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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-06-2007, 01:14 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post

End of the day, even if I spend like this in TAM, Las Vegas, or even T OKyo, you will still come in and say I use money and terkan people. Regardless of how I ask them to drink.

You already drifted too far. If you feel that one day people are terkaning the singer and asking them to drink is too much for them, you pay them not to drink lor.

If today the singer ask for tips, flowers and someone pays the singer $1000 to down half bottle of Chivas, will you pay the singer $1000 not to down it? The money is on the table and the singer decides whether she wants to down it or not. Of course without money, you think she wants to drink? With money, the thought will fly across her mind.

BTW, grow up, this is the real world you are facing. If you can't face this type of situations, don't go nitespots like this.


$1000 is no big deal lah. think most of u dont get the point is that dont spend a few hundred dollars and act like its a few thousand dollars. Sg nitespots are considered very cheap already compared to other developed countries. so dont spend abit and complain that u get bad service or the singers are hard up. u get what u pay for.

If u want fantastic service and u really wanna pull this kind of stunt, try that in europe or +++yo... u will get great service but of course u got to come up with real money lah.... not the peanuts u spend in places like icon. Spend peanuts to tekan 3rd world country ppl then want to come here act like hero.

Dont tell me if u try that in +++yo...i doubt u can even enter. u can always stick to 3rd world entertainment and be a cyberhero.

All those who pm me next time if got anything say in the main lah...easier for me to see cos i not really familiar with the functions here. i dont really take this place as seriously as some of u guys.
Old 28-06-2007, 01:17 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by tomvoyeur View Post
Thats not cheap bro....Its being firm on ur principles...Anw her excuse sounds like a cheap way to extract tip from u...Encounter such excuses when cheonging in Phuket last time....Give money then realise they just live around the corner....

Did heard of some bros buying laptops for their puyings in GM.....Guess it has now became the norm...
When my friend told me the singer ask him buy a laptop for her, I suggested to him why not ask the singer, is a laptop enough? Why not buy a car or throw in a house to make it more complete.

It is not because these girls have no money. They are in Singapore for the whole purpose of making money. They have the money to buy these stuff, just that they need someone to pay for it rather than pay for ownself.

And how come the singer start asking my friend to buy a laptop? You think from start the singer so daring? Its because of a few occasions of borrowing money, dinner dates etc. When we give in out of goodwill, people take advantage of this goodwill.

I hang flowers because I appreciate their effort and singing, but some singers really take advantage. So its always good to bring them to earth, or else they keep thinking they are on the moon.


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Old 28-06-2007, 01:28 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
$1000 is no big deal lah. think most of u dont get the point is that dont spend a few hundred dollars and act like its a few thousand dollars. Sg nitespots are considered very cheap already compared to other developed countries. so dont spend abit and complain that u get bad service or the singers are hard up. u get what u pay for.

If u want fantastic service and u really wanna pull this kind of stunt, try that in europe or +++yo... u will get great service but of course u got to come up with real money lah.... not the peanuts u spend in places like icon. Spend peanuts to tekan 3rd world country ppl then want to come here act like hero.

Dont tell me if u try that in +++yo...i doubt u can even enter. u can always stick to 3rd world entertainment and be a cyberhero.

All those who pm me next time if got anything say in the main lah...easier for me to see cos i not really familiar with the functions here. i dont really take this place as seriously as some of u guys.
Eh, hello,

go back wash your eyes and read again.
Did I say a few hundred dollars is a few thousand dollars?
Did I say your singers give bad service?
It is a known fact your singers beg for flowers.

You boss of ICON? Why you keep defending your singers from ICON? If you are capable enough, next time please ask your singers don't drink if any customers give them liquor. Fair enough? So no matter how much money customers tempt them, they will not drink too.

I am not hero to save these singers. However if you are hero enough, please save them from the establishment, so they do not need to drink, they also do not need to beg flowers from us customers.

