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Old 12-09-2017, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by twwkwyj View Post
Had a session with Ploy from Doll88 after seeing the promo price ongoing today. OKT was responsive and all, no issues there... But was just a weird/ meh experience with Ploy.

She's quite friendly as a person, like she smiles and laughs etc which is good. But other than this aspect, the rest is quite average/ sub-par.

Looks: She has some blemishes on her face, other than that she looks quite pleasant and similar to photos.

Body: Slim and no fats, but boobs are only A cup instead of the advertised C cup. Slightly disappointed since the expectations vs reality is a world of difference.

Showered alone all the way, would be nice if we showered together but understandable since FLs may have to shower quite a lot of times everyday when they've got multiple customers.

She's seems really green in this, ie no frenching (for me).... Catbath on her only limited to her boobs, anything below the waist is itchy so respected her and got the hint that it's a no-go. Note that she was in smiles, no bad attitude or anything. Came her turn, barely any catbath (sian) and went for a BBBJ which felt like it came from someone who had very little experience. No AR and she mentioned no CIM... So it ended with a HJ, shooting on my own body LOL.

Cleaned up, TCSS while she was lying w me. Nothing bad, managed to talk and all for abit.. Then came the 2nd round, which was likewise same as the first. Could only suck her tits that's all. Capped on and went for it, for once almost lost my hard on before entering... cos she put the condom and KY then proceeded to lie on me and I was like ???? The deed had nothing fantastic to shout about as well.

RTF: Definitely no, believe that w the other FRs shared... Can get better anywhere else. In fact, wanted to go for Fel from Sapphire but missed the promo lol. This was one of the experience where I could only find comfort that it wasn't a negative experience ie girl w attitude problem or I kenna dua like some of the Bros here that will piss you off kind... Everything went smooth but other than that, no areas scored more than 6/10 for me. But still in all fairness, I got 2 shots out so I Guess I shouldn't be complaining? Hope OKT can take in a very genuine suggestion to advertise the girls correctly, so you can manage your customers expectations.

Was expecting some C cup AR superstar, ended up with somewhat a super green machiam virgin fuck haha I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Nothing against Ploy as well, she's a nice girl but service wise still have a lot of room to be better.

I second your experience bro. I scored first blood on her last week and she is very green. I didn't write a FR then because first time doing this and first customer give chance a bit.
Old 12-09-2017, 10:20 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

FR for Nico from RollyPolly

Looks: Syt looks with braces
Boobs: About B i think
Painting: Allow
Fingering: Allow
BBBJ: Good
FJ: Enjoyable with good stereo. She moan quite loud

Overall i had an enjoyable time with her. She is friendly and not rushing.

She is leaving about 20th this month. Try her before she leaves.

Old 12-09-2017, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by tastertaster View Post
this account has 2 posts, both on same girl.

Super High rates.

I've been looking at Soi69 for awhile. their girls are really too pretty IMHO. makes me wonder whether the girls are real or not :/ hope bros with exp can help with that!
Old 12-09-2017, 02:12 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Any FR on X-clusive Infinity or lotus? Tks lots
Old 12-09-2017, 02:25 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Fr on Bi SiamEscorts

Location Central, 10-15 walk from nearest mrt
Shower tgt
Looks: 9/10 to pic, makeup heavy
Body: meaty side, skinny lovers stay away. Has tummy
Boobs: enhance C i think, abit hard
Bbbj: not bad but not the best either 7/10
Allow painting and fingering but very sensitive, say pain if too fast or hard
Fj: she is very tight, took me awhile to get inside her. Accomodating to diff positions and hardworking
GFE: 10/10 She can speak chinese fluently, so chinese speaking bros will have chemistry with her. Very chatty and will cuddle and massage you during downtime.

Only downside was very tight(lol), my 2IC is a little big, so abit painful for me when i move. GFE made up for it though, always smiling and chatty
Old 12-09-2017, 02:30 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by fehearts View Post
I've been looking at Soi69 for awhile. their girls are really too pretty IMHO. makes me wonder whether the girls are real or not :/ hope bros with exp can help with that!
Yes bro they are real.. my fr for them are real.. pu ticha juree all very pretty and good service..
Old 12-09-2017, 02:35 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

here's my FR to Nico from RollyPolly (:

saw the stable and decided I should give it a try. Bro RP recommended Nico and Joey and I think Nico was avail for the timing I booked.

