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Old 24-03-2005, 01:20 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by john teo
Happens to me. visit every fortnightly. Sleeping in hotel and phone always ring. She did not know I listen and speak Thai enough. tell her pichai that I am here only few day, then they will be together again.... Confronted her and sent her packing. Her reason being loney and I am not around. She was so happy to be released by me and thank me...also the last time i see her!!!!
she never ask for 碇 煲 费 meh?


Old 24-03-2005, 01:30 PM
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Re: Advise please

[QUOTE=john teo]
Originally Posted by singrakthai
. If u meet ur girl only once a month.. she probably has more "gigs"... there's a chance u're just one of her sponsors.
uncle, your quoting very irritating ....


Old 24-03-2005, 02:22 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
*sigh* u guys gotta be realistic lah... agogo girls make at least 60,000 baht (average).. ang pai makes at least 100,000 baht up per month. How i know? ST is 1,500- 2,000 baht, LT is 4,000. Tips another 500 - 1,000 baht. Yes thats how much the ang bai are asking for. Some even got big bosses (from Japan, HK) giving them allowances every month. You think they want to go back s'pore with u to stay in HDB flat and work? Work in Mac Donald? Have u shared ur plans with her?
First of all, as a s'porean, even if u marry a Thai woman, it don't guarantee her citizenship immediately. Let alone, getting work permit and giving her the opportunity to work in s'pore.

Sorry hor, i'm not trying to splash water here.. I'm just sharing facts. If u meet ur girl only once a month.. she probably has more "gigs"... there's a chance u're just one of her sponsors. As I shared in my earlier posts, I too had a relationship with agogo lady. Except that I accept the work she's doing, accept that i'm just part-time, accept that I'll never end up with her. I always have a good giggle whenever she answers her phone calls from bfs from s'pore, hk and japan when i'm with her...

ok, enough of that... english courses are easily available everywhere in Bangkok. From Bristish Councils to AUA... for AUA is around 2100 per module.

kae nee krup.. chok dee.. tha yak ruujak pooying thai ko thong rian phasa thai...
Thanks for the concern, ur advice do apply to the gerneral. My ger work in MPs as FLs not Gogo bars and she earning+tips 30000 baht /month . It seen you haven't read my very detail tirak story FR which has bury in the forum. It give you very detail about her and our relationship and how I observed/test/judge her etc.

Thaivisitor and Sex-manaic is the one who study my case and advice me then.

As for citizenship, I'm not expecting an immediate Cship but she at least have a VISA to stay with me first and move from there to fight for PR then Cship. Work permit is a problem. If she not working I still can support her but can't have the luxury. I need more time to confirm whether if she willing for the sacrifice. She once said before got eat/place to sleep and sent $5000baht to her mother in changmai she satisfied liao. I need time to confirm her word.
Old 24-03-2005, 05:20 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Hungry-LoneWolf
Thanks for the concern, ur advice do apply to the gerneral. My ger work in MPs as FLs not Gogo bars and she earning+tips 30000 baht /month . It seen you haven't read my very detail tirak story FR which has bury in the forum. It give you very detail about her and our relationship and how I observed/test/judge her etc.
When you not around thailand, you have "eyes" in thailand to see her?

"Eyes" meaning neutral eyes, not your friends or her friends.
Paiseh, not say I look down on your girl. You never know the circle of people they mix with, teaching them tricks and stunts.

And unless the girl ask to learn English, why is there a need to send her and study English? Example if I ask you go learn a foreign language and you have no interest in the language, will you put your heart in learning?

I think first is if you want to settle down with her, can you feed her and her family?


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 24-03-2005, 05:23 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by MIRAGE29

BUT remember, everyone in BKK is very "sian shi". No one, not even you can live on fresh air and sunshine. The mentality in BKK is that most women expect the guy to be the provider for the family. Anyone who tells you otherwise is bull-shitting you. If you believe that there is true love where $$ does not matter, I think you have just wasted all our time in trying to help you.
True true, and the minority of these girls will be whereby they are the provider of their own family and the 'man" they love.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 24-03-2005, 05:39 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by john teo
Brother, if you are working and earn say abt 2k....chances is gd 2 get PR.

Hope you get confirmation cause its going to come fm u.
And better tell her how frequent u allow her to go back.
Hope all works out for you, brother!! Wish you well.

