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Old 26-05-2016, 09:56 PM
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Red face Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Was back in town a few days ago for work, and having not visited any ML for quite some time, decided to squeeze out a couple of hours to get a massage and release some "ammo" before they accumulated up to my head Couldn't get any slots with the usual suspects, and only managed to book an appointment with one of the newbies:

Below is a brief MR for a rather nice and friendly lady:

Location wise, it's in the eastern part of Singapore, accessible both by car and public transport. Not a crowded area during the day, so feel it's quite safe.

The apartment itself was nicely done up, new and quite well-maintained. One of the nicer units that I've been to. No complaints at all

Wish is definitely pretty, bearing a slight resemblance to a HK actress at certain angles. Not those stunning kind of chio-ness but GND kind of cute with nice features, the kind that grows on you. Body-wise, is slim with proportionate B cuppers and decent bum

Her massage is decent but not on the same level as some of the other APs. She does try her best though, so I won't fault her for effort. Technique will hopefully improve over time and I might just give her another try if she's still around the next time I'm back in town.

For the sensual part, she's definitely not a seasoned pro but her innocence and cute face makes up for it. Felt like your uni gf fumbling around a bit while trying to give you a HJ and trying to look sexy doing it

Her fee of $120 is on the high side, so I can understand some bros' reluctance to pay so much for a newbie who's not really experienced in this field. For me, her pretty face and overall nice and sincere personality might just be enough for me to RTM if I can't get any of the APs again the next time round

Last edited by metalslug; 26-05-2016 at 10:13 PM. Reason: Additional comment
Old 26-05-2016, 10:31 PM
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Ke Ke/Xiao Min!keke/ithkr

Been lurking all these while taking in feedback from all the bros here. Finally decided to pen this MR for Ke Ke/Xiao Min which she thoroughly deserves.

MR on Ke Ke/Xiao Min
Location: Central area around 10min walk from MRT
Looks: MILF look. Not a stunner but clean looks that will definitely grow on you.
Body: Very petite, not for boobs lover
Massage: Her usual routine is decent massage with more focus on sensual. However upon request, she can give an awesome full body massage which really loosen my stiff body
Sensual: Really puts in a lot of effort on the sensual stuff. Have to try it yourself to believe it.
BJ: Puts in effort even though I took some time
Others: She auto comes in to help me shower at the end, and actually gave me extra massage since there's time remaining
RTM: I've actually went back a few times to her now. This MR is something I been owing for quite a while
Old 27-05-2016, 12:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by stiffness View Post
I would echo this as well, even though I visited her a few months back. She has spare tires then, and very commercial and rushed. Payment up front, quick massage and even though I wanted only massage she said FJ better and proceeded to cap me and mount me. I told her stop cos I just wasn't into FJ with her and then she tried to tug me to cum as fast as possible. First and last time I visited her. She's been around for a while now.
Thanks for the heads up bros. Will look out for others then!
Old 27-05-2016, 12:21 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

see my previous post, I say its only a matter of time before substandard 120 model become a norm..

Yes some are probably worth it. like Ini. debatable since some 110 give almost as good service as her.

SH Ivy was the next who cant give proper massage but charge $120 for BJ so maybe some think close 1 eye go once..

BUt from now on, what happen that OKTs will start pushing $120 on us suckers.. because of the deteriorating general quality of all the MLs.

So we are rewarding lousy service ?

you may think $10 more once a while no big deal but 70% of the time, we got PS blurred pics who look nothing like on the ad.

For those who suggest that orchard road deserve a premium, you are just kidding yourself, no one ask them to rent orchard road, I dun see geylang ML giving discount do you?

I suggested a concerted effort by all the bros here to boycott all MLs asking for $120, this is the only way price will come down.
secondly I suggest even if you do visit $120 and no matter how good they, please do not share any FR, let them rot til prices come down

we all know even a substandard ML can easily get by on $70/hr with only a few customers a day. stop coming out with your own excuses for the price hike.

