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Old 06-07-2014, 11:18 PM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by junkie72 View Post
First thing first..... I pay for sex. No pretence about it. Most if not all the girls I've screwed willingly went into this trade eyes wide opened.
if u eat fish dun talk cock and say that u only eat fish that jumped into the fisherman boat on its own. unless u r 姜太公
Old 06-07-2014, 11:36 PM
junkie72 junkie72 is offline
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
You are making it sound as if anybody here would AND should know one way or the other.

Worse, by pretty blatant innuendo, you are saying that anybody who ignores what YOU have read "about human trafficking and pimps forcing girls into the Cambodian sex trade" are complicit.

And no, its not my style to zap - I wouldn't give you the satisfaction.
Originally Posted by bolueeleh View Post
if u eat fish dun talk cock and say that u only eat fish that jumped into the fisherman boat on its own. unless u r 姜太公
I am simply seeking information to help myself make a decision that would align with MY OWN principles and values.

I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT impose them on any other persons. I judge NO ONE but myself.

So there is absolutely NO NEED to "over read", "over think", "over interpret" my statements.
Looks:0 likes of 莫小玲/1 GND/2 Gd make up/3 likes of 范冰冰,張雨綺
Height:0 <1.5m/1 <1.6m/2 <1.7m/3 >1.7m
Boobs:0 FLAT/1 A/2 B/3 C
Body:0 PIG/1 Stick/2 Slim/3 Shapely
Bonking:0 Everything cannot/1 Dead Fish/2 French,BJ,FJ/3 Orgasmic & a bit kinky
GFE:0 Cold/1 Friendly/2 Passionate/3 Marry her
Old 07-07-2014, 12:14 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by junkie72 View Post
I am simply seeking information to help myself make a decision that would align with MY OWN principles and values.

I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT impose them on any other persons. I judge NO ONE but myself.

So there is absolutely NO NEED to "over read", "over think", "over interpret" my statements.
Oh Yeah...Right...Sheesh!!

You ALREADY CATEGORICALLY stated that you "Read quite abit about human trafficking and pimps forcing girls into the Cambodian sex trade" then turned around and ask those who DO monger in Cambodia if true?

What, you expect ANYBODY is gonna say - "yeah, all true, girls are trafficked but we don't give a damn and go right ahead and exploit them for our own pleasure???!!"

Gimme a break!!

And you "inviting Zaps" - confirms to me that you knew very well what you were posting and that you just wanted to shit-stir/point to others how much better you are...or rather, think you are.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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Last edited by SEAJ; 07-07-2014 at 12:50 AM.
Old 07-07-2014, 12:16 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by junkie72 View Post
Think I'm gonna get loads of zaps for this post but nevertheless.......

First thing first..... I pay for sex. No pretence about it. Most if not all the girls I've screwed willingly went into this trade eyes wide opened.

Read quite abit about human trafficking and pimps forcing girls into the Cambodian sex trade.

Just like to find out if this is truly the case in Cambodia? If yes.... would give it a miss.

Ok u may start zapping......
Interesting topic raised by bro junkie72, let me chip in my opinion. By the way, I have upped your points, and I urge all bros to see this as an opportunity to discuss this sesnsitive issue openly instead of it becoming a flaming war. Everyone has their opinion, and the points are well...just points, you cant hurt the user in any manner, so please dont use it to vent any frustration. We are after all a gathering of educated men here!

To be honest, I stopped to think for awhile when I saw junkie72's post, and I realized that this is one question that I have never asked myself. The places I frequent do not warrant me to have such thought, but of course I am aware of such a problem going on (c'mon, every internet savvy monger will be knowledgeable enough to know this).

It is true that human trafficking and forced prostitution is a huge problem, not only in Cambodia but most developing countries in SEA and Europe alike (e.g. vietnam, ukraine, etc).

