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Old 10-07-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
...But right now all I want to do is to bitch-slap her and make sure she's sorry for being so nonchalant about everything that's happened. My dear friends, is she hiding another man?
Pity this dampener just before your coming trip...

Doubts, suspicions all play havoc on your mind -that's price of ldtr, especially so with ladies of night. So there's much to be said that peace of mind is priceless.

With benefit of doubt, she maybe unable to express her reasons ( communication is not just speaking it). But the crux here is: Do you have any exclusivity on her (eg sponsorship, bf, gig?). This is not withstanding both your affections or feelings towards each other. Also, there's such a thing novelty (or initial euphoria) maybe's wearing thin since.

Your outburst on another guy on sidelines begs same question. Neither helped matters (as you found out).

Truth? Only you can find out face to face (heart to heart too). Chok dee
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Old 10-07-2008, 02:50 PM
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Re: Advise please

Bro sry to hear abt ur case...dun mind me sharing one or two...sometimes a girl might jus wanna chill or get away for awhile instead, esp if after many arguments or if theres many doubts...doesnt matters if shes telling the truth or not but main thng is tat u two r not spending happy times together at tihis moment or worse case a total change of heart

But whichever, calling her many times now or confronting her now will not be of best...jus chill out and the truth will finds you eventually....she still true to u will calls u back otherwise never...not sure all Thai thinks alike but i know most Thai girls, as long as they r not married, their mentality is tat they are free to be with whomever they feels happy n stable with and they will slowly take their time to choose a good one but if they r true to u they will spent most of their time together with u be it thru calls or immediately after work but otherwise theres no way u can get the truth from her even if she lying cus to them seeing or dating doesnt = darling

when i mean she spending most of her time is when u stay at her hse or she comes over to ur or calling u n talking on the phone the whole nite...spending time with guys go movies/eat or even shopping is jus purely for their work only and most of time there is no or much true heart into it..just purely for their work
Old 10-07-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: Advise please

To win the game do not call her again. Once you call her you are a loser.

If she is interested in you or you are still of 'use' to her, she will call you. If not, just leave it at that and look for another "tree" as there is a big 'forest" out there.

Do not get emotional or else it is very costly financially.

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
Time to revive the classic sadfuck thread with an updated dose of "Charmaine-nism"!

I've already made plans to see her in a few days, with air tickets booked and everything. But right now all I want to do is to bitch-slap her and make sure she's sorry for being so nonchalant about everything that's happened.

My dear friends, is she hiding another man?
If you upped me please PM your latest FR as I am a believer in reciprocity.
However I can only up one in 24 hours. Please be patience.
Old 10-07-2008, 03:32 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
Time to revive the classic sadfuck thread with an updated dose of "Charmaine-nism"!

I called her on Saturday night after work - she didn't pick up.

I left her alone on Sunday but texted her a fresh serial number again on Monday morning (I assume she ran out of credits again); no reply. I texted her again later that day. No reply.

I texted her on Tuesday afternoon and there was no reply. I called her just after work (around 5pm Bangkok time where she should be getting ready for work at home); she didn't pick up.

Cue a million worries and worst-case senarios in my mind; I texted her an urgent "Are you alright? Don't make me worry." No response.

I called her on Wednesday afternoon; there was no response. Just when I was about to assume she either lost her mobile phone or got into a serious accident, I texted her a last desperate time. A while later I finally heard from her - from a foreign number.

"No credit. Can you give me the serial number again? I lost it."

It dawned upon me that she was ignoring me all this while. I was furious. I texted her a very angry response (something along the lines of "Do you really think I'm stupid? If you have another man just tell me. No need to hide anymore"); she flipped too and texted back angry replies ("You are always calling at the wrong time. We have talked about this before. Don't play games with me").

I've already made plans to see her in a few days, with air tickets booked and everything. But right now all I want to do is to bitch-slap her and make sure she's sorry for being so nonchalant about everything that's happened.

