yeah yeah I'm there... I'm sneaking a "live" report from the handicapp toilet now... keke...
*ouch* hey watch the teeth lady.. that's delicate equipment you have in ur mouth u know !!!
how cum u not there steph ?
__________________ I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.
lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.
I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Somebody must be jealous cos u bao all the gals he wants to sian kekekeke
Opppsss..... think im gonna get zapped for this heehee
More than one 25 kia i dun noe, but i know got one bloody 25 kia keeps leaking our net info out!
haiz....why there's always this kind of ppl around....trying to impress the gals? i tot it was a known secret that some of the gals in Boys Sch reads the forum...dats why we try not to use our nick nor try to talk abt stuff from the forum when they r in the room...but there r still ppl doing dat.... really disappointed...haiz....
__________________ Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
haiz....why there's always this kind of ppl around....trying to impress the gals? i tot it was a known secret that some of the gals in Boys Sch reads the forum...dats why we try not to use our nick nor try to talk abt stuff from the forum when they r in the room...but there r still ppl doing dat.... really disappointed...haiz....
Who Who?
A sucker for Juicy SweetMILF....
haiz....why there's always this kind of ppl around....trying to impress the gals? i tot it was a known secret that some of the gals in Boys Sch reads the forum...dats why we try not to use our nick nor try to talk abt stuff from the forum when they r in the room...but there r still ppl doing dat.... really disappointed...haiz....
Never mind hor, we "Outcast" that person lah!! heehee.