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Old 15-05-2012, 01:52 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Dun settle first....

Enjoy d pinays first....

Take carevas well.

Safety is paramount

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
Ya man. I find it hard to settle down with so many to learn. hehe
Old 15-05-2012, 01:56 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati


Take it as a lesson learnt and glad that only money is being lost. It be worse when you get mugged or something else.

This remind me of the old day of Tanjong Pagar when I blow $200-300 a night on ladies drinks and get nothing more than a french kiss. After spending a few thousands on all this shits, I finally realise I can use that money to buy me a ticket to Manila, stay a few days and do what I want to do there, buy some pusalubong back and still have spare change. hehe

Expensive lesson learnt for me too.

Originally Posted by stonerjeff View Post
Hi bros,

Anyone kana conned by FL from MBC before?

Anyway, just to share an expensive lesson i've learned with bros who are interseted to read. Here goes:

Posted to MNL recently for work, a few days ago. Been checking out some of the "must" go places on the 1st night. All went well but no gain as it was meant to be an "orientation" session. 2nd night, return to MBC with a pal, chatted up with a FL, was all friendly and feeling comfortable. Decided to go Insomia to check out the party scene. FL asked to tag along, agreed as driven by the mood and comfortable feeling. At Insomia, drank, danced all was good. FL decided to confirm the rates, no issue with me. FL then told me manager of the club is her "auntie" and required my payment upfront to her first. Agreed, passed her the blues and she went to her. Wasn't paying attention to them so didn't know what happened. FL returned happily and ready to leave. Suddenly, she asked me a favour for some more and ensured will return to me when she comes back in a short while. FL left. Waited for for 2 hrs, no sign of FL to be seen. Went back MBC, no sign either. Returned to Insomia, waited, FL didn't come back. Asked the manager, she said yes she knows FL but dun have her no. and she not FL's auntie. So concluded the night with pocket being f**ked big time.

Just an experience sharing for those inexperienced bros out there to minimise idiots like me benefiting these worms...

Apologise for the lousy story-telling style.

Those interested to share their thoughts, pls do...
Old 15-05-2012, 01:58 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Yes. I be going Manila in a few months time. Cant wait to go back. =p

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Dun settle first....

Enjoy d pinays first....

Take carevas well.

Safety is paramount
Old 15-05-2012, 02:04 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

U pick ur meat from DIA or the bars/MBC etc?

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
Yes. I be going Manila in a few months time. Cant wait to go back. =p
Old 15-05-2012, 02:17 PM
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I think there is some pinays who really just like non-pinoys, not generalising here to all pinays. But there is a percentage that all things being equal, prefer kano/korean/chinese/japanese, etc... whatever flavour they prefer.

Not talking about bargirls, I have had very little to do with the bar scene here in manila, never been to MBC or AC, never been inside a bar in P. burgos.

As long as you are upfront, my experience(albeit limited) is that they are ok with just being fubus, they won't stop search for the husband they want marry or the guy that will fall in love with them, but they are horny as well, and being a foreigner you are not part of their "local" scene, so you won't spread bad rumors about them etc...e.g. they would never sex their pinoy colleagues/friends because word could get around of them being malibog....hehe

Anyway the advantage of Singaporeans is that we look local, and don't stick out like a angmoh would, so some pinays are more comfortable with that...

Anyway, I don't even know how I would hurt their pride...I never lead them to think that it's more than just fubus. But would appreciate some pointers on what I should watch for...

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Seriously, for saying that .. I may suggest a brain scan for you bro .. You have no clue about pinays ..

If you are talking of poorer ones .. there are hordes who will steal and scam from foreigner and give to their lover / BF .. and the BF / Lover don't mind she spreading her leg to stranger as long as he gets what he wants .. and most of the time, the lover is a Trike driver (that's an inside joke .... )

You have generalised a lot .. If pinays value something, it is their pride, and they don't hesitate to kill you and be proud of the fact they defended their pride .. never mind they may not be able to live happily .. even in Singapore, even Pinay maids don't mind going to jail, and so will their brethren and also strangers - as long as they are pinoys, defending their pride ..

Tread carefully bro .

Oh, there is more shame to a pinay to be seen with foreigner than local - especially among low income group ..

if they tolerate the foreigner, that is because you are loaded and financing their next meal, next carabao, next baboy, next fiesta .. next banda ..

The moment you become worthless, you will be cut off ..

Hence my aversion to playing around with the lower income people (for want of a better word than saying low class -> I put lower income people .. )

Oh, life in Manila ? I hope you saw this video ..

and also ..

Still if there is something they value, it is PRIDE ..

If you want to live in Philippines, just remember that bro ..
Old 15-05-2012, 02:28 PM
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I think it's cultural to spend money when you have it, because if you don't spend it, all your friends/relatives will ask to loan money, there's always a relative/friend who needs to go hospital, school, clothes, etc.... and if you have money and don't give, then it's you who looks bad.

