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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 30-05-2008, 03:30 PM
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Brothers Pls Pm Me The Contact No Tq99
Old 30-05-2008, 11:15 PM
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tasmania has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Angry Re: Look out for this tread

I thought I was the only one but seems it happens to a lot of bro too.

Remember I sms her to book Cindy and she confirm it. When reach, she asked me to go into the room. After a while, she just come in and say that Cindy not feeling well suddenly and recommend that i try KC.

My point is, if Cindy is not available, just tell us via sms. By lying, Koey is just wasting bros time here. For information, I specially took one day leave so that I have time to try Cindy. Worst of all, I actually believe Koey when she say that Cindy fell sick suddenly.

My take is, if she can do lie now, what is there to stop her from lying when she open the shop and have even greater incentive to misled bros. This people should be banned.

Really paiseh for the outburst.. very emotional when i read this tread and realise that she had been lying
Old 30-05-2008, 11:26 PM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by tasmania View Post
I thought I was the only one but seems it happens to a lot of bro too.

Really paiseh for the outburst.. very emotional when i read this tread and realise that she had been lying
Yup bro, I believe it happen to a few bros. Me too got the same treatment from her a few times.
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Old 31-05-2008, 04:33 AM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by wonderz View Post
Yup bro, I believe it happen to a few bros. Me too got the same treatment from her a few times.
bro wonderz... u got the same treatment a few times but u ok with it? patient guy hah...anyway, hope when koey's new joint opens, the same old habit dun remain.
Old 31-05-2008, 06:44 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Look out for this tread

I got the same treatment too. Book for Cindy but ended up with KC.
Once KC came in I knew it was game over but proceeded with the massage cos I am there for a good time so didn't see myself making a scene there. Added to that that KC massage was good so just enjoy the work but dump away the tots of fucking a pair of 40F. It was meant to be my virgin 40F breast fuck.

Only when I ask Koey then she came out with excuse that Cindy was sick. I use the word "excuse" cos she had I intentionally lied to me in the first place so whatever come out from her mouth I won't buy it. That was what prompted me to accept her invitation to stay and chat for an hour cos I want to see how big a bullshit she can be.

I kept it out of my FR as I am not those that like to stir up trouble if I can afford to live with it but since so many bros has voiced out their concern I guess I can very well conclude Koey is not a truthful person.
Initially after I ended the session I brushed it off that maybe Cindy is sick but as Koey need the business so played a little tricks on me. Little did I realized alot of bros also fell into this dishonest scheme.
Old 31-05-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by simone View Post
bro wonderz... u got the same treatment a few times but u ok with it? patient guy hah...anyway, hope when koey's new joint opens, the same old habit dun remain.
For me, if I know that she is lying or she start her tricks or excuses, I will just walk out. No point sticking around and trying someone who is not the one I went up to look for.
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Old 05-07-2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Holymonk, would you mind sharing the contact details of these girls? I am rather new here but would like to start contributing to the forum with my own adventures..
Old 06-07-2008, 01:31 AM
jesterking23 jesterking23 is offline
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Re: Look out for this tread

Hi bro holymonk

I am a newbie... m interested to try out the massage. pls PM me the contact if possible. Thanks alot...
Old 06-07-2008, 03:48 AM
lone_ranger_7 lone_ranger_7 is offline
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
I got the same treatment too. Book for Cindy but ended up with KC.
Once KC came in I knew it was game over but proceeded with the massage cos I am there for a good time so didn't see myself making a scene there. Added to that that KC massage was good so just enjoy the work but dump away the tots of fucking a pair of 40F. It was meant to be my virgin 40F breast fuck.

Only when I ask Koey then she came out with excuse that Cindy was sick. I use the word "excuse" cos she had I intentionally lied to me in the first place so whatever come out from her mouth I won't buy it. That was what prompted me to accept her invitation to stay and chat for an hour cos I want to see how big a bullshit she can be.

I kept it out of my FR as I am not those that like to stir up trouble if I can afford to live with it but since so many bros has voiced out their concern I guess I can very well conclude Koey is not a truthful person.
Initially after I ended the session I brushed it off that maybe Cindy is sick but as Koey need the business so played a little tricks on me. Little did I realized alot of bros also fell into this dishonest scheme.
You could have rejected if the girl u want is not avaible.

Its a really common tactics nowdays, for girls to help those who got lesser work, by lying.......
Afterall, they working and working in same place, fellow colleagues must help..

Got girl told me before, if she is the ang pai, the other girls will be very jealous and do alot of rubbish behind her back!!! That's why she was "forced" to act sick to help the other girls get more business...

like using her as a marketing tool, to attract the customers come down.
Then after customers are down at the shop, they realise the girl they want is not available, and was recommended others...By that time, the customers already sperm chiong upp hEAd!!! small head start in control..... and they just accept the replacement.

Only after session, do the big head start to work, and realise they have been cheated.
BY then, money already parted, spent. REGRETS is too late.......

Bros, do remember,you got a right to reject if your preferrred girls are not available. Don't anyhow let small head take decisions, and regret later.....
Happy ChIonging!!!!
Old 06-07-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by lone_ranger_7 View Post
You could have rejected if the girl u want is not avaible.
I already loan thier toilet, released a pile of shit, scrub from head to toe with shower foam, shampoo head some more and came out clean and fragrance wrap in towel. Its like halfway already.

Anyway, its old story liao. Forgive and forget
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Old 19-07-2008, 12:30 AM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Bro Holymonk, will appreciate if you can share the contact. will provide FR.. cheers
Old 02-09-2023, 12:20 AM
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Re: Look out for this tread

Originally Posted by holymonk View Post

Girls : K.C (Ang Mo)
Age : mid 30,
boob : Think is B cup
Face : 5-6/10 (She was too tired yesterday, look really tired )
Massage : yet to try (Was told by cindy that she was even better in massage and know how to heal your minor injuries)
Special : Yes (negotiate with her personally)

Cindy (Chinese)
Age : mid 30
Boob : 40D or 40F...sorry, don't know how to see, but both my hands just manage to cover 1 breast from both sides.
Massage : Know where to massage, hard massage, i rate her 9/10
Special :Yes (Shuang geng /long geng). I opted for long geng (little bro also need servicing ma) which laster about 40-45 mins around my groin area/testicles/in between anus....good but i opted not to come.

*Bros who chiong mirama hotel will know this cindy as she is one of the best jua geng master.

Koey (Chinese)
Age : mid 20
Boob : big but yet to see the full boob
Massage : normal massage (Still learning from cindy)
Special : Yes

(As for the malay gal, time being taken out)

***Special from them :

HJ : $30
Long geng : $50 (without shoot)
: $80 (with shoot)
BJ : No (respect their decision unless they willing to)
FJ : Yes (Negotiate with them, condom provided)
HJ with sexy massage : $80

*Massage is $30/- per hour (example, opt for hj, go to room, hj done, paid a total of $30/- for HJ and $30/- for massage regardless you want massage or not)


***Main reason of her doing this is like Irene, financial problem, just d
HJ only $30, wah shiok, please share share
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