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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Our parents are from the old generation where Asian culture is still strong. In their thinking, dad is a strong figure and head of the family with few words. When he says 1, no one including wife can say 2. I was brought up with this type of dad. An example, we dun talk when having meals...... at home, we hardly talk too. I will always talk to my mum instead. When he talks, most will shiver.... ![]() From his action, I know he cares n loves me a lot, just like any parents to kids. During my army enlistment, he was the 1 who took a day off and sent me to CMPB. During parents visiting day, army POP, he was there too. Even thou he did not say anything.... ![]() In new generation, we kiss and hug our kids.... end of the day, there is still love between parents and kids... it is only different ways of expressing. Quarrel is part and parcel of a family.... end of the day, treasure your family when they are still around. Dun regret, when 1 day, he is not around. Listen to this song, "Dance with my father", a very song nice dedicates to dad.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Hi Bro,
Nicely placed paragraphs. It's similar in most countries (Same shit but different types). "behind the smiles there is a hidden dagger, 笑里藏刀" = Love this statement as it is my rule of the thumb to remember when I am out of my own country. Quote:
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
If you look at this issue from this angle, its just tt dads in the old generation express their concern and love for you in a different way, therefore we misinterprete it and think they are strict. But my dad taught me this rebel son well man. IF not i be taking drugs and end up in prison liao i guess looking at the ah beng frens i have during sec sch days. So i have to thank him for tt. I remembered when last year i had a cold war wif him still, When i tio dengue fever, hospitalized. my dad was more than happy to upgrade my ward to a decent one(ward B instead of c i think), and use his medisave to pay for my hospital stay(damn U garment, it was almost 4k SGD for 6 days stay!). However, the ego me still dont want to recognise his good intentions. Seriously, i cant really tok to him like last time but i think i will do what i can to improve my image in my father's eyes by living life more maturely... No matter how u dun like getting along wif ur dad, i think a son wif conscience and love for his family will deeply regret when he loses his father lah. But just tt my ego give way man, shit i guess its time to reciprocate the love for my parents before i even start a new r/s wif a los gf! Time to MAN UP!!!! ![]()
Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak, Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco, Get excited on X-Zite, welcome in Buffalo, Handsome man, very chic, I like you, very big, sexy man, Pattaya |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Life is like that, however you cannot be naive and guillible. If you have seen the dark side of the comm xxx scene like me, i guess you will knoe how to manage this and make ur pick on maybe virtuous gf or wife(for me important quality to search for lah but maybe cannot make it in xxx in return lol....) Tts why i still believe LOS girl can be virtuous and more simple minded than sg girls. True you have the westernized culture kinda shaping the mentality of LOS ppl, but there are los girl who are staunch buddhist who can be down to earth and devoted to you to a small extent, and maybe thanks to we bros influence, step out abit of their comfort zone and be a bit more happening lolx... This is the LOS gem i am dying to find!!! Bro if you read my other thread, there are so many reasons at the back of my mind why i am looking overseas liao. In SG, things are progressing so fast and we dont have a sense of identity in sinkieland cos there is no culture. Gone are the days where my uncles will ask me to learn hokkien or cantonese and talk to them. Gone are the days where i will buy ice pop at the mama shop wif my sec sch bros and go play a simple game of football wif them. Money talks and being compassionate is pointless in this realistic country. Ppl will look down on you coz ur status not high enuff or u not rich enuff. Ppl will not help each other coz its a dog eat dog world. C'mon, of cos other countries have this issues, but SG is suffering more cos there is no sense of identity or culture to fall back on. I live in sg coz i bopian and i need to earn money to suffer or die? simply put, freaking real but sad truth....
Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak, Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco, Get excited on X-Zite, welcome in Buffalo, Handsome man, very chic, I like you, very big, sexy man, Pattaya Last edited by mackewell; 29-12-2012 at 12:08 PM. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Hi Bro Mackewell,
My humble opinions on what you have mentioned from my own point of view: "..seriously life is really unfair. I can have a fucked up bro of mine who i hated cuz he stabbed me in the back who has a nice viet wifey who is willing to clear his debts for him when he gambled heavily in the past. Yet, a nice person like me(lol like BHB) who dont stab ppl's back cant find a nice gf. Life is like that, however you cannot be naive and guillible. If you have seen the dark side of the comm xxx scene like me, i guess you will knoe how to manage this and make ur pick on maybe virtuous gf or wife(for me important quality to search for lah but maybe cannot make it in xxx in return lol....)" Personally I do not have a gf nor am I actively looking for one. From my own experiences, there is certain truth to this always heard statement of "男人不坏女人不爱". Not all gals are like that but I do believe you have not met "The One". Don't give up yet! Tts why i still believe LOS girl can be virtuous and more simple minded than sg girls. True you have the westernized culture kinda shaping the mentality of LOS ppl, but there are los girl who are staunch buddhist who can be down to earth and devoted to you to a small extent, and maybe thanks to we bros influence, step out abit of their comfort zone and be a bit more happening lolx... This is the LOS gem i am dying to find!!! True to a certain extent (If you are looking at rural or suburb areas). Interestingly, the real test will come when they are exposed to the real urbanized area. A simplified example: if one has never seen/played computer games before one wouldn't know how fun it is. However, when one has played it, can one control/lose your mind over it. In addition, globalization could have made a big impact in developing countries. When I compared my visits to LOS before the budget airline boom (Before 2003 and now), the local people are no longer as friendly as before. Need others to verify otherwise. Do remember that it is always like "chocolates in a box", you will only know the taste after you have ate it. I do hope you find your true love from LOS. Just seen some really cute ones during my recent trip! Yummy... ![]() Bro if you read my other thread, there are so many reasons at the back of my mind why i am looking overseas liao. In SG, things are progressing so fast and we dont have a sense of identity in sinkieland cos there is no culture. Gone are the days where my uncles will ask me to learn hokkien or cantonese and talk to them. Gone are the days where i will buy ice pop at the mama shop wif my sec sch bros and go play a simple game of football wif them. Money talks and being compassionate is pointless in this realistic country. Ppl will look down on you coz ur status not high enuff or u not rich enuff. Ppl will not help each other coz its a dog eat dog world. C'mon, of cos other countries have this issues, but SG is suffering more cos there is no sense of identity or culture to fall back on. I live in sg coz i bopian and i need to earn money to suffer or die? simply put, freaking real but sad truth.... Yes I have read some but not all of them. Money is really important in the current society but do not forget that we are still considered lucky and fortunate to be able to work. Deep inside all of us, we do have a certain degree of kindness. It's only if we want to show it. I am just a blue collar worker and I do not find my own work/status degrading compared to my other friends who are "flying". Neither am I those with great 野心 just maybe with a few small ambitions. ![]() ![]() Sorry bro for the nong nong naggy statements! ![]() Last edited by netuser; 29-12-2012 at 07:25 PM. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
I am not giving up on bgr but prolly taking a backseat to advance my career,so let fate decide this for me. I am not a fan of cuties or syt, more into mature or demure girls lol... All men are tiko one, but i wanna look for something genuine , not juz xxx. After a while, u lose urself and ur direction in life if you dun haf someone close you can confide in...
Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak, Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco, Get excited on X-Zite, welcome in Buffalo, Handsome man, very chic, I like you, very big, sexy man, Pattaya |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Respect your opinion and decision. Hope you get what you want. ![]() My apologies but I just do enjoy looking at cute gals. No offense in anyway. Quote:
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Bro no need say sorry lah lol we toking cock here nia lol. We bros surely will haf diff taste leh :P
Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak, Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco, Get excited on X-Zite, welcome in Buffalo, Handsome man, very chic, I like you, very big, sexy man, Pattaya |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Hi Bros, I know this is random and totally out of the blue, but would like to share my experience while I was in BKK for Hols with a bro that I went with. Really need advise as I think he's poisoned by the xxx scene in BKK.