So culturally, filipinos are trained to just spend the money whenever they have it, that way they enjoy themselves and don't look bad when people ask to borrow money...

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
Yah I found a lot Pinoy PMETs like to utang here and there. On Pay day, you see them in big group at pubs drinking and merry around or go restaurant buy people meals here and there. Buy this hp or that gadget or handbags. On the last week of the month, you will see them asking singaporean colleagues for loans or eating bread for lunch. This is the same for both man and women.

I guess their mentality is you get to live once and enjoy the fruit of their labour? Pretty sure they never think of the future if not you won't see them buy a Iphone4S today and pawn it for $$ a few months down the road when their contract is up and back in Pinoyland.

Most sickening is a lot of the female friends of my gf take money from their bfs in Singapore and send it to Pinoyland to feed their husbands or bfs not knowing their husband is using their money to fuck another woman or having fun.

Personally, I don't mind treat treat the girls well and romance them a bit since I enjoy the whole process also. But like you say, once they ask me to buy this buy that and make me feel like a robert, I know it is time to cut loss.
Old 15-05-2012, 02:34 PM
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What is lower income/higher income? 99% of filipinos are on less than $1000SGD per month.

The whole society is super class driven, I think the foreigner thing is most likely because the majority of foreigners(male) in Philippines are there for the girls, so of course the locals wouldn't want to associate with them.

If you show that you are not a sex tourist, then most of the higher class pinoys are super friendly.

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
I think this is only for the lower income people. A bit too generalise liao.

Most higher income or educated pinoy won't want to be associate with foreigner unless you are colleagues or friends' friend.

End of the day, If I meet a new girl, I treat the girl like a girlfriend, buy her chocolate when meet her, have a good dinner (not those atas one..something like Max or Jerry grill) go for karaoke pub and the girl shown interest in you, it is normally all go. Normally I don't ask her to go back hotel with me on the 1st meeting. At least she won't feel that I am after her pussy =p

And I do agree with Etsys that Filipina has very strong pride. Can do anything except make her lose face in front of her friends or family.
Old 15-05-2012, 02:47 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati


Pinays usually prefer Ang Mohs (money/no money is ok....) if got money... Bonus.. Lang

Then comes d Japs/koreans/chi

Then d other races....

Ofcorz if u hv money n r GENTLEMANLY N KINDHEARTED then u automatically get pushed a couple of notches higher...
Old 15-05-2012, 04:27 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by stonerjeff View Post
Hi bros,

Anyone kana conned by FL from MBC before?

Anyway, just to share an expensive lesson i've learned with bros who are interseted to read. Here goes:

Posted to MNL recently for work, a few days ago. Been checking out some of the "must" go places on the 1st night. All went well but no gain as it was meant to be an "orientation" session. 2nd night, return to MBC with a pal, chatted up with a FL, was all friendly and feeling comfortable. Decided to go Insomia to check out the party scene. FL asked to tag along, agreed as driven by the mood and comfortable feeling. At Insomia, drank, danced all was good. FL decided to confirm the rates, no issue with me. FL then told me manager of the club is her "auntie" and required my payment upfront to her first. Agreed, passed her the blues and she went to her. Wasn't paying attention to them so didn't know what happened. FL returned happily and ready to leave. Suddenly, she asked me a favour for some more and ensured will return to me when she comes back in a short while. FL left. Waited for for 2 hrs, no sign of FL to be seen. Went back MBC, no sign either. Returned to Insomia, waited, FL didn't come back. Asked the manager, she said yes she knows FL but dun have her no. and she not FL's auntie. So concluded the night with pocket being f**ked big time.

Just an experience sharing for those inexperienced bros out there to minimise idiots like me benefiting these worms...

Apologise for the lousy story-telling style.

Those interested to share their thoughts, pls do...
Bro, sorry to hear about this. If you are posted there on a permanent basis, maybe we can chill out together with troysteel. I have outgrown Insomnia though. The only reason why that place is popular is because of the FLs using their foreign boyfriends' money. And bros here are right, the poor here spend what they have. I have witnessed it where this FL, upon getting money from her Korean boyfriend, proceeded to open a bottle and lived it up with her fellow felines. Bro Lord's words struck a chord with me, "All I have is my pride".

Sure... spreading your pussy every night... what pride is there?

In future, do the deed first before money down. These are girls from the provinces; we always have more leverage than them. Look at the pussies in MBC every night. I bet some girls there are willing to do it for 1,000PHP (fact cause I got this offer).
Old 15-05-2012, 04:58 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

I normally try to date the girls from DIA or Tagged. Don't really like to go for FL. I prefer the feeling of dating and enjoying the process. Nevermind no kantut at the end for me. If have, it be a bonus. hee

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
U pick ur meat from DIA or the bars/MBC etc?
Old 15-05-2012, 05:01 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

That why when I meet the girls, I don't ask them to go to my hotel on the first date unless she really shown too much affection to me like kiss me, hug me or something.