I think the common misconception people have of forced prostitution is that the girls are locked up and drugged, while people pay $5 to have a go with her in the room. Does this not sound familiar? Every newspaper/article in the past illustrates prostitution in this manner, and the villain is always a boyfriend. But how true is this? Which self-respecting monger will engage in such an offering? Every monger here cares about bonking the most GFE FL with good looks. I have read articles about people paying for sex with an orang utan in Borneo, but cosmopolitans like ourselves are definitely looking for healthier/classier mongering pursuits.

Alot of people I have met in real life from here are people with family and education. So, I dont think SBF is a forum where degenerates congregate hahaha

Let me put things in a grand perspective, the true villain here is the socio-economical situation. Gone are the times when a lorry of militants would roll through villages kidnapping girls, sure, it may still happen but we are not their target customers. Asian mongers are not looking for cheap $1 bonks, we are looking for models and escorts and such beauties can only be groomed. Cambodian FLs are not forced into prostitution by men, but by the financial situation they are in.

Just to share a brief insight into the Cambodian economical landscape, I am sure after the recent riots, most bros here know how much a Cambodian factory worker makes per month. But lets look at a higher level of their income tier, the college educated workforce. Many of them make barely US$100-150 a month being receptionist/office staff, managers make about US$400-500, and senior level management makes US$1000-2000. Imagine that, thats how much we spend for a weekend sexcapade with escorts! So you can see how hard is it to make more than factory wage for an uneducated Cambodian citizen. I am not saying that there are no girls being conned into prostitution, but Cambodia is developing rapidly, the poor are seeing their rich living a life of high tech luxury while they still sustain on 2000 Riel meals.

I believe the income gap in Singapore was not this wide in the past, you dont see hawkers vending 50cent meals while restaurants are popping up all over the place that cost 10% of your salary per meal, just to serve the upper echelon of society.

To illustrate what is going on, I will share my understanding of 3 FL's background, I believe they are very stereotypical "sell-body-for-better-future" type of case. Do keep in mind all of them are from the other townships where it is not as developed as Phnom Penh

1) Bar girl, 25 year old - I had a short term relationship with this girl. She has no formal education, but not a dumb girl as she picked up English on her own. She quit her factory job because she could not stand seeing her friends all buy the latest smartphones and providing their families with better living standards like having fridges and stoves. Like this we must boycott major electronic companies already, their products forced women into prostitution hahaha

Her family size was still alright, just 3 siblings including herself, but she told me that all of them are uneducated, working as mechanics. And her brother who is 23 years old is already married, now struggling to raise his child. Vicious cycle continues.

2) Normal KTV FL, 22 years old - Has 10 siblings (yes, freaking 10!) in the family, all uneducated as well. Oldest brother around 40 years old, works as motordop driver. This girl is not so corrupted and greedy, uses a cheap nokia phone and does not carry luxury handbags. But probably because she cant speak English, therefore unable to chop foreigners' carrot head.

3) High end KTV FL, 24 years old - Told me her job sucks, everynight must drink, I replied her that my job is worse, need to fucking drink with clients of the same sex hahaha

She told me she has no choice because factory or normal job (and she has no formal education, probably very hard to get hired at proper companies) cant support her aging mother's medical bills, and if she work normal job, her rent and expenses will wipe it out already. Her dream is to marry a Chinese guy and open a Khmer/Chinese restaurant, of course maybe she is saying this to KC me haha

Notice the similarity of their stories between them and PRC and Thai FLs? All of them are in the trade because of their social position, and they have chose to make this sacrifice so that their family have a better chance in a rapidly developing global economy, which unfortunately does not wait for any one.

I know there are some places where they thrive on forced prostitution such as the $5 riverside drug addict hookers and their pimps, or the run down massage parlour that have guys steal from you while the girl distracts you, but once again, it is safe to say that most of us here are on the prowl for quality healthy FL/KTV escorts, not heroin-addicted malnourished hookers

So, my point to bring across is, the FL scene in Phnom Penh has 2 sides.

