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Old 19-08-2012, 12:19 AM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

L8 H45 G73:
Name: Lemon
Looks: 8.5/10 (quite pretty with nice long hair)
Body: 8/10 (slim)
Boobs: B+ (a little saggy but nice to fondle)
Bath: 6/10 (standard)
BBBJ: 8/10
Frenching: NA
FJ: 8/10
Attitude: 9.5/10
Old 20-08-2012, 04:25 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

FR on G15 666

After hearing about changes to G12's routine from a fellow bro, headed down to the devil house L6H66 to try. But she wasn't in tank and I don't want to wait so picked G15. 

Language: 6/10 a little English, but a bit more than your typical CAT 50 WL. Mostly communicate thru action. 

Look: 6/10 Long hair and mouth is big for her face. 

Body: 7/10 For slim and petite fans only. She has stretch marks on her tummy, which I noticed on a few of the 666's WLs. Is this their trademark?

Boobs: 6.5/10 A cup. Did not really perk up even during the FJ. 

Kiss: 7/10 Playful pecks. 

French: No. 

BJ: 6.5/10 She tried quite hard and long and it was shiok, but I wasn't going to cum through BJ, so I moved her onto the main event. 

FJ: 7/10 Gal on top and missionary. She uses her claws to lightly scratch during the missionary. Very shiok. 

GFE: 5.5/10 A bit of cuddling and playful touches after FJ, but just for a while. G19 is still the queen on GFE in my book, which made me RTF her the most among the CAT 50. 

RTF: Yes. 

Actually thought of extending another session during the FJ, but in the end didn't.

If you like my FR, pls upz my pts Tks
Old 23-08-2012, 04:26 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

RTF FR on L6 H66 G12

Finally managed to get G12 in tank after a long time. Onz liao.

Looks: 8/10 Very chio to me, but remember one man's meat might be another's poison. Like mixed chinese look.

Body: Slim and petite type. Somehow, she looks a bit more tan than last time, but still relatively fair.

Boobs: A

Shower: SOP

Kiss: No

French: No

Catbath: 7/10 Her magic tongue must experience to believe. It is like a vibrator licking you. But limited only to my neh nehs.

BJ: 9/10 Refer to above. Almost cannot tahan quickly ask her to move to FJ.

FJ: She offered gal on top, but I chose missionary.

GFE: She bang chance me. Got a bit, but she got this habit of using her hp. Counting the number of toothbrushes on her wall, can understand lah. Lucky she never KC me or I would not be able to resist.

RTF: Double confirm.

Tks bro jurongguy1981 for his tip.
Old 23-08-2012, 11:39 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

yesterday i went down intended to find L20H34G19. Damn I never though she is that HOT in demand... the OKT said she was booked form 2pm to 5pm, and may extend after that. then when I passed by L20H36, i remember got bro recommend there is special bathtub service. but then the OKT said for that moment only 2 WL, and I couldnt find their relevant FR so I decide to left for other WL (had a few bad experiences when I followed OKT recommendation instead of bro recommendation here). After browsing on here I decided to try L18H38G19

At first she apologized to me caused I look like I purposely look for her but she cannot remember me. Then I replied I found her on internet. To my surprise, she asked "is it sammyboyforum"? wow I am really surprised that she know this site then she mentioned got bro mentioned that before... I asked her did she come this website to see about herself, she answered no, she is too shy to know what people wrote about her haha...

what I like about her:
1. She speak good english, few of the WL that can communicate well. She even admit she already had singlish slang haha
2. To me she is like your neighbourhood sister, so friendly and good manners
I don't know why I ask her a very rude question >< I ask her if her breast transplanted one (Her breast is among the biggest one I saw among WL) she asked me to touch, but i still cannot figure out (got a bit hard) she said she will till me when we are done (but I forgot about it haha) and she continue to chat with me happily
3. she mentioned that she is not working for money now. She explained to me that she was sick due to ear infection, as such she cannot withstand vigorous movement. She will take leave if she is not feeling well (unlike some WL that will work even if they are sick)
4. and ya, i liked her look in overall, really big sister like

Her service:
She started with nippling licking and didi rubbing (with some baby oil applied) the sensation is too great and I have to asked her to stop rubbing in case I cum. Then she licked my balls (shiok!)... and then come the best part... breast fuck! I had never tried this before, and the sight of it made me almost cum... then she capped me and BJ... before she wanted to ride me, i cannot tahan and cum... She said so sorry but offer to massage me. The message has not much to talk about but we chatted a lot.