Giving flowers to singers is okay, not to the extent of your singers begging for it.


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Old 28-06-2007, 01:31 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Btw the last time i went more than a month ago...there was someone offer the long hair singer $20 to down one jug of beer. he ask for $50 then he drink but that table nobody wanna come out with the money. end up he only took a sip for the $20.wonder was that any of u guys.

i didnt know that sing dollar $20 or $50 appreciated so much in value that maybe can change for a few thousand US dollars.

anyway i had only been there twice only with my friends when i last visited singapore last month and i would say i had a nice and enjoyable time for what we had spend. The only other thai band place i had been to is lookers at gl28 which so many ppl complain expensive but i would say i had a good time too. Service was great too.
Old 28-06-2007, 01:38 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Eh, hello,

go back wash your eyes and read again.
Did I say a few hundred dollars is a few thousand dollars?
Did I say your singers give bad service?
It is a known fact your singers beg for flowers.

You boss of ICON? Why you keep defending your singers from ICON? If you are capable enough, next time please ask your singers don't drink if any customers give them liquor. Fair enough? So no matter how much money customers tempt them, they will not drink too.

I am not hero to save these singers. However if you are hero enough, please save them from the establishment, so they do not need to drink, they also do not need to beg flowers from us customers.

Giving flowers to singers is okay, not to the extent of your singers begging for it.

It seems u r here 24/7.

no wonder u can only cheong at 3rd world entertainment. now's a good time to invest in stock and properties. u should spend some time doing that then maybe u can go to the developed countries to cheong and get premium service.

i am having my holiday now in Sg so i have some time to try to engage in some banter with u guys. surprised that u guys have a tendency to say that ppl who disagree with any negativer FRs are owners of that establishment. sometimes u guys take this forum too seriously that's why u r still where u r.

Frogs in a well indeed.
Old 28-06-2007, 01:47 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
I hang flowers because I appreciate their effort and singing, but some singers really take advantage. So its always good to bring them to earth, or else they keep thinking they are on the moon.

TAM and Las Vegas also lots of singers think they on the moon leh....can u our sammyboy forum hero pls do us all a favour and help us bring them down to earth. Thanks a milliion.
Old 28-06-2007, 04:53 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
Btw the last time i went more than a month ago...there was someone offer the long hair singer $20 to down one jug of beer. he ask for $50 then he drink but that table nobody wanna come out with the money. end up he only took a sip for the $20.wonder was that any of u guys.
anyway i had only been there twice only with my friends when i last visited singapore last month and i would say i had a nice and enjoyable time for what we had spend. The only other thai band place i had been to is lookers at gl28 which so many ppl complain expensive but i would say i had a good time too. Service was great too.
Confirm not me. If me, I sure give him the $50 and buy another 1 more jug till he finish and give him another $50.

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
It seems u r here 24/7.

no wonder u can only cheong at 3rd world entertainment. now's a good time to invest in stock and properties. u should spend some time doing that then maybe u can go to the developed countries to cheong and get premium service.

i am having my holiday now in Sg so i have some time to try to engage in some banter with u guys. surprised that u guys have a tendency to say that ppl who disagree with any negativer FRs are owners of that establishment. sometimes u guys take this forum too seriously that's why u r still where u r.

Frogs in a well indeed.
The issue here is on singers who beg for flowers. Over here you are drifting to something which is in no relation. Talk about stocks, properties cheonging at 3rd world entertainment. :Let's go back to singers who beg for flowers.

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
TAM and Las Vegas also lots of singers think they on the moon leh....can u our sammyboy forum hero pls do us all a favour and help us bring them down to earth. Thanks a milliion.
If you really do go to TAM, Las Vegas, there are people who really pluck this singers from Moon and really bring them to Earth. And the funny part is these singers for the sake of money really prefer to come to Earth.


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Old 28-06-2007, 06:41 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
If every samster who goes to that establishment and has to praise the place, is there any so-called freedom of speech in this forum?

