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Old 03-10-2005, 04:30 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

up me lei, very troublesome to moderate eveyrtime i post lei.

Old 03-10-2005, 08:27 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Ok, besides refined oratorical skills, I think its time we go back to refined sianing techniques if you please
considering that youve got quite a tight budget where it comes to sianing the WL. you might want to consider the following:
- pick 相思豆 in your free time
- fold lucky stars outta straws
- origami paper cranes
- hand made greeting cards
- home made audio CDs
- home made karaoke CDs (courtesy of uncle free)
- self made look-joop desserts

notice suggestions largely more errand orientated, instead of pouring out riches and gold. simply because your pockets got limitations. apart from those, you might want to consider conversion to full-time errand boy.

at least you bring glory to her face, make her the talk of her house, do what none have done before(or at least, its free service where the WL normally have to pay to have food delivered to her).

nevertheless, please be reminded that your efforts likely be futile because there's always a bigger fish in the pond. reason applicable to most gals under the stars: she needs a man with better financial stability, 1 with better prospects of being her breadwinner - in that she (with little or no education/skills) can eventually lead a normal life as a commoner.
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Old 03-10-2005, 10:32 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
ya lor, I tot can practise thai with him wat... so must meet face to face wat....
Oei .. chan rak con ... waahahaha


Old 03-10-2005, 01:21 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
considering that youve got quite a tight budget where it comes to sianing the WL. you might want to consider the following:
- pick 相思豆 in your free time
- fold lucky stars outta straws
- origami paper cranes
- hand made greeting cards
- home made audio CDs
- home made karaoke CDs (courtesy of uncle free)
- self made look-joop desserts

notice suggestions largely more errand orientated, instead of pouring out riches and gold. simply because your pockets got limitations. apart from those, you might want to consider conversion to full-time errand boy.

at least you bring glory to her face, make her the talk of her house, do what none have done before(or at least, its free service where the WL normally have to pay to have food delivered to her).
Or do guard duty for the house after closing hours. This could also be a good preparation for lestat as he has not done NS yet.

Yah, 1 more present.
Everytime you PCC, you keep your sperm in a bottle. Once collected 1 bottle full, pass to your tirak. Then tell her everytime you have urge, you pcc all the contents into bottle. So that you will stay faithful to her. She see liao sure happy.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 03-10-2005, 05:12 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Or do guard duty for the house after closing hours. This could also be a good preparation for lestat as he has not done NS yet.

Yah, 1 more present.
Everytime you PCC, you keep your sperm in a bottle. Once collected 1 bottle full, pass to your tirak. Then tell her everytime you have urge, you pcc all the contents into bottle. So that you will stay faithful to her. She see liao sure happy.

wakao... do guard duty again? u enjoy asking ppl do guard duty leh. sigh, i think he sign on as runner at the hse is much better. he'd get paid to see her daily, get paid to give her wake up call daily, paid to wish her gd night daily, paid to escort her go see doctor when sick, paid to escort her go kelantan check up monthly(take the chance to go gai gai together), paid to buy food for her daily, paid to do laundry for her... etc.

the PCC idea seems interesting. maybe he can use the medication organizer instead of bottle, so can show her the daily "dosage" he's been dispensing, in moments when he never had the $ to visit her.

seeing that he gave up his future for her, its the ultimate level for him to demonstrate his love complete. and storing away the semen he dispenses daily... she'd be convinced that he's definately the 1
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Old 03-10-2005, 06:12 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
considering that youve got quite a tight budget where it comes to sianing the WL. you might want to consider the following:
- pick 相思豆 in your free time
- fold lucky stars outta straws
- origami paper cranes
- hand made greeting cards
- home made audio CDs
- home made karaoke CDs (courtesy of uncle free)
- self made look-joop desserts.
OMG! We are talking about a WL here. Not a Sec or JC school gal. Your these ideas are damn childish, man.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
notice suggestions largely more errand orientated, instead of pouring out riches and gold. simply because your pockets got limitations. apart from those, you might want to consider conversion to full-time errand boy. .
I understand that MacDonald, TNT, DHL, KFC, Pizza Hut and FedEx are always on the outlook for new blood to join their depatch. Instead of wasting his time on the WL, why don't you ask him to join all these companies and earn some money?