The mainstream KTV/Bar scene (which average cheongsters like us will patron, due to the fact that we can afford quality and these places cater to the higher income group of Cambodia).

And of course, the dark seedy underworld of cheap dirty sex.

I wont go into details, but anyone interested to know more can google about K11 Svay Pak. There is a whole load of political and social factors that created this unfortunate town, I will leave it to bros to read and find out more.

Once again, I hope all bros can avoid a flaming war, I notice it happens everytime when there is some prickly topics discussed! Make love, not war hohoho
Old 07-07-2014, 12:23 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by nyrvana View Post
Interesting topic raised by bro junkie72, let me chip in my opinion. By the way, I have upped your points, and I urge all bros to see this as an opportunity to discuss this sesnsitive issue openly instead of it becoming a flaming war. Everyone has their opinion, ......
My apologies for getting all riled up - but I just cannot stand "Holier than thou" attitudes - especially on a mongering board.

But I get your point and will just leave it as it is.


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Old 07-07-2014, 12:27 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Bros naemlo, you from xiamen now you station in cambodia huh ?
Old 07-07-2014, 12:55 AM
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Re: Cambodia Phnom Penh Nightlife Discussion

Originally Posted by Barang66 View Post
This time I agree with MutantChicken. Those prices for ST/LT services are too high. I normally pay 20 USD for ST and for that price I do not need to bargain at all.
Where do you go for the $20USD ST? Bar girls or fish bowls?
Old 07-07-2014, 01:21 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by junkie72 View Post
I am simply seeking information to help myself make a decision that would align with MY OWN principles and values.

I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT impose them on any other persons. I judge NO ONE but myself.

So there is absolutely NO NEED to "over read", "over think", "over interpret" my statements.
YES they are all sex slaves in cambodia, thailand, vietnam etc etc please stay in singapore, actually in someways even the girls in geylang are sex slaves the pimps bring them over charge then inflated fees so they have a debt that needs to be paid off so they are forced to work off that debt etc, so please just stay home and pccc that way you can be ensured of not being complicit
Old 07-07-2014, 01:49 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by nyrvana View Post
Interesting topic raised by bro junkie72, let me chip in my opinion. By the way, I have upped your points, and I urge all bros to see this as an opportunity to discuss this sesnsitive issue openly instead of it becoming a flaming war. Everyone has their opinion, and the points are well...just points, you cant hurt the user in any manner, so please dont use it to vent any frustration. We are after all a gathering of educated men here!

To be honest, I stopped to think for awhile when I saw junkie72's post, and I realized that this is one question that I have never asked myself. The places I frequent do not warrant me to have such thought, but of course I am aware of such a problem going on (c'mon, every internet savvy monger will be knowledgeable enough to know this).

It is true that human trafficking and forced prostitution is a huge problem, not only in Cambodia but most developing countries in SEA and Europe alike (e.g. vietnam, ukraine, etc).

I think the common misconception people have of forced prostitution is that the girls are locked up and drugged, while people pay $5 to have a go with her in the room. Does this not sound familiar? Every newspaper/article in the past illustrates prostitution in this manner, and the villain is always a boyfriend. But how true is this? Which self-respecting monger will engage in such an offering? Every monger here cares about bonking the most GFE FL with good looks. I have read articles about people paying for sex with an orang utan in Borneo, but cosmopolitans like ourselves are definitely looking for healthier/classier mongering pursuits.

Alot of people I have met in real life from here are people with family and education. So, I dont think SBF is a forum where degenerates congregate hahaha

Let me put things in a grand perspective, the true villain here is the socio-economical situation. Gone are the times when a lorry of militants would roll through villages kidnapping girls, sure, it may still happen but we are not their target customers. Asian mongers are not looking for cheap $1 bonks, we are looking for models and escorts and such beauties can only be groomed. Cambodian FLs are not forced into prostitution by men, but by the financial situation they are in.

