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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 09-12-2012, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Ok I'll let this be my last off topic post... to answer fellow bros' questions on my avatar gal who I think is not worth dedicating a new thread to... she works in KTVs in Havelock and LP across the street. No, she doesn't do FL. No, she's not exclusive to me, neither would I want her to be my FB... she's too much a 'loser' for me to associate with... and too uptight to make a good FB... and I have too much on my plate to invest the necessary time on her...
TAM or LP are very expensive whores must be very rich huh...hee hee
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 09-12-2012, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Canaries View Post
That is news to me.... which regulation is that? As far as I know, WLs can patronize legal casinos just like everybody else unless they have been put on an exclusion order.
Did you check with Anti-Vice? COC 7 lah.
If nothing happens then OK lah.
If something happens then OKT close shop lor.
Which OKT will take the risk? How much $$$ at stake?
Any WL will tell you that if they get caught, then my boss close shop lor.
One shop in GL close shop becos his WL was caught with customer in hotel.

Very simple reason why we have legal brothels becos AV does not want these whores to operate outside the GL area.
So going to casinos or any areas with high probability of vice activities are strictly prohibited by AV.

You are only half correct. They can only go if they are accompanied by their OKTs becos the OKTs are their sponsors and their licence will be revoked if the WLs get into any unnecessary trouble with the law, eg. soliciting or seducing any gambler for sexual svc. It can happen easily.

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Eh. Then I kenna conned by the many WLs who told me cannot go in.
Bro Nato, you are not conned lah. They are briefed before they start work.
AV told them if you still go, then dun get caught lor.
If you get caught, then your boss close shop lor.
One WL told me she dun dare to go casino or hotel becos if get caught, then her boss close shop.
All the WLs in the shop will curse her for being the culprit.

All WLs have been briefed by Anti-Vice before they start work that they are NOT allowed to be present in or around the vicinity of any casinos, nightspots, KTVs, nightclubs, etc becos the likelihood that they will solicit for sexual biz is very high. Any WLs can verify that this briefing was done by AV.

Of course, they can find many ways of getting into casinos but their OKTs are responsible if they get into trouble with the law.
When a person lose heavily in the casinos, he/she will do anything foolish lah, eg. soliciting or seducing for sexual biz or even cheating which will cost her OKT his licence.

That is why some OKT control their WLs very tightly.
You cannot blame them also lah. Their licence is at stake.

Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
No legal restriction on WLs entering the casinos, all they have to produce are their PRC NRICs. However, the OKTs advise their WLs to avoid gambling in the casinos to protect their hard-earned $, oso any ...........................
OKTs not so worried about the WLs losing their $$$ lah, they are more worried abt their licence getting revoked lah, bro.

Many bros here missed the most crucial point here. The key issue is the OKT and not the WLs.
Anti-Vice impose a very heavy responsibility on the OKT to ensure that the WL conformed to what AV briefed them before
they start work. You can confirm all these with any OKTs.
If any WLs caught flouting these rules by AV, punity action will be taken against her OKT.
His licence is liable to be revoked if he was found to be negligent in disciplining his WLs.
That is why some OKT is very strict with their WL and the WLs complain to me that their OKT dun allow them to go out for too long.

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
For foreigners, NRIC is not accepted but only passport inorder to gain entry to casino in Sg. Someone dun know try to bull shit here!!

If GL WL wanna goto Casino, they have to produce their yellow cards which is also not acceptable!! Their passports have been kept by their OKT. Unless the OKT releases the passport to them which is a high risk. I doubt OKT dare to risk as anything happen to the WL, the OkT will also get into big trouble!!
You are absolutely correct bro.

The WL is not the issue lah. The OKT is the one who must control them.
The OKT's licence is at stake. AV can control them thru their OKT's licence.
Which OKT will take this kind of risk? He must be real stupid to allow them to go.

No OKT in his right mind will take this kind of risk lah.
What does he stand to gain by allowing his WL to go to casino?
He dun shre her profit even if there is any lah.
Maybe he gets all the shit that she will get him into when she gets into trouble or loses heavily.