Just concern.....1 cent advice.
Thanks John. I earn exactly 2K. I also plan once she came over can stay with me and parents. At least she got company when I'm working and she can take care of my parents also. My parent esp my mother has a big heart and my ger speak chinese so living under one roof shouldn't be a problem. Will then use my CPF to buy a flat and rented out for extra income to support my new family. Maybe every yr during songran fest go back LOS with her. Hopefully it's work. But everything is still tooo early to say. R/S just started..too early to talk abt marriage/family.
Old 24-03-2005, 05:48 PM
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Re: Advise please

This is an amazing thread .... In just under 4 days, it already reaches 20 pages of posting. With minimium tc most are talking facts. I really salute those who contribute here.... Old horse like me still learn quite a bit from here.

But after all the talks and advises, our threadstarter has not only solved part of his problems but is in deeper shits....i would say. Inspite of many good advices given.

There goes to say that, the bros here can do that much. It's the threadstarter himself who must have the "right" attitude, mindset and determination in solving the problem. He's too emorional to tackle the real problem. He's gone to BKK this time not to attend to his "problem" but probabiy adding more to it.

To each his own... like someone said before...he need to learn.
Old 25-03-2005, 04:32 AM
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Re: Advise please

to threadstarter,

i just feel the way the other bros say about u. u don't deserve such a nice girl! i know i am late for discussion now as he is now over there seeing things with her. i wonder what is the outcome of this relationship? but basically i think he isn't sincere at all in this relationship.

like some bros say, he is just trying to find an excuse to break off with her. but to threadstarter, if you really really love her and feel that u can't live without her, then its true love. just can say, love her for who she is and not something else. only then will you 2 be happy.

1 thing you can expect is that once a girl is in that kinda of job, u have to take into consideration of her nature of her work. just like a bro ever told me, a WL's job is like a taxi driver. no matter what kinda of customers, be it drunken, ah beng, ang mo .... etc ..... . u still have to accept the job! u do that for a living! so do u expect the taxi driver to be driving around to choose and pick customers he likes? at the end of the day, can he earn enough to feed himself?

so to threadstarter, i guess u have to face the reality that because of her work nature, u have to respect it. if u can't, letting it go will be a better solution for u. i mean if u can't accept it now, u will tend to find faults on her. but as the bros have noticed, she is in love with u. could be fake but it seems real and i believed its real!

and to bro Thaivisitor, i don't think u should waste you time talking sense to him. when its over, he will come to sense. why get yourself so fed up over his issue? the problem now lies with HIM and not the girl. but bro, since the days u started to post on your Thailand experiences, i have loved to read them. u r 1 kind samsters here offering good advice.

shall up u for the guiding spirit in u.
Old 25-03-2005, 04:37 AM
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Re: Advise please

sorry bro thaivisitor, will up u when my rep points have recovered in 24 hrs time. have a good and nice good friday.
Old 25-03-2005, 06:00 AM
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Re: Advise please

DNAT : thanks for ur support...will do so if i ever need help from u...

Thaivisitor : I am not affected by the flamings u directed to me...i look behind the words...i do not look on the surface of it and get pissed off..

Hungry Lonewolf : thanks for sharing ur story...will try to contact u after i sort things out in bangkok

By the way I am with my girl these few days and I do trying to find solutions to the problems we need to face...I guess most people here did not realise the outcome of my visit in BKK and start guessing and talking everything...well that's what forum is for..
Old 25-03-2005, 06:50 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
When you not around thailand, you have "eyes" in thailand to see her?

"Eyes" meaning neutral eyes, not your friends or her friends.
Paiseh, not say I look down on your girl. You never know the circle of people they mix with, teaching them tricks and stunts.

And unless the girl ask to learn English, why is there a need to send her and study English? Example if I ask you go learn a foreign language and you have no interest in the language, will you put your heart in learning?

I think first is if you want to settle down with her, can you feed her and her family?

siamcutey. the circle of ppl influence and neutral eye issue, i also thought of before. I have being through the shit of suspisious/what-she-doing behind me (just like Jun[ch]...really got the urge to hire a pivate eye or just go secretly spy on her. But in the end, I realise what the heck, does it make any difference from the test that Jun[ch] subject her ger to?(then i don't desevred her in the first place right)...what if I know the truth and will it going to change anything? she came bangkok alone without knowing anyone and now definitely all her friend are working/related this line and so what type of influence she receiving?..and she in this trade for 1/2yr oredi not some naive new ger new to the sence. IMO She already have her truelove/carrotHead stradegy plan shui shui for me in the begining. "Time will uncover the truth" That what I'm thinking Maybe if I sense something changing in her atttitude and then I seriously consider THE EYE.