FACE : 80% similar to pic (braces which made her cuter)
BOOBS : definitely not for boobs lover
BODY : petite but just nice
BBBJ : above average but too short
FJ : SUPER RESPONSIVE (big turn on)

bro RP even followed up with me to make sure I got what I paid for and I think that's really Good. there's room for improvement for service wise but overall I feel it's a 7/10.

try it and u know I'm not lying!
Old 12-09-2017, 02:42 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by mega6488 View Post
FR for Nico from RollyPolly

Looks: Syt looks with braces
Boobs: About B i think
Painting: Allow
Fingering: Allow
BBBJ: Good
FJ: Enjoyable with good stereo. She moan quite loud

Overall i had an enjoyable time with her. She is friendly and not rushing.

She is leaving about 20th this month. Try her before she leaves.

Thanks for the FR bro
Old 12-09-2017, 02:44 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by fehearts View Post
here's my FR to Nico from RollyPolly (:

saw the stable and decided I should give it a try. Bro RP recommended Nico and Joey and I think Nico was avail for the timing I booked.

FACE : 80% similar to pic (braces which made her cuter)
BOOBS : definitely not for boobs lover
BODY : petite but just nice
BBBJ : above average but too short
FJ : SUPER RESPONSIVE (big turn on)

bro RP even followed up with me to make sure I got what I paid for and I think that's really Good. there's room for improvement for service wise but overall I feel it's a 7/10.

try it and u know I'm not lying!
Thanks for the FR bro
Old 12-09-2017, 02:55 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

FR for Michell

Just thought that I have to pen this fr out
Was thinking if there is a thread for FLs to avoid, I would have posted on that thread.

When she opened e door it seems she was sleeping b4 I came n she was without makeup. Her attitude was neutral, doesn't seems to me as coming to work, rather holiday mood
During e deed, when I try to touch her big boobs, she prevented me from doing so and told me it's sensitive. WTF? Left after 1 shot when she turn to her hp to watch video

Looks:6 totally different from e pic, it's her though from e boobs
Body: Big bone with big boobs
Height is 1.7m instead of 1.63m

Previously had try gals from doll88 and her gals was good. But am sorry to say bro Fino had a big miss with Michell.

Bros try it at ur own risk.
Old 12-09-2017, 03:33 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

FK111 bro say very solid le! Which fr is real?
Bros/Sis that upz me pls leave your nicks so i can return you the favour. As for our newbies do note you need at least 35 rep points before you can up someone.

To those who zapped me, remember to leave your nicks behind. Pls zap with balls.
Old 12-09-2017, 03:45 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Wah kena zapped just because I submitted a FR that someone disagrees with. I can only relate my own experiences. Naturally it all depends on the girl - if she isn't happy for some reason then her service will be affected.

Michell did say that she does have her moods and she needs to have good chemistry with the client. Who knows?

Also note that I only graded her 7/10 in looks, and I did say she's tall and big boned like Amazon. So she may not appeal physically to some. I agree that she's closer to 1.7 m, but since I'm taller than that it didn't matter to me.
Old 12-09-2017, 03:57 PM
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Tried Wilma from LustVegas.

For guys who like lady with lovely smile.
165 cm tall
Womenly but not fat

Highlight is her smile and she truly enjoy time we spent making out together

For those who like enjoyable time and a cheerful girl, she is perfect for U
Old 12-09-2017, 04:11 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Booked Ashley from Emma.

Looks: the pictures definitely looks better, bad acne breakout on her face
Boobs: A , not as voluptuous as her pics, but nice erect nips for licking and sucking.
Body: slim
Pussy: Hairy and tight, ok with fingering, no smell but i'm not a painter

overall nice GFE, shy tentative frenching and catbath, nice moaning and accommodating to your request for change in position. good bbbj with balls licking.

apartment with shared shower room. shower room condition not very good, u can see the dirty plates/utensils in the wash basin.. and cold cold water for shower!!
Old 12-09-2017, 04:22 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Just wanna test the administrator's patience a bit further so that I can hv a better understanding on where and how the line will be drawn for removing a post / FR by one of us.

Actually I will appreciate if u can let me know ur rules as I dun noe where can I find them lar.

If I just mention Gigi, will this post still be deleted boh?

If I mention Gigi from a non-paying stable, will this post be deleted too?

Hmm... Anyway, several stables in this forum will know that I am a genuine customer and a user of ur great forum. Nor do I hv the intention to promote other non-paying stable thru ur forum. I am just curious to know the guidelines so that I can follow them in my future FRs.

1st FR from one bro is removed.
2nd FR from me that I posted last night at 10pm is also removed.
My post about the "missing" FR posted at 1pm today is removed as well.
This is my 3rd post on this subject and let's see will it be removed by the administrator or not as well.

As the original thread has already been removed by the administrator from this forum, I dun noe how any bro here can contact her anymore. Anyway, pls dun ask me for her contacts coz I'm not her promoter leh. And I think I need to respect the administrator's decision. Lol.
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