Just to share a brief insight into the Cambodian economical landscape, I am sure after the recent riots, most bros here know how much a Cambodian factory worker makes per month. But lets look at a higher level of their income tier, the college educated workforce. Many of them make barely US$100-150 a month being receptionist/office staff, managers make about US$400-500, and senior level management makes US$1000-2000. Imagine that, thats how much we spend for a weekend sexcapade with escorts! So you can see how hard is it to make more than factory wage for an uneducated Cambodian citizen. I am not saying that there are no girls being conned into prostitution, but Cambodia is developing rapidly, the poor are seeing their rich living a life of high tech luxury while they still sustain on 2000 Riel meals.

I believe the income gap in Singapore was not this wide in the past, you dont see hawkers vending 50cent meals while restaurants are popping up all over the place that cost 10% of your salary per meal, just to serve the upper echelon of society.

To illustrate what is going on, I will share my understanding of 3 FL's background, I believe they are very stereotypical "sell-body-for-better-future" type of case. Do keep in mind all of them are from the other townships where it is not as developed as Phnom Penh

1) Bar girl, 25 year old - I had a short term relationship with this girl. She has no formal education, but not a dumb girl as she picked up English on her own. She quit her factory job because she could not stand seeing her friends all buy the latest smartphones and providing their families with better living standards like having fridges and stoves. Like this we must boycott major electronic companies already, their products forced women into prostitution hahaha

Her family size was still alright, just 3 siblings including herself, but she told me that all of them are uneducated, working as mechanics. And her brother who is 23 years old is already married, now struggling to raise his child. Vicious cycle continues.

2) Normal KTV FL, 22 years old - Has 10 siblings (yes, freaking 10!) in the family, all uneducated as well. Oldest brother around 40 years old, works as motordop driver. This girl is not so corrupted and greedy, uses a cheap nokia phone and does not carry luxury handbags. But probably because she cant speak English, therefore unable to chop foreigners' carrot head.

3) High end KTV FL, 24 years old - Told me her job sucks, everynight must drink, I replied her that my job is worse, need to fucking drink with clients of the same sex hahaha

She told me she has no choice because factory or normal job (and she has no formal education, probably very hard to get hired at proper companies) cant support her aging mother's medical bills, and if she work normal job, her rent and expenses will wipe it out already. Her dream is to marry a Chinese guy and open a Khmer/Chinese restaurant, of course maybe she is saying this to KC me haha

Notice the similarity of their stories between them and PRC and Thai FLs? All of them are in the trade because of their social position, and they have chose to make this sacrifice so that their family have a better chance in a rapidly developing global economy, which unfortunately does not wait for any one.

I know there are some places where they thrive on forced prostitution such as the $5 riverside drug addict hookers and their pimps, or the run down massage parlour that have guys steal from you while the girl distracts you, but once again, it is safe to say that most of us here are on the prowl for quality healthy FL/KTV escorts, not heroin-addicted malnourished hookers

So, my point to bring across is, the FL scene in Phnom Penh has 2 sides.

The mainstream KTV/Bar scene (which average cheongsters like us will patron, due to the fact that we can afford quality and these places cater to the higher income group of Cambodia).

And of course, the dark seedy underworld of cheap dirty sex.

I wont go into details, but anyone interested to know more can google about K11 Svay Pak. There is a whole load of political and social factors that created this unfortunate town, I will leave it to bros to read and find out more.

Once again, I hope all bros can avoid a flaming war, I notice it happens everytime when there is some prickly topics discussed! Make love, not war hohoho
wow bro, you really write this long to explain...sound so serious. hahahaa.
Well, go out cheong is to be happy. To each their own, as long as you happy and within your own moral is fine.

Let's back to talk about khmer gals n sex. This is what this forum is for. Those that want to talk about their own moral or whatever can go elsewhere. Maybe some UN or political forums to bring his point across...

