Guess it's all heng suay, like tiok toto.
If you are unlucky, she might hv gone for her check-up but gotten STD fr her client a few days later. And you happened to be the unlucky one who kena fr her.
many years ago I met 2 girls at a disco,
we drink very high go to hotel.
my friend was screwing another girl in the other room, then he text me saying she is a ML works at Tanglin Massage, no need for romance, just do
When I asked her if she has condoms, she said, she's clean, so I went raw. Heng man, never kenna anything.
But I never did that crazy thing again. Even blows I take BJ and not BBBJ, even from ONS or flings. I try not to have sex with WL, ONS or flings
end of the day, come out still just as tired. Of course one is more shiok, but also more dangerous and deadly
One time in hongkong went to a KTV, fuck the china girl in the next room, was very drunk I vaguely remember the condom, but forgot if still had it on when finished. Was scared for few weeks, went to see doctor and test.
The fear of fucking a ML WL with condom, and after that those weeks and months you start to fear did I get something is just not worth it.
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Hi all, i am currently on medication for genitial herpes. Suspect i may have contracted it from a ML here after she gave me a bbbj and cim a while ago
Of course, to be fair to this orchard towers ML, she may not be the cause of my genitial herpes. But i only had three sex partners in the last 3 months, including my fat wife....
The other ML i had sex with in the last three months with was an angpai ML who used to work in parklane but is now doing house calls only. Think those who visit the parklane thread should know who she is
But i seriously doubt it is this ML who used to work in parklane that is the cause. Cos i have two other friends who frequent her, yet my friends are fine. So that leaves only the orchard towers ML and my fat wife , who is a housewife and stays at home all day to look after the kids. Hardly think it would be her also
So my point in this thread is to warn others of this orchard towers ML. Of course, if i am not wrong, handjobs dun transmit STD, so bros may select the HJ option from her if u wish. But why take the risk??
I never asked for her name when i looked for her, but this orchard towers ML is on the third floor corner unit. Once u take the escalator up from the second floor to the third floor, u can easily see her if u turn your head 180 degree. She also told me that she usually works 12 to 8pm
She is usually dressed in a short rainbow dress that also shows her cleavage. This MILF is sometimes dressed in a black dress also. Her face is around a six, but her figure is quite good as her breasts are firm and nipples are small. She is around 164cm i think
This orchard towers ML was previously located in another unit on the second floor, but had shifted to this current third floor corner unit recently. When i chatted with her, she says that she has been in this corner unit for less than four months
So bros, pls chiong safetly and try not to visit this ML if possible. While genitial herpes is obviously not AIDS and is curable, i have been fucking depressed after i learnt that i contracted herpes just becos of a stupid CIM
If any bros here know the identity of this ML, pls tell us here and warn everyone. Apologies for this lengthy post.....
Yes bro, third floor on the left. Once the escalator reaches the third floor from the second floor, u can see her at the corner unit if u turn around to your left
Also, thanks for all the PMs from the bros here consoling me about my condition. Much appreciated. I know it is not much, but i have upped your points accordingly...
Take care bro n speedy recovery!
My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.
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Pls do not visit the point exchange groups giving the impression you are keen to exchange points but disappear after one post. Or promise to return points but did not do so after months.
Min 5 pts for exchange.
This Paris is an old bird in orchard towers right? Then i dun think it is her...
the orchard towers ML i am talking about is on the third floor CORNER unit. Once u take the escalator up from the second floor to the third floor, u can easily see her if u turn your head 180 degree. She also told me that she usually works 12 to 8pm
She is usually dressed in a short rainbow dress that also shows her cleavage. She Used to be located at another unit in the second floor before shifting to this cuurrent third floor unit three to four months ago
Hopefully bros whom had looked for her did nit kena any STD like me...
bro don't say and don't say
if you want to share why don't you just say who you suspect.
You want to tell but don't tell. Headache man. If you think you want to warn the bros then just do it. my 2 cents.
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Sorry bros for not being direct in my warning, cos i am not hundred percent sure on who caused my condition
Please do give me a chance to rephrase: i am 99% sure that the third floor corner unit China ML who is usually dressed in the rainbow coloured dress gave me STD.
Bros please be aware. My description on her is written in my previous posts. Dun want to include that wall of text here again
The China ML i am talking about has been at her current third floor corner unit for less than four months. She was previously located at a unit at second floor before shifting to this current third floor unit. Not too sure whether it is this Jasmine and Paris u are referring to, as I am not very familiar with this place
And to the bro who zapped me two points... May i know what are u unsatisfied with? It is ok with me that u do not leave your name after zapping me, but at least tell me where did i go wrong lah...
