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Old 14-05-2014, 10:28 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by imodel View Post
Many married UNKNOWINGLY...
When you are young, many don't know why they marry...
Many marry because all their peers married and so to avoid being last in the queue, they better married too.

On legal grounds, you marry to avoid and ensure a few things:
1. Your lady cannot turn around to say she has been raped because if i am not wrong, and any bros please correct me if i am wrong, you CANNOT cry rape in a marriage. The judge will throw your case out.

Even if you husband force on you, its his rights and entitlement. He cannot hurt u but he can rape you legally. If you can't handle u can divorce him. If not, as long as you are married to him, he can fuck u anytime.

2. Financial coverings on both parties. Allow you both to buy houses and share in financial resources. Its a legal sharing, etc. Those details i doubt anyone here is keen... back to sex....

In short, sex is a necessity in marriage.
Without sex in a marriage, you can annul the marriage. This means you can LEGALLY call it quits if you have not fuck each other in marriage.

So bros, please don't be upset or think you are abnormal to demand sex from your spouse. But if u are in that situation, don't let your heads down. Keep yourself up. Maintain yourself well... because others may find you attractive and come to you... that's free lunch

And for the ladies on this tread, if you don't provide for your spouse and use up their bullets, others will use for you. This is not a threat, its just a common sense reminder. Hope you enjoy your spouse.

Happy fucking
Wah bro, there is a concept called marital rape. Getting married does not entitle you to a sex slave. Be careful there...
Old 14-05-2014, 10:42 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
i can imagine the torture for guys with trophy wives but no sex..
totally concur with u on the issue! can see cannot touch is a torture! if press abit breasts, wife will scream "cannot! u going to make them sag more!" hahaha!
Why you zap me but no balls leave name?

Returned favours to all bros who up me. Who hasn't, pls remind me!

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I maybe greedy but is 400 a reachable target?

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Old 14-05-2014, 10:54 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

hi bro zomgbaby, can i assume you never had paid sex before in your life?

Originally Posted by zomgbaby View Post
Both my spouse and I are in our late 20s. Sex life is almost non existent since marriage almost two years ago. Same 101 reasons some bros mentioned.

No mood
Very tired but can end up watching drama

Technically no difference from having Code Red throughout the entire year. Last session was many weeks ago. Cousin shared her preggy news and she got "competitive". The saga lasted for only a few days.

Regret? Yes, definitely.
Actions? Tried to talk to her the importance of sex in marriage but always brushed aside. Recommended marriage counseling got rejected.

FL/Paid sex
Not yet although the thought has crossed my mind numerous times. Maybe when the day I can no longer tolerate the need of PCC when I'm already married.

I'm emotionally hurt and always wonder what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment. Sigh.
Old 14-05-2014, 11:02 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

its even worse when u meet ur wife once 2-3 mths and she's nt even giving it to you for the 4days ur together.

be appreciative that you at least get to go home & see ur wife/children & nt four empty walls and memories are all that you can hold.
Old 15-05-2014, 11:09 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by real_king View Post
its even worse when u meet ur wife once 2-3 mths and she's nt even giving it to you for the 4days ur together.

be appreciative that you at least get to go home & see ur wife/children & nt four empty walls and memories are all that you can hold.
But surely can touch a bit right? Can at least touch her naked body? If cannot even see and touch her naked body thrn something is very wrong.
Old 15-05-2014, 11:40 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

sorry hor. if i go nipple tuning, she will get angry and turn away from me when we sleep.

There is someone worse than me though, i think
Old 15-05-2014, 11:49 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by real_king View Post
sorry hor. if i go nipple tuning, she will get angry and turn away from me when we sleep.

There is someone worse than me though, i think
Wag lau eh. Touch also cannot! I pity u my bro.
Old 15-05-2014, 12:03 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

still i prefer to think someone out there is worse than me.

i see no point in carrying on.

Married for coming close to 8years. but so little time was her time spent in SIN.

