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Old 25-01-2013, 01:38 PM
Fanglee Fanglee is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by droplet View Post
I'm pretty young. Not to say I'm handsome but Im very fresh and radiant. I always get attention from working girls. Sure its half fake but I always get the impression they prefer to session with me than with older men. It was with me in thailand.

I think this house is over rated. Due to the popularity of this thread I think most ppl would visit this house on first call and not have anything to compare with. 18 and 2 have been the shittest service I have had in the scene. Seriously if they hate their job this much then dont bother doing it. The money is not worth it.

Some bros give good reviews. I advice you to venture out afield, even ouside Singapore and you will see how crap the services are in this house.
U r young, fresh and radiant. Tats gd. But i would really advice not crossing the line by advicing many of the more experience brothers here abt whats gd and whats not gd.
Its up to u to decide whether the house is gd or not. U think its bad doesnt mean that others think its bad. Just share a fr so that all brothers can judge by themselves.
Old 25-01-2013, 06:37 PM
drbeejay drbeejay is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by droplet View Post
I'm pretty young. Not to say I'm handsome but Im very fresh and radiant. I always get attention from working girls. Sure its half fake but I always get the impression they prefer to session with me than with older men. It was with me in thailand.

I think this house is over rated. Due to the popularity of this thread I think most ppl would visit this house on first call and not have anything to compare with. 18 and 2 have been the shittest service I have had in the scene. Seriously if they hate their job this much then dont bother doing it. The money is not worth it.

Some bros give good reviews. I advice you to venture out afield, even ouside Singapore and you will see how crap the services are in this house.
what is upsetting you my friend?

it is a fact that many of us here received good service from this house, both the girls and okt. however we do not deny that occasionally, some of the girls might underperform a little. think all of us have experienced this throughout our years of chionging since the girls are human afterall. but i don't think it's fair to judge our taste, perferences and standards based on your one or two experiences.
Old 25-01-2013, 06:54 PM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by drbeejay View Post
what is upsetting you my friend?

it is a fact that many of us here received good service from this house, both the girls and okt. however we do not deny that occasionally, some of the girls might underperform a little. think all of us have experienced this throughout our years of chionging since the girls are human afterall. but i don't think it's fair to judge our taste, perferences and standards based on your one or two experiences.
Apologies. I admit I got carried away a little. I read the forum and had high expectations and was obviouslty disappointed with what I got. Lets hope I have more luck next time and catch the girls on their good days.
Old 25-01-2013, 09:54 PM
collin_23 collin_23 is offline
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Re: L6h66

Aiyah ,very simple one lah , like just rtf , don't like just don't rtf .

Basically majority of the girls in this hse ok , like I said maybe u caught them on a bad day . . same me that day . . my girl tell miss me miss me , I finally go see her , she play hp play hp , I wait 5 -10 mins still same . . until I angry turn one side , wtf she turn back face me also . . I very angry already , cause I thought I turn back face her she will come hug hug me talk nice things but no . .

I never escape her question , already mentally prepared to walk through with her but now things she want control ok let her control . . I quiet work , rest , she want do what let her do .

If not wrong g7 , g12 , g15 service not bad also. Not ask u go be darling them , u interested go try lor , give girl more money send home . G22 confirm good service , unless u really horrible
Old 26-01-2013, 03:56 PM
drbeejay drbeejay is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by droplet View Post
Apologies. I admit I got carried away a little. I read the forum and had high expectations and was obviouslty disappointed with what I got. Lets hope I have more luck next time and catch the girls on their good days.
no prob.

anyway to the person who zapped me: if you don't want me to talk about g18 just say, don't zap me and ask me fuck myself as if i can read your mind
Old 26-01-2013, 04:50 PM
Absolute_Lust Absolute_Lust is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by awakened View Post
I had read so much about her in this thread and decide to try her service last month. I was especially interested in trying out her AJ. Went down, picked her, paid up, and went to room. Service was so so only and SOP with NO AJ offered.
When I asked about AJ, she say come next time.