My dear friends, is she hiding another man?
my dear bro charmaine .... why am i not surprised that this is happening ...

what happen to u ? i thought u have given up on her ... that was what ur last posting here meant ... I believe it's as good as over. ...
my belief was that u r done with her and move on ...
why buy her any phone credit again ??
man, i dun really understand u at all ...
one moment, u r pissed off with her ...
next moment, u text her "Are you alright? Don't make me worry."

let me share something abt thai gals not answering to phone call or sms ...
option 1: they r with some guys in some place and not convenient to answer ur call or msg.
option 2: they r in some country side with no or poor coverage ... but then why r they at the place ? chances are .. with some guys ..

bro charmaine ... pls understand that she's not exclusively yours in the first place .. u cannot control her movement ...

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
I've already made plans to see her in a few days, with air tickets booked and everything. But right now all I want to do is to bitch-slap her and make sure she's sorry for being so nonchalant about everything that's happened ..
my advise to u, bro ....
since ur ticket and hotel are booked ... go over there and have a good time ... dun meet up with her ... dun even try to think abt her ...
just have a super good time in BKK ....
bitch-slap her will not turn back anything and will make matter worse ...

Remember .. she dun owe u anything ...
what u have done for her is ur willingness ... she did not force u ...

think abt it ...
Old 10-07-2008, 03:54 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
let me share something abt thai gals not answering to phone call or sms ...
option 1: they r with some guys in some place and not convenient to answer ur call or msg.
option 2: they r in some country side with no or poor coverage ... but then why r they at the place ? chances are .. with some guys ..
But bro...when I am with my babe in Krabi...she answer the calls and signal me to keep quiet...ther cust calls her etc...then I just let her answer the call and caress her lor... But for bro Charmine case..where got poor coverage...she can even ask him to send the serial number again...that means she got his earlier text and missed calls la...
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:18 PM
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Re: Advise please

u face the same problem as i facing now
but different suituation as i and that prc gal whom is my ex collegue and date her before about eight months and she a bf in china who is coming down to study /be with with her
now i hope her bf come to spore faster as my ex collegue has gone too far i told her many times not to go her class mate house for study alone yet she never heed my advice she gone to that class mate more than five times in two month times she scold me back that i not her bf stop lecture as she want to have more fun and funny times is that she say i and bf think alike over this matteer

of course lah nodody likes his gf to go other guy house alone now i wait for her bf to come down and scold her or caught her in actions with her class mates and some more she ask her bf to come down to singapore to acccompanmy yet she do this thing to hurt him i feel sorry for him
and worst of all is her working attitude and behaviouir simply suck she like to flirt around like nobody business and all her collegue has scold her dun stop being a slut she scold back and mind u own business and now all her collegue dislike her and nobody talk to her after work
somemore she cant be trusted as last year christmas eve dinner the manager ask her to drink 1 mug of beer and she start to get drunk and talk bad about her collegues and reveal thing ppl told about her from that day onwards nobody trust her and dun wish to talk to her and some more she like to act why
drinking at christams eve party she get drunk just 1 bottle of beer yet two days later
she drink with her room mates also 1 bottle of beer yet nothing happen still so awake from that later those ppl whom close to her scold her for acting in front of her

nw i dun bother her just wait for her bf to come down to handle and i having cold wars with her at least three week already waiting for her to say sorry to me
Old 10-07-2008, 04:47 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Maitong Kit Mak View Post
But bro...when I am with my babe in Krabi...she answer the calls and signal me to keep quiet...ther cust calls her etc...then I just let her answer the call and caress her lor... But for bro Charmine case..where got poor coverage...she can even ask him to send the serial number again...that means she got his earlier text and missed calls la...
what else can happened, bro charmaine ...
dun be so naive .... dun try to be some valentine ..
it's not worth it ... move on ...

as to what bro MKM have posted ... i close my case ...
Old 10-07-2008, 04:51 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by spidersim_78 View Post
u face the same problem as i facing now
but different suituation as i and that prc gal whom is my ex collegue and date her before about eight months and she a bf in china who is coming down to study /be with with her
now i hope her bf come to spore faster as my ex collegue has gone too far i told her many times not to go her class mate house for study alone yet she never heed my advice she gone to that class mate more than five times in two month times she scold me back that i not her bf stop lecture as she want to have more fun and funny times is that she say i and bf think alike over this matteer

