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Old 13-07-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

good thread! ((:
Thanks bros who've UPz me, pls leave your nick N I would return U a favor.. (:

Six (6) Green Apples To: all kind bros whom I have not return favor, kindly PM me your latest post!
Old 14-07-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Last Sun, nothing to do just walk walk around neighbourhood, saw a cute maid walking her owner dog, mai tu liao,,just walk , say the usual excuse wow nice come never see she walk dog b 4 and all the bullshit la.

Then i say anyway here my number lor, if free sms, talk, be friends. then she say...ok...see how. then a few secs later she i know of certain internet got ppl talk about finding naughty things ,,is it i am like that also...wah liao ey...which brother here go and pua kang tao..not good leh.

i quickly act blur like sotong..say huh? never heard b 4.

bro tolong tolong dun tell those maids this forum can? if not no more kangtao liao.

so i wait for few days see how got response a not.
Old 14-07-2010, 01:09 PM
eewmij eewmij is offline
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tanman View Post
Last Sun, nothing to do just walk walk around neighbourhood, saw a cute maid walking her owner dog, mai tu liao,,just walk , say the usual excuse wow nice come never see she walk dog b 4 and all the bullshit la.

Then i say anyway here my number lor, if free sms, talk, be friends. then she say...ok...see how. then a few secs later she i know of certain internet got ppl talk about finding naughty things ,,is it i am like that also...wah liao ey...which brother here go and pua kang tao..not good leh.

i quickly act blur like sotong..say huh? never heard b 4.

bro tolong tolong dun tell those maids this forum can? if not no more kangtao liao.

so i wait for few days see how got response a not.
My exact sentiment. Some even provide the link to this thread, not just the forum. I don't know what they stand to gain by showing this to the maids they are screwing. I knew this because my girl suddenly ask me if I am writing about her, and upon further questioning, some man she know through DIA gave her the link!!!
Old 14-07-2010, 09:26 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Well that's f***ing great isn't it?

I love this thread. I'm going to kick heads if it closes because no maid will f*** anymore.
Men try to win the argument in order to win over the group, women try to win over the group, in order to win the argument.

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Old 15-07-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

My sentiments exactly....tats y i have stopped giving out contacts here....there is some idiot going around telling maid abouts SBF....anyway not to worry bros...when the tide subsides, i will give out the contacts again...cheers
Old 15-07-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by VIC402 View Post
My sentiments exactly....tats y i have stopped giving out contacts here....there is some idiot going around telling maid abouts SBF....anyway not to worry bros...when the tide subsides, i will give out the contacts again...cheers
hahaha , agree bro , some idiot take ctc from me and also tell my FB that i got to know her from this forum and how i write abt my outing with her. and sadly i lose heras FB after that.
Old 15-07-2010, 04:41 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by VIC402 View Post
My sentiments exactly....tats y i have stopped giving out contacts here....there is some idiot going around telling maid abouts SBF....anyway not to worry bros...when the tide subsides, i will give out the contacts again...cheers
Bro VIV402:

not gd to hear abt your bad experiences with bros who dun honour to the game. these guys think they are some kinda macho studs telling maids and ctcs abt this forum.

personally i have made some veri nice frenships with bros here sharing ctcs - u being one of them. even there is honour amongst thieves. i would willingly share my cts too but after careful screening and discreetly.

take care and hope to read more of ur FRs
Old 15-07-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Been reading this thread for mths and finally my daily fantasy came true. I was at NTUC hunting for maids after my work and I notice a maid at the milk section. She is just the average looking maid. I got close to her and made eye contact with her and she replied back with a stun look. I ask her whether she was a Pilipino and she said she was an Indo. She then walked away immediately and I thought siao liao another chance goes begging. After a moment, I met her at the coffee section and ask her whether I can be your friend. Before she can answer, I took out my hp and ask her for her number. She actually gave me her number and I thought this is it liao must meet her tonight. Then I ask her whether tonight free ma? NO is the answer and I was like sianz… but I promise her that I will call her. After a few exchange of sms and calling for 2 days I finally met her again.