The price hike only happened because we are kum gong. These are just MLs low barrier to entry anyone can do. By all means tip the ANg pais if you want to reward them for good jobs but $110/$120 should not be a standard for all.

There are plenty of good $100 ML around like Mayee who provide GFE that far surpass $110 MLS.. please do share and promote these $100.

These MLs are all organized by OKTs to charge $120, if the bros here dun organized ourselves, we are just cai tao waiting to be chop.

it probably wont work. and this post will probably be deleted. and I will get zapped by all the OKTs advertisers. but hey its worth a shot..
Old 27-05-2016, 12:22 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

FR on Yumi

First of all, I was away from Local Massage Service segment for 2 yrs. Been in Health Centre Massage segment since then. As I was getting bored with the places I been going to, I thought I will venture back to this section. Reading FR and browsing through pages, I chanced a offer hard to resist.

Well, I should have known blur faces would most likely be a bad choice and how the author put about flaming And the offer provided on the web seems to be too good to be true. And it was definitely the case. It was one of the most horrible service and experience gotten.

When I went up to the unit, I was greeted by a chubby lady in her 30s, maybe late 30s even. The picture here wasn't false, just taken in a very subjective way. The next tell tale sign I have gotten was she demanded money first. I knew this was a bad sign and just thought to give it a shot.

Yumi ask me to strip and lie down, and she went out of the room. About 5 mins later, she came in and started a light massage. She went on explaining the service she provides. She listed down items that was said on the advert, but with +++, it is like those Groupon restaurant deals you go to and there are hidden costs for items they mentioned will be provided but never say with additional cost. I did not like how it was going already. If want b2b is extra $50 with massage in that same hour. I was getting turned off already. She said most of her customers just want body and "juagen" or just make love and it is most worth it for me to do body and "jg". She also proudly say she gives great body and special "jg" and it will take at least 30 mins to do a nice body massage and to shower another 10mins. So total 40mins or so. So I agreed, thinking it will acceptable for both as it woulld be within the hour,since we have wasted 15mins or so on the waiting, chatting and light massage.

She went out for a while, and then came back in about 3mins or so. She started to take off the top and do the body massage. Based on the first impression when I saw her at the door, I knew it her boobs will be a bit saggy and I was right. She explained to me that most ml and places will only do BM on the front body. But hers is special and she will do front and back. I know that was not true as all the ml I went to before, did both front and back, both good and bad experiences. She continued to express how good her body massage was. In actual fact, it was nothing to shout out about,it was normal loh. I actually lost my hard on from it. Haha! About 10mins or so of body massage, she started her "jg". She said it's a special jg and also a Taiwanese hj style too. Explaining to me that it will be good for older men and the benefits. I have been to YF girls for juagen, and I know what it should feel like. Hers was just a GLORIFIED HJ and nothing more. She did not work much on the nerves. It was just a couple of mins and she started to make the hj faster. I told her its too fast and I will cum soon, thinking if it's a proper jg, she would slow down and let it rest before building it up again. But she blatantly went faster and quickly end the session.

She clean me up and asked me to shower and went out of the room. I went to shower, taking my time and came out to check the phone. To my horror, it was only 40mins when I first stepped into the unit. She was definitely right. She kept to her "word", it was really 40 mins of "service". From the start to end, with delays and nonsense.

This is my honest FR based on my experience with Yumi. I just felt that I needed to share this to the other bros here, and to let others have a clearer expectation when they visit her.
Old 27-05-2016, 01:19 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sengdingsheng View Post
see my previous post, I say its only a matter of time before substandard 120 model become a norm..

Yes some are probably worth it. like Ini. debatable since some 110 give almost as good service as her.

SH Ivy was the next who cant give proper massage but charge $120 for BJ so maybe some think close 1 eye go once..

BUt from now on, what happen that OKTs will start pushing $120 on us suckers.. because of the deteriorating general quality of all the MLs.

