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Re: Mistress
Have three interesting points to share (including a Masterstroke Tit-bit used by Hua and Terrence) when discussing about hospitalization/medical cost:
1) Some Interesting factoids about pretext for soliciting money: I remember a discussion that a Mistress Brotherhood had concerning the ways a PC WL solicits for money. The following are the top three most common pretexts in my experience: a) Hospitalization and medical fee. b) Finance company re-possessing property cause of failure to pay mortgage (by implication, the family has to sleep in the streets). c) Gambling debts (invariably a member of the family). (Seldom a friend or even themselves – which is ironically the most plausible pretext.) Of all the above reasons, everyone in the brotherhood agrees that hospitalization / medical fees is the number one most common pretext we heard in our own respective experience. How about other cheongsters? Is this also the most common pretext in your case as well? We are at a stage whereby we prefer the girls to tell us the upfront and unvarnished truth - that they over spent way beyond their means, they covet a particular merchandise, they are intrinsically shopoholics, they themselves incur the gambling debts rather than having to resort to lies in order to solicit money. 2) Now this part is really, really contentious and controversial, so please bear with me and reserve judgment. We sometimes find the situation logically incongruous: A WL likes to portray herself as noble and filial when it comes to family matters. A WL who is independently staying alone and away from the family due to the fact that they can’t stand the stifling oppression familial oppression, suddenly gets all mushy and filial during crisis moments such as when a hospitalization situation occur. At first we thought that the Chinese virtue of filial piety runs deeper than we thought, and that not being native Chinese we cannot really apprehend how deeply this virtue is internalized within the Chinese psyche. (PRC WL also likes to fuel this line of thinking, saying that despite how nasty their family treats them, they still have an obligation to them due to inextricable blood ties). We often praised this Cultural imperative and say that despite the meis meis deceitful attitude, being filial is the one redeeming virtue. However over time when we encountered more and more of such cases, we began to probe and thoroughly investigate the perception. We delved deeper into the the purported hospitalization situation. We find that we only get a partial picture. There is often many other ulterior motives involved even if it is a genuine case. True story: one purportedly filial WL takes on medical expenses for their parents on condition that the family house is “mortgaged” under her name. Her justification is that if something happens to her parents, her sibling(s) will just avoid paying the bills and she does not want to be left carrying the burden all alone. In business analogy: its like I pay first, but you secure repayment by collateralizing the family asset (which may be worth more than the money I pay). All in all, we find that PRC are no more dutiful and filial piety than any of us here in Singapore and elsewhere. The WL knows however, to use this “cultural stereotype” to their advantage in order to make themselves a saint. This is so that the poor uninformed Robert will be more predisposed toward giving them the money! 3) /////////////////Masterstroke Tit Bit 4 ///////////////////// “Call their bluff!” (That is why I hate playing poker with Hua and Mike!) When the ladies come soliciting them for money using the pretext of money, Hua and Mike like to proposition them thus (by calling their bluff): Mike and Hua usually will give a show of being empathetic and then say that they will send a staff from their China office to the WL ladies’ home (or where ever their sick relative is). The made it clear tha their China staff will send the WL relatives to the hospital and then make arrangements for Mike and Hua to pick up the bill later. And he can only do so via this modus operandi as this is “company policy”. (By the way, both of them really have the capability to do this should the hospitalization solicitation be proved true. I myself have tried this “call you bluff” Masterstroke Tit Bit only twice. And in both instances, I am really really convinced that the lady is bluffing). Incredible thing is, after this proposition is offered (with no upfront money and no money given through the care of the WL), the WL's parents and relatives illness suddenly becomes not life threatening, operations can wait a little while longer etc…… And to put it into perspective on how widespread this fake pretext is, out of dozens of such “call your bluffs” scenario we administer collectively regarding hospitalization, we only encountered only one genuine case – Mike’s case. And he did indeed take care of the bill (about only SGD 6, 000 as promised.)
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Mistress
wow! this thread is really informative. but just wondering, how do u make sure that the gal is really not getting her hands other uninformed roberts and remaining loyal to u? how do u keep track of that? in my perspective it's easy to promise one thing yet do another.
