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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-01-2008, 07:28 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
Was there today on the Happy hour, very crowded. Alot of butterfly will try to come into room... really must talk cock to them then they will leave.

What I tell those I dun like is " you want to seat with me can, provide you suck cock for me inside the room without condom untill I cum inisde your mouth.. $70 plus tips included.. "

Sure the girl will scold and leave us alone..

If she really agree, it will be a good deal for me too.
Mmm.. can give a try.
Old 21-01-2008, 10:29 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Hey guys havent been to SBF for almost 2yrs le lost my account also. hows the rate now at BS KTV man? havent been there for 1year went overseas to study. HH how much? then if i want to go with about 5friends should i book medium room? then we wanna sit from HH until close you guys know roughly how much? then the quality of girls there now how ah? last time they quite hiong leh. haha.

thanks for the help guys.
Old 22-01-2008, 12:53 AM
fdcivic fdcivic is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
Was there today on the Happy hour, very crowded. Alot of butterfly will try to come into room... really must talk cock to them then they will leave.

What I tell those I dun like is " you want to seat with me can, provide you suck cock for me inside the room without condom untill I cum inisde your mouth.. $70 plus tips included.. "

Sure the girl will scold and leave us alone..

If she really agree, it will be a good deal for me too.
went to BS during HH. and was 'jio' by the gal for ST.. did not go with her. as i can get more quality ones at Lorong 8/10.

just to check, do bros here go for ST with ktv gals?
Old 22-01-2008, 02:59 AM
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Post Re: Bs Ktv

Any Bros keen to go BS tomo for HH?
Long time never step in for HH..
Please drop me a PM.
Old 22-01-2008, 09:38 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
What I tell those I dun like is " you want to seat with me can, provide you suck cock for me inside the room without condom untill I cum inisde your mouth.. $70 plus tips included.. "
I believe alot of those girls will jump at your great counter-offer.
Old 22-01-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
What I tell those I dun like is " you want to seat with me can, provide you suck cock for me inside the room without condom untill I cum inisde your mouth.. $70 plus tips included.. "

Sure the girl will scold and leave us alone..

If she really agree, it will be a good deal for me too.
Errr... actually those less popular girls (the same girls most people won't like) have only 1-2 tables ($20 each?)... so your $70 tips included is 3.5 tables for them and better yet, after that no need to come back visit your room because money taken already. Alot of money, little time investment from a "table sitting" perspective.

They would jump at the chance, IMO. Especially the older, less popular ones. The chio 21yr old ones will tell you to fly kite, since they will have enough tables.

I've ever gotten a toilet FJ for $70 tips included with a non-SYT but super fun 28 yr old girl before. Only problem is she said she doesn't do "older men". I didn't ask her to define "older men" but i was happily bonking away.
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Old 22-01-2008, 10:43 AM
jordan80 jordan80 is offline
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Re: Bs Ktv

Hey bros out there any advice for me as i am new in this joint. Wanna check if i were to go alone is it possible?? wats the price like? 120/2 jars? how much must i tip the gals?
Old 22-01-2008, 10:47 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by fdcivic View Post
went to BS during HH. and was 'jio' by the gal for ST.. did not go with her. as i can get more quality ones at Lorong 8/10.

just to check, do bros here go for ST with ktv gals?
If you question is "Do bros here go for ST with KTV girls?" then rather obviously you should know the answer to be yes.

However if you question is "Do bros here prefer to go for ST with KTV girls instead of Bermuda Triangle PRCs?" then that would really depend.

Normally, Lor 8/10 (Bermuda Triangle) girls look damn farking hot and sexy. But they also are clock watchers and generally characterized by rushed, hurried service.
You cannot tell how "playable" she is from standing on the street.

KTV girls, at least you can tell what she will or won't do, as you get the Beta-version before you go for the full service.

As a bro here has mentioned before, I prefer KTV girls because you can "try before you buy". Streetwalkers tend to be less proactive as they are more mechanical.

Triangle girls tend to cost $100/30mins (the clock starts from the moment she steps into the room and messages her "big brother"). So you better wash up faster and not waste time talking cock.