Hi all, i am currently on medication for genitial herpes. Suspect i may have contracted it from a ML here after she gave me a bbbj and cim a while ago
Of course, to be fair to this orchard towers ML, she may not be the cause of my genitial herpes. But i only had three sex partners in the last 3 months, including my fat wife....
The other ML i had sex with in the last three months with was an angpai ML who used to work in parklane but is now doing house calls only. Think those who visit the parklane thread should know who she is
But i seriously doubt it is this ML who used to work in parklane that is the cause. Cos i have two other friends who frequent her, yet my friends are fine. So that leaves only the orchard towers ML and my fat wife , who is a housewife and stays at home all day to look after the kids. Hardly think it would be her also
So my point in this thread is to warn others of this orchard towers ML. Of course, if i am not wrong, handjobs dun transmit STD, so bros may select the HJ option from her if u wish. But why take the risk??
I never asked for her name when i looked for her, but this orchard towers ML is on the third floor corner unit. Once u take the escalator up from the second floor to the third floor, u can easily see her if u turn your head 180 degree. She also told me that she usually works 12 to 8pm
She is usually dressed in a short rainbow dress that also shows her cleavage. This MILF is sometimes dressed in a black dress also. Her face is around a six, but her figure is quite good as her breasts are firm and nipples are small. She is around 164cm i think
This orchard towers ML was previously located in another unit on the second floor, but had shifted to this current third floor corner unit recently. When i chatted with her, she says that she has been in this corner unit for less than four months
So bros, pls chiong safetly and try not to visit this ML if possible. While genitial herpes is obviously not AIDS and is curable, i have been fucking depressed after i learnt that i contracted herpes just becos of a stupid CIM
If any bros here know the identity of this ML, pls tell us here and warn everyone. Apologies for this lengthy post.....
Hi all, i am currently on medication for genitial herpes. Suspect i may have contracted it from a ML here after she gave me a bbbj and cim a while ago
Of course, to be fair to this orchard towers ML, she may not be the cause of my genitial herpes. But i only had three sex partners in the last 3 months, including my fat wife....
The other ML i had sex with in the last three months with was an angpai ML who used to work in parklane but is now doing house calls only. Think those who visit the parklane thread should know who she is
But i seriously doubt it is this ML who used to work in parklane that is the cause. Cos i have two other friends who frequent her, yet my friends are fine. So that leaves only the orchard towers ML and my fat wife , who is a housewife and stays at home all day to look after the kids. Hardly think it would be her also
So my point in this thread is to warn others of this orchard towers ML. Of course, if i am not wrong, handjobs dun transmit STD, so bros may select the HJ option from her if u wish. But why take the risk??
I never asked for her name when i looked for her, but this orchard towers ML is on the third floor corner unit. Once u take the escalator up from the second floor to the third floor, u can easily see her if u turn your head 180 degree. She also told me that she usually works 12 to 8pm
She is usually dressed in a short rainbow dress that also shows her cleavage. This MILF is sometimes dressed in a black dress also. Her face is around a six, but her figure is quite good as her breasts are firm and nipples are small. She is around 164cm i think
This orchard towers ML was previously located in another unit on the second floor, but had shifted to this current third floor corner unit recently. When i chatted with her, she says that she has been in this corner unit for less than four months
So bros, pls chiong safetly and try not to visit this ML if possible. While genitial herpes is obviously not AIDS and is curable, i have been fucking depressed after i learnt that i contracted herpes just becos of a stupid CIM
If any bros here know the identity of this ML, pls tell us here and warn everyone. Apologies for this lengthy post.....
Ya bros...its definitely paris. Just engaged her. $100 fj but macam sprint eh..nego time very sweet...take money still ok. The turn off was not even 5 minutes of pumping,she asked me to cum,like really rush me up!wtf!!!felt really cheated for that amount of time. And yes its capped all the way. She say its a must for safety purpose.. Tell myself never again!!! U guys have been warned!
Ya bros...its definitely paris. Just engaged her. $100 fj but macam sprint eh..nego time very sweet...take money still ok. The turn off was not even 5 minutes of pumping,she asked me to cum,like really rush me up!wtf!!!felt really cheated for that amount of time. And yes its capped all the way. She say its a must for safety purpose.. Tell myself never again!!! U guys have been warned!
OT is already a rush one. It is one of the most dangerous place for raid. Usually girls rush through. Typically Paris always do bbbj etc. capped bj likely tio something