of course lah nodody likes his gf to go other guy house alone now i wait for her bf to come down and scold her or caught her in actions with her class mates and some more she ask her bf to come down to singapore to acccompanmy yet she do this thing to hurt him i feel sorry for him
and worst of all is her working attitude and behaviouir simply suck she like to flirt around like nobody business and all her collegue has scold her dun stop being a slut she scold back and mind u own business and now all her collegue dislike her and nobody talk to her after work
somemore she cant be trusted as last year christmas eve dinner the manager ask her to drink 1 mug of beer and she start to get drunk and talk bad about her collegues and reveal thing ppl told about her from that day onwards nobody trust her and dun wish to talk to her and some more she like to act why
drinking at christams eve party she get drunk just 1 bottle of beer yet two days later
she drink with her room mates also 1 bottle of beer yet nothing happen still so awake from that later those ppl whom close to her scold her for acting in front of her

nw i dun bother her just wait for her bf to come down to handle and i having cold wars with her at least three week already waiting for her to say sorry to me
bro .. no offence ..
i dun think we r interested in that ex-colleague of urs here ...
and what she did and do is none of our business and we dun want to know too ...
cos i cannot see any relevant to bro charmaine situation ..

hope u get my point here ...
Old 10-07-2008, 05:57 PM
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Re: Advise please

Hi All,

Thank you very much to the usual Thai guru gang for your support and precious time.

It's not that I'm not over her - I conclude that I'm just an ego-maniac dying to make her mine. Working on her for close to 11 months and not getting anything back in turn (pussy, love) pains me. I guess the only reason why I can't let go is because I just can't admit defeat. I'm neither a sponsor, boyfriend or a gig. I'm a nobody. But I really thought making her fall in love with me would overcome everything. Well, I'm not proud to report that I've failed miserably in that regard. It was never about the pussy - I just wanted to "conquer" a G-Club girl emotionally, like how I've always tried to do with local Singapore girls. I have failed. They are on a different playing field altogether, and as much as I think I want to seize control, I have always been dragged along like a dog on a leash. She's in a different league altogether, and I will never reach that level.

I bought a huge bundle of prepaid credit scratch cards for her a while back so it wasn't something that I continued to do - I just rationed the serial numbers to her and that was my last one.

I don't deny that the novelty factor may now be gone and she's now sick of me and probably moving on to another more lucrative target. I need to acknowledge that and cancel my booking for Koh Samui - the last thing I need is to go to a beach alone.
Old 10-07-2008, 06:19 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
as to what bro MKM have posted ... i close my case ...
Thank you for your advice. To close one eye while a girl openly gives you the "green-hat treatment" without as much battering an eyelid as coming up with lame excuses and horrible lies? I'd rather not be in that relationship. Sharing a girl with someone else is something I cannot do, emotionally, in this lifetime. Maybe that's why I should have never got myself entangled in the G-Club scene. Because your girl is being shared with another man every day of her goddamn life.

I could always close one eye, assure myself that everything is all an act, go to Bangkok and have a ball of a time with her giving me her exclusive time for a couple of days. But I just can't do it. I want to own her. I'm probably the biggest ego-maniac there is, but I want to know that my skills in getting women to love me won't stop at Bangkok. That's why I haven't given up all this while.

Or maybe I'm just the most confused sadfuck in the history of sammyboy.
Old 10-07-2008, 06:26 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
option 1: they r with some guys in some place and not convenient to answer ur call or msg.
option 2: they r in some country side with no or poor coverage ... but then why r they at the place ? chances are .. with some guys ..
I will keep this in mind, my friend. Thank you.
Old 11-07-2008, 09:39 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
..I'm just an ego-maniac dying to make her mine. .But I really thought making her fall in love with me would overcome everything. Well, I'm not proud to report that I've failed miserably in that regard. much as I think I want to seize control, I have always been dragged along like a dog on a leash. She's in a different league altogether, and I will never reach that level. I don't deny that the novelty factor may now be gone
Hmmm.. interesting self introspect. Not surprising, we are all territorial types and who wants to share turf? But good to get this off your chest, we understand better what's eating you.

You wear your heart on the sleeve, so expect well meaning reply posts here. Matters of the heart are not ala carte, a complexity of sorts. Maybe.. the truth is somewhere in between (some consolation)?