KTV girls of BS quality tend to cost $100-$150 for 1 shot, tips included. Can take your time a little bit more and you already had the chance to know her better (and play with her). Depending on how many tables she has to come back for and how popular she is today, your price will fluctuate.

KTV girls of mid-class and high-class KTVs are a different story all together. $200 - $500 for ST, $300 - 800 for ON.
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Old 22-01-2008, 10:53 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by jordan80 View Post
Hey bros out there any advice for me as i am new in this joint. Wanna check if i were to go alone is it possible?? wats the price like? 120/2 jars? how much must i tip the gals?
My advice for you is that if you've never gone to a no-mummy system type KTV before... don't go alone for your first time.

Unless you're willing to pay 'school fees' to learn your lesson.

If you're a newbie and don't know how to reject any old hag that comes into the room, they will pounce on you. Word will spread that there is a Carrot sitting in room ## and all will flock there to chop you.

Best to go with an experienced bro as a pair or with a larger group.
Girls normally come into the rooms in pairs or 1 at a time, so if you are alone and not firm with your "NO!" you will be overwhelmed.

To answer your question, if you don't like to drink just buy any old fruits/soft drink combination and pay for room charges then it will come up to about $100 basic charge with just a jug of green tea, 2 plates of fruits for a small room during SH.
Basic tips here are $20. But if you don't like the girl after she sits with you for the first time, cut your losses. Give her $10 and tell her not to come back. Don't bother hoping if the 2nd and 3rd time comes back to your room she will be more playable.... she won't.
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Old 22-01-2008, 10:59 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by I<3Ivy View Post
My advice for you is that if you've never gone to a no-mummy system type KTV before... don't go alone for your first time.

Unless you're willing to pay 'school fees' to learn your lesson.

If you're a newbie and don't know how to reject any old hag that comes into the room, they will pounce on you. Word will spread that there is a Carrot sitting in room ##, and all will flock there to chop you.

Best to go with an experienced bro as a pair, or with a larger group.
Girls normally come into the rooms in pairs or 1 at a time, so if you are alone and not firm with your "NO!" you will be overwhelmed.
Cos went to echo another joint in jc with friends and open a bottle for 275, plus mama san 20 plus gals 20 then if i go alone will the price remain the same?? or more expensive? i mean if i were to go to BS alone will it be expensive? or ya advice is if dun want to pay so much must go with friends, cheaper and safer? So far no one have been to such joint alone?
Thanks bro I<3Ivy for advice
Old 22-01-2008, 11:11 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by jordan80 View Post
Cos went to echo another joint in jc with friends and open a bottle for 275, plus mama san 20 plus gals 20 then if i go alone will the price remain the same?? or more expensive? i mean if i were to go to BS alone will it be expensive? or ya advice is if dun want to pay so much must go with friends, cheaper and safer? So far no one have been to such joint alone?
Thanks bro I<3Ivy for advice
It all boils down to the almighty $$$.

Going alone is more expensive in two ways.

1. No one to share the cost
- This you cannot avoid since it is a fixed cost.

2. You are not used to the place, and go alone
- You will kena chop quite badly by the girls there.
- You can end up paying through your nose for sub-standard service. Not a fixed cost.

So the primary reason is cheaper, but also in a way... "safer".

And to answer your other question if no one goes alone, you only need to peek into the various rooms to see that there are about 2-3 rooms a night with solo cheongsters.

Bro Jordan80, i would rather you PM me than you post these questions (which have been answered before) so as to reduce the clutter on this thread.
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Old 23-01-2008, 04:15 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun View Post
Going on Sundays is a gamble,it can go either ways.Good luck!
Halo pm u dunno how to reply but can post hor!!!
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Old 23-01-2008, 05:25 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by spidermel View Post
Halo pm u dunno how to reply but can post hor!!!
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Old 23-01-2008, 05:42 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by mebirdie View Post
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Kaoz, like that also can. U so fast reach hm liao arh?? I thought u were at lor 7 just a couple hrs ago??
Old 23-01-2008, 05:53 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Dancing View Post
Kaoz, like that also can. U so fast reach hm liao arh?? I thought u were at lor 7 just a couple hrs ago??
nnkc... even GL got spies now. I think i fly to china during CNY better.
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