I came prepared with a stick of chocolate and fed her while we both are sitting down. I then started to hold her hand without rejection but was rejected at first trying to hug her. We chit chat here and there but the real action never took off I was like very sian liao and she said she wanted to leave as her mum is coming back. Suddenly, an idea stuck me and I ask her to give me a goodbye kiss, initially she rejected but after I got close enough and kept on saying no one is going to see us, she started to kiss and suck me. In the end we have a photo taken together before I let her go. Hopefully the next time we met can have something extra haha…

Just one question for all the guys screwing maids, have you taken a photo together with your maid and is it dangerous as in the mum of the maid might discover?
Old 17-07-2010, 01:41 AM
LuaLuaBo LuaLuaBo is offline
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Talking Re: Screwing maids

Dear all,

I have an issue with a maid i am intending to meet up. She is small and smooth skin.

But here is the issue, this maid has happened to work in our house before and has taken an interest in me which i have denied back. But at night, she would sneak over at we would like make out casually but not sex. She left us because rumours are that she became pregnant with someone.

Now three years later, somehow I've managed to contact her and have arranged to meet her. Do you think its feasible that I should go down and see her? I feel that it will be a danger to my safety, yet i really want to see as i really missed those times.

I need your advise Bros
Old 17-07-2010, 01:18 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by LuaLuaBo View Post

Now three years later, somehow I've managed to contact her and have arranged to meet her. Do you think its feasible that I should go down and see her? I feel that it will be a danger to my safety, yet i really want to see as i really missed those times.
For me, my heart say no but my dick say YES. Better not....
Old 18-07-2010, 09:11 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Yeah better to play it safe. She might know the contact numbers of people inside your family. Unless you are willing to take the risk, then I would suggest to give it a miss. You can always join me later for hunting session at Lucky Plaza.
Your 100% trustable and reliable agent Lentorgarden✪
Old 18-07-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by LuaLuaBo View Post
Dear all,

I have an issue with a maid i am intending to meet up. She is small and smooth skin.

But here is the issue, this maid has happened to work in our house before and has taken an interest in me which i have denied back. But at night, she would sneak over at we would like make out casually but not sex. She left us because rumours are that she became pregnant with someone.

Now three years later, somehow I've managed to contact her and have arranged to meet her. Do you think its feasible that I should go down and see her? I feel that it will be a danger to my safety, yet i really want to see as i really missed those times.

I need your advise Bros
Bro dont leave any evidence behind... clean everything so no issue she could use it as black mail if you have wife or GF and seek compensaton so she wont spread it...
Old 18-07-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by LentorGarden View Post
Yeah better to play it safe. She might know the contact numbers of people inside your family. Unless you are willing to take the risk, then I would suggest to give it a miss. You can always join me later for hunting session at Lucky Plaza.
how ur luck at lucki plaza
orchard tower tea dance better
Old 19-07-2010, 01:37 AM
tanman tanman is offline
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Re: Screwing maids

well i met up with th emaid i met walking the dog few days ago..she sms me this morning just to chit chat..well as you all know chit chat then i ask her to meet lor.

so just a quick meet at the block staircase cos her boss went out . we ended up french kissing and a little ruba ruba. of cos it takes some time to warm up as i dont want to sacre her, but as we become more used to each other , the hugs and kisses came.

I did asked her what she talked about few days earlier..the internet thing.

She mentioned a few of her friends have indicated to her a lot of men are looking for maids to have pleasure and thus a lot of them are wary. She said some will act blur but actually know what is happening. I continued to act blur and say it? then i must go and find out which website. and kanna a knock on the head. She said no..cos her friends told her its very bad the website teach men wrong things to do to i say ok ok.

so on the side note, brothers...just keep this forum to ourselves and no need to broadcast it to the maids. Unless you want to cast your net smaller and smaller and then KOSONG!!!!
Old 19-07-2010, 01:47 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

LOL.. u very fortunate lor - sigh i wish i got such lobangs too.
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