So we are rewarding lousy service ?

you may think $10 more once a while no big deal but 70% of the time, we got PS blurred pics who look nothing like on the ad.

For those who suggest that orchard road deserve a premium, you are just kidding yourself, no one ask them to rent orchard road, I dun see geylang ML giving discount do you?

I suggested a concerted effort by all the bros here to boycott all MLs asking for $120, this is the only way price will come down.
secondly I suggest even if you do visit $120 and no matter how good they, please do not share any FR, let them rot til prices come down

we all know even a substandard ML can easily get by on $70/hr with only a few customers a day. stop coming out with your own excuses for the price hike.

The price hike only happened because we are kum gong. These are just MLs low barrier to entry anyone can do. By all means tip the ANg pais if you want to reward them for good jobs but $110/$120 should not be a standard for all.

There are plenty of good $100 ML around like Mayee who provide GFE that far surpass $110 MLS.. please do share and promote these $100.

These MLs are all organized by OKTs to charge $120, if the bros here dun organized ourselves, we are just cai tao waiting to be chop.

it probably wont work. and this post will probably be deleted. and I will get zapped by all the OKTs advertisers. but hey its worth a shot..
well said but most rich boss wont care abit about this as it is none of their business as they can afford $120 ml or even give tips or even buy some stuff for them as supporting.

is all about supply and demand. just use brain to think and not your small one. MR or not will not affect their business if they are really good themself.

cant do anything here also as my status here is crap. but supporting in what you said.
rent high = price high. as what you said. no one force you to rent such exp apartment.
same goes to any business boss out there. if your price hike and customer willing to buy day by day. will you drop or increase?
Old 27-05-2016, 01:39 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by metalslug View Post
Was back in town a few days ago for work, and having not visited any ML for quite some time, decided to squeeze out a couple of hours to get a massage and release some "ammo" before they accumulated up to my head Couldn't get any slots with the usual suspects, and only managed to book an appointment with one of the newbies:

Below is a brief MR for a rather nice and friendly lady:

Location wise, it's in the eastern part of Singapore, accessible both by car and public transport. Not a crowded area during the day, so feel it's quite safe.

The apartment itself was nicely done up, new and quite well-maintained. One of the nicer units that I've been to. No complaints at all

Wish is definitely pretty, bearing a slight resemblance to a HK actress at certain angles. Not those stunning kind of chio-ness but GND kind of cute with nice features, the kind that grows on you. Body-wise, is slim with proportionate B cuppers and decent bum

Her massage is decent but not on the same level as some of the other APs. She does try her best though, so I won't fault her for effort. Technique will hopefully improve over time and I might just give her another try if she's still around the next time I'm back in town.

For the sensual part, she's definitely not a seasoned pro but her innocence and cute face makes up for it. Felt like your uni gf fumbling around a bit while trying to give you a HJ and trying to look sexy doing it