Hey bro, you have to up my point also hor! :P

Topic close.
Old 07-07-2014, 03:18 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by nyrvana View Post
Interesting topic raised by bro junkie72, let me chip in my opinion. By the way, I have upped your points, and I urge all bros to see this as an opportunity to discuss this sesnsitive issue openly instead of it becoming a flaming war. Everyone has their opinion, and the points are well...just points, you cant hurt the user in any manner, so please dont use it to vent any frustration. We are after all a gathering of educated men here!

To be honest, I stopped to think for awhile when I saw junkie72's post, and I realized that this is one question that I have never asked myself. The places I frequent do not warrant me to have such thought, but of course I am aware of such a problem going on (c'mon, every internet savvy monger will be knowledgeable enough to know this).

It is true that human trafficking and forced prostitution is a huge problem, not only in Cambodia but most developing countries in SEA and Europe alike (e.g. vietnam, ukraine, etc).

I think the common misconception people have of forced prostitution is that the girls are locked up and drugged, while people pay $5 to have a go with her in the room. Does this not sound familiar? Every newspaper/article in the past illustrates prostitution in this manner, and the villain is always a boyfriend. But how true is this? Which self-respecting monger will engage in such an offering? Every monger here cares about bonking the most GFE FL with good looks. I have read articles about people paying for sex with an orang utan in Borneo, but cosmopolitans like ourselves are definitely looking for healthier/classier mongering pursuits.

Alot of people I have met in real life from here are people with family and education. So, I dont think SBF is a forum where degenerates congregate hahaha

Let me put things in a grand perspective, the true villain here is the socio-economical situation. Gone are the times when a lorry of militants would roll through villages kidnapping girls, sure, it may still happen but we are not their target customers. Asian mongers are not looking for cheap $1 bonks, we are looking for models and escorts and such beauties can only be groomed. Cambodian FLs are not forced into prostitution by men, but by the financial situation they are in.

Just to share a brief insight into the Cambodian economical landscape, I am sure after the recent riots, most bros here know how much a Cambodian factory worker makes per month. But lets look at a higher level of their income tier, the college educated workforce. Many of them make barely US$100-150 a month being receptionist/office staff, managers make about US$400-500, and senior level management makes US$1000-2000. Imagine that, thats how much we spend for a weekend sexcapade with escorts! So you can see how hard is it to make more than factory wage for an uneducated Cambodian citizen. I am not saying that there are no girls being conned into prostitution, but Cambodia is developing rapidly, the poor are seeing their rich living a life of high tech luxury while they still sustain on 2000 Riel meals.

I believe the income gap in Singapore was not this wide in the past, you dont see hawkers vending 50cent meals while restaurants are popping up all over the place that cost 10% of your salary per meal, just to serve the upper echelon of society.

To illustrate what is going on, I will share my understanding of 3 FL's background, I believe they are very stereotypical "sell-body-for-better-future" type of case. Do keep in mind all of them are from the other townships where it is not as developed as Phnom Penh

1) Bar girl, 25 year old - I had a short term relationship with this girl. She has no formal education, but not a dumb girl as she picked up English on her own. She quit her factory job because she could not stand seeing her friends all buy the latest smartphones and providing their families with better living standards like having fridges and stoves. Like this we must boycott major electronic companies already, their products forced women into prostitution hahaha

Her family size was still alright, just 3 siblings including herself, but she told me that all of them are uneducated, working as mechanics. And her brother who is 23 years old is already married, now struggling to raise his child. Vicious cycle continues.

2) Normal KTV FL, 22 years old - Has 10 siblings (yes, freaking 10!) in the family, all uneducated as well. Oldest brother around 40 years old, works as motordop driver. This girl is not so corrupted and greedy, uses a cheap nokia phone and does not carry luxury handbags. But probably because she cant speak English, therefore unable to chop foreigners' carrot head.