cheers bro justime! ![]() |
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Thank you!!! Kudos to ur amazing strategies, deft tactical moves n psychological warfare...may I call u the SUN ZI of of BAO YANG? I hv followed ur advice faithfully bro. Even if I'm smitten by a chio ger, I now pretend not to be interested. After no ctc from me for 2 days, the hairstylist apprentice sent a SMS asking me what I'm doing...she is going to get the medical exam n blood tests. Not a word for any upfront money! She originally demanded SGD 16K! Thx again! |
Re: Mistress
but it was to a lean; bony guy at a coffeeshop... he came around me table...asking for money to eat... me saw him take $2 from another table already... so me tell him to sit wif me...order whatever food he wants... he looked shocked at me...then sat down and asked if can eat prata... me called the prata fella and he ordered 3 kosong prata... me then asked if he needed drinks... he ordered iced-teh-o... when food & drinks came...me paid for all... then later see him struggling trying to eat all 3 prata... when he was into his 2nd prata... me told him to enjoy his food and me walked off... the next morning...me hving me breakfast at same kopishop... the drinks fella tell me the guy walked off after me left... he did not finish the 3rd prata... guess he only wanted cash to get himself drunk...or some cigs... will try tis masterstroke on gals...hopefully soon... |
Re: Mistress
1. House damaged due to flood, typhoon, vandals etc. 2. Need to move house, because provincial governor was going to reprosess the property as the land was given by don't know who grandfather's uncle who had whatsoever royal links. Or, a certain road or rail will be built across the farm her parents owned etc... new farm costs lots more money. 3. Brother getting married, house too small. She will need to buy a new house for brother or renovate and enlarge current residence. 4. Brother(s) or Sister(s) having to pursue further education and need the money assistance. Your call bluff strategy is certainly useful for such situations. I would say, hands on heart, 95% of such "loans" and/or "advances" are fictitious at best. Cheers, |
Re: Mistress
You did well, you created options for yourself (and hence not needy in your interaction and transaction with her). You have that ‘take it or leave it’ nonchalance which is very attractive for women. (Another tip: Once a lady learns that you have multiple options besides her – and that you are likely to offer her ‘rival’ your patronage instead of her, the competitive beast in her kicks in! It is really fun to see her ‘manipulations and machinations’ when she tries to win you over her purported competitor! … I will elaborate on the use of “Jealousy” in one of my Masterstrokes!) Quote:
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Mistress
What I find it strange is the paucity of hearing direct truths being touted as a pretext to solicit for your money. “I am spend thrift and hence have to use my pussy to fuel my spending habits” or my favourite, “I gambled uncontrollably until I get myself heavily into debt”. All the so call oft reasons usually offered come from sympathy mode – in essence appealing to your hero complex to her damsel in distress. It is quite bland and boring really. “Boo hoo hoo, I am essentially a demure girl who is compelled by circumstances to sacrifice my ‘morals’ / I hate to solicit money from you but circumstances forced my hand”. It is as if she is trying to obscure the perception that you might see her as a manipulative, scheming, materialistic and greedy bitch. What she does not realize is that such a perception will manifest when she is found out – as it will invariably be the case for season players. Okay maybe I am so jaded with hearing the self same reason, but I personally I like the pretext to come from a woman with fatal flaws such as a gambling addiction or shopaholic (instead of victims of circumstance). Coming from such a situation makes her character seem more feisty and colorful. And women with poor impulse control in general can be ‘manipulated’ to go far in experimenting and tend to be more adventurous in bed! As an aside, I had ever BY a lady (for three months) who told me in my face that she is a sucker for branded goods and is willing to go far if I give her “expensive presents.” In her case, No cash is exchanged – only presents. (Beware: this arrangement is often more expensive that standard retainer fee!). I accepted her proposition because of her sheer audacity and chutzpah! Just a little anecdote about this particular girl: Seeing the numerous of facial products she owns somehow brought out the little devil in me. I admit that I was ‘irritated’ seeing that she wants me to buy her more facial products despite her dresser being stacked high in them -most of them unused (I was not quite fully on the empowered stage then - still only in transition!) What I did was to then intentionally asked to come on her face and then for her to use this come and apply it like a face cream. I made it difficult for her to say no. I can still vividly remember her attempts to please me. Her first hesitant attempts to apply my come on her face; then her slightly imploring looks for me to tell her to stop, and finally realizing the futility in getting me to change my mind, she took in a deep breath and then just applied my “cream” with such gusto (with lip licking relish, exaggerate moaning and all). Her subsequent slutty actions were in marked contrast with her earlier hesitance. Gotta say that it is hell of a turn on that I fucked her hard there and then. (Nope I didn’t kiss her and congealed spunk is indeed a little like facial mask - texture wise!). And I didn’t buy her the face cream. Instead I bought her a ladies Tag Heuer watch that set me back $1800. Guess what? Two weeks later, she even had the audacity to ask me for my "scrotal facial cream treatment" again so that I could buy her another watch! ![]() (By the way, there should be no feeling of obligation of the necessity to 'reward' your mistress in participating such 'kinky activities'. You give when you feel that she is deserving - on your terms! I gave her the watch then because I have not fully imbibed the prinicples of empowerment then. Admitedly I did feel a little sense of obligation in this instance!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
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I'm an eager n hard-working mentee, hehehe. I hv made too many mistakes in the past. The biggest error was to reveal my liking for a chio ger the 1st time I met her. She would invariably played hard to get... Now I let the gers compete for me, hehehe. I do hv a question though. Let's suppose u r in the process of discussing a possible RS w/ a KTV ger named A. When u visit that KTV one nite, u call a couple of other gers to sit w/ u instead of A, would she be so upset that she severs her ongoing discussion w/ u? Or should u also get A to sit w/ u but show interest in others as well? Thx! Quote:
