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Old 19-07-2010, 07:57 AM
sgpoorman sgpoorman is offline
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Re: Screwing maids

hello...anyone know any maids in punggol? can intro?
Old 19-07-2010, 10:48 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi All,

On the other hand, it is also possible that some of those maids may be sourpuss because they could not have much fun, living a more restricted life, not being able to have fun with guys. They have their needs too. It's sort of like: "If I can't have fun, why should she?"

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Old 19-07-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
The nurse
Just met up first time with her this morning for breakfast. Not as chio as the pub gal but she held my hands a few times and gave me a hug before I rush off for work.
I will explore further and post FR if successful.
I have not up her yet but situation looks positive so far. I needed some suggestion so posting an update to bring bros up to speed and hopefully get some advice on how to initial sex.

Met up the 2nd time with her last Sunday for lunch. Her hands are always touching me, though I had wish it was my dick she will touch. We only had like 4 hours to be together so not much activities other than leisure strolling and lunch.

I managed to hugged her closer to the point of touching her breast, she did not resist but neither was I intentionally squeezing them. It was a public area and not much happening. So it was just a brief moment of cupping them to size them up. An average C-cup perhaps.

I also managed to probe into her life a little. She was previously with a Russian guy for 8 months and slept in his hotel for a few occasions. She told me she was not conservative. She also said that some guys offers to pay her for sex but she rejected, citing that she would rather give it for free but with feelings. Naturally I took it with a pinch of salt.
I told her I would work more feelings into her so I can get it for free, in a teasing way. She just smile and touch my face. So wat the hell does it mean?

At end of the day, we parted with a joyous mood and she came up and kiss my lips. I didn't expect that and I can't respond like, grabbing her and french (like in those movies) cos we are in a sardine-packed MRT tube.

OK..., I know she likes me, and for wahtever reason, I have made it ckear to her that I am not rich and I am attached. She doesn't request any gift (yet).
How do I take it from there and initial sex?
Just ask plainly?
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Old 19-07-2010, 06:44 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

I have a ctc for xchange. Genuine. Fake numbers will be posted up here.
Old 19-07-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Ekemono, how come u attached still can hand in hand in MRT tube? U very brave leh. I think slow and steady will win the race, she is already into u, just dun kana carrot head!
Old 20-07-2010, 01:15 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tanman View Post
Ekemono, how come u attached still can hand in hand in MRT tube? U very brave leh. I think slow and steady will win the race, she is already into u, just dun kana carrot head!
well, I didn't really expose my face. It feel a bit awkward but it gets the job done.


Anyway, no choice cos she like super glue
Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. ~Barnett R. Brickner

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Old 20-07-2010, 11:33 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by LuaLuaBo View Post
Dear all,

I have an issue with a maid i am intending to meet up. She is small and smooth skin.

But here is the issue, this maid has happened to work in our house before and has taken an interest in me which i have denied back. But at night, she would sneak over at we would like make out casually but not sex. She left us because rumours are that she became pregnant with someone.

Now three years later, somehow I've managed to contact her and have arranged to meet her. Do you think its feasible that I should go down and see her? I feel that it will be a danger to my safety, yet i really want to see as i really missed those times.

I need your advise Bros
This is not the return of the prodigal son. Bonk already let go and move on, later she get too attached and you never know what will happen.

If you are lucky, you get chopped up by her or your OC and tossed into the kallang river. If you are unlucky, your family get chopped up. Your choice.

Maid bonks are just for fun. Its not fun anymore if it gets serious.
Old 20-07-2010, 11:37 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Wise words......Fuck and go.....
Old 21-07-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by niteragester View Post
This is not the return of the prodigal son. Bonk already let go and move on, later she get too attached and you never know what will happen.

If you are lucky, you get chopped up by her or your OC and tossed into the kallang river. If you are unlucky, your family get chopped up. Your choice.

Maid bonks are just for fun. Its not fun anymore if it gets serious.
Well said bro ..

Never shit around your house, or never shit around the people who know your house ..

If she become pregnant, and all - most likely she have bangla or local BF (gangster ?? ) and she turned pro .. maybe like the many who work on illegal work pass ..
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 23-07-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

u never know if one of the bro here is actually a maid in disguise... that's why know about online...
Old 24-07-2010, 03:43 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
well, I didn't really expose my face. It feel a bit awkward but it gets the job done.


Anyway, no choice cos she like super glue

Bro ekemono , bring her some place romantic like a park(movie) or something that not many people can see , spend with her some time there talking , sweet talking , judge her actions with your observations and instinct , if it is according to what you feel and she feels, go for the kiss on the lips , not normal but french kiss . If she is fine with it , a while later just say to her let's go somewhere where it is much more cooler to rest (something like that lah ,you get the idea, always make an excuse but never too direct) , very hot , somemore got people around , some place where is more private lah.

If she agrees, bring her to the hotel , in my case so far I never get rejected. If she like not steady like that , don't persuade or anything it just make you even more needy, play it cool , it doesn't mean she rejected your advances completely , give a bit more time by going out with her a few more times. Most maids don't like to rush for sex.If still cannot , look for a new fish , don't waste time trying to put too much effort.
Old 24-07-2010, 12:02 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

it depends on luck too....i have met 3 maids and got some bbbj and fj at carparks (MCP) after second meetup.

the pinoys are real horny and easy to "up"....they love doggied.but show that you care for them, ask abt their family, has she taken dinner?, her master treat her well? etc...

so call make her feel u r a true buddy, but in fact just a fuck buddy..

i got 1 to swallow too....its her first time swallowing and her facial expression was real funny...din had the energy to doggie her after that CIM..too bad
Old 24-07-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by kengarou View Post
If still cannot , look for a new fish , don't waste time trying to put too much effort.
Thanks for the tips.
May be meeting her this weekend so will try something out from there. Any FR will update here.
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Old 24-07-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tanman View Post
She mentioned a few of her friends have indicated to her a lot of men are looking for maids to have pleasure and thus a lot of them are wary.

so on the side note, brothers...just keep this forum to ourselves and no need to broadcast it to the maids. Unless you want to cast your net smaller and smaller and then KOSONG!!!!
Very simple, those maids that know about this forum and being told by their OWN employers (Sir) who happens to surf sammyboyforum.
They don't want their OWN maids to fuck around.
Old 24-07-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi bros, hope someone with experience in indon maids can let me know if I still have a chance...

There's this young indon maid from the nearby hdbs at work, I'd put her at about 19 to early 20s, average at best looks but theres just something about her that gives me a hardon every time I see her walk by. I've been checking her out for months, but she's usually pushing around her employer, some old guy in his 70s to 80s in his wheelchair, so there's almost never a good time to approach.

I finally saw my chance today when I saw her alone on a nearby park bench while the old bugger was trying out the elderly fitness equipment some distance ahead with his back towards us. I walked up, and was so nervous all I could do and say was flash her a friendly smile and ask if we could be friends.

Turns out she was so damn shy and nervous herself she just said no, avoiding eye contact the whole time. I couldn't really push for much else so I just smiled said ok and just walked away.

I really hope I didn't completely blow it with this one cos I'm positive this is a wild one underneath that shyness. I'm also pretty sure I might be the first guy or at least one of the very few ones to go up to her and approach her like that. Any ideas if there is a way to connect back and make her comfortable to at least be friends?
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