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Old 07-08-2004, 11:10 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
thanks guys. I guess I'll have to be patience with her for a couple of months before I decided to break the ice that I can't stand her around anymore.
Dun wait. Talk to her now. Let her know that u love her & treasure the r/s with her and wants it to be better (do u really?). Else the r/s may have to end if things doesn't change. Unless of course u already dun want it. If u do, don't wait, less your heart died before u even know it yourself.

It happened to me.
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Old 08-08-2004, 12:03 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
thanks guys. I guess I'll have to be patience with her for a couple of months before I decided to break the ice that I can't stand her around anymore.
Why wait 'a couple of months'? What are you 'waiting' for? If you're not doing it now, when? And what are you doing while you're waiting? Be pro-active!!

Time and tide waits for no man...
Old 08-08-2004, 12:05 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by free
Dun think of this submissiveness as the orthordox type of man is higher than woman. IT is not blind but loving submission. Maybe I borrow the terms ffrom Christian and Islamic teachings, but it works when both parties do their part.

What this entails is that the woman recognizes the man as the head/leader of the r/s, and takes the role of being "actively" submissive. That doesn't mean my gf doesn't tell me what she thinks/feels. She does and I would insist on her doing if if she doesn't. On my part, her happiness and wellbeing are part my responsibilites in the relationship. Most of the time (if not all) any decision I made that concerns her (or us) will be taken with her needs and desires in mind, way before I even considered my own.

She, by her natural willingness to let me make the final decisions and then support me, makes me want to be an umbrella over her, care for her, protect her and love her in a way I probably would not if she had behaved the way the "modern" world (actually degenerated world, IMHO) preaches. I would not have the incentive to sacrifice so much and go the extra mile everyday to make her feel loved and happy. I know it sounds very MCP and fakey. On the surface, it does seem that way, doesn't it? Only problem in such a way of progressing a r/s is that it is very easy for the guy to take the woman for granted, if not abuse his position. All the more important that I relook at myself, how I see her and the way the r/s is progress consistently. In fact on daily basis.

From my own walk with my beloved, I have found that the r/s has grown so much richer, and we dun even need the physical side to pull things together. The emotional and mental is more than enough to compensate for the lack of the physical. But when the time is right, the physical automatically increases from the initial proportion. Then one engages in what we call Making Love - far far better than just having sex. The whole mind, body and spirit is involved, and it feels truly complete.

Not sure if u can understand what I am trying to say.
Fully agreed!!

Hi Bro Free, I know about your current r/s, keep it going ya.... You have my best wishes
Old 08-08-2004, 01:21 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by free
Thanks. We are working hard on it. We;ll be together again tomorrow night.

Boy, dun I know this - ALL of it I had experienced with my ex SG partner, and more. Even sharing good things can get me into trouble cos the words I used are not what she wants to hear. My pasar Angrit not so powderful lor.

Glad I finally got out. Told her she is free to go find someone (some god, probably) who can give her what she wants, since I can't. After trying so hard for years and remaining 100% faithful, I finally came to accept (very sadly) that nothing I do can satisfy. I just cannot compete (nor do I want to) with that Dark & handsome Prince on a white horse who comes rescue the fair lady" fantasy in those romantic novels that she cannot let go of. So, I decided that I should set her free. In doing so, I also set myself free.

Only later did I discover another world out there and never looked back. What I hope to find in my soulmate has not changed, I still looked for the same characteristics when I found them in my Rain. She has restored my faith in a mutually caring and loving r/s again. So, what do I want? Just a simple woman who accepts and enjoy my loving her 100% and does the same for me in return.
Singapore girls are just so damn difficult to handle. The culture and environment have, basically, changed the way they are.

Anyway, other than those you suffered from, my ex even threatened to jump off the building where I stay... and throw hot boiling stuff on me. Awww... boy.

I only long for a simple relationship, not one which promises hot soup (literally) and suicide threats. Life is short enough as it is. And, I don't think I need a mad looney woman to spoil it all. sigh....

And, IMO, simple relationship doesn't mean submissive partners. It means mutual respect and mature beliefs and attitudes. These are stuff which most Singapore women seem to have problems doing. Not that it is bothering me, but respect is the simplest form of goodwill that any person of sound mind can offer.

Girls with boobs and pretty faces can stay in the shelves for as long as they want. Ultimately, appearances wane after a while, not that humans are not attracted by physical features. The thing is, there has to be something worth holding onto, in a relationship. And, this is, imo, something which will make a relationship work out.

My ex didn't understand this. Every week when I met her, she would throw tantrums thinking that it would enhance the amount of drama in the relationship. Sadly, it didn't. It made me anything but a bitter man.

Worst of all is, the fundamental law of nature states that good girls will and always end up with bad guys. Girls with a string of good attributes (ie, faithful, loyal, attractive... etc) will almost always land up with guys having less than matching characters. And, vice versa.