I'm abit of the adventurous type and yes, I'm a hormone raging boy who need sex. I begin my own journey with the help of this forum and I Cheong in M'sia and Indonesia before. As for my friend (Who went Bkk with me), he had only tried once with a WL in S'pore. Honestly, while we were in BKK, we got quite a culture shock lol. The girls' service are at a whole different level than the girls I've tried (Mainly M'sia gals, PRC Gals & Indo Gals). For me, I totally understood about Rule no.1 "Fuck & Forget" or "Milk the cow, but dun bring the cow home". As for my bro, he's quite new to the scene. I do not know if we're lucky or what, our virgin trip to the BKK MPs scene was way above my expectation and the experience was unforgettable. The girls were great, mamasan were so friendly, and the service was top notch. They (MP Girls) even went back our hotel with us, we went clubbing and danced the night away, go back hotel, fck the whole night and they even rejected our money when they're going back! (My girl even told me she do not want to go work the next day, but I rejected her offer ![]() As I'm experienced, I only wanted to have fun.. However, this does not seem like the case for my bro, HE'S IN LOVE WITH THE MP GIRL ![]() IMO, yes, the MP gal he chose was REALLY pretty, Our whole trip in BKK, she go to his room every night, and I MEAN EVERY NIGHT. My bro is totally mesmerized by her. Even up till now when we're back in SG, he's still texting her. I confronted my bro many times not to let his own emotions stray. But.. well, there's way too many things happened and it seems my bro is really hooked no matter how much I tried to convinced him. Worst is.. He added her on Facebook and he have been telling me about her all day, getting all emotional. I feel damn guilty, he even told me that he wanna go back BKK immediately after he ORD, JUST TO SEE HER. ![]() To all bros here, is there anyway or any chance he will go deeper? I'm REALLY scared because if he venture too deep into the "rabbit hole", his family going to hate me for life ![]()
The Power of Your Penis can get you Laid or Slain. Do it Wisely ![]() |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
If u associate urself wif wl or fl, chances are they are after your vita m cuz they are already sellin themselves for the $$$. This thread is toking abt normal los girls or on slim situations, ex bar girl who really stopped working in tt line. Plae wif care bros, bkk is getting expensive lol.... No point feeling guilty, tok ur fren out of his one sided infatuation for this mp pooying which would change his name to ROBERTO if he continues to pursue....
Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Phuuying love you mak mak, Go Tony, Hollywood, Marine Bar Disco, Get excited on X-Zite, welcome in Buffalo, Handsome man, very chic, I like you, very big, sexy man, Pattaya |
Actually thai women fall in love easily because they need 3 boyfriends averagely. They don't necessarily want so many bfs for money but mostly is for sex and bfe (boyfriend feeling). Also, a large percentage of thai men are gays, transgender, etc so the supply of proper men is low in Thailand.
The demand is much higher than supply, thus many men (being the supply) can get lucky in hooking up a thai girl so easily. ![]()
' If you fall in love with a prostitute and you are sick of those usual advice that they are just whores who only want to cheat your money blah blah, come read my helpful thread here: Also, you can pm me. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
I believe your friend has been overwhelmed by what he has seen and experienced. Looks like the plausible solution is to let him awake by himself but do be sure to help him out if need arises. Take care! Quote:
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
![]() Thanks bro, luckily my friend is smart enough to break off with her. Well, we're still young, i think it's fine to enjoy this Lust we have for these girls yeah? but still, thank god though.
The Power of Your Penis can get you Laid or Slain. Do it Wisely ![]() |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
I didn't read the whole thread but i believe some contributors might have shared some similar points.
I was send to Bangkok by my previous company in 2008 as some regional experience thingy and has been here ever since. I will simply share some things i love and hate about Bangkok. All in some comedic way to lighten the spirit. - I like the fact there is always taxi on the road. - I hate it when taxi refuse to take me where i want to go even though it is nearby. When i ask them where are they going, they tell me home. Then why you stop in the first place lah?!?!? - I love whizzing through the streets in a motosai without a helmet. - I hate it when motosai weaving through the walking pavement. - I love seeing my office girls coming in their high heels then change to their colourful cutesy bedroom slippers. - I hate it when they keep saying yes to me, but actually it is a no. - I love Bangkok cause most Thai people don't cut queue. - I don't understand Singaporean in their Singha, Chang, Red bull etc singlet. You don't see them wear it in Singapore but they like to wear it Bangkok?!?!?! - I love the fact there SO MUCH MORE FEMALE than male in Bangkok - I hate it when my driver complains to me everyday about Bangkok Jam, I also know everyday will Jam and i am used to it but he is not?!?!? - I love Bangkok because beside a temple, it is a KTV, beside the KTV it is a LAN shop full of kids. Organized chaos at its best. - I hate that most Thai people are always late for more than an hour for social appointment but are always make it in time for work. - I love Bangkok because there is so many places that serve shisha as compared to Singapore. - I find it amusing when a fellow Singaporean keep speaking Thai to me even though he knows i am Singaporean. Speak to me in Singlish lah, i miss it leh. - I love the fact that the boys in brown accept kopi-money, even better when they are negotiable. I could go on but my point is Thailand is no different from any country. There are pros and cons. I am a guest of this country so i learn to accept the flaws but learn from the good. Staying here and partying in the Singapore TD is two different thing. What you see in TD is a representation of a group of people earning a living and not the whole population of the country. Come here to work and live if a company sends you. Don't come here looking for a job. You will realized that you might not like it as much as thought. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Nice snap shot of LOS. Cheers!
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