Just like you are resposible for your maid's well-being. Your bond is at stake.
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.

Last edited by joker88; 09-12-2012 at 01:33 AM.
Old 09-12-2012, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by googlibong220 View Post
No legal restriction on WLs entering the casinos, all they have to produce are their PRC NRICs. However, the OKTs advise their WLs to avoid gambling in the casinos to protect their hard-earned $, oso any incidents AV may close the house. 1G Lele, Bao Bei & Ying Hua are supposed to have lost a fortune at RWS.

WLs can always use fake passport to re-enter S'pore anytime, why they'd wanna return here is a mystery as it'd be their nightmare for most of them, os very embarassing to encounter any ex-customers. ICA's tightened up a bit since tho after the Bing Bing debacle earlier this year.

Bro, have you been to any casinos in Spore?
Which casino in Spore check for PRC NRIC huh??

All foreigners must produce passports and they have different queues lah.
For the record, all WLs' passports are stamped with an open date stamp.
Casinos' security will know why they are here in Spore and not as tourists lah.

Using a fake passport to re-enter Spore is only the beginning of the many troubles that they will face lah.
Using a fake passport to re-enter Spore is useless if they are here to solicit for sexual biz or for illegal work in KTV or nightclubs.
If they are caught, they will face a long custodial sentence for cheating immigration on top of their unlawful activities in the republic.

This is the most foolish thing to do.
Unless you are here for decent biz, but then why use a fake passport if you are here for proper biz, right?
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 09-12-2012, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Did you check with Anti-Vice? COC 7 lah.
If nothing happens then OK lah.
If something happens then OKT close shop lor.
Which OKT will take the risk? How much $$$ at stake?
Any WL will tell you that if they get caught, then my boss close shop lor.
One shop in GL close shop becos his WL was caught with customer in hotel.

Very simple reason why we have legal brothels becos AV does not want these whores to operate outside the GL area.
So going to casinos or any areas with high probability of vice activities are strictly prohibited by AV.

You are only half correct. They can only go if they are accompanied by their OKTs becos the OKTs are their sponsors and their licence will be revoked if the WLs get into any unnecessary trouble with the law, eg. soliciting or seducing any gambler for sexual svc. It can happen easily.

Bro Nato, you are not conned lah. They are briefed before they start work.
AV told them if you still go, then dun get caught lor.
If you get caught, then your boss close shop lor.
One WL told me she dun dare to go casino or hotel becos if get caught, then her boss close shop.
All the WLs in the shop will curse her for being the culprit.

All WLs have been briefed by Anti-Vice before they start work that they are NOT allowed to be present in or around the vicinity of any casinos, nightspots, KTVs, nightclubs, etc becos the likelihood that they will solicit for sexual biz is very high. Any WLs can verify that this briefing was done by AV.

Of course, they can find many ways of getting into casinos but their OKTs are responsible if they get into trouble with the law.
When a person lose heavily in the casinos, he/she will do anything foolish lah, eg. soliciting or seducing for sexual biz or even cheating which will cost her OKT his licence.

That is why some OKT control their WLs very tightly.
You cannot blame them also lah. Their licence is at stake.

OKTs not so worried about the WLs losing their $$$ lah, they are more worried abt their licence getting revoked lah, bro.

Many bros here missed the most crucial point here. The key issue is the OKT and not the WLs.
Anti-Vice impose a very heavy responsibility on the OKT to ensure that the WL conformed to what AV briefed them before
they start work. You can confirm all these with any OKTs.
If any WLs caught flouting these rules by AV, punity action will be taken against her OKT.
His licence is liable to be revoked if he was found to be negligent in disciplining his WLs.
That is why some OKT is very strict with their WL and the WLs complain to me that their OKT dun allow them to go out for too long.

You are absolutely correct bro.

The WL is not the issue lah. The OKT is the one who must control them.
The OKT's licence is at stake. AV can control them thru their OKT's licence.
Which OKT will take this kind of risk? He must be real stupid to allow them to go.