Her fee of $120 is on the high side, so I can understand some bros' reluctance to pay so much for a newbie who's not really experienced in this field. For me, her pretty face and overall nice and sincere personality might just be enough for me to RTM if I can't get any of the APs again the next time round
nice MR bro
Old 27-05-2016, 02:55 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Did Hope RTC as well? Her SH69 ad is gone too as of yesterday morning.
Old 27-05-2016, 04:10 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Having seeing so many FRs on Aini, decided to take a break from my regular ML and try my luck today and was surprised I was able to get a slot on the same day as I contacted her at night. The previous time I tried to book her was in the afternoon and she was already fully booked. So fast hand fast leg faster confirm appointment for 90mins before it gets snapped up.
I was initially skeptical about visiting her due to the 120 price tag but heck, just went ahead.
Skip the boring part, action starts the moment we stripped. Teasing little bro for a few minutes before shower. While soaping me up in the shower, asked if I wanted 1, 2 or 3 shots. Thought she was joking when she said 3 shots but she said she was serious. Requested for 3 shots and had the first in shower.
Washed off, dried myself up and went out of the shower.
Back in the room, she started her massage from the neck and back. As I was her last customer of the day, was expecting a half hearted massage as her business is so good everyday. Nope, her strength was so hard that I had to get her to go softer. She did mention that for every customer who visits her, she made sure to be in 100% condition if not it wouldn't be fair for us. Good thinking and attitude there.
Wasn't long until we proceeded to round 2, went out to get the jelly wow, for someone like me who haven't tried it before, it was a different experience. Cleaned up the jelly, went on prone position and started to use her magic hands on my little bro. Went on for a good few minutes before we changed position for the fake lovemaking. Again, didn't last very long before I unloaded my 2nd load.
Went to wash up and she gave me a good head, arms and thighs massage.
Was worried round 3 as I took abit longer than the first 2 rounds but still surrendered in the end. She almost wanted to change position but it was too late for me, so I said let's leave it for the next time.
Rested while she showered, chatted a little before paying up and realised I overshot for nearly 20mins. Was quite apologetic but she said it was ok. Another plus point here.
Now I finally understand why she can still be fully booked while still commanding 120. Her positive attitude, skills, looks and figure truly deserves it.
Can't say the same for other 120 MLs as haven't tried them before.
Most will agree that her pics in the website is quite different from her actual looks as it's heavily touched up. So bros who haven't visit her, can discount her looks from the photos abit but she's still relatively pretty. Definitely won't reject.
But whether will rtm, I would say depends as I still have my regular ML to go to, and it's hard for me to book Aini as I usually cannot book MLs 1 day in advance due to my irregular schedule. If she's easier to book I will definitely rtm more often.

Last edited by Javabeans; 27-05-2016 at 03:43 PM.
Old 27-05-2016, 04:18 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Seeing the increase in 120 MLs, if boycotting them isn't an option, we should really be careful in our choices. Recently saw someone in LTD with a 130 price tag and I thought it's crazy especially can't see her face. Let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope 130 isn't going to be a norm. Everything increase but our pay never increase.. knn.
Not that I support MLs asking for 120 but if they have good looks, attitude and service, they need not worry about what we say. On the other hand, if the ML has bad attitude and service, even at 90 their business will also be poor.
For now I think I will still stick to 100/110 MLs. For every 5 times I visit a 120 ML I can already visit a decent one 6 times at 100.
Old 27-05-2016, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Jiakai View Post
Seeing the increase in 120 MLs, if boycotting them isn't an option, we should really be careful in our choices. Recently saw someone in LTD with a 130 price tag and I thought it's crazy especially can't see her face. Let's all keep our fingers crossed and hope 130 isn't going to be a norm. Everything increase but our pay never increase.. knn.
Not that I support MLs asking for 120 but if they have good looks, attitude and service, they need not worry about what we say. On the other hand, if the ML has bad attitude and service, even at 90 their business will also be poor.
For now I think I will still stick to 100/110 MLs. For every 5 times I visit a 120 ML I can already visit a decent one 6 times at 100.
Bro the ml u talk abt juz increase the price from $130 to $150. Either she is sibei chio or there are too many carrot head
Old 27-05-2016, 10:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sengdingsheng View Post
see my previous post, I say its only a matter of time before substandard 120 model become a norm..

Yes some are probably worth it. like Ini. debatable since some 110 give almost as good service as her.

SH Ivy was the next who cant give proper massage but charge $120 for BJ so maybe some think close 1 eye go once..

BUt from now on, what happen that OKTs will start pushing $120 on us suckers.. because of the deteriorating general quality of all the MLs.

So we are rewarding lousy service ?

you may think $10 more once a while no big deal but 70% of the time, we got PS blurred pics who look nothing like on the ad.

For those who suggest that orchard road deserve a premium, you are just kidding yourself, no one ask them to rent orchard road, I dun see geylang ML giving discount do you?

