted by DuracellBatt View Post
乘虚而入洞 ?
hey hey hey. I’m gentleman la!

Originally Posted by dieth1234 View Post
Bro, I can understand what Bernice went through. I went through the entire process with my mum. I seen so many patients when I accompany my mum for treatment. It's a lifelong process. I heard some are ditched my husband once they get the disease. Poor things...
Sorry to hear that bro, nobody deserves it. Glad your mom is doing well. Do send her my prayers too.
Old 18-09-2024, 12:27 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Since I’ve written a fair bit ahead, why not?

Anybody minds another update? Let me know?


gog: I'm sure you can do it, don't give up, it's only 3 more.

B(ernice): I'm tired, mentally. It's very painful and tiring.

gog: Your kids, you cannot give up on them.

B: I know but... I'm really tired. At the 5th one I already contemplating stopping. You won't understand...

gog: Actually, I do.

Bernice looked up at me when I mentioned that. I shared about a loved one, being eaten away by the same illness. How the battle was fought to the last drop of blood before all was gone.

A good 15 - 20 years still is left even in the worst case scenario. Bernice still has a long way to go in life. Remission is real and possible, so she has nothing to worry.

gog: If you don't mind, I can go with you for the remaining treatments.

B: You don't ha-

gog: Shut up.

I remembered saying that because... shit happened after I said that.

Tears rolled down her face one after another. She was holding back still.

gog: Nobody, deserves this. This... this... illness is so bad that I won't even wish it upon my enemies.

B: Why you can understand and be so nice, but he cannot.

Old 18-09-2024, 07:49 PM
fwchong fwchong is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

I have a close friend of mine taking leave to bring his wife for treatment going through the up and down with her.

That is why I can understand why B feel this way as other hubby can sacrifice their job or time and why not her hubby...

Co-incidentally, there is a korean drama showing the a character with the same issue as B right now. How she has to go through treatment in USA, going through depression and returning back to Korea to reboot her life and is a struggle for her...

If other bro want to know what a lady goes through during this period, this korean drama depict some of real life drama. we can appreciate those who really love us to go through together....

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

gog: If you don't mind, I can go with you for the remaining treatments.

B: You don't ha-

gog: Shut up.

I remembered saying that because... shit happened after I said that.

Tears rolled down her face one after another. She was holding back still.

gog: Nobody, deserves this. This... this... illness is so bad that I won't even wish it upon my enemies.

B: Why you can understand and be so nice, but he cannot.

Old 19-09-2024, 08:28 AM
lipe lipe is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

No worries on timeline.

Just continue with your story.

BLUE BALLS or no BLUE BALLS your story is captivating.

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Hint: good stuff is next week estimated.

Old 19-09-2024, 08:32 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Originally Posted by fwchong View Post
I have a close friend of mine taking leave to bring his wife for treatment going through the up and down with her.

That is why I can understand why B feel this way as other hubby can sacrifice their job or time and why not her hubby...

Co-incidentally, there is a korean drama showing the a character with the same issue as B right now. How she has to go through treatment in USA, going through depression and returning back to Korea to reboot her life and is a struggle for her...

If other bro want to know what a lady goes through during this period, this korean drama depict some of real life drama. we can appreciate those who really love us to go through together....
Show is a bit dramatic but the support and pain is real.

It’s not about the money, but being there alone in a room full of death unknown one day you’ll just be with the rest, is quite scary. Walking alone into the hospital with nobody with you. You coming out or not also nobody knows.

Originally Posted by lipe View Post

No worries on timeline.

Just continue with your story.

BLUE BALLS or no BLUE BALLS your story is captivating.
I try to blue but can start posting more already, will start to flood a bit until I stop writing then ration again
Old 19-09-2024, 08:35 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Bernice - Housing Agent

Good day all… a bit of heavy hearted sharing. Based on what I remembered from our chat that day as it also cuts me when Bernice shared.


------- Splitting up her rants, accompanied by my thoughts that day, so that it's easier to read -------

B(ernice): Do you know he didn't help me at all? He earn more than me but never once asked if I needed help or what.

And guys complain that their wives don't give them sex.

B: He even say I'm not working, can send the kids and pick the kids from school. I tell him I have treatment some days then he wasn't happy.

Guys, if you treat your wife like this, don't be shocked she is in bed with your friend or somebody close, enjoying. No, she is not upset. She will be enjoying herself. Or the friend or somebody will be definitely enjoying. Either way, it won't be you enjoying.

B: I am in so much pain and tired after treatment then he always say I'm not helping or thinks I'm joking. It's expensive and painful.

gog: I can help a bit with the expenses.

Bernice smiled a bit and dabbed her eyes with tissue again at the mention of that.

B: It's okay, my insurance paid out that's why I can take a year off to rest as well. Luckily for insurance else I don't know how.

Yes, I called up my insurance agent not long after. Buy adequately. Insurance is for your family and loved ones, not to keep you alive. It's to keep them alive after you're gone.

gog: Just let me know if you need help.

B: Thanks, even you can understand, but he never does. He always more on the selfish side of things and likes to put people down.

Now coming back to this. I think he underestimated Bernice. Her resilence is pretty strong and she is mentally strong too, just that the process of treatment is wearing her down as well as her will to continue.

Bernice has been left alone to handle everything. It can get weary, and tiring that way. Without emotional support, even the strongest physical person will be worn away like rust eats iron.

It was sad watching Bernice cry and unwittingly, pour out her pain and sorrows to me. She needed a ear, and I lent her mine.

gog: I'm sure he didn't mean it, he just doesn't know how to help you. To him maybe it's just like a flu, a long term one. He won't know what you're going through.

B: Lucky I got you as a friend.

gog: When's your next treatment?

B: 3 week's time. I just completed one last week. Now putting on weight again.

gog: I'll accompany you, let me know your schedule? I'll pick you up and go with you.

B: Huh... no la, parking at Novena is so expensive.

Okay, now I know where she is seeing doc... no wonder her treatment is not cheap, private.

gog: So what? Even if go 10x with you, it's only a few hundred dollars. Money is not the issue here. Issue is I don't want you to go alone. It's just 3 times more.

B: Sigh, even you can understand this, but he says it's expensive, so he drops me there sometimes and then I go back myself.

And people complain their wives are unfaithful. Look at your own actions, the way you treat your wife. Stop complaining folks.
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