If not for the fact that good girls have positive good attributes, "bad guys" wouldn't have courted them in the first place. Whilst the reverse is true for girls with less than desireable attributes, unfortunately. All things being equal, the world we live in is already one tainted by twisted odd unintelligible socio-behavioural patterns. Perhaps, madness had not found a better home than today.
Old 08-08-2004, 01:33 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

think it got something to do with "treat them mean, keep them keen" mentality.. men and women both want something they think they cant have and if 100% is guaranteed.. it loses its appeal..
Old 08-08-2004, 01:44 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by vesfreq

Worst of all is, the fundamental law of nature states that good girls will and always end up with bad guys. Girls with a string of good attributes (ie, faithful, loyal, attractive... etc) will almost always land up with guys having less than matching characters. And, vice versa......
Opposites do attracts... well, I do agree that girls are attracted to guys who have a little bit of the 'bad boy' thingy. Perhaps they see 'us' as fun, thrilling and exciting to be with compared to 'good boys' who may not have as much fun as we do...

Ever heard of the saying - 'Nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai'? Guess that sums it all...
Old 08-08-2004, 01:51 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by free
Dun think of this submissiveness as the orthordox type of man is higher than woman. IT is not blind but loving submission. Maybe I borrow the terms ffrom Christian and Islamic teachings, but it works when both parties do their part.

What this entails is that the woman recognizes the man as the head/leader of the r/s, and takes the role of being "actively" submissive. That doesn't mean my gf doesn't tell me what she thinks/feels. She does and I would insist on her doing if if she doesn't. On my part, her happiness and wellbeing are part my responsibilites in the relationship. Most of the time (if not all) any decision I made that concerns her (or us) will be taken with her needs and desires in mind, way before I even considered my own.

She, by her natural willingness to let me make the final decisions and then support me, makes me want to be an umbrella over her, care for her, protect her and love her in a way I probably would not if she had behaved the way the "modern" world (actually degenerated world, IMHO) preaches. I would not have the incentive to sacrifice so much and go the extra mile everyday to make her feel loved and happy. I know it sounds very MCP and fakey. On the surface, it does seem that way, doesn't it? Only problem in such a way of progressing a r/s is that it is very easy for the guy to take the woman for granted, if not abuse his position. All the more important that I relook at myself, how I see her and the way the r/s is progress consistently. In fact on daily basis.

From my own walk with my beloved, I have found that the r/s has grown so much richer, and we dun even need the physical side to pull things together. The emotional and mental is more than enough to compensate for the lack of the physical. But when the time is right, the physical automatically increases from the initial proportion. Then one engages in what we call Making Love - far far better than just having sex. The whole mind, body and spirit is involved, and it feels truly complete.

Not sure if u can understand what I am trying to say.
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Old 08-08-2004, 01:54 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Hitman

Ever heard of the saying - 'Nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai'? Guess that sums it all...
Totally agreed on the above statement......
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Old 08-08-2004, 02:01 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by vesfreq
Singapore girls are just so damn difficult to handle. The culture and environment have, basically, changed the way they are.

Anyway, other than those you suffered from, my ex even threatened to jump off the building where I stay... and throw hot boiling stuff on me. Awww... boy.

I only long for a simple relationship, not one which promises hot soup (literally) and suicide threats. Life is short enough as it is. And, I don't think I need a mad looney woman to spoil it all. sigh....

And, IMO, simple relationship doesn't mean submissive partners. It means mutual respect and mature beliefs and attitudes. These are stuff which most Singapore women seem to have problems doing. Not that it is bothering me, but respect is the simplest form of goodwill that any person of sound mind can offer.

Girls with boobs and pretty faces can stay in the shelves for as long as they want. Ultimately, appearances wane after a while, not that humans are not attracted by physical features. The thing is, there has to be something worth holding onto, in a relationship. And, this is, imo, something which will make a relationship work out.

My ex didn't understand this. Every week when I met her, she would throw tantrums thinking that it would enhance the amount of drama in the relationship. Sadly, it didn't. It made me anything but a bitter man.

Worst of all is, the fundamental law of nature states that good girls will and always end up with bad guys. Girls with a string of good attributes (ie, faithful, loyal, attractive... etc) will almost always land up with guys having less than matching characters. And, vice versa.

If not for the fact that good girls have positive good attributes, "bad guys" wouldn't have courted them in the first place. Whilst the reverse is true for girls with less than desireable attributes, unfortunately. All things being equal, the world we live in is already one tainted by twisted odd unintelligible socio-behavioural patterns. Perhaps, madness had not found a better home than today.
I remembered once, because I'm out late, an ex tried to take an overdose while staying with me, and keep calling me over the phone to ask me to come back.

When I finally reach home, she was on the couch, so I just pick up the phone call the ambulance and she ended up in Changi Hospital. Fucks! from the hospital, she also keep calling me, that I unplugged the phone and just go to sleep.

Morning I just pack her things for her in a bag, and when she came back, ask her politely to leave and told her I don't want the trouble of having someone die in my house or else the resale value will drop.