I suggested a concerted effort by all the bros here to boycott all MLs asking for $120, this is the only way price will come down.
secondly I suggest even if you do visit $120 and no matter how good they, please do not share any FR, let them rot til prices come down

we all know even a substandard ML can easily get by on $70/hr with only a few customers a day. stop coming out with your own excuses for the price hike.

The price hike only happened because we are kum gong. These are just MLs low barrier to entry anyone can do. By all means tip the ANg pais if you want to reward them for good jobs but $110/$120 should not be a standard for all.

There are plenty of good $100 ML around like Mayee who provide GFE that far surpass $110 MLS.. please do share and promote these $100.

These MLs are all organized by OKTs to charge $120, if the bros here dun organized ourselves, we are just cai tao waiting to be chop.

it probably wont work. and this post will probably be deleted. and I will get zapped by all the OKTs advertisers. but hey its worth a shot..
Well done bro, mirrors my thoughts exactly. Crazy justifications for higher price...

I really appreciated this observation - Whichever person who suggested ML in orchard road can command a higher rate is completely delusion - then don't move to orchard road, simple! If ML in orchard can raise price, then ML in geylang should give discount.... hahaha made my day.

The truth is, with almost all the MLs there is no real justification to raise prices. No real reason.... maybe only one reason - to fool us and to rip us off.
Old 27-05-2016, 10:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

😨There is really a LTD ml no show face and priced at 150/60. No bj or anything and priced at 150. WTF!!!
Old 27-05-2016, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by marcelo0632 View Post
😨There is really a LTD ml no show face and priced at 150/60. No bj or anything and priced at 150. WTF!!!
Isn't she the LTD ML a bro mentioned works in a spa? The one who's boss asked her to advertise $120 when her actual spa damages is $50/hr + $100 for nude BM & HJ?

At least she's being honest.
Old 27-05-2016, 10:47 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"


Stay away at all cost if possible or you will regret.

Very lousy service and looks doesn't match the photo at all. We confirm a timing and when I reach she called me and guided me to her location. Once door open, I was look totally from photo and wanted to walk away. She got those big mouth and her teeth is slanted dam gross. But she's got fair and smooth skin. So I told myself maybe just give her a shot service might be good since she's not pretty which means not many bros will book her.

Went to bath and hopping everything will be perfect.

My worse nightmare came when the massage started, she rush thru everything in 15mins like rushing to fly back to China. After that she asked me to turn over n start to BM for 1min, I felt something was wrong why so fast and kept myself positive thinking maybe she want to give me 2 shot and she started to BBBJ me it was not bad honestly but a lot of teeth after 1 min she said I'll HJ you now as you cannot come out. I was like wtf seriously.... So after HJ she asked me to shower and when I came out the time left 30mins and she told me next custom is here.....

So I was like wtf ?

When leaving I paid her $80 and she make noise. I said you short change me 30mins and she reply we in this line we don't look at the time. It's the service provided. I was like wtf ?? What service I got ?? I didn't want to make a big fuss paid her full and left

MiMi I hope you reading this comment seriously your attitude and service is rubbish. Please go back China la and don't spoil ShenHua reputation. I always get good ML from ShenHua but you're seriously f**king nonsense. The worse ML I every tried in my whole life. Not pretty is one thing service still like shit that's no no.


Looks: 5 – was quite turn off when the door open and wanted to walk away quietly but decided to give her a chance
Body: 7 – slim and fair skin
Boobs: 6 – A+ cup very soft but one of the weirdest boobs I've seen
Massage: 5 – was not too bad but she rush thru everything and massage was done in 15mins
BM: 5 - 1 min job
HJ: 7 – SOP
BBBJ: 1 min n said i took too long cannot cum
Roaming: 3g
Attitude/GFE: 7
RTM: Hell No !!
Time Mgt: 30mins double booked me

Last edited by wrxstik; 27-05-2016 at 11:42 AM.
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TCSS thread "My favourite Girls" locked? funtimesarehere FL Dome 2 - The Middle Kingdom Spreads its Wings 1 12-01-2014 06:15 PM

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