Not trying to pick a fight here. If the place sucks and there are people who feedback as sucks, the owners who are here as samsters should read this comments and act more positively rather than deemed it as a negative aspect.

this hakoshu is a clown.

went to cherry thai disco got bad service then say the place fucked up. guess he was paid by thai disco to do that then?
Old 28-06-2007, 06:57 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by WhiteHawk View Post
Just last night one of the GROs I know some time ago ask me if I can give her cab fare home ... I just told her a flat NO ... some people may think I am cheap but I just stand on my principles.

If I were u, i would ask her to give me a blow job first. but then people would say i am a fucker for tekaning her.
Old 28-06-2007, 08:25 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by Red_Perrier1099 View Post
this hakoshu is a clown.

went to cherry thai disco got bad service then say the place fucked up. guess he was paid by thai disco to do that then?
who will believe u? U r one of the most destestable cockroach around
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Old 29-06-2007, 12:16 AM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by ThaiClubber
Went to ICON Bar 2 days back, location not convenient and the atmosphere in the club is not good... Thai band sucks, puying singer only 1 call Nite can make it, ..

Originally Posted by Hakoshu
Which clone are u?? One of the competitors..
Originally Posted by siamcutey
If every samster who goes to that establishment and has to praise the place, is there any so-called freedom of speech in this forum?

Not trying to pick a fight here. If the place sucks and there are people who feedback as sucks, the owners who are here as samsters should read this comments and act more positively rather than deemed it as a negative aspect.
Originally Posted by Red_Perrier1099
this hakoshu is a clown.

went to cherry thai disco got bad service then say the place fucked up. guess he was paid by thai disco to do that then?
Originally Posted by High Till Dry
who will believe u? U r one of the most destestable cockroach around
Dont have to believe me. just read what Hakoshu wrote in Cherry Thai Disco thread after visiting that establishment. He has the cheek to say other people is a clone for making negative comments about Icon Bar.
Originally Posted by Hakoshu
Just returned from Cherry thai disco.. Sad to say the place totally CMI!! Was rather empty.. SOund system too loud and unpleasant to the ears.. Decor very turnoff and uncomfortable.. Esp the toilets.. Like didn't clean for many years liao..

Singers there was alright but the dancers there really Private Limited... Better off In Thai Disco...

Was my first time and last time there..

My 2 cents worth (opinion might differs from one to another)
Is Hakoshu slapping his own face for saying people are clones by posting negative comments about a place he visited? He even used THai Disco as comparison!! Should we say Hakoshu is a clone working for thai disco??????

High Till Dry, please do your home work before defending your heavenly idol here. duh!
Old 29-06-2007, 04:12 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Confirm not me. If me, I sure give him the $50 and buy another 1 more jug till he finish and give him another $50.

The issue here is on singers who beg for flowers. Over here you are drifting to something which is in no relation. Talk about stocks, properties cheonging at 3rd world entertainment. :Let's go back to singers who beg for flowers.

If you really do go to TAM, Las Vegas, there are people who really pluck this singers from Moon and really bring them to Earth. And the funny part is these singers for the sake of money really prefer to come to Earth.

i dont think its out of point. its just to give u some ideas on how to make more money so u can go cheong at developed countries and be a hero to us all by teaching the higher end working gals a lesson. no point using a few hundred sing dollars and tekan 3rd world country gals and feel like a hero.

How u know there are ppl who pluck TAm gals from the moon and they like it? u one of the hero? i always have the impression that u only cheong thai joints and u seem to have some deep seeded anger and hatred towards them. u must have been hurt terribly. i wish u peace.