No OKT in his right mind will take this kind of risk lah.
What does he stand to gain by allowing his WL to go to casino?
He dun shre her profit even if there is any lah.
Maybe he gets all the shit that she will get him into when she gets into trouble or loses heavily.

Just like you are resposible for your maid's well-being. Your bond is at stake.
.....Bro Joker no joke huh......serious liao......
Old 09-12-2012, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
any mre juicy news abt GL WLs?

i dun reali care abt ktv or FLs.. unless very chio n gd svc.

but this thread abt GL.. so bros kindly stick to it.. or else very messy hor

gam xia gam xia
Just returned from window shopping in geylang. There is something which I dun understand. I saw at least 4 police vehicles there but it was business as usual for the FLs despite their presence. 2 patrol cars parked along geylang road near to Lor 14. 1 patrol car parked along Lor 12 at the junction of Guillemard road. 1 police van parked along Lor 14 next to Wing Fong condo. Are the FLs so daring that they bohew the police?
Old 09-12-2012, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
No, her passport was held by MOM. She was a singer but because the KTV she worked in was under investigation (for complains from the singers themselves ref their pay), their passports were held by MOM. She (and her jie meis) enter RWS with a copy their passport. All her savings were lost because she was going through a bad patch after her SG bf broke off with her.
Bro, KTV singers are not sex workers.
They are not controlled by AV. Not considered as Vice.

They are normal WP or EP workers controlled by MOM.
They do not fall into the context of this discussion here.

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
I remember a PRC gal told me she goes to RWS casino with only a copy of her passport (and maybe a letter from ICA, or maybe MOM, explaining the passport was held by them, something like that, I’m not really sure). She told me she could enter the casino there but was denied entry at MBS casino… that’s what she told me… she lost about 10 grand there…

that gal is my avatar...
Bro, you say a PRC gal?? What is a PRC gal?
A PRC gal can be a tourist, a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, a singer, a hooker or even a whore??

She is definitely not a GL WL in this case becos MOM is not involved with Vice workers.
She said she lost 10 grand is to arouse your sympathy and perhaps thru sheer luck maybe you give her some $$$ out of sympathy.
You must be a nice guy to believe in this kind of ridiculous story.
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 09-12-2012, 12:08 PM
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I'm wondering if anyone still in contact with Meihui, Ella or Jenny from 1654a. What are they doing now back in PRC? Miss them
Old 10-12-2012, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Brother Joker, u are absolutely right! Tonite the Dark Knight not on duty arh? Thats why u dare to come out to post such a long message izzit??

samsters like maxpussy, nakamitchi, Googlibong220 and canaries are all big time bull shitters and they like to utter rubbish! They DO NOT know anything and yet try to be the smart alec here! U guys better give them at least 50% discount on what they say in this forum in future!!!
Do u not know nowadays not much people bother to reply u or talk to u........becos u r just like. Cockroach.......people treat u like a pcs of shit,can't be bother with yr nonsenses......maybe once a while pass by saw yr post n free then fuck u becos u r just like dat only.........I think u r just downstairs standard,cheong ktv also cheap skate standard,go casino also downstairs table.......true or nt true people will know but no yr level cockcroach.....u not enough fund to be harder in yr real world,need points in this forum.....u must be a sore loser in yr real world.......why don't u use A88 to post.....I am sure many people is waiting to zap yr dat nick until u cry like a baby......cry baby.....come suck yr green pacifier !!!....while I suck mei mei nipples......
Old 10-12-2012, 01:25 AM
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Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
.......why don't u use A88 to post......
Where is bro Alejandro88 now ?

Didn't see him post lately ... he seems quite connected & well informed with the ins & outs of GL. He dowan to share info anymore ?
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Stabil0 View Post
Where is bro Alejandro88 now ?

