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Old 08-06-2009, 10:20 AM
Taihao Taihao is offline
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Longitude View Post
I had an ONS with a girl working as a reception staff at a disco n bumped into her at a foam party 2 weeks thereafter. I was with my OC, then my gf.

Following that I had another ONS and realised that she was a friend of my OC when I attended one of their coffee session.

We live in a very small world
It is indeed a very small whole. Can share what happened after that?
Old 08-06-2009, 03:06 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

had 3 of them in separate session...
and then one fine friday night, went to st james with some friends and saw 3 of them in movida...they don't know one another...but it's enough to just make me stay by myself and not approaching any of them hahaha
Old 09-06-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by licker69 View Post
had 3 of them in separate session...
and then one fine friday night, went to st james with some friends and saw 3 of them in movida...they don't know one another...but it's enough to just make me stay by myself and not approaching any of them hahaha
What a small world!
Old 09-06-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Taihao View Post
It is indeed a very small whole. Can share what happened after that?
She was quite diplomatic about it. She didnt look at me much and pretended that she didnt know me. I think she didnt contact my OC after that becos I've not heard about her from my OC thereafter.
Old 09-06-2009, 07:25 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Hmm.. Girl can post here?? =)

I actually bumped into this guy whom i fling with when i was 18... We lost contact after awhile.... I remember him but he seems to forget me le.. Ahh.. but also good la.. Nothing memorable bah...
So, what happened was... i was at a 7-11 near my neighbourhood with my friend, 2-3 years back. She bought something and went out of the 7-11 before me, then this guy came and approached her outside saying he wanna make friend with her... and then i came out of the 7-11 and ask my friend what happened... Then she say this guy was asking for her number... I find him familar and ask whether he stay at blk XX, but he say no... and he was looking elsewhere when he reply me... those 鬼鬼祟祟 de face lo... However, i swear i really rem him lo... But nvm, not important le also...

Later on my friend and him exchange number... But heard from my friend after that day she lost her hp in cab.. So i think both of them din't meet after that also... Ah, fate~ =) And i never tell my friend what happened....
Old 10-06-2009, 01:20 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Glad to see that my topic is being revived...
Old 19-06-2009, 12:36 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by CyberRod View Post
Glad to see that my topic is being revived...
revival yeah
Old 01-08-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Oh yeah if you read under my thread A Tryst With A Malaysian fellow Colleague, not sure was that an ONS ......... maybe a no-string attached relationship but yet we did not enter into any relationship. Haizz anyway met her somewhere and she was shocked to see me and of course I was also shocked to see her. Though at the moment when I saw her, I kindda missed her but she was with another female friend. And so, we just smiled at each other and nodded our heads and said hi. And we just walked past each other..........
Old 01-08-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

I once picked up this girl from zouk and had a hot steamy ONS. Two months back I saw her with this hunk who got the proud arrogant look, rich kid I think walking down esplanade with this chick. I exchanged glances with her and she blushed, and seemed to be able to recall me (I gave her a CIM that time). I was almost going to tell that proud guy that I have actually bedded your girl before you.
Old 01-08-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by cheongsterjon View Post
I was almost going to tell that proud guy that I have actually bedded your girl before you.
This must be quite a moment lol...
Pls pm me for return favour.
PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks.
Old 01-08-2009, 09:36 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

after reading so many posts in this thread...


i conclude that it's not too worrisome to have an ONS because at that very moment when we meet, all we could mutter is a 'hi' or a nod of the head...


but the story by Bro Longitude is quite terrifying - sitting in a coffee joint with your wife and your long lost ONS!!! I would've pee'd in my pants...
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Old 04-08-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Hmm not sure if it can be consider ons.

Few years back went to zouk with a group of close friends. At there got to know a cute girl Sandy. We hit off quite well and exchange hp. 1 of my friend exchange hp with her as well. She went back to her friends while we went back to our group to dance after awhile. when we were about to leave, i sms her if she wants a lift back. She sms back "Sure". Gave my friends some excuses cannot send them back and waited for Sandy.
She was quite high when i meet her. cannot walk straight as well. i help her into my car and we went to marina south park. (it has been closed now... but it is a very quiet place and very few people) Anyway, i found out later in the night that she is very wild and open-minded girl.... We went to a pavilion on top of marina south park. No one was there and she took off her halter and mini skirt. Everything!! We had a great time and later went to the toilet to wash up. She went to the guys toilet with me and over there, she bj for me. Cum 2 times within 30 mins.
somehow i accidentally pull out her halter top string. so it cannot tie around her neck and her halter keep dropping exposing her breast. (she didn't wear bra) She didn't mind and we walk back to my car with her breast exposing. i think i was more worried than her at having other people see us. But it was really quite dark. Anyway, i send her back home and gave her a spare shirt to wear.
I didn't meet her again after that as i was overseas for about 3 months. It was only when i was back that i meet up with my close friends. then i realize she is my close friend's gf now. i come to know that after i left, my friend was chasing her aggressively and finally succeeded. My friend never know what we did. He was so into her that i guess it is better not to let him know. now they are married and has a kid.

Now sometimes during our meet up, she will talk to my gf and i am always worried she may tell my gf something.
Old 04-08-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

during my last trip back to Singapore...I went to Zouk with a couple of my old clubbing buddies. I know one of the DJs there, and he happened to be spinning that night.

I went up to him to say hi, and then I looked down at the crowd, and spotted this hot chick - who looked very familiar. I went down to her, and just picked up the courage to say hi.

She looked at me a while, then she was like 'SANNN!! LONG TIME NO SEE' and she hugged me! I was a bit stunned...try to remember and I couldn't...then i realized she was one of my juniors in Secondary school! Had an ONS just before I left the country in 2005!!!

One of the best deep throats I got from a non WL girl! And I remember she loved to doggy a lot!

We went up to the bar area, got ourselves some drinks and caught up. She was pretty high already, and she was flirting with me quite a bit. Then I saw her hands got one ring - and when I prodded, she said she was engaged with a guy who works at a government agency - but he's often posted o/s for assignments - TO AUSTRALIA!

wah...quickly change topic - I actually think I know who this guy was, and I decided to better withdraw fire before I get gangbanged when I get back to Australia. I sent her and her friends back home that night, and all she did was give me a long kiss on the lips.

Got home, added her on FB, and turns out she's engaged to one of my good friend's brother!!!

Wah..avoided a potentially messy situation! I recently got an invite from them for their wedding, and I do chat with her on MSN/ FB once in a while. But scary man...scary.
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