For your info, i only been to TAM and Las Vegas twice to chill out with mr kwek LC. we have a good time but we are not heroes like u lah.... can pluck them from the moon bring them back to earth. u really understand them so well until u know what they prefer. u really a hero cos a tycoon also cannot bring them back to earth but u know ppl who can.

i seldom cheong in sg to keep low profile. if u really wanna be a hero pls help me out at yoshiwara district diamond club and bring the first world country gals down to earth lor. btw the entrance fee is US$900. if u ever go there can look for me....just ask the staff for the singaporean who drives a very old white nissan.
Old 29-06-2007, 04:43 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
i dont think its out of point. its just to give u some ideas on how to make more money so u can go cheong at developed countries and be a hero to us all by teaching the higher end working gals a lesson. no point using a few hundred sing dollars and tekan 3rd world country gals and feel like a hero.
Paiseh hor, I never discriminate people by whether they are 1st world or 3rd world. As long as the singers are paid to sing, we as customers hang flowers as and when we like. If the singers beg for flowers, then they are stepping over it. If they want more, we give them a chance to earn it, they either take the chance or leave it.

BTW, these are singers we are talking about, what is your definition of working gals above? And it seems that you are the one here who segregate these girls into different classes and world.

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar View Post
For your info, i only been to TAM and Las Vegas twice to chill out with mr kwek LC. we have a good time but we are not heroes like u lah.... can pluck them from the moon bring them back to earth. u really understand them so well until u know what they prefer. u really a hero cos a tycoon also cannot bring them back to earth but u know ppl who can.

i seldom cheong in sg to keep low profile. if u really wanna be a hero pls help me out at yoshiwara district diamond club and bring the first world country gals down to earth lor. btw the entrance fee is US$900. if u ever go there can look for me....just ask the staff for the singaporean who drives a very old white nissan.
Who is this Mr Kwek LC u referring to? If you can, you talk about your ownself, not basker in others shadow, wealth or fame.
And I am not sure if that Mr Kwek LC really cheongs with you, he will ultimately regret that his name is being mentioned about being in TAM, Las Vegas, not to forget being mentioned in a Online Sex Forum.


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Old 29-06-2007, 04:53 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

still goin bout the same thing ah? howz abt more news on the place ler... howz the galz.. band.. stuff like dat ler... enuff ler... ehheheh... gettin bit boring readin the same arguements over n over again.. 555..
To any bros whom I've not return favor of up-ing your points.. pls do remind me again... thanx~!

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Old 29-06-2007, 05:28 PM
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Re: The ICON Bar

Originally Posted by siamcutey View Post
Paiseh hor, I never discriminate people by whether they are 1st world or 3rd world. As long as the singers are paid to sing, we as customers hang flowers as and when we like. If the singers beg for flowers, then they are stepping over it. If they want more, we give them a chance to earn it, they either take the chance or leave it.

BTW, these are singers we are talking about, what is your definition of working gals above? And it seems that you are the one here who segregate these girls into different classes and world.

Who is this Mr Kwek LC u referring to? If you can, you talk about your ownself, not basker in others shadow, wealth or fame.
And I am not sure if that Mr Kwek LC really cheongs with you, he will ultimately regret that his name is being mentioned about being in TAM, Las Vegas, not to forget being mentioned in a Online Sex Forum.


its just to highlight what a hero u are compared to a tycoon. i am sure he's not worried cos i only use initials and el cheapos like u wouldnt know who he is.

u need to reflect on who is basking in ppls wealth. no point relating how u know ppl who bring gals in TAM down to earth. sadly for u, dont think u r able to do so.

if u wish me to talk more about myself, sorry to disappoint u as i prefer a low profile. unlike a well known figure like u in the thai entertainment community. besides there's really nothing much to talk about myself cos i dont do heroic deeds like u in nitespots.

btw pls rest assured i do not accuse u of being dicriminatory towords the different classes of gals. kindly get my point that i separate the diff classes of gals to show that u r only good enough to be a hero in these 3rd world entertainment places with thai gals (provided what u said is really done by u and not others).

If u can be a hero in entertainment joints in europe or japan i humbly take my hats off u.
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