May help to just dawn on you, so what if she had somebody else even if on sidelines? It's outside your control -short of divine intervention.

Go, enjoy your trip with chastened mind.
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Old 11-07-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
I could always close one eye, assure myself that everything is all an act, go to Bangkok and have a ball of a time with her giving me her exclusive time for a couple of days. But I just can't do it. I want to own her. I'm probably the biggest ego-maniac there is, but I want to know that my skills in getting women to love me won't stop at Bangkok. That's why I haven't given up all this while.
Or maybe I'm just the most confused sadfuck in the history of sammyboy.
Hi bro. Don't worry. With my guru experience of Siam, you are not the saddest sadfuck. Everyday I sit at Nana nearby the burgerstand I see many sadfucks walking past my handsome face. They are more sadfuck than the saddestest fucks. Some sit one corner in the gogo bars waiting for their gf to offwork. I wonder how they feel when they see other men touching their gfs. You tell me. They sadfuck or not sadfuck? Not like me. I sit at other bar so I cannot see how other men touch my gf. I also can sian other a gogo girls. Win, win. So don't worry, bro. You are just confuse. No experience. When you become as experience as me, you will become expert of Siam bu.
Boss, I promise I will be good boy this time! I will only talk about my stunts and share my experiences with all Bros.
Old 11-07-2008, 12:50 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Charmaine View Post
Thank you very much to the usual Thai guru gang for your support and precious time.
It's not that I'm not over her - I conclude that I'm just an ego-maniac dying to make her mine. Working on her for close to 11 months and not getting anything back in turn (pussy, love) pains me. I guess the only reason why I can't let go is because I just can't admit defeat. I'm neither a sponsor, boyfriend or a gig. I'm a nobody. But I really thought making her fall in love with me would overcome everything. Well, I'm not proud to report that I've failed miserably in that regard. It was never about the pussy - I just wanted to "conquer" a G-Club girl emotionally, like how I've always tried to do with local Singapore girls. I have failed. They are on a different playing field altogether, and as much as I think I want to seize control, I have always been dragged along like a dog on a leash. She's in a different league altogether, and I will never reach that level.
Hi bro. Girls working in G-Club are there to stay. Why do i say so? The girls there working meet different customers every day. If comes along a customer who likes them and wanted them to quit work and gives them a sum of money every month,they will pay 10k to mamasan to "quit". Getting sponsored by several customers is nothing new in G-Club scene.
The veteran ones who still works in G-Club every single day but get sponsored by local japs as well as japs overseas.
1. Quits scene and get sponsored by A customer.
2. Quits scene and get sponsored by several customers.
3. Continues work and still get sponsored by customers.
At the end of sponsorship,whereby customers get tired/caught tirak working/farking, they goes back to the scene. Nothing unusual.
There are many girls in G-Clubs that i know of have mutiple sendings of money from japs local / in japan. They still working as usual.
U can still find them ard,just that they have found temporary sponsorship.
Except for mine. Mine is ABAC graduate and never go out with other customers except me. Mine is special. I am special.
Boss, I promise I will be good boy this time! I will only talk about my stunts and share my experiences with all Bros.
Old 11-07-2008, 02:10 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by junnie View Post
Hi bro. Girls working in G-Club are there to stay. Why do i say so? The girls there working meet different customers every day. If comes along a customer who likes them and wanted them to quit work and gives them a sum of money every month,they will pay 10k to mamasan to "quit". Getting sponsored by several customers is nothing new in G-Club scene.
The veteran ones who still works in G-Club every single day but get sponsored by local japs as well as japs overseas.
1. Quits scene and get sponsored by A customer.
2. Quits scene and get sponsored by several customers.
3. Continues work and still get sponsored by customers.
At the end of sponsorship,whereby customers get tired/caught tirak working/farking, they goes back to the scene. Nothing unusual.
There are many girls in G-Clubs that i know of have mutiple sendings of money from japs local / in japan. They still working as usual.
U can still find them ard,just that they have found temporary sponsorship.
Except for mine. Mine is ABAC graduate and never go out with other customers except me. Mine is special. I am special.
bro ... is ur ABAC graduate gf woking in G-Clubs or having a decent office desk job ??
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