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
at least you bring glory to her face, make her the talk of her house, do what none have done before(or at least, its free service where the WL normally have to pay to have food delivered to her)..
In fact, the WL will be laughed at the other WLs for wasting her time on such a venture that cannot bring her finanicial gains. She will be the laughing stock rather than the pride. If the WLs want food, the coffeeshops along GL do provide delivery to the CAT 40 houses. No more for that poor boy to neglect his A-level studies so that he can bring tingkat to the WL. It is a poor usage of precious human resources.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
nevertheless, please be reminded that your efforts likely be futile because there's always a bigger fish in the pond. reason applicable to most gals under the stars: she needs a man with better financial stability, 1 with better prospects of being her breadwinner - in that she (with little or no education/skills) can eventually lead a normal life as a commoner.
That is the only sensible statement in a otherwise BL post.
Old 03-10-2005, 06:20 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Uncle Andrew
so how? still wanna play? want to show hand?
Play what? what show hand??
If you see my lan jiao bin in GM discos, dont forget to say hi hor... i will buy u a drink too!
Old 03-10-2005, 07:06 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by peterfish
OMG! We are talking about a WL here. Not a Sec or JC school gal. Your these ideas are damn childish, man.
no choice, our bro here JC boy, with JC allowance budget wanna try his hands at tirakship. at 1 glance, regardless if its true love or infatuation, he's clueless about his statements of accounts in the months to come. apart from ideas for him to make her feel like a schoolgirl being wooed by a fellow schoolboy... really cant think of any better ideas.

Originally Posted by peterfish
...Instead of wasting his time on the WL, why don't you ask him to join all these companies and earn some money?
he's schooling and probably has CCAs in his curriculum, gotta make time to bonk+bring her go gai gai... should he take up despatch jobs, i wonder how can he cope juggling the platters on his hands. unless he suddenly strike toto jackpot, i really cant make out how he's gonna handle/sustain the relationship... based on his mere 3 figure allowance (not to forget its his folks hard earned $)

Originally Posted by peterfish
In fact, the WL will be laughed at the other WLs for wasting her time on such a venture that cannot bring her finanicial gains. She will be the laughing stock rather than the pride. If the WLs want food, the coffeeshops along GL do provide delivery to the CAT 40 houses....
which is precisely why we're all advising him against it. i guess this poor chap just helps to better illustrate my earlier scenario posting of a " cashpoor NSF"... except now its a "cashpoor JC boi".

needless to say, like many of us, from birth we owe the govt 2yrs(or more) of our precious youth/time, and eventually setting us back in society by perhaps twice or more of the time served. his attempt at this moment in time.... i'd say is just quite untimely
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Old 03-10-2005, 08:54 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Yomun aka Vin
Play what? what show hand??
don't feign ignorance and act blur. i give all samsters a 4D number to buy this wednesday. first no. is nine.

Old 04-10-2005, 02:00 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

just dun let this relationship runs into your army life..

you will suffer like crazy.
you will be force to report sick at times and may even awol at ur own risk.

not only having to do guard duty in ur camp, u r also required to report to geylang every saturday, and waking up at wee hrs to report to your wl gf.

booking in and signing extra will make you crazy especially if its on a sat or u have quarreled with your gf.

and there is alot more to be fill in, even sg gfs run when bfs in ns.. wat abt wls?

u know why i know?
becos limpeh now serving my fucking ns.
and i going to get mad soon.
Old 04-10-2005, 11:26 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Uncle Andrew
don't feign ignorance and act blur. i give all samsters a 4D number to buy this wednesday. first no. is nine.

Quick , quick!
waiting for your next number.
Old 04-10-2005, 12:11 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Uncle Andrew
don't feign ignorance and act blur. i give all samsters a 4D number to buy this wednesday. first no. is nine.

hope everyone huat this Wednesday. if never strike. don't blame me hor.

Old 04-10-2005, 02:15 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Uncle Andrew
hope everyone huat this Wednesday. if never strike. don't blame me hor.

wakao!!! now adays got 4D inspirations on SBF?? shocking lah, for a moment i tot now SBF conduct "medium" consultation services...can request for 4D number for better prospects and fortunes...

but then again, entrepreneural spirit and vigor thrives in all of us, as illustrated in the ah beng movie, they suggested there'd be a sure to be a big hit.

not bad lah uncle andrew... keep up the good work... i guess if the 4D u give really open tomorrow... many who strike will come SBF 报效 you and up your pts ah!
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Old 04-10-2005, 06:47 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

i think RAINTREE must be very tired juggling between cloned nicks like YOMUN AKA VIN, CYBERSPACE NERD, ADMA'S FAMILY, who knows how many more nicks he has to offer.

looks like the movie premier is goin to start soon!
Old 04-10-2005, 07:36 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by naemlo
This is interesting, can PM me the lobang???
she is a close friend of mine,working at Novena Square.At the moment i cant disclose her contacts to her,until everything is workable,i will pm u the lobang.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
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