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Old 06-02-2007, 01:58 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by BkkResident View Post
Baccara is largely patronised by japs,with a couple of odd farangs once in a while. But of course,used to be HQ for some samsters here.

For me,i guess Baccara is the only bar worthy to venture into in Soi Cowboy.
How about Long gun?
Nothing without labour...
Old 06-02-2007, 02:04 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by High till Dry View Post
How about Long gun?
Seldom go Soi Cowboy/Nana, more into clubbing these days with friends.

Prefer to go mingle ard,instead of buy a drink,and sit around. Any Frs from u?
Old 06-02-2007, 02:28 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Ning was 1 of my 1st few & "regular" gals when I arrived BKK initially. Regular as in every time I go there, I'll get her 2 sit wif me, buy her lady's drinks, but no bar-fine during wkdays. Tat time, she dun have the tattoo yet, but told me she's going 2 do it soon.

Then after about 2 or 3 weeks after my 1st time in baccara, I wanted 2 bar-fine her LT, at 1st, she told me cannot, cos her sister coming back from overseas, she gotta go airport, etc. Then awhile later, told me give her half-hour 2 make phone calls & arrangements. B4 letting her carry on, I checked the price wif her, end up, it's simply too steep, not negotiable, so decided not 2 bar-fine.

In my next visit 2 baccara, I got other gals 2 sit wif me. Ning showed me unhappy face, which, for all I care. There's plenty of gals, why be bothered about tis 1? In subsequent visits, she kinda gave me a snobbish look, and pretended din see me, dunno me, etc, again, for all I care. But I oso noticed the tattoo during 1 of these subsequent visits.

In trying 2 bar fine LT other gals in baccara, they all quoted the same price as Ning, so I din bar-fine any gals from baccara b4. Though I have my regular gal(s) there, I always juz get them 2 sit wif me, buy them drinks & rubba only. While my 2 regular LT gals are from other bars.

Anyway, not long after staying in BKK, I dun go Soi Cowboy unless I'm entertaining frens / visitors, especially ang mohs. They seem 2 love quite some clubs there! Ya, but I have frens / visitors coming BKK every other week. knn, sometimes, even have 2 bonk those matured women, juz 2 keep those ang mohs company (limpeh maciam gigolo liao, dunno the women enjoy more or me!), drink tequila shots like water, each 1 grab (bar-fine) 1 gal, all go stay in their corporate hotel & the rest is history. Only thing more exotic is, sometimes we all stay in the same room (service apartment suite), all bathe 2gether in the bathtub....the other plus point is, all expenses fully paid 4 by the ang mohs, charging 2 company expenses, incl condoms, meals, taxi, bar-fine, lady's LT, hee hee hee. Sometimes, I'd just tell my lady to BJ me is enuf. Hee hee, tinking from another point of view, SG pays big bucks 2 those ang moh FTs, and these very FTs spend $$ like water, on corporate expenses some more, especially in Thailand, they blanjah me all, if not almost all, the (cheong) expenses whenever I'm wif them, incl trips 2 other parts of Thailand. Some of my ang moh frens are FTs "stationed" in SG, but travel quite often.

I should oso thank the waitresses in baccara, 4 it was during some of my initial visits there, tat I had some casual chats wif them, and they taught me some simple Thai language, ie, those typical greetings.

Despite these months of staying in Thailand, I still cant speak nor understand Thai, but somehow managed 2 get my ways around, hahaha...

Some interesting experience are, dating decent gals who cant speak English at all, ONS wif gals who oso cant speak English at all, etc etc. hee hee, imagine, go dating wif an English-Thai dictionary, while the other gals came wif some reference books / notes, etc etc. And, after bonking (ONS), chatting by flipping the dictionary is another interesting experience!
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:54 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by High till Dry View Post
How about Long gun?
Long gun is a piece of shit!

but then, 1 man's meat can be another man's poison, so, no offence 2 the long gun fans.

the 1st time I went long gun, physical looks of most gals CMI oredi, only got not more than 3 gals I willing 2 consider paying 2 bonk. I eventually ended up getting 1 gal for LT, cos my fren was here 4 short trip only, definitely wanna bar fine a gal LT, so have 2 accompany him. We both stay in the same hotel room (suite).

My gal was quite easy-going & accomodating, but my fren's gal was those v experienced-in-the-field type, so she spoke quite abit 2 my gal, like elder teaching younger. The more they both spoke, the more we both sensed things werent going v well, but we oredi paid the bar-fine, so kinda lan-lan liao. Some more my fren's bar fine was 700 THB!!! While mine was market price, 500 THB. Well, my fren being 1 of the many typical desperate SG visitors said ok lah, since he's simply desperate & die-die muz bar-fine & LT 1 gal.

As the nite gets later, mebbe I'm sensitive, I feel my gal isnt as "obedient" as earlier on. But overall, it was all made up wif 3 rounds of bonk, so I cant complain liao! As 4 my fren, it's simply tork chai tao! knn, when bonking half-way, his gal can push him away, go toilet do god-knows-wat. My fren really sianz, end up juz went 2 sleep. Next morning, there was some kinda argument / bargaining going on.