My friends always tease me.
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Old 15-05-2014, 12:13 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by real_king View Post
still i prefer to think someone out there is worse than me.

i see no point in carrying on.

Married for coming close to 8years. but so little time was her time spent in SIN.

My friends always tease me.
Wu Boa, Kanna Bo Boa
Wu Kia, Kanna Bo Kia
Jin huahee leh
She is foreigner or on overseas assignment? U didn't suspect she probably was eating outside?
Old 15-05-2014, 01:13 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I am close to a very attractive married MILF, in a platonic friendship for decades. She is happily married and a mother to a pair of boys. I envy her husband for having such a pretty and capable wife who looks way younger than her chronological age. We are very open in our conversations.

She admitted that all her life, she never had any libido and sex was a marriage obligation and a chore. Never once had she ever initiated sex, given a BJ or enjoyed sex with husband. As far as she is concerned, she can live happily without sex. When her husband wants sex, she lets him have his way by lying there and hoping to get it over and done with fast within 5 mins so that she can go back to sleep.

Funnily, she admits to being wet all the time down below even though never aroused. I asked to feel/see and she obliged by opening her legs and pulling her panties down. In between her fair smooth legs was a thick bush with curly hair. I pulled her nether lips apart to see a pink pussy glistening wet. She was very wet and slippery as she said. I stroked her and she orgasmed after 10 minutes. Then said it felt very nice, but has no need for orgasms. Does not even masturbate in life.

My point here s that there are ladies who are naturally of low libido and happy to go through life with no need for sex, but give out of obligation.

I know another local MILF who is capable, smart, pretty and has a great body. She loves and wants sex, but her husband does not give her any. She adores him greatly and will never cheat on him, but is frustrated to the core. The do not have children so cannot blame child stress. Even on their vacations when there is no stress, they do not have sex and have not had for decades. Her initiations do not get anywhere with her husband. She thinks he is a closet gay. This MILF she is now a staunch Christian and so will not play around. But has admitted to me her previously satisfactory sexcapades. For her now, staying with a husband who loves her and who provides for her and her family financially is reason enough to stay faithful.

My point in this case is that local ladies have different make-ups and different needs when it comes to sex in marriage. For them sex is a small part in an otherwise happy marriage.
Old 15-05-2014, 01:25 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Serenade View Post
Funnily, she admits to being wet all the time down below even though never aroused. I asked to feel/see and she obliged by opening her legs and pulling her panties down. In between her fair smooth legs was a thick bush with curly hair. I pulled her nether lips apart to see a pink pussy glistening wet. She was very wet and slippery as she said. I stroked her and she orgasmed after 10 minutes. Then said it felt very nice, but has no need for orgasms. Does not even masturbate in life.

Bro,any pixs of her pussy

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Old 15-05-2014, 01:28 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by parrotkid View Post
She is foreigner or on overseas assignment? U didn't suspect she probably was eating outside?
i was blinded by love. Awy, ur right on the foreigner part. She has long gotten her PR 5years ago when we got married 6+years back.

The most shitty part is that i only woke up till now. haiss.
Old 15-05-2014, 01:31 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by parrotkid View Post
Can i say that sex before marriage is used to con the man into marriage. Once married, no need to please the man since contract signed, so no need for sex.
Sex is always a weapon for women to deal with men regardless prostitutes ,normal women .Lucky i 'm not married and i dun intend to after reading all these so call cold hard truth hahaha coming 40 soon
Old 15-05-2014, 01:37 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Absolute View Post

To this day, I have never regretted my decision to stay single while enjoying the freedom to decide when, who and how I want to have sex.
Agreed with you bro ...
Old 15-05-2014, 01:44 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?


You lose your desire for sex. You cannot make this your partner's problem and expect your partner to remain celibate. It's like just because you decide that being vegetarian is a more healthy lifestyle for you, you force everyone in the household to stop eating meat. It's not about asking your partner to respect you. To me that is just being plain selfish. Have you then respected your partner's needs then?

Very well said bro i really sympathize your situation after reading your story
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