So I recommend her if you enjoyed good service and good chat! but dont be so violent cause she have ear infection
Old 23-08-2012, 11:53 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

L20H32G9 - The short plump one... with very good catbath... wah lick gently all over... then touch ur dick abit but will become very hard before she even go down. Then will lick balls... and lick asshole. You will be very high one cause she will touch u and lick u in alot of places that you will like. Not very pretty... more of cute... but her technique is very good. Won't french or let you paint her though from my tries. Doesn't like it.

I think some of you might not like her cause of her looks... but her service is surprisingly good.

L18H36G3 - This is the girl that ON me and played me. She's 1.66 cm tall ah lian gal with long hair. I dunno why you say she has short hair. All the way to the shoulder is short meh?

She reminds me of my crush. Then very friendly and try to talk to me about her life in shower and give boob massage. Also got cat bath and Boob massage... but not as good as G9. GFE is alot better though. I remember that I was very shy, then she get me sit down and look at her while she ride me and smile. Alot of the activities also will smile and talk.

This one is got frenching one... but I didn't think the kissing was that good. Maybe cause I dunno how to kiss also, but ok lah. 30 minute session is good.

Her BBBJ is also not bad from my overnight experience. Not the best but ok.
Old 26-08-2012, 10:50 AM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Walk in on Sat midnight, lucky still more than enough time for a $50 slot before it's closing hour. So sat there and wait since she's working, while I was waiting, a girl make eyes at me, -_-||| , but anyway used to being "harassed" and eyeball at while I was waiting...

L6H66 G22 name:Po (or Paul, Por ,Poh ???)

Look – 9/10 ( very fair, looks younger than her age, like chinese )
Body: 7/10 (a bit of tummy)
Boobs – 8/10 ( natural B or C, soft and nice to suck, woohooo)
Bath – 7/10 (SOP, funny thing is she wrapped a towel around her when showering, so I just teased her and remove her towel, and play with her boobs while she's showering me)
Frenching - 9/10 (French me like a hungry wolf, as though she's been deprived of sex for many years, but she's too hiong, she ask me whether I got gf, I juz nod my head and say yes, then she immediately bite my neck to plant a lovebite on me, and playfully laugh at me, make a slithing throat gesture with her finger indicating I'm dead, I was like shit, wtf..... )
BBBJ – 9/10 Power, make me feel like cumming after a few mins into it, lucky I stop her in time
Catbath– 8/10 (lick my nipples, dick and ball, especially like the way her tongue caressing my ball)
FJ - 8/10 (wet, hot and tight abalone, starting with her in missionary, doggie position and then let her cowboy me to orgasm)
GFE – 10/10 (after shower, I look scared, coz my gf might be back in a few days time, what if she sees, then upon seeing my petrified eyes, she offered to rub the lovebite with sth, doing it for more than 5 mins, well beyond 30 mins session)
Attitude - 11/10
Damage - $50
RTF - Yes for sure, for her attitude, BBBJ and hard effort at removing her lovebite on me, and that tight hole.
Old 26-08-2012, 12:47 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

L08H45G67 CFM slutty face, big curvy butt, enhanced boobs

only give bj but slow n steady with good suction

in missionary lots of moans n grabbing pillow but surely fake

RTF: yes if the other new pretty one (in same house) not available
Old 28-08-2012, 05:36 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Guys anyone know if h18g15 still around?
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Old 28-08-2012, 11:06 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
Guys anyone know if h18g15 still around?
of course she is still around. I think she has been here less than 1 year.
Old 02-09-2012, 01:11 AM
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L8 H66G G7:
Name: Gift
Looks: 7.5/10 (SYT look)
Attitude: 10/10 (smiling all the time, very accomodating)
Body: 9/10 (slim, short, small size. smooth skin)
Boobs: A+ (nice to caress. sensitive tits)
Bath: 6/10 (standard)
BJ: CBJ (very hardworking. only slightly disappointed in not licking the balls )
RTF: maybe

Basically, we've done 3 positions: start off with cowgirl. making me quite high on this position, plus the BJ before that, I ask to change to doggie after a few minutes and ended with missionary. blow into her ears a few times but she say itchy.
Fair amount of moaning throughout.
Old 03-09-2012, 06:53 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

L18 H38
No. 19
Name - Jane
Look - 9/10 super my type! for me she looks like angelababy!
Boobs - 8/10 nice and firm. size is good but too bad is enhanced
Bath - 6/10
Catbath - 7/10 she will put oil and massage you didi as well.(i dont like hands) for bros who cant last long pls ask her dont so fast!
TF - 9/10 feels amazing!
BJ - 7/10 her boob job and catbath is better. but she does suck your balls with the CFM look so its a plus!
FJ - 8/10 i'm sure you will have no complaints if u make it to this part after surviving the above mentoned.
GFE - 7/10 not a lot but she speaks english quite well. very chatty too!
Attitude - 7/10 if u are a return customer, probably she treats u better.
Damage - $50 ($80 for extra massage)
RTF - yes, twice already!