Tat gal still dare 2 demand 3k THB from my fren! My fren protested, saying din even bonk & cum 1 round, 3k THB? Then his gal said ok ok, I lay down now, let u bonk. She laid down, open her legs wide, pointed 2 her cunt & told my fren 2 bonk her. My fren is kinda simply desperate + big chai tao, so juz proceed 2 bonk (like a robot), and then paid 3k THB!!!

Tat gal's name should be Nook. She had short, dyed hair, styled like Japanese robot hairstyle. Last time I saw her was few weeks ago, her hair's longer oredi, cant remember still dyed anot. She's 1 of those dancers / performers during "show time", who can do the split (1-word-horse in Chinese).

The standard few weeks back seem worse than b4, & gals seem more stuck-up!!! Even my fren oso said so, & said Long Gun is not worth visiting anymore, despite the good recommendations in SBF here even few months back!
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:16 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

the bars change staff every few months or weeks, so we cant really depend on FRs or Reviews given months ago..

To my best knowlegde..

standard drop alot alot, inside machiam no one already, far cry from my review on post #1. however i still go there becuz 2nd floor no one, can sit down talk cock chillout with friend while deciding where to hit, and play pool, rathre den standing outside on the street like some idiot with 100+ girls ogling @ u.

Still mantains the reputation of having the youngest and most amount of lookable girls in the bar. apart from the chio katoey, overall ok la, but often too crowded with farangs.

Nice place ! average selection with a few gems here and there, best is waitresses n girls are not pushy @ all. so far i go there none of them pushed for a ladydrink, they would sit with u and wait for u to initiate. not bad, made a few friends there over time

Shebas & Suziewong
haven checkout, everytime since 2yrs ago say wanna checkout endup nv check out, heard people say they have sceduled shows at about 10-11pm daily? like lesbian show?

Joe bar
Katoeysssssssssss alert!

Quiet bar, however did met some nice ladies there once, got a freebie somemore haha

the rest of the bars either i nv walked in or didnt feel like it cuz the girls standing outside of Tilac and Longgun already are a turnoff.. dun want to turn myself off more by walking in.

PS: you guys know the stall that sells the pork/beef/chicken kebabs, stall name is called Jesus BBQ or something. Is it just me only or i just love her food LOL
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Old 06-02-2007, 12:25 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

haha brudder, u post here lidat got freebie, 2nite onwards Dundee's gonna be flooded wif cheapskate buayas!
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Old 06-02-2007, 05:20 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post
haha brudder, u post here lidat got freebie, 2nite onwards Dundee's gonna be flooded wif cheapskate buayas!

freebie also not say put there and just grab 1 wad. nid to spend time buaya buaya 1 lol
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Old 06-02-2007, 05:31 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
freebie also not say put there and just grab 1 wad. nid to spend time buaya buaya 1 lol
haha, aiya, u know, I know lah.

but many pple will tink it's instant free-for-all, hahaha. like the many posts, asking where got free / easy-to-pickup ONS, etc.
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Old 06-02-2007, 05:39 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

haha den they will realise they aint getting nowhere ...
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Old 06-02-2007, 05:46 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

actually, sometimes, I was quite tempted to post those tork chai tao places when pple post asking 4 free / easy-to-pickup ONS lobangs...

but, in some posts / threads, got some other brudders did tat on my behalf, hahaha!
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Old 06-02-2007, 05:58 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
freebie also not say put there and just grab 1 wad. nid to spend time buaya buaya 1 lol

This one must learn from Red Perrier 1099. He is good at getting FOCs anywhere anytime.
Old 07-02-2007, 10:21 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by BkkResident View Post
Baccara is largely patronised by japs,with a couple of odd farangs once in a while. But of course,used to be HQ for some samsters here.

For me,i guess Baccara is the only bar worthy to venture into in Soi Cowboy.
"Area 51 Gang" muahahaha
The greatest mistake Guys make. Actually thinking that they are a MM's Boyfriend. You will call them your girlfriend, and they will call you their CUSTOMER to everyone else but you.

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Old 08-02-2007, 11:49 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by serembanmen View Post
"Area 51 Gang" muahahaha
haha remember from the posts there's a girl number tag 83 or something right?
saw her dancing last yr when i was there, wah really SYT
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Old 08-02-2007, 11:53 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by serembanmen View Post
"Area 51 Gang" muahahaha
Still same HQ or change base already?
Old 09-02-2007, 10:59 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
haha remember from the posts there's a girl number tag 83 or something right?
saw her dancing last yr when i was there, wah really SYT
She no more working there liao!!!

Still same HQ or change base already?
Still same, now only having AGM once a years! muahahahaha
The greatest mistake Guys make. Actually thinking that they are a MM's Boyfriend. You will call them your girlfriend, and they will call you their CUSTOMER to everyone else but you.

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