3) High end KTV FL, 24 years old - Told me her job sucks, everynight must drink, I replied her that my job is worse, need to fucking drink with clients of the same sex hahaha

She told me she has no choice because factory or normal job (and she has no formal education, probably very hard to get hired at proper companies) cant support her aging mother's medical bills, and if she work normal job, her rent and expenses will wipe it out already. Her dream is to marry a Chinese guy and open a Khmer/Chinese restaurant, of course maybe she is saying this to KC me haha

Notice the similarity of their stories between them and PRC and Thai FLs? All of them are in the trade because of their social position, and they have chose to make this sacrifice so that their family have a better chance in a rapidly developing global economy, which unfortunately does not wait for any one.

I know there are some places where they thrive on forced prostitution such as the $5 riverside drug addict hookers and their pimps, or the run down massage parlour that have guys steal from you while the girl distracts you, but once again, it is safe to say that most of us here are on the prowl for quality healthy FL/KTV escorts, not heroin-addicted malnourished hookers

So, my point to bring across is, the FL scene in Phnom Penh has 2 sides.

The mainstream KTV/Bar scene (which average cheongsters like us will patron, due to the fact that we can afford quality and these places cater to the higher income group of Cambodia).

And of course, the dark seedy underworld of cheap dirty sex.

I wont go into details, but anyone interested to know more can google about K11 Svay Pak. There is a whole load of political and social factors that created this unfortunate town, I will leave it to bros to read and find out more.

Once again, I hope all bros can avoid a flaming war, I notice it happens everytime when there is some prickly topics discussed! Make love, not war hohoho
very well wrote bro
Old 07-07-2014, 03:32 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
My apologies for getting all riled up - but I just cannot stand "Holier than thou" attitudes - especially on a mongering board.
This is holy shit Saint in a sex forum...

Dun bother to listen to whatever the gers say.... no ger will tell u, they work because they want to buy an iphone, they are lazy to work long hours.... As I always say, mongers pay, the gers earn and both parties benefit, it is a fair transaction. Why bother wanting to know the gers problem??? Why bother whether they have a very sick mum, dad or cow at home, waiting for her?

I have been bad boy for more than 10 yrs, I dun bother about gers' background.... she earns what she deserves and end.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 07-07-2014, 10:44 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by nyrvana View Post

So, my point to bring across is, the FL scene in Phnom Penh has 2 sides.

The mainstream KTV/Bar scene (which average cheongsters like us will patron, due to the fact that we can afford quality and these places cater to the higher income group of Cambodia)
for any FL...willing buyer willing seller long you pay agreed price...nobody can say you are wrong...and you walk away with no strings attached...

the only responsibilities happened...if anyone bonk FOC a decent gal then she pregnant and you dumped her leaving her to fend for herself...then I think this is irresponsible and bad karma will come in...worst if gal is under-aged and that makes the whole case worst...
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Old 07-07-2014, 11:47 AM
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Re: Willing sellers or cheated/forced into the sex trade

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
for any FL...willing buyer willing seller long you pay agreed price...nobody can say you are wrong...and you walk away with no strings attached...

the only responsibilities happened...if anyone bonk FOC a decent gal then she pregnant and you dumped her leaving her to fend for herself...then I think this is irresponsible and bad karma will come in...worst if gal is under-aged and that makes the whole case worst...
Yes …. And DOUBLE YES!!

And since we’re on the subject of Karma – here’s my own belief and practices which I must make clear I do NOT insist or even suggest others follow …. or even that it’s smart! But here goes….!!!

I believe that most WL’s are very emotionally bereft and it’s so easy to upz them with sweet words, shows of genuine emotions, kind gestures….. any kind of human warmth that day after day they do NOT get to experience with their clients. But to me, it’s totally wrong to take advantage of such human frailty to get freebies etc.