L18 H36
No. 28
Name - when i ask her, she say "number 28" LOL
Look - 7/10 not very pretty but there is something i like. GND
Boobs - 9/10 easily 36DD very soft and natural! i like~ (she will bury your face with her funbags! must try!
Bath - 6/10 chop chop SOP (catbath is good though)
BJ - 6.5/10 abit standard. nothing to talk about
FJ - 8/10 always ask me to change positions when i am hard. and when i finish, she say y so fast...
GFE - 7/10 maybe im not her type. no much gf feel but she speaks chinese!
Attitude - 7/10 maybe she a lot of customers or tired. but still good! up!
Damage - $50
RTF - definitely!
Old 05-09-2012, 11:43 AM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by heavybackhand View Post
Walk in on Sat midnight, lucky still more than enough time for a $50 slot before it's closing hour. So sat there and wait since she's working, while I was waiting, a girl make eyes at me, -_-||| , but anyway used to being "harassed" and eyeball at while I was waiting...

L6H66 G22 name:Po (or Paul, Por ,Poh ???)

Look – 9/10 ( very fair, looks younger than her age, like chinese )
Body: 7/10 (a bit of tummy)
Boobs – 8/10 ( natural B or C, soft and nice to suck, woohooo)
Bath – 7/10 (SOP, funny thing is she wrapped a towel around her when showering, so I just teased her and remove her towel, and play with her boobs while she's showering me)
Frenching - 9/10 (French me like a hungry wolf, as though she's been deprived of sex for many years, but she's too hiong, she ask me whether I got gf, I juz nod my head and say yes, then she immediately bite my neck to plant a lovebite on me, and playfully laugh at me, make a slithing throat gesture with her finger indicating I'm dead, I was like shit, wtf..... )
BBBJ – 9/10 Power, make me feel like cumming after a few mins into it, lucky I stop her in time
Catbath– 8/10 (lick my nipples, dick and ball, especially like the way her tongue caressing my ball)
FJ - 8/10 (wet, hot and tight abalone, starting with her in missionary, doggie position and then let her cowboy me to orgasm)
GFE – 10/10 (after shower, I look scared, coz my gf might be back in a few days time, what if she sees, then upon seeing my petrified eyes, she offered to rub the lovebite with sth, doing it for more than 5 mins, well beyond 30 mins session)
Attitude - 11/10
Damage - $50
RTF - Yes for sure, for her attitude, BBBJ and hard effort at removing her lovebite on me, and that tight hole.
Bro thanks for your recommendation, I tried her last week, her service is good (without love bite for me though haha) and ya, she speak good english (at least understandable). Her frenching really amazed me. I must agreed she is one of the best WL I had met (service, looks and attitude wise) I lazy to write another one ,since your FR is good enough haha
Old 09-09-2012, 11:03 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

FR on L8H66a G80

Tks to bro Toot7's suggestion, went to GL Wonderland to service my KKJ with a different WL than my regular. 3 WLs in tank so picked the chioest and go.

Looks: 5/10 one man's tea another man's poison yada yada yada
Body: 6/10 more bah than petite
Boobs: B with bra, shrinks to B- without mmaximiser
Kiss: boh
Catbath: 5/10 uses teeth when kissing my man boobs. What is with these new WLs leh, why they like to use teeth so much. pain sia.
BM: 7/10 quite arousing. didi mari kita quickly and would have pumped her if he was helmuted.
BJ: 5/10
FJ: 7/10 friendly and accomodating. The spring mattress made pumping eqsier and more enjoyable. Girl on top and missionary. When pumping her in missionary, she started to lightly twist my nipples with her hands. This combo of light pain with the pumping pleasure makes me hard now thinking about it. Is she going to turn me into an SM fan?
Massage: 7/10 uses her weight to press down on my limbs wnd body. Felt very relaxed after that. Wonder if I should have extended and pumped her again?
RTF: Only when I want massage.

I thought she wore number 12 when in tank, but after massage she told me she was number 80. Strqnge.
Old 10-09-2012, 05:25 AM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by chingkuo View Post
Bro thanks for your recommendation, I tried her last week, her service is good (without love bite for me though haha) and ya, she speak good english (at least understandable). Her frenching really amazed me. I must agreed she is one of the best WL I had met (service, looks and attitude wise) I lazy to write another one ,since your FR is good enough haha
What time does this house open?
Old 10-09-2012, 11:26 PM
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Re: Geylang's $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
What time does this house open?
1pm till 1am
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