Didn't see him post lately ... he seems quite connected & well informed with the ins & outs of GL. He dowan to share info anymore ?
Last time he kanna zap from 300 over down to mid 200 n then go n hide....becos scare kanna zap further post can not get zap ma.....anyway TGL(kanna zap from 100 s.thing till red) is the same as A88 cum royal chimp(kanna ban by moderator)........their style or writing is consistent......this childish guy nick all kanna zap or ban,where got people so failure one,in cyber also like dat,real world can not imagine ???? He will create new nick again becos he so thick skin like cockcroach....kill no finish one....
Old 10-12-2012, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Geekynerd View Post
I'm wondering if anyone still in contact with Meihui, Ella or Jenny from 1654a. What are they doing now back in PRC? Miss them
They may be gone but there are other new ones to replace them. Best to forget about them. Remember the 3 Fs.
Old 10-12-2012, 02:27 AM
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Bros of the forum

I wonder if any senior Bros or Bros,, who's in the know can enlighten me why the threads in the forum are divided into 2 columns,,,, ie: first nine threads one column the rest of them second column separated by a thick blue divider? Anyone care to explain and comment if they know this? Thanks for any contributions here. Cheers! Happy Bonking

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Old 10-12-2012, 02:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Honestkeith View Post
Bros of the forum

I wonder if any senior Bros or Bros,, who's in the know can enlighten me why the threads in the forum are divided into 2 columns,,,, ie: first nine threads one column the rest of them second column separated by a thick blue divider? Anyone care to explain and comment if they know this? Thanks for any contributions here. Cheers! Happy Bonking

Sincerely Yours
before u get zapped (chance might be high cos u din read forum rules.. but dun quote me pls).. i jus say.. the top part is referred to as "sticky" or rather.. threads that wun go into obscurity.

the rest below it.. r not "sticky".. meaning as time goes by n if got new posts, the older threads will go into other pages.. or elsewhere as preferred by owner of this forum or directed by mods.

k.. back to on topics

on the y ding ding or which WLs go back.. if's nice to read the gossip here.

seriously, if gal goes out wif custys for dinner.. i dun think it's wrong.. rite? (got av instruction not to ah?)

but if work attitude so jialat as to not bother abt custys.. den.. something wrong la. which OKT wud want hse gal not to please custys n get return biz de? unless de few. or ONE regular book her for whole day, either everyday or mre than 4 days a week. if not.. bo hua sia
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 10-12-2012, 02:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
before u get zapped (chance might be high cos u din read forum rules.. but dun quote me pls).. i jus say.. the top part is referred to as "sticky" or rather.. threads that wun go into obscurity.

the rest below it.. r not "sticky".. meaning as time goes by n if got new posts, the older threads will go into other pages.. or elsewhere as preferred by owner of this forum or directed by mods.

k.. back to on topics

on the y ding ding or which WLs go back.. if's nice to read the gossip here.

seriously, if gal goes out wif custys for dinner.. i dun think it's wrong.. rite? (got av instruction not to ah?)

but if work attitude so jialat as to not bother abt custys.. den.. something wrong la. which OKT wud want hse gal not to please custys n get return biz de? unless de few. or ONE regular book her for whole day, either everyday or mre than 4 days a week. if not.. bo hua sia
Errr Bro.. Gals actually not even allowed to talk to ppl on the road when they are walking from 1 house to another.
So.. Gals are not allowed to go out with custys. If get caught.. Gal gets sent back. The house might get a fine or suspension. repeated offences could get license revoked.
Old 10-12-2012, 04:03 AM
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Originally Posted by geylangfc View Post
Errr Bro.. Gals actually not even allowed to talk to ppl on the road when they are walking from 1 house to another.
So.. Gals are not allowed to go out with custys. If get caught.. Gal gets sent back. The house might get a fine or suspension. repeated offences could get license revoked.
bro...! serious ah?

but wat if not working.. can't tok to anybody?
weird rules leh...

n how av noe if gals when wif guys hor.. the guys sure is custy of the gal?
cannot meet n ask for directions n then go together for food, movie or wat meh?

..walau.. av is archiac man.. no wonder the gals wan to go back hme so farking fast sometimes.. no frigging life here if this eype of rule is in place wor.
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
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