Especially in known mongering destinations, it’s quite easy to figure out which girls are playable/payable; but I’ve seen too many guys especially target WL’s to play with their emotions just to get freebies. To me, it’s akin to shooting fish in a barrel and totally out of line with my own set of moral compass. I’d think that MOST mongers have totally disproportionate advantages over WL’s in terms of financial wherewithal, education, world experience, IQ/EQ etc. - with the only advantage a WL have being their body and looks. Body which they are selling for monetary rewards and… if I took advantage of their soft spot just to get freebies, then it’s akin to stealing from them.

Oh sure, I do know that it’s not only the kill that’s important to mongers, but the chase and the whole process of bedding your quarry – but as for myself, I would, regardless, still pay her just dues. Sure, many of us pride ourselves on our “pick-up artistry” talents – and it sure beats the idea that I need to pay to get tail – but for myself, there is the question of karma.

Just totally, totally IMHO and my own practices.

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Old 07-07-2014, 02:10 PM
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Re: Cambodia Phnom Penh Nightlife Discussion

Wow all bros so serious now,,,, ok let me cool all down with my last week FR at pp.

Day 1
Reach pp airport 2+, come out naga transport already waiting for us. Reach naga chill till dinner.

Action start with going for bar hopping but reach there who know rain heavily.
Shit night so go to Phnom Penh hotel a ktv call golden century.
Avoid this place bros.... If you are in a big group

Girls range: v , k and c (only abt 40 cais working)
Looks : v - 6 to 8, k - 5 to 7( only my is 8), c - 4 to 6
Damage: usd 130 drinks and table tips, mummy 20 and 3 waiter 5 each
Total : 165 usd
Girls st100 , lt 150 (only one friend got one k cai said she is premium wanted for st 150.

F services from the mummy ask for girls st and lt money before bring out girls, I tot ok lor maybe that's the house rule. So paid lor who know my girls came back 15 mins later give me back the money and said mummy don't let her leave cause a regular just came and want to book her...
Me Cb angry Leow lor ask to see mummy, girls leave and come back again said mummy not free tell her to just pass the money to me. See my girls talk until want to cry so f lar take my money give her my phone no then leave the place.

Take transport back to naga, planing to shop at darling daring , hehe then my girl call and ask if I still want her cause she already tell customer she not feeling well cause come red. Of course I want , so I tell her my room.

Girls fr
Look: 8/10
Body; model figure abt 170 tall
B: 36c
Bbbj: slow and smooth
Fj: tight and wet like hell

Day 2

Head down to ABC hair salon for wash face and wash hair

Damage : usd 15 include tips

Lunch next to ABC , one dim sum restaurant food not bad . Cost 20 usd for 5 with table full of food.

Then went to Kant sifu for food massage

2 hrs damage : 25 used + tips

Chill at casino till 8 head down to casa.

Reach casa just nice one mummy birthday, go to her room to wish her happy birthday. Went in all her girls helping her to deco the room abt 15 girls or so .. Once in all of us start the four walls rotate view for target leow. All v inside and I manage to get one with 8/10 looks.
The go to our own room , place my girls in the room then go with friends to the girls resting room to pick for more. End up with another7/10 but big b.
party as usual in the room, then watch World Cup till 2+.

Girls range: v , k and c
Looks: v 6 to 8/10 . K 6 to 8/10 and c ? Didn't call to view but saw one at my friend room not bad ard 7/10.
Damage: ? Casa management treat so not sure how much
Girls: should be the same I guess

Pick the 8/10 for the night

Looks 8/10
Body : can see the curves from 4 area view
B: ok only
Bbbj: one min already cap on for me
Fj: she said already 3 months didn't fj already cause some pray pray god story.
So very tight.

Day three

When shooting range for a ak47 shoot before heading for airport for 3pm flight.

Home sweet home....over all good weekend chill at pp.sorry hardly write fr hope it will cool every one up.
Old 07-07-2014, 02:16 PM
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Re: Cambodia Phnom Penh Nightlife Discussion

Originally Posted by Tkm290 View Post

Head down to ABC hair salon for wash face and wash hair

Damage : usd 15 include tips
ABC is getting more ex.
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