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Re: ChongQing Information
I will be going next week solo also.
To visit the Shasha dance. Went in Chengdu last time before COVID and legit cheap for quantity. Will share after I do my visiting (and also the Spa that possibly have people lining up for you to choose from). Anybody got recommended 歌舞厅 or Spa with those chio lady that line up also can PM pls. Thank you. |
Re: ChongQing Information
Re: ChongQing Information
Anyone in Chongqing want to go ktv?
Re: ChongQing Information
Any recommended KTV to go? Can PM or share here the damage?
Min. Spend / Girl price |
Re: ChongQing Information
I think the KTV/Club and spa in China sure expensive. NO.... VERY VERY expensive.
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I have my own good old divorce friends for 8 to 10 years. 1 in Chongqing and 1 in Dongguan Time to time bring them along to explore China sightseeing attraction. I am more towards exploring and looking into China tourist site rather then go there bonk, bonk and bonk whole day More human GF feel and cost so much lesser but again before Covid I go there 4 to 6 times annually after Covid cut down to 2 to 3 times due to the cost in airfare and others. I usually go there for 2 weeks I will pay for everything even tour during my stay with the respective person and at the end of my stay with a small gesture angpow of RMB 2000 now still can afford so give and next time no money no need to give and they are OK with it They will not even meet me for my next visit if they are not happy with that amount given This is my approach, just sharing and no bullshit. |
Re: ChongQing Information
Anyone in Chongqing to link up next week? I hope to go see the Sha Sha dance and have scouted a few locations.
Re: ChongQing Information
The Shasha dance scene in China is real.
From young to middle aged, perfect choice. 10-20RMB / song. If silent is default 10. They will let you know if 20RMB / song. Got a 19y/o CQ girl. Can do side offer also like take them out and if they dtf then can dabao. |
Re: ChongQing Information
![]() Wishes SG has this type of entertainment ![]()
43892 Q list : KIV : zip4671 ejectjoy Waiting for new post : wishlow123 xrated1 winterhisashi bj_dragon Arrow'n'Bow jacanaw adra Littleskinny tamperman fawek99 dromad68 cinesoj hasoxw |
Re: ChongQing Information
Re: ChongQing Information
The best part is i went to youtube to research about it. There are a lot of stories regarding SHA SHA. 1) A low middle income guy who will never have a chance to go after a woman of that figure and looks who is driving a BMW, actually got a chance to hug/touch and rub such a lady in SHA SHA Dancehall. That night he spent 600 RMB for 2 hours on her and left with a few bucks. He even act gentlemanly and tried to give it to her for supper. She replied thank you but better u keep it for urself. She is grateful and have enough for tonight. At the end of the night, that guy went outside to book a "grab" using the money she rejected. While waiting for the "grab", that lady drove her BMW pass him and still wink at him. Finally the "grab" arrived and back to reality. What a good memory, she is back to her good life and status while he is taking "grab" back to his normal shitty life. Yes it is just a short period of thrill (not consider cheap for them) but worth remembering of life. While reminiscing the whole thing in the "grab", he is grateful there is SHA SHA Dancehall that temporay forming the bridge between a low class life and middle to high class life. It is the final place of comfort for the