2 weeks ago I went to this house again. G21 was working and not in the tank. I saw G15 and remember she is supposed to do AJ also. Choose her, paid up and went to room. On the way to G15 room, G21 just finish her work and saw me. I avoided eye contact with her and quickly enter G15 room. No AJ or even FJ from G15 as I misfire during her BBBJ. She confirm to me she will let me AJ her on my next rtf.

Couple of days ago, I went to the house intending to look for G15. As I was enter the house I tell the okt I want G15. She is working so I have to wait. I decide to take a look at inside the tank and G21 is there staring at me. I become paiseh to wait for G15 so I tell okt take G21.

The moment we enter G21 room, she went crazy. Keep on saying me why I take G15? My God, all the while from enter her room to the bathroom and back to bed her mouth never stop nagging about G15. Even when doing BBBJ she will pause and nag a few words before resuming the blowjob. This happen several times. I decide to stop the blow and proceed with FJ. I turn her around doggie and ask can AJ her. She raised her voice telling me go to G15 if you want play backside. "I no want give you backside"!!

All this talk about G15 was damn irritating and I got enough is enough. I stopped all activity and start to dress up. She was surprised and ask me why? I reply to her - I GO TO FIND G15 NOW! YOU NO GOOD!!

I am damn pissed with G21. No way I am going to rtf her again.
Ah... the attitude problem of L6H66... I also stop looking for her, cause after every session she just give me her block moody face. Fucking turn off...

She keep complaining about other WL in that house, its like many people has offended her....

I remember that day when I go there, she stood up when she saw me in the house. But she sure got her disappointment when I ask for another WL.

Her attitude problem is really a turn off.
Old 26-01-2013, 10:24 PM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by collin_23 View Post
Aiyah ,very simple one lah , like just rtf , don't like just don't rtf .

Basically majority of the girls in this hse ok , like I said maybe u caught them on a bad day . . same me that day . . my girl tell miss me miss me , I finally go see her , she play hp play hp , I wait 5 -10 mins still same . . until I angry turn one side , wtf she turn back face me also . . I very angry already , cause I thought I turn back face her she will come hug hug me talk nice things but no . .

I never escape her question , already mentally prepared to walk through with her but now things she want control ok let her control . . I quiet work , rest , she want do what let her do .

If not wrong g7 , g12 , g15 service not bad also. Not ask u go be darling them , u interested go try lor , give girl more money send home . G22 confirm good service , unless u really horrible
I try darling G7 - successful G2 G18 I try before they are good
Old 26-01-2013, 10:48 PM
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Re: L6h66

The problem of jealous . . of your money . . cause customer run away mah . . but really girls have feelings also . . sometimes is not money , who knows she may want know u more or how u sweet talk her previously .

Majority don't like butterfly guys . . a few even u no butterfly she also go crazy depending how u treat her . . Menses come or no come also crazy . . ding dong . But very seldom lah no worry

Treat them well and u will be rewarded . . maybe . . g21 like eat good food , u buy for her lor , usually I give tips to my girl but she start crazy abit I stop the tips and take more sessions but she still no think no care .. make me nowadays afternoon shift also no dare go see her already ..


Originally Posted by Absolute_Lust View Post
Ah... the attitude problem of L6H66... I also stop looking for her, cause after every session she just give me her block moody face. Fucking turn off...

She keep complaining about other WL in that house, its like many people has offended her....

I remember that day when I go there, she stood up when she saw me in the house. But she sure got her disappointment when I ask for another WL.