You're amazing! IMHO, if a man can come on a ger's face, it's the ultimate demonstration of her total submission n acceptance of him as her master... ![]() Cheers! |
Re: Mistress
> sick buffalo (or died!) > accident (road or home) > hospital (miraculous recovery after!) > behind in rent Quote:
> There's some software to spy on her mobile (calls, sms routed alerted to you). > Private dick > Pal in cahoots with you, going for the jugular TS, liked your competition bit. Par for the course ![]()
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE.. |
Re: Mistress
By sitting with a lady who likes you, your perceived value in A's eyes will go go up. Never mind if the other girl(s) is sitting with you pretty or not when compared to A. Women don’t see that way – they just see another “rival". Also when you finally decide to go for “A”, she will feels a little triumph and have a nice shot of ego boost! COF is really quite fun and enjoyable, but in the context of my experience it takes a lot more “work” to get a PRC accept this vis-à-vis other nationalities. And believe it or not, for me Singaporean girls are the most receptive to the idea of COF! What about other brothers? Quote:
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Mistress
![]() And thk u 4 continue post. i learn some more new things that i can use 2 make my life better. i try so many times with tis gal in my same office building but no respond. so i use some masterstroke u recommend by being bo chap when i see her nxt time. After ignore me so long, she finally call me back without me make any prompting. Tis is first time happen in my life n i so happy. kum sia sifu. Maybe no need go Health Centre so much for release myself. ![]() |
Re: Mistress
1) “Bo Chap” does NOT mean Non Action. You cannot passively sit and wait for things to happen. You need to be proactive and take action. The fact that the lady who worked at the same building called you is not because you bo chap her per se. It is actually you suddenly bo chap her - a change in your usual sycophantic behavior towards her. It is your change in attitude that intrigues her. That is actually what made you “suddenly” appealing to her. But do remember this: you did invest time and energy to woo her prior to this moment. The positive response is actually a culmination of the many days you took action in trying to get to know her and then suddenly displaying a confident attitude. It is NOT as if you bo chap and then she starts to notice you. So Anson, when you see an object that is worthy of your pursuit. You need to take proactive action. Go for it! You need to take action to get to know her. And not simply adopt a “bo chap” attitude and hope that she will gravitate toward you because of the cool nonchalance you display. (By the way only a few persons can successfully pull off the cool detached demeanor and get the girl excited by it. We shall not even try!) 2) “Bo Chap” used in the context of empowering yourself in a relationship means having a detached attitude in the outcome of your pursuits. It is confident nonchalance about how the object of your pursuit reacts. You do not leap for joy when she responds favourably. Neither do you despair should she spurn or ignores your efforts to woo her. 3) “Bo Chap” in the context of empowerment can be also construed as not needing her. You don’t need her to feel good or desired. You ‘bo chap’ whether she gives you positive response or not. You alone are responsible for your self esteem and how confident you are going to feel. And bro ansonsohna, …. Congratulations, you had inadvertently locked in on the attitude to project with the object of your pursuit. And please do not purposely ignore or bo chap her now. The sudden display of confidence got you noticed. Don’t waste the opportunity to build on from here. I have NOT elaborated on how to build from your present gain. So I would just need you to use your gut feeling and ‘muddle’ your way through. For now, just be confident in your dealings with her subsequently – without worrying or fretting whether you made a good impression on her or not! Project confidence by knowing what you want from her and from your life direction in general. Good luck. ![]()
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day." |
Re: Mistress
I am back and seeking advice. This new KTV girl I have been seeing does not chu jie. She does not have a BF yet as she is new. I am interested to BY her but since she does not chu jie, I am wondering if I should offer her to be BY by me. Should I do the acid test by asking if for one-off screw or just go straight to the terms of BY? Need some advice
Re: Mistress
I actually 30 plus years old & very shy. I only go out with two gals in my life. & when last one break up with me, I was devastated. So I mostly go to HC. Reading yur thread help me a lot to build my shattered confidence. I notice qte a lot of change in my life since yur “哲学”. I actually come to sammy boy to pcc and by chance I saw yur thread. This is my most heng moment, I say better than when I tiok 4D last year. I tink a lot abt what u write and application of your theory. Not to por u, but I tink it really works at least in my personal life. I now more confident & since reading yur thread, dated 3 OL girls in tat time which is more than what I did for 30 yrs. My boss aso notice my change. I can see now tat its more than just BY. I cannot say kum siah enuff. When u write abt ‘creating choice’ & taking action, i oso tink abt bro warbird. He is my other sifu. He is man of action. I not so heong & can choeng like him as I still shy (got improvement a lot but still shy). I really admire bro warbird for his courage & will learn from him to be action orientated. Quote:
Re: Mistress
Hi justime
Thanks for all the insightful tips to put the odds back in the guys favour in this game. I enjoyed your occasional musings and anecdotes amid the paragraphs of advice and tips, good stuff! Pardon me for momentarily taking the tone of this thread on mistresses away. I'll be making a trip to my ancestral homeland in Fujian, to spend a few days with my parent's siblings and their offsprings. I;m prepared to meet them with an open mind, but nagging me is if they asked me for my address, contact in Singapore, can you advise how I can deal with this? I'm concerned if anyone of them will use that benefit of 'dropping by' or worse use excuses to come over to work etc.. I hope with your experience, you can offer me something I can use, thanks!
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