poor and low income people. Note: Not all women are poor in Sha sha Dancehall. According to them some are quite rich and good looking just seeking for thrills. They can be ex stewardess, KTV girls etc. Some are married doing secretly etc etc. Sister can meet brother or father there etc and act blur. It is such a fun (screwed up culture if it is opened in Singapore) culture. Second story is a wife supposedly a decent ideal type who often go dance Guang Chang WU (Public Dance for those Elderly people) then suddenly seems to be quite rich suddenly. The husband suddenly saw her one day going into a place they called it Dong Dong Dancehall. To cut story short. He found her having an affair with a young guy who she lied was her dancing partner in Guangzhang Wu. She knew him at Dong Dong Dance hall. Then while probing her and followed her to hotel. He was shocked she checked in hotel with another 2 guys (total 3 guys). To his horror, they were having foursome in fact and taking some drugs to make all high and ridiculous stuffs. Then finally they got divorced and etc etc. Wow try listening to their stores really give a lot of imagination prior to the visit to the mystery Sha Sha dancehall. |
Re: ChongQing Information
Sounds fun. Looking forward too
Re: ChongQing Information
1. Chemistry is important…dress well, appear clean etc of course if you are Andy Lau and most importantly her type then WL will open up to you..same rule of engagement in any trade. 2. The darker the dance hall the higher playability as it will set the stage and environment. WL move around dance halls according to the crowds so if there influx of WL from other provinces desperate for customer then locals may up their game and provide more playability to retain the customer for whole night. 3. In general syt offer than less playability than milf. However, there is another group of syt called 龙女 who are deaf working in such industry that offer more than normal syt. communication is a biggest huddle and they are usually control by some agent who will take a commission in taking care of their welfare. Other city like 西安 and 长春 is also highly recommended by locals Quote:
There is also designated area for those that charge 20 for certain famous dance hall like 金岗 near the entrance or toilet area. For CQ, one song is 5 mins so it works out to 240/hr or 120/hr respectively compared to CD where songs are 3min. Locals call them 剪刀手✂️ as they are normally syt or young milf pointing the two fingers when you approach them ![]() Any disputes in price, can approach the bouncers walking around to settle for you. The management enforce strict policy in overcharging. Quote:
Most of WL are in this trade long or short term for the $$$ as PRC economy is not doing well. Those in for thrill are very rare, for partimer I have met part time uni student, nurse, lady boss facing financial difficulties and need fast cash to tide thru difficult periods. Most will go to other city to avoid bumping into their close relatives or friends. For e.g. most WL in CQ are from CD and vice versa. You seldom find a true local working this type of trade in their own city that they grew up. It’s too risky.. I heard of similar viral stories where it resulted in loss of life and the dance hall was totally shut down by authorities last year so always stay cool and never clash with locals. Totally not worth it. Sometimes I do witness fights broke out due to jealousy and also peaks hours everyone is pushing around choosing their fav WL like a fish market. Strategy is to be early bird to catch the good worms.. Newbie guide in local guide and useful local lingo to avoid landmine or 机车 砂舞新手指南 转自(爱跳砂舞) (1)【完美避坑】 跳舞的时候别顾着开心,牵手舞女前,最好记下手机时间,以免后面被乱报曲,全国舞厅普遍是3分钟左右一曲, 江浙沪4分钟左右,舞完看手机就可以算出曲目。 (2)【自我保护】 舞厅属于人流密集的地方,手机钱包一定要保管好,舞厅经常出现偷盗行为。 (3)【场内规矩】 舞厅严禁拍照录像,如被内保工作人员看到,会被请出舞厅。 (4)【关于消费】 遇到尺度大的舞女和你砂,坐或者站着跳砂舞,一定要在操作前问清价格, 不然会被敲棒棒。出场一定先小人后君子,提前谈价格,不然后面会有不必要 的不愉悦。主动约你出去喝茶聊天,提前要钱的,千万不要出去,说不定后面一个坑等着你。约请吃饭也要提前讲 清楚,没有小费,因为有部分舞女会在饭后要小费。舞厅内,切勿做违法的事情。 (5)【该给的钱一定给,多的一律不给】 或许因为一时的激动多给了点钱以为能获得舞女的好感,其实像你这样多给的不在少数。这样做只会扩大舞女的胃 口。 (6)【明确自己去舞厅的定位】 有些人去舞厅只是眼砂,有的是为了想找人聊天。每个人都有自己的想法才会去舞厅,去之前要想好自己去舞厅的 目的是什么。只有知道自己想要什么才不会被舞女牵着鼻子走。 (7)【不要随意互加联系方式】 加了微信后难免会忍不住找舞女聊天。其实你主动给舞女发消息的时候她就明白你对她有好感。这个时候舞女自然 觉得高你一等,只要略施小计从你这里捞点银子不是难事。身为一个合格的舞客应该勤换舞厅,勤换舞女。万花从 中过、片叶不沾身!离开只带走美好回忆,不带走任何联系方式。 (8)【见多识广】 有的人在舞厅里遇见某个舞女就突然感到一见钟情。自己也明白散跳几曲很难获得和舞女真心交流的机会。所以总 想着和舞女唠上一个小时。在这过程中难免会让人心生感情。或许这是你难得的一次和女孩互聊人生,但对于舞女 来说简直是家常便饭。与其在一个人身上花大把银子还不如多跳几曲舞。 (9)【观察形式】 新手进入舞厅之前请观察舞厅门口情况,如有警察检查尽量避开,以免给舞厅找麻烦,也避免给自己找麻烦,进入 舞池后,多观察现场形式,首先大致区分哪些是机车,首先把穿着保守的机车给排除再外, 判断机车女的心得: 第一.漂亮但没人找的:此女大多是机车,因为已有多人上当,所以没人找; 第二.是个美女但经常跳1曲,甚至1曲未完却被放生,很大原因是机车,因为通常美女大家都会多跳几曲,可常 常让人不想跟她多跳是何原因?就是机车。要是看到长相普通,但是却经常有人找、是红牌抢手货、跳舞没停过者 ,此女必有过人之处。要么会砂,要么尺度大,要么就是配合度高,否则长相普通是不会如此受欢迎的。这种砂女 ,新人可以一试,保证会有意外收获。(要求尺度就不要去追求质量) 转自十分砂舞 舞女舞厅伴舞,靠男伴给予小费获取收入,为了有更高的收入,她们在长期的工作中总结了很多实用话术及套路, 或为取悦舞伴或为博取同情亦或唱高调,总之她们会根据职业敏感和女人特有的直觉做出判断,给你 温柔一刀。 一.舞厅初相遇,殷勤探家底。 初次接触,舞女一般会询问你哪儿人啊,常来舞厅玩吗,几个人一起来的,做什么工作。看似唠家常,实则探虚实 ,如若判断你没有放长线或者不值得放长线,那么结账时就多报曲目,小捞一笔。如若觉得可以长线钓鱼,则会表 现的比较大度,加微信,让你随意给,一般不会过于计较。 二.她是你的西施,你是她的宋玉 当你表现出对她的好感,开始频繁约舞或者包场,她也会表现的非常殷切,朋友圈每日动态准时送达,会时不时关 心你,你约其他舞女会让她生气,网上买衣服化妆品让你给她选,总之让你有种恋爱的错觉。让你深陷其中,不可 自拔,然后就是舞厅坐台,KTV唱歌,郊游爬山(都需要小费),可你有进一步要求时她们不会欣然接受也不会 断然拒绝,总会找理由吊着你。总之一个缠,一个拖让你欲罢不能。 三.微信晒红包,就看你掏不掏 每逢节日会晒红包或者是暗示性文案,这时很多人就会送上红包以示好感。平时也会装装穷,交房租,办美容卡, 打牌输钱各种理由要红包,其实这是一笔不小的收入。但她们已经摆明了态度,你不舔,从此进冷宫,舔,就是无 底洞。 各位看官,今天咱们要聊的,不是舞厅里风花雪月,而是如何在这个充满诱惑的砂圈里,全方位无死 角避坑! 1.新晋砂客们,切记在舞厅里保持低调!不要随意吹嘘,对陌生人守口如瓶。舞厅里鱼龙混杂,你不知道对方究 竟是何方神圣。哪怕你财大气粗,也要表现得财不外露,这样才能财源滚滚,避免不必要的麻烦。 2.和美女跳完舞,别急着加联系方式。回家后的嘘寒问暖,你以为能感动她们?错了!她们不仅不会感激,反而 会把你当备胎。除非你一开始就用魅力征服她们,否则老一套根本没用。 不同舞厅的舞曲时长不同,记得要心中有数,以免被宰。和美女敲定跳舞曲目,谨防她们在跳舞过程中转移你注意 力,最后多报曲目、多收费用。这不仅让你吃瘪,还严重影响心情。 3.进舞厅,最好装穷。别在不熟悉的美女面前招摇,避免被有心人利用。遇到心仪的对象,先了解性格,再慢慢 展现真实自我。 4.如果美女和你拉家常卖惨,千万别轻信。虽然苦情戏码可能让你感动,但大多只是为了让你多花钱。 美女私下约见购物或用餐,要视自身经济实力而定。如果不愿意,可以用幽默的方式问她是否要付陪伴费,以免纠 缠不清。 5.在舞厅里,脸皮要厚,胆子要大。时刻谨记,你是消费者,美女是服务者,你不用担心被忽视冷落。如果遇到 美女拿乔,假装清纯,那就果断让她离开,寻找真正想赚钱的美女。大胆走向她们,不要犹豫不决,否则你心仪的 美女就会被别人抢走。 6.既然选择进入砂舞这个圈子,那砂客们就要学会如何保护自己,避免被套路。记住这些避坑秘籍,让你在舞厅 里玩得顺心。 鲨鱼必修课 (转自砂舞指南) 聊聊砂圈的游戏规则。 砂舞有两大黄金定律,这可是每位新砂客的必修课! 砂舞的两大黄金定律 1.自控力是王道。在砂舞的舞台上,只有掌控自己的人才能尽享乐趣。记住,适可而止,不沉迷,才是砂舞的真 正艺术。一个高明的砂客,知道何时进场,更懂得何时优雅退场。 2.纪律是男性砂客的护身符。在踏入舞厅前,务必审视自己的钱包。只有在经济允许的情况下,才能去舞厅享受 。如果财务吃紧,那么请先解决现实问题。家庭和事业永远是男人的首要任务,砂舞只是生活的点缀,绝不能因一 时冲动而忽视经济基础。 接下来,是砂舞的四条生存规则,新砂客们,拿起小本本记好了! 砂舞的四条生存规则 1.费用透明化。初探任何舞厅,务必先问清所有费用(包括门票和跳舞费用),与美女达成共识后再共 舞。 2.颜值与挑战并存。通常,颜值越高的美女,挑战越大。那些穿着紧身牛仔裤的美女,可能就是传说中的“机车 女”。 3.冷板凳上的宝藏。她们可能比你更渴望一曲之约。主动邀约,可能会收获意想不到的热情回应。 4.避免成为“舔狗”。在舞厅里,过度追求美女微信的人,往往陷入尴尬。保持距离和神秘感,是舞厅生存的不 二法门。 记住这些定律和规则,新晋砂客就能在砂舞的世界里游刃有余,享受乐趣的同时,避免不必要的麻烦。正如那句老 话所说:“知已知彼,百战不殆。”在砂舞的舞台上,了解规则和掌握节奏同样重要。 Last edited by addict999; 06-11-2024 at 08:46 PM. Reason: Add guide |
Btw, some at the 20/ song one will have their own rules but cash is king. 100 and she allow me roam her chest. All is RMB btw. |
Re: ChongQing Information
Think i just read don't over pay the girls there. They won't appreciate and a lot of people doing and spoilting market too. However, if only there for a short while and really wanna have cheap thrills ok lo. Same rate is 20/5 minutes of companionship in ur room?Like that still need to tip meh? |
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