Her attitude problem is really a turn off.
Old 27-01-2013, 12:27 AM
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Re: L6h66

In heart want see her . . but guy want face so die die no apologise . . thai girl yet don't understand this simple logic . . so many bros want intro girls to me but I reject haiz even that day go JB also eat korea BBQ , watch movie only . . maybe I kena her black magic already . . I also don't know . . I think should be she forget me already . . go sleep now no think no think
Old 27-01-2013, 05:47 PM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by collin_23 View Post
In heart want see her . . but guy want face so die die no apologise . . thai girl yet don't understand this simple logic . . so many bros want intro girls to me but I reject haiz even that day go JB also eat korea BBQ , watch movie only . . maybe I kena her black magic already . . I also don't know . . I think should be she forget me already . . go sleep now no think no think
bro, u still unable to let go n forget it. think u sure waste much money on her.they r here to work for money not for boy friend or husband bro.fuck by so many bros everyday,how to love n concentrate on a guy only.they r well trained in massage parlor in thailand, already used to this kind of enviroment. for them all r customers. no special one.they r most happy if u want to spend more money on them.bro, WLs r not for lover or wife.
Old 27-01-2013, 08:10 PM
drbeejay drbeejay is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by littlesexmaniac View Post
bro, u still unable to let go n forget it. think u sure waste much money on her.they r here to work for money not for boy friend or husband bro.fuck by so many bros everyday,how to love n concentrate on a guy only.they r well trained in massage parlor in thailand, already used to this kind of enviroment. for them all r customers. no special one.they r most happy if u want to spend more money on them.bro, WLs r not for lover or wife.
well said.

i remember got samster say before, whores are for fucking no for loving.
Old 27-01-2013, 11:36 PM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by drbeejay View Post
anyway to the person who zapped me: if you don't want me to talk about g18 just say, don't zap me and ask me fuck myself as if i can read your mind
You were zapped for not telling the truth, the hole truth and nothing but the truth......nothing to do with g18.

Btw, it was not me who zapped you, but I think I know who was the zapper.
Old 28-01-2013, 12:11 AM
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Re: L6h66

I not heartless fellow . . promise already will do . . no promise even if girl guard door no let me go out I tell her I no promise . Everytime she tell me important things I confirm give reply , but just don't understand y she react that way that day . .

No lah , girl not much reaction already , letting it go . . If not wrong she maybe have darling already . . I only want simple girl , someone who really care for me , don't like play play also ..

Say I want make love only , if want make love only I can finish all her hse girls easily . . want make love her wrong , I make love myself haha

k ,leaving here also . . Reason I come in here is because I still worry her and friends . .

Originally Posted by littlesexmaniac View Post
bro, u still unable to let go n forget it. think u sure waste much money on her.they r here to work for money not for boy friend or husband bro.fuck by so many bros everyday,how to love n concentrate on a guy only.they r well trained in massage parlor in thailand, already used to this kind of enviroment. for them all r customers. no special one.they r most happy if u want to spend more money on them.bro, WLs r not for lover or wife.
Old 28-01-2013, 01:19 AM
Absolute_Lust Absolute_Lust is offline
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by collin_23 View Post
The problem of jealous . . of your money . . cause customer run away mah . . but really girls have feelings also . . sometimes is not money , who knows she may want know u more or how u sweet talk her previously .

Majority don't like butterfly guys . . a few even u no butterfly she also go crazy depending how u treat her . . Menses come or no come also crazy . . ding dong . But very seldom lah no worry

Treat them well and u will be rewarded . . maybe . . g21 like eat good food , u buy for her lor , usually I give tips to my girl but she start crazy abit I stop the tips and take more sessions but she still no think no care .. make me nowadays afternoon shift also no dare go see her already ..

G21 is an extreme case lar, her constant suspicious making her to behave like a paranoid.

Every session I had with her, will start with her smiling happily... then after the deal was done... super black face like I own her money.

If I am the only person here got experience this, I would blame it on my luck... But since a few bros are experiencing the same thing... something is really wrong with her....

Treat them well? I would say it takes 2 hands to clap, in my case I didn't do anything wrong to G21, I didn't offend her, I took effort to build up repo... but in return this is what she gave me back... and as a paying customer I rather go for other gals.
Old 28-01-2013, 02:01 AM
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Re: L6h66

Juz tried g10. Damn beautiful as mentioned by most bros, especially her eyes, so electrifying. Fair and flawless skin. Can speak perfect Chinese also. Her looks more than make up for her average service.
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