Not meaning I'm heartless or anything like that, but too bad as I don't like to be "blackmail" or "controlled" this way, if you know what I mean.
Old 08-08-2004, 05:21 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

not that i can't wait to ditch her, but rather that i can't give up that relationship yet. had a hard time thinking about it.
Old 08-08-2004, 10:42 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Interesting TOPIC!~

GerS re still GerS--> well time we dun NOE wat we wanNa OSO...tat is why "ANYTHING lor" so popular USED...

But then Not alL GERS re the same (chinese saying: one pole sink the whole BOAT of ppl..hehe)..when I said "anything lor' really mean anything...tat is becos I am TOO lazy to think wat I wanna AT let the guy decide...

GErs are the same ..When "auntie" is here..We tend to be moody easily...tat is BEYOND our usually i will HINT mine GUY first... theN he will NOe wat to DO.....

Being TOgether as a couple is how much U Understand tat person...IF u know tat he or SHe is tat type of CHARACTEr and if U think U can "HANDLE" well then GO FOR IT!!!...and ALSO tat is whY at time THRU UNDErstand .. some couple tend to choose to BREAK OFF....cos they Dun thiNK they can TAKE IT anymore...

HEre a few lines which I LOVE to USe oso...

1) NO --> depends on the tones and the topics when I said "NO" will HAVE to see the situation and decide...Mine "NO" for sex can be a "YES" also .. tat depends how u can make a "NO" to a "YES"...very much individual....

2) NVM Lor ---> means a bit mind....but then can be easily forgive type...

3) ANYTHING lor --> POPULAR line used espceially for the newly cOuple..ger tend to use often to show gUy that she wanT to make him HER "MAN" to decide wat she like and she will never said NO GOOD....bUT after "CONFIRMED" couple u will tends to gets those "NO GOOD" remarks after u DECIDED for her..... another type is the ger simplily LAZY to think or let the guY make the decision....

WOMAN are tend to be more COMPLICATED --> tat how GOD createD US!!

BItchY Blue AUnt|e

ONce A BItCH ALwayS A BitCH!~"

NOTE: ReTIreD longer a gal..but LAO Char BOR now...hahaha

Old 08-08-2004, 11:34 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Blue_gal
Interesting TOPIC!~

GerS re still GerS--> well time we dun NOE wat we wanNa OSO...tat is why "ANYTHING lor" so popular USED...

But then Not alL GERS re the same (chinese saying: one pole sink the whole BOAT of ppl..hehe)..when I said "anything lor' really mean anything...tat is becos I am TOO lazy to think wat I wanna AT let the guy decide...

GErs are the same ..When "auntie" is here..We tend to be moody easily...tat is BEYOND our usually i will HINT mine GUY first... theN he will NOe wat to DO.....

Being TOgether as a couple is how much U Understand tat person...IF u know tat he or SHe is tat type of CHARACTEr and if U think U can "HANDLE" well then GO FOR IT!!!...and ALSO tat is whY at time THRU UNDErstand .. some couple tend to choose to BREAK OFF....cos they Dun thiNK they can TAKE IT anymore...

HEre a few lines which I LOVE to USe oso...

1) NO --> depends on the tones and the topics when I said "NO" will HAVE to see the situation and decide...Mine "NO" for sex can be a "YES" also .. tat depends how u can make a "NO" to a "YES"...very much individual....

2) NVM Lor ---> means a bit mind....but then can be easily forgive type...

3) ANYTHING lor --> POPULAR line used espceially for the newly cOuple..ger tend to use often to show gUy that she wanT to make him HER "MAN" to decide wat she like and she will never said NO GOOD....bUT after "CONFIRMED" couple u will tends to gets those "NO GOOD" remarks after u DECIDED for her..... another type is the ger simplily LAZY to think or let the guY make the decision....

WOMAN are tend to be more COMPLICATED --> tat how GOD createD US!!

BItchY Blue AUnt|e
After your writing so much, all I can say is I like your signature
Old 08-08-2004, 11:37 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
not that i can't wait to ditch her, but rather that i can't give up that relationship yet. had a hard time thinking about it.
know you are serious on this r/s else wouldn't be so troubled.
Set yourself a limit on how far you want to go before giving up.
Find a good opportunity to talk to her again.
Communication is very important in a r/s.

Good Luck and Cheer up!!
Old 08-08-2004, 11:42 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Monkeybiz
not that i can't wait to ditch her, but rather that i can't give up that relationship yet. had a hard time thinking about it.
Than have a serious talk with her. Start by getting her attention. To do that, try this!

SMS to her "need to talk to you urgently about breaking off, tonight OK?"

Then when you meet up, she'll be all ears!
Old 09-08-2004, 11:56 AM
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Talking Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Than have a serious talk with her. Start by getting her attention. To do that, try this!

SMS to her "need to talk to you urgently about breaking off, tonight OK?"

Then when you meet up, she'll be all ears!
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