As for Her family burden, I think I toto tried 2nd prize. My ger family are progressively moving out of poverty (partly due to my ger effort). I met her immediate family in Bangkok (consist of her youger sis, her v.close aunt with her hushand) and received some assurance from her aunt. Why 2nd prize because haven meet those in changmai (her mother & elder brother).
They have just sold 1/2 their land in changmai to buy a shop in Bangkok to start a small business. Her aunt's hushand just finish her PHD in chualongkong Uni (sponsored by my ger, her aunt & mother). Now working & puesuing a PartT Pro cert in IT. His current career: Special Advisor to the Shan State of Burma (Thailand Offfice). Tell me he really grateful to his wife & her family and it time he repay the debt. Her sis working in my ger MP so can support herself. 2yrs later, my ger may be free alot from the burden.

As for my ger learning Eng, I agree with you. But I see my ger potential for the challenge. She very smart and a keen learner..sometime she just ki kiat (lazy). she learn chinese in 6mth time and simple jap from clients. she actually learning basic Eng from her educated aunt-in-law who also taught her computer. And you know what, my ger is a geek girl. her knowledge ranged from MS Office to Adobe Pagemaker. her favourite is Photoshop. How many sillypore gers know Pagemaker or interested in IT stuff. That one thing I attracted to my ger.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Yes, u're right. I'm talking about general here.. no offense taken ok? Just sharing my humble opinion.

Hey. Don't say that, I really appreciate all you guys' response. It show that you all care. Thanks again
Old 25-03-2005, 10:47 AM
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Re: Advise please

hi bro Hungry-LoneWolf, it seems that everything is well planned for. as for your girl, i think she is a more capable kinda of girl "working". wish u and her a blessed good life. take care.
Old 25-03-2005, 11:38 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by waslee
Hey hungry lone wolf, your ger seems to have some potential if what you said is all true. Things are looking rosy for you. But i am glad that u realise you will still need time to see things in a clearer light. Just remember, being in a relationship with WL is no easy task. It takes a lot of patience and may not guarantee success in the end. However, i would like to wish you good luck here.
Btw, i think you shld give up the idea of getting her to work in McDonalds. I really dun think that would work out!
Thanks for the encouragement waslee, the reason I mention MacDld because my mother is working least can utilised my mum's connection and if really can work there my mum can help my ger at work.
Other than that, I cannot think of any jobs..short hours for a thai ger like her w/o qualification. Once my wife, cannot ask her stand at GL lor16 in the evening right . Any lo bang to recomend bro?
Old 25-03-2005, 12:28 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Actually, for the bros who really want to know if ur girl is for real, u should just try this... see if they allow u to CIM and she swallows... even raw? I think all these will tell alot about her feelings towards u.....
wah lao, is this how you measure your soulmate's true love? assuming that someone heed your words and try asking his GF/wife (not WL) to demonstrate her true love toward him, do you think this will work??

i am sure there are tonnes of other way to test one's true love.....
Old 25-03-2005, 12:57 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
I think u think too far already... one step at a time please... As I mentioned in earlier post, even if u marry ur girl, bring her back to s'pore, she won't be granted citizenship immediately, let alone work...

I've a friend who is a regular (specialist) in army and married a Thai lady from Sai Yok like 4 or 5 years ago. Met him early last year and according to him, his wife don't have citizenship and can't work at all... stayed home all day or hang out at Golden Mile with Thai friends... has to go to and fro Thailand for visa renewal too... and last i heard from a Thai friend (late last year), things are not working out and they're getting a divorced already... duh...

again, i'm not "splashing cold water" hor... just sharing with u guys true life accounts.
sigh...Reality is harsh. Me & my over-planning too pefect like real ..Just get too carry away Guess I have to prepare myself to support her as default. Anyway, one step at the time like you say. just open my eye big big along the way with this new r/s and see how far we can go. Hope to benefit further from you guys wisdom along this roller coaster ride. In case I get throw off the coaster and still can land safely^_^
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