I am on good term with the middle class pinoy nowaday. I have not been to the bars for donkey years. =p
Even if most filipino are earning very little but they are still jovious and friendly to me (My experience outside in province). The friendship is real and no senses of being rip off like in Manila.

Originally Posted by troysteel View Post
What is lower income/higher income? 99% of filipinos are on less than $1000SGD per month.

The whole society is super class driven, I think the foreigner thing is most likely because the majority of foreigners(male) in Philippines are there for the girls, so of course the locals wouldn't want to associate with them.

If you show that you are not a sex tourist, then most of the higher class pinoys are super friendly.
Old 15-05-2012, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by darkknightrises View Post
Bro Lord's words struck a chord with me, "All I have is my pride".

Sure... spreading your pussy every night... what pride is there?

In future, do the deed first before money down. These are girls from the provinces; we always have more leverage than them. Look at the pussies in MBC every night. I bet some girls there are willing to do it for 1,000PHP (fact cause I got this offer).
We can analyse this, but I think it's cos the FLs want to feel like a real woman, so they go clubs and have guys chase them, it's a good ego trip, and they feel good cos they have their own money to spend in the club...
Old 15-05-2012, 05:06 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

That the pinoy culture and that why most filipino are either earn very little or just middle class but is expected to feed the whole family including uncle aunties cousin and nieces just because he has a job. Not to the mention the occasion 'good' friends who come to you for utang because they know u have some money from the salary.

My pinoy friend working in Singapore avoid going back home on Christmas day coz of the amount of MONEY he has to spend to keep everyone happy. Got to buy from Chocolate to whatever the friends are asking. Some ask for watch, hp, gameboy blar blar..then got to treat them to dinner or buy a lechon for the party and pay for all the san miguel. He often complain he work so hard for a few months only to see his money gone in 5 days.

The only things I like about Pinoy culture is their Family Value. They treat the old folks and kids real well. No doubt about that.

Originally Posted by troysteel View Post
I think it's cultural to spend money when you have it, because if you don't spend it, all your friends/relatives will ask to loan money, there's always a relative/friend who needs to go hospital, school, clothes, etc.... and if you have money and don't give, then it's you who looks bad.

So culturally, filipinos are trained to just spend the money whenever they have it, that way they enjoy themselves and don't look bad when people ask to borrow money...
Old 15-05-2012, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
That why when I meet the girls, I don't ask them to go to my hotel on the first date unless she really shown too much affection to me like kiss me, hug me or something.

I am on good term with the middle class pinoy nowaday. I have been to the bars for donkey years. =p
I have SOP for these dates...modified for pinays cos pinays are so much easier...logistics is important...cos without the logistics nothing works....must have some spot where you are relatively alone and can go in for a kiss.

I found that even if the girls really like you, they won't initiate anything, you got to initiate. if she's comfortable with you holding her hand, you can stroke her arm, brush her hair from her face...etc...

Then you got to go for a kiss, warn her first by saying something know this spot is really good for kissing, and go slow, so if she doesn't want to, she has a chance to turn away...

If she lets you kiss public...then it's on, just a matter of logistics and time after that...
Old 15-05-2012, 05:14 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by troysteel View Post
What is lower income/higher income? 99% of filipinos are on less than $1000SGD per month.

The whole society is super class driven, I think the foreigner thing is most likely because the majority of foreigners(male) in Philippines are there for the girls, so of course the locals wouldn't want to associate with them.

If you show that you are not a sex tourist, then most of the higher class pinoys are super friendly.
Bro, I am not going to say much, but your 99% figure shows you haven't seen Philippines at all .. or you are seeing too much of MM .. get away from MM ..

I would lower it to a quarter living on about less than 2000$ and a quarter on less than 1000$, a quarter on less than 500$ .. and well, about 10% or so living on more than 2000$ and a minority, who live in money they don't live pay-cheque to pay-cheque ..

Of course, a there is the super rich, they just don't care .. from owning planes, helicopters, to yachts to anything in between .. and always travelling first class .. and don't even know how much they have or should spend ..

I personally met some people, who's PA is the one paying the bills .. the PA tags along .. with a check book and wallet .. I met one of them here in Singapore too .. scary..

of course, there is a minority too who show off .. filipino style .. but when it comes to forking out the money, will be all smiles and quitely force you to foot their bill .. or throw tantrum .. since Walang PERA !!!

Like the people I met in the PAL office, carrying fake LV bags .. and bargaining for a 30$ fee ... while my then GF was on full fare and the fake tai tais went ballistic when they found I didn't have to pay .. and they had to pay...

Of course, I heard words like "San Francisco" "New